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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. That was a fcuking tremendous finale!! Ticked all the boxes in my opinion. Probably my favourite episode over the two seasons.
  2. Whats with the Billy Gunn hate, thought he was decent.
  3. Highlights of the game here - his goal is about 6.20 in http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=G7EzCwBJqGU
  4. I have asked Div what possibility is for a wrestling sub-forum in here I think the quality of wrestling chat in this thread is top notch and I think would even better with individual threads for specific discussions. Plus the fact this thread always takes me to the last post of thread rather than last unread.
  5. Just watching Superstars and another great wee match on it between Justin Gabriel and Hunico. Been impressed with Gabriel over the last couple of months, vastly improved and in a longer match it works well for him. Have to say Superstars has become a must watch for me, there tends to only be about 3 matches but they each get a decent amount of time which they wouln't get on one of the main shows. There isn't really any mic work etc but the matches tend to be quite good, much more enjoyable then a whole bunch of squash matches on Smackdown
  6. What i dont get about that stupid fucking second rope ddt is that without fail the commentators say "vintage orton" what the fcuk is vintage about it, he does it in every single match??
  7. Some of his passes and flicks have been superb. I see he is trending on twitter as well
  8. Great goal from 25 yards. Looks a talent. Technically excellent
  9. I must be one of the few that finds him mega dull in the ring. I cant get into his matches at all for some reason.
  10. I thought the SNP lad won tonight but I didnt expect anything else with it being in Scotland and the topics discussed.
  11. I just shouted at tv at that frank field. What a fucking twat with those comments
  12. This SNP guy is doing my tits in. He is about 16 years old
  13. No but he will be starting tomorrow for Chelsea against Man Utd in the FA Youth Cup Semi Final which is live on ITV4 (KICK OFF 7PM) Good chance for people to see him in action
  14. Oh and what was point in Brotus Clay? His match was exactly same as all the others
  15. did hurricane not have a big win over HHH or undertaker?
  16. Not looking forward to this concert thing, sounds awful
  17. Actually here they are: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtEJ_zBraF0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpUOuyD62TU&feature=related
  18. I would seriously recommend watching Superstars if you can this week. Not sure if it shown online or not but all 3 matches are worth watching. Kofi vs Ziggler is tremendous and wouldn't have looked out of place on a PPV to be honest Gabriel vs Slater was also very very good Dibiase vs Mahal is better than it sounds but not to the standard of the above two.
  19. Not 2012 but I see Robocop is due to be released in 2013
  20. I watched the first 6/7 episodes and thought it was alright but was never motivated to keep going. I know all you guys rave on about it - does it get better or is it pretty similar. I'm not a huge fan of comedies but enjoy three that are on my schedule HIMYM, Happy Endings, New Girl
  21. Now the boy is clearly mega gifted and doing really well at Chelsea and featuring and scoringa few for their reserve team. However is anyone following the lad on twitter? Commenting on the recent under 21 match against Holland he slated sub Michael O'Halloran saying how he didnt rate him and he was only picked because his dad was a celtic youth coach.Been slating Gregg Wylde as well last couple of days. He has been told he will be involved with next under 21 squad so why is he ripping into hisfuture team mates! He refused to play for the under 17 team recently as he stated on twitter he was past that level and didnt see point in going backwards. But then he is only a 16/17 yr old kid so is it too much to expect these boys to be maturein the media? Thoughts?
  22. Didnt realise Kharmas kid died/didnt survive
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