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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. It is filmed on a Tues night so reults and confirmed card will be available from Wed morning - as I said I doubt it will be any different to the current card (3 matches + rumble match) - perhaps one more match will be added
  2. You can do it on Wed as SD has been aired in States? - I don't think anyone on here will mind any announced matches from SD being revealed on here. Couple of matches have already been confirmed and doubt there will be any more announced anyway. Hopefully there will again be points for shortest/longest/most eliminations/number 30 slot etc like previous years
  3. Forehead when u creating the 2012 prediction thread? I wanna make my rumble predictions lol
  4. Not often i disagree with forehead but blood diamond is superb
  5. I don't mind smackdown at all these days - thought there was a decent match between Rhodes and Gabriel, The tag match was quite good as was Sheamus vs Barrett. I also think Bryan is doing really well at turning and developing his new persona
  6. Apparantly back in the day - The Rockers won the tag team titles against the Hart Foundation at a house show or on tour etc but the match was such a fcuk up that they decided to just ignore the fact that it ever happened and the titles went back to the Hart Foundation, so I believe the Rockers never officially won the titles as a tag team?
  7. That's the very one! Fantastic music, fantastic clips, great memories from great matches! Prob my fav wrestling video
  8. Aye I remember when that was shown, loved it then and still do. If I remember rightly there is an even better one with Creed - My Sacrifice?
  9. Off top of my head: Lost 24 Boardwalk Empire Prison Break Homeland No particular reason other than I enjoyed all of them more than The Wire. I suppose at the end of the day it all comes down to personal preference. I liked the wire, I just enjoyed other shows I have watched more
  10. I enjoyed the wire, in fact Im sure I watched all 5 series within a month but I think some people tend to go over the top. Some of the characters are tremendous but I felt some of the storylines slightly weak and/or predictable. I remember thinking that whilst watching it. Don't get me wrong I would definatly recommend the show, but it wouldn't make my top 5 drama shows.
  11. Funkasaurus is like some bizzare love child courtesy of an orgy that took place between Rikishi, The Godfather, Dusty Rhodes and Bowser from the Mario games. I should detest this gimmick but for some reason I don't
  12. 171 - when you see all the answers you missed you kick yourself. It turns into pretty much naming any wrestler you can Missed some really obvious ones
  13. Pulp Fiction sh*ts all over Reservoir Dogs in my opinion
  14. Some excellent acting performances, I just found the whole thing a bit boring and dull. Perhaps because its billed as one of the greatest films of all time, its never going to quite live up to your expectations. And Stewbo I am a huge fan of shows like Boardwalk Empire, Mad Men etc so the style is something I'm used to - just wasn't for me however and I doubt I'll watch the second one now (even though its meant to be the best one)
  15. As part of my nifty fifty I watched 5 films today that I had never seen before: The Godfather - 6/10 Inglorious Basterds - 9/10 Ice Age - 6/10 Body of Lies - 2/10 Goodfellas - 8/10
  16. Aye great combined submission/pinning combo thing. I am also enjoying smackdown more and have done for last few weeks actually. It's been a decent show lately
  17. Anyone watching smackdown, this hunico guy on the bike is a funny chap, possibly the most bizarrely cool finisher as well.
  18. Not a spoiler anyone will care about but Heath Slater continued his losing streak on this weeks smackdown by losing to Hornswoggle
  19. Contagion 8/10 Very good film I thought. Might need to watch it a second time as I feel I may have missed some crucial parts as at the end I still had a lot of questions but maybe that was point. I'm confused now
  20. I don't think brodus will return until the rumble when he is let loose and will launch about 5 jobbers over the top before being eliminated by someone like sheamus
  21. Just watched it there, worst comeback ever! I hope he was wasted as I don't wanna believe the WWE conjured up that sh*te. I ended up skipping through it and missed nothing at all. I would have preferred a Brodus Clay segment
  22. If all this turned out to be brodus clay, the internet would break down
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