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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. I understand it was part of the deal that allowed Ric Flair to appear at the Hall of Fame
  2. Sandow is on it, not a scheduled match but something better. He is honestly the best thing on SD at the moment And if you don't like Hornswoggle it makes it even better! "I am the avenging sword of taste and decency" lol
  3. Moonrise Kingdom 8/10 Bloody decent! Wasn't expecting much but it was brilliant.
  4. Really?? I cant remember his brother at all
  5. Quentin Taranbino

    Mad Men

    I tried to sum up the show to my missus but she wasn't getting it and what it boiled down to was me saying: "Nothing really happens, but it does" Does that make sense to any of you?
  6. Quentin Taranbino

    Mad Men

    Poor Lane Poor Don the guilt of that would be terrible Betty was loving getting one over Megan. B*tch. Have we seen the last of Peggy now?
  7. Good to see you Kyle - I thought you had died
  8. Ah ok...I get it now, must have just been me that didn't find that very clear
  9. I was just listening to a review of the final two episodes and they mentioned a couple of things that I didn't pick up on at all when I was watching it. - The reason the Hound retreated and left the battle was because he is terrified of fire (hence his scars etc) - I didn't pick up on that at all at the time. It makes sense of course but I didn't find that clear - That Dany's handmaiden was conspiring with the 'king of qarth' (the black guy with the empty vault) - That Jon Snows 'fellow nightsman' had a plan to get free why did Jon kill him then. A bit confusing
  10. Men in Black 3 2/10 - Pish The Dictator 3/10 - Slightly less pish
  11. Who do people find themselves routing for? In the battle episode I found myself firmly in the Lannister camp although that was purely because I love Tyrion and Bronn. The Starks are clearly the 'good guys' but I don't find myself routing for them much. Really looking forward to see the Khaleesi build her army, I think that's who I will be backing. Am I right in thinking the different sides so far are: The Lannisters The Starks Khaleesi's mob The Nights Watch The Wildings The White Walkers The Greyjoys Stannis's crew
  12. That's harsh, I still enjoy them
  13. Hope Jambo Rocker still does his review
  14. That was one of the worst raws I have seen. Garbage
  15. I love how Macho Man Randy Savage was the number one trend when they played 'pomp and circumstance' at the end of the jubilee. Brilliant
  16. Great episode! Totally different to last weeks episode. The White walkers are scary beasts!
  17. Sandow has a great image I think, and looking forward to see where he goes with it and what feuds he gets involved in
  18. Seeing as its Jubilee Weekend, this is appropriate Best Battle Royal ever in my opinion from the UK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TObHAvTtG10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYyTKBiDXgI&feature=plcp
  19. The match is on youtube,im on phone otherwise I would find it and link it.
  20. Make sure you watch/record Superstars this morning. Christian vs Drew is a belter of a match
  21. Booker T has announced his current fav 5 is: 1. Cody Rhodes 2. Dolph Ziggler 3. Ryback 4. David Otunga 5. Antonio Cesaro
  22. Are you sure Forehead? http://m.digitalspy.co.uk/movies/news/a384559/james-badge-dale-as-iron-man-3-villain-first-image.html
  23. Trailer just released for Les Miserables which is hotly tipped to be one of the Oscar contenders. Good cast and it certainly looks more 'cinematic' than what I was expecting
  24. The below picture is from the set of Iron Man 3 and is apparantly quite a big spoiler, will mean more to others than it does to me, I'm not really sure who it is
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