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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. We should have a 'sign up a Bairn campaign'. None of your 'introduce a friend' wishy washy stuff, sign them up! Most FFS members will know a fan, maybe a casual one, that is not a member. Get them telt!
  2. I think someone mentioned on here a wee while back about the possibility of taking Leigh Griffiths back on an incentivised type contract? He was of course a major disappointment for us last season (as many predicted) but apparently he's been doing some fairly intense boxing training in an effort to get fit and lose weight. I've been looking at his stats and, if you take out the periods with us and Dundee last season, he's scored almost 1 in every 2 games. You'd think that would be heavily skewed due to playing for Celtic for so long but he's managed it everywhere he's been! If we could get some benevolent Bairns fans to provide the cash, do you think he'd be worth a punt this time round? He'd obviously have to prove his fitness first of course. We could maybe offer something like £500 a goal and £500 an assist. Personally, given the obvious dearth of decent strikers, I think it would be worth the chance.
  3. Yea, you're right. It's not so much the sailing itself that takes the time up though, it's the pissing about at the airport waiting for the flight to Cannes that's really annoying!
  4. I've raked Better Meddle and can't find anything remotely like the match you're referring to. Even friendlies are recorded on there and I think it's unlikely they'd be wrong. You're going to have to point me in the right direction.
  5. I have a slightly stronger recollection of that match. I do remember a goal like the one you describe, although I couldn't have said it was in that game. I do recall that the pitch was like an ice rink and the players wearing trainers rather than boots to compensate though and I also could have sworn that Wilson Hoggan scored twice, but he didn't!
  6. I think maybe your memory's playing tricks on you a bit mate? Miller did score against Dunfermline at Brockville in 1971 but it was in the 88th minute to make the score 3-2. Young had replaced Fergie as a substitute too. Is this game that you're meaning? I took the above from 'Better Meddle' as I have no recollection of it whatsoever (despite the strong probability that I would have been there), so I've no idea if his goal was directly from a corner either?
  7. Definitely Miller, although, for some reason, I used to think of him as Millar too.
  8. You're talking pish mate and seem to know little about football! Each player in a team has a job to do and, whilst effort is obviously required, so are other qualities that individual players possess. Jaime Wilson gives 100%, I'll give you that, but I wouldn't want him starting for Falkirk. Dowds gave 100% which I would say masked some deficiencies, but Kabia pretty much downed tools by the end of the season. I'd have both back though because they each offer the team something different. Keena wasn't as lazy as some seem to think IMO although, yes, his style did suggest that at times. His biggest asset was his ability to put the ball in the net and I'm convinced that he would have done exactly that on a consistent basis if he'd have been given the service. If reports are to be believed then it appears that John McGlynn agrees as he enquired about him last season apparently? I'm a bit confused by the 'hero worship' comment too. (I assume that's what you meant?) I know some fans (like me) thought he was good, but I don't remember anyone taking it to those levels. Here's a question for you: who would you have preferred to have as a striker, Kris Boyd (who certainly was lazy), or someone like the aforementioned Wilson who isn't?
  9. It would interesting to know how many of us Falkirk fans on here are actually members of the FSS. How do you start one of those poll things?
  10. Aye, very good. I completely disagree. SLIGO incidentally seem to be happy to have him!
  11. As I say, it'll depend on who we can bring in. I don't think we have the players to play that formation at the moment, certainly not in defence or up top anyway.
  12. Don't think he lost his hunger TBH, or at least he'd have been a hell of a lot hungrier if he'd had folk around him who could actually have fed him! I always said that he looked like a natural goal scorer to me and I don't remember him missing many gilt-edged chances. I'd take him back anytime.
  13. Agree. I think his best position may be on the left of a three because he's maybe a wee bit too short to play as a conventional CH. I'm maybe biased though because I like McCann and also favour a 3-5-2. With the current squad it would make sense to go that way though because, as it stands, Williamson will need to play and I certainly don't want him at RB; would need to be RWB. If we could get someone who could actually defend at RB my opinion could change however.
  14. the one that plays with Empoli in Seria A ? Spoke to him in BTW after Crunchie's game. He was with his dad (the famous Nicky).
  15. No idea if he was a good goalkeeper or not. Good luck to the guy. With money being the way it is though we didn't need three goalkeepers so it made sense to let him go, assuming, of course, that it was a good deal financially for the club. I wouldn't have thought that he would have been on much so this maybe covers Yeats' wages?
  16. Fairly certain that Yeats wages will be coming out of the 1st team budget. He looked very good v Killie and, apparently, Stranraer (wasn't there) so he'll definitely be a 1st team squad player. I wouldn't think he'll be on much either so may just be a very smart move by McGlynn.
  17. Feck me, wooooosh or what? I was obviously responding sarcastically to the boy who originally made the 'jobber' comment.
  18. Aye, that's all very well, but he'll obviously be some young jobber signed to pad the squad out!!
  19. Very talented player. Needs to be played in an attacking midfield role to get the best out of him and would do well in a team that can win the ball in midfield for him as he's not the most robust. He's not a shitebag though although that part of his game is not as good as his creative side. I would liked to have seen him re-signed for us.
  20. Aye, quite agree. I suppose that more money could be available in the form of loans or gifts, or the budget might be increased because ST sales have exceeded expectations or whatever but, if the manager’s been given a budget it’s difficult to see how that can be ‘stretched’. It is what it is. We’ve had a few folk on talking about binning last season’s shite so that we can get better in like they’ll just walk for nothing. We even had one guy who suggested they could be sacked under gross misconduct because they weren’t very good!
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