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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I think you're taking what he says a little too literally. He's obviously not picking the team on the flip of a coin, either that or it's two headed! I would read that to mean that there's very little between the players and that it's difficult to choose. I do think that he'll make some changes on Saturday as I think we'll need some battlers in there so I wouldn't be surprised if both Ollie and Alston come in. Regarding the fact that we gave him the gig? Who knows? The board have either seen something special in him or have gone for the cheap option.
  2. Millar brought a great save from the Livi keeper with a 20 yard shot early on in Saturday's game and does that on a regular basis. I can't remember McBride doing that very often if at all. Although he's generally played deep in an effort to control the game he's an excellent attacking midfielder too. I would agree though that Saturday's game wasn't his best and possibly his least effective since returning to the club.
  3. Don't remember him tinkering with the defence for any reason other than injury which, unfortunately, I think may happen quite often as McCracken appears a bit injury prone.
  4. Aye, they were all blowin' oot of their arses. Was the same v Morton I felt although I believe there had been a virus doing the rounds that week. Could argue that they didn't look too fit against Alloa either as they didn't seem to be moving the ball very quickly.
  5. I think Duffie's been much improved this season.
  6. I never look at OneF never mind post there, but I assume Roberts gets a lot of abuse?
  7. What's the offensive singing they're on about on the OS? Got very excited when I first read it as I thought it said offensive signing!!
  8. Let's not get too excited folks. Yes it's great news and I think he's a terrific wee player but we can't go thinking that he's automatically going to fix everything. This is a very different team to the one he left and we need to see if he can fit into it/it can fit around him. He's played very little top team football lately and may take a game or two to get up to speed. That said he can only really improve things overall, I just hope that we don't go all doom and gloom if it doesn't happen against Livingston.
  9. Nah, it's not him. Holt says it's someone who will bring a 'new dimension to our play' so if it's a returning player who was well liked my guess would be Millar. Wouldn't have thought he would refer to a defender in that manner so probably not Murray Wallace. Would be just fantastic if it was Farid but, last time I looked, he was Brentford's top scorer despite spending most of his time on the bench, so it' won't be him. Can't be Higgy either as he's doing very well at Thistle. Off the top of my head I can't think of anyone else who's left in recent seasons and that's good enough that would be in a realistic position to come back? F**k, maybe it's Mark Stewart!
  10. I would imagine it'll be Roberts - away hame in the huff!
  11. I've since been told that he went absolutely tonto at some fans and that there may be no way back. Easy for me to say that we should encourage etc when I didn't witness it. He maybe should try to make some sort of apology (another hat trick would be good) then, as you say, we may be able to kve on from there.
  12. Young Roberts is on the OS saying that he's going to buckle down and work hard for the team. Claims that his actions so far have all been down to frustration and that he wants to win the fans over. I wasn't at the Aberdeen game so I don't know what his crime was but I don't like to see players booed, especially if it's going to be detrimental to the team. He seems to be quite immature to me and, based on his antics so far, I'm not surprised at all that he reacted to being booed. I feel that he's the type that needs a lot of encouragement and I hope gets it because he's a cracking wee player who could do a very good job for us this season. He needs to do exactly what he says, buckle down, work hard, score goals and be a real team player. Hopefully he's been told as well that he needs to avoid reacting to opposition players and fans as he's far too easily wound up - as I say, a bit immature.
  13. I know a guy who was well in at Kilmarnock, paying big bucks in sponsorship etc. There's a boycot of sorts going on there now because of decisions that the chairman, Michael Johnston's, been making and the general f**k up that the board's been making, the sacking of Shields being the biggest complaint. The bloke I know, along with many others, has withdrawn his sponsorship and is actually pleased when Killie get beat because he reckons that's bringing Johnston's departure closer. Brought a wee smile to my face last night watching Sportscene when I saw Johnston sitting in the stand with none other than George Craig sitting next to him! Complete with club tie too!!
  14. Of course we should.They should have to be accompanied by an adult though, can't have hundreds of primary weans cutting about the place unsupervised. Maybe 4 kids to each adult tops. That would maybe attract a few more paying customers.
  15. Would depend on cash of course. We could surely only afford a smallish percentage of his salary?
  16. Well, you're right it's not going to happen. He scored twice the other night so I can't see Brentford letting him go anywhere. Maybe a loan move for Mark Millar would be possible though. He's played just a handful of games since his move and McNamara doesn't rate him apparently. He's exactly what we need at the moment.
  17. Well that's about 5 or 6 of his goals replaced then!
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