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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Yeah Stevens I think. His beard is great, his gimmick is like a better version of the genius.
  2. Aye think I'm the only one that watches it . Damian Sandows debut was class! Good on the mic and got loads of heat for his debut esp when they started the 'what' chant and then he shut then upwith one line .
  3. Pacific Rim directed by G.Del Toro Giant robots fighting giant sea monsters is the general jist of the film.
  4. Oh and non spoiler match listing for this weeks SD is Kingston/Truth vs Hunico/Camacho Brodus Clay vs Jack Swagger Damien Sandow vs Derrick Bateman Big Show/Orton vs Rhodes/Kane Layla vs Natalya Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus for WHC
  5. Most people sh*t on smackdown and rightly so but I'm encouraged by the way its going recently, trying to establish new talent as well as re-establish tag team division.
  6. Dean Ambrose wrestled a dark match on raw and squashed Alex Riley, also cut a promo
  7. Hope Ambrose debuts tonight, it fits in perfectly with his Foley feud that people legit got hurt. Also we have a habit of debuting people the night after s ppv
  8. Has anyone got a link to the website where Extreme Rules will be uploaded to by tomorrow afternoon? Gonna go through tomorrow without spoilers hopefully There is a link somewhere in this thread but no idea where and forgot to save it to my favourites.
  9. Ok went to see cabin in the woods this afternoon. First off really enjoyed it and would give it a 7/10. I didn't know anything about it going in and hadn't even seen a trailer for it. I knew there was a 'twist' as saw some people mention on here I think somewhere. My question is what was the twist? I may have missed something but I don't think so, I kept waited for a twist that didn't come. Or is the twist that there is no twist? I don't watch a lot of 'horror' films as in general they ain't my cup of tea. Perhaps regular horror fans can tell me if this is classed as a horror? I didn't think it was scary at all but I don't think that was the intention? I think it meant to be more funny in a sort of Zombieland type of film. Thought it was a decent enough watch anyway
  10. Smokin Aces gets a lot of stick but like you I enjoyed it. I'm a huge Jeremy Piven fan though
  11. I'm confused by the Big show vs Rhodes feud. Show won at Mania and has had the better of every segment since. To me normally this would point to a Rhodes victory tonight especially with no dq. It would then let Show challenge Ryback which no doubt is coming. But to me it makes no sense giving title back to Rhodes. And looks like most think Show will win going by prediction thread?
  12. Also look are the entrance to the ring - jumping their bodies against each other and then some weird in ring thing with each other. Also at end of the match at around 4.23 right before video ends Titus does some weird barking seal thing which aoppears to be his character http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzjY57p0o9o I'll say it - I'm a fan
  13. Here it is - I don't know why but I think they are just so funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuIzVeMsd1k
  14. Watching Smackdown and loving a bit of O'Neill and Young. They do make me laugh
  15. Has there been a cena/Jericho feud in the past? I imagine so but prob before I started watching it again. How was it?
  16. Quentin Taranbino

    Mad Men

    Duck Phillips? The old boy that pegged peggy
  17. Heenan was a great manager but his best moment in my opinion was on commentary for the 92 rumble.
  18. Hacksaw Jim Duggan just released a book thats meant to be really good if you were a fan back in 80s and early 90s
  19. Brock Lesnar bores the fcuk out of me, in ring and on mic. Im in the minority i feel though
  20. Only avengers film I haven't seen now is The Hulk - which one should I be watching? The Eric Bana one is on sky tv guide.
  21. Its also good to see them finally starting to do something with the tag team division again. Faces Uso's Kofi & Truth Kydd & Gabriel Brodus & Santino (talk they may be joining up) Heels Primo & Epico O'Neill & Young (just called up and debuted on Smackdown) Reks & Hawkins (been 'fired' from NXT and set to be appear/signed to raw/smackdown) Swagger & Ziggler (don't seem to be involved in much these days)
  22. Brock/Cena contract signing is opening the 3 hour Raw tonight! Something big is closing the show....
  23. Just read the report from the Smackdown house show in Glasgow last night. Drew got a tremendous reception and started talking about how he got hammered the other month in the garage and campus etc and started naming a bunch of local spots in Glasgow. He also came out in his Scotland footie top he was then interupted by Christian who came out and called the audience "dobbers"
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