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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Just watched episode two there - few positives and negatives Positives Jinder Mahal looked better than I remembered Leo Kruger has a great look Richie Steamboat wrestles alot like his faither Usos vs Ascension is alright, im buying into Ascension as a tag team Another great Bray Wyatt promo Negatives Seth Rollins finisher Matches were too short 'squash like' for my liking Bateman vs Curtis - get these two morons to fcuk, I cant take either of them seriously Crowd Overall verdict - not bad, I'll certainly keep watching but don't think it was as good as first week http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JDbPDz1-EE
  2. I'm still confused by the whole thing. I'm hoping someone sensible like craigkillie can summarise current position
  3. That's the one Ludo, I'm on my phone but take a virtual green dot
  4. His best one was a backstage segment with the rock from years ago, I'm sure someone will know which one it is and post it . I won't spoil the surprise for those who haven't seen it or don't remember
  5. Yeah the Ambrose thing is strange, I like most thers thought the thing with Foley was all a work, but I'm guessing some of it was legit as it looks like the whole thing has just been dropped and Ambrose hasn't been seen recently at all. Although there is talk of someone debuting on or around the 1000th Raw celebrations, so Im hoping its Ambrose attacking Foley
  6. Matches for next week are: Seth Rollins vs Jiro Jindr Mahal vs Jason Jordan Leo Kruger vs Aiden English Richie Steamboat vs Rick Victor Antonio Cesaro vs Dante Dash Derrick Bateman vs Johnny Curtis Do you know much about these lads Shuggie? On a different note, Im disappointed to see they are persisting with Bateman/Curtis who have had a chance and proved they are pish
  7. Good Husky Harris knowledge sir Looks like he has also lost a few lbs as well, whilst still looking like a big guy
  8. Aye I actually find his character quite creepy, Im not sure why. I suppose that at least shows its a good thing. He is IRS's boy aint he?
  9. May as well shove this in here and make this an NXT/Supertars type thread Just watched Superstars and Gabriel/Kidd had a great match with Hawkins/Reks I thought, crowd were into it as well Interesting to note that Gabriel is no longer allowed to use his old finisher as it has fcuked him up too much in the past, I thought that would be it for him as that was his main selling point but I think in this tag team he certainly works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1Xyq6wEWgg
  10. Stewbo me and you have similar tastes on TV and film so I urge you to ignore this. Moonrise Kingdom is great!!
  11. Here is whole show, now on youtube I like how they have all the promo videos for the stars to sort of introduce us to unfamiliar names. Bray Wyatts and Seth Rollins looked great so did the Ascensions promo. The opening guy Bo Dallas is a bit sh*t and boring but the Ascension looked good from the promo (16:30), the entrance(21:40), their gimmick and in the ring - future tag champs right there, they look better than the ones on main roster. Well worth watching the full show below without skipping I would say, and seeing Tyson Kidd in a near 20 minute match was pleasing. Great match http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA7MW77ii44
  12. Theme tune to the show is by some band called Coheed??
  13. Don't worry Forehead its repeated before Raw on Mon night
  14. Yip, believe they are using all the FCW talent, I know Rollins has a match on next weeks show, not sure about the other guy
  15. Yip same with me - there is a tag team on tonight called Ascension I think? Who apparantly have a tremendous entrance. This is one of the creepy dudes
  16. The new NXT debuts tonight/Fri morning at 1am on Sky Sports - make sure you watch/record it
  17. Heath Slater is my favourite jobber. Funny guy
  18. Won't be Regal,he has just got heavily involved with the new NXT
  19. Good guy in real life,ALWAYS tweets back,had many convos with him. On TV he is a cnut
  20. The new NXT airs next week Promo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w055KHyOUlw
  21. Quentin Taranbino

    Mad Men

    What season you on jambo?It gets better and better as it goes on.
  22. I'm going to a geek convention in London in a few weeks with lots of film and tv stars attending and they have just announced Mickie James and Magnus will be appearing?Never seen TNA,they any good or are they nobodies?
  23. Red Tails - 6/10 Not bad, not great. I would say worth seeing if you have a couple hours to kill, don't expect anything tremendous though. Does the job
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