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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. You have indeed. I just wasn't sure if it was the RR coaches, scouts or the lassie you know in our ticket office.
  2. Whilst I can see where you're coming from (i.e. I agree with your choice of McGlynn's starting 11) I'd drop Henderson and leave Mackie beside Donaldson as we've been relatively solid when those two have played together. Why the f**k he'd play Mackie at LB ahead of McCann is beyond me however.
  3. Lawal I agree with, not so sure about Burrell though as he's been playing Alegria as a (sort of) target man and having Morrison running off him. Burrell's more of a Sammon type in that he uses his strength and pace to run the channels, so I think I would prefer to bring him on against tired defenders. Alegria's been much better than I expected after hearing what Partick fans said about him and watching his first couple of games, so I think I'd stick with him.
  4. that would likely be her reason for playing them!
  5. My wife thinks calling matches off is the correct decision because ‘football fans sing horrible songs’.
  6. If anything he should be happy that we helped with getting his 'big' move. I remember a time at Morton though, quite early on in his time with us, when someone shouted something uncomplimentary to him and he looked absolutely furious! Nothing over the top, just the usual mild abuse that most players take sometimes. Contrast that to his performance against Celtic in the LC semi where he was completely level headed and talked Jay Fulton through the game. He also fell out with David Robertson when he played in India, all recorded on camera.
  7. Motherwell site lists him as a full back so I'd assume he's a RB as we wouldn't be in for another LB surely? Edit to say that he's Alan Johnston's son. Not that that makes any difference.
  8. I know a way that we could get all 3 in the team.
  9. Might be a bit early to say we've turned a corner but I think we do at least have the indicator on!
  10. Yeats, McGinn, Lawal, Nesbitt, McGuffie? Much the same as we have now except we wouldn't have Hetherington in there.
  11. Careful now. I completely agree of course. I'm assuming you're meaning centre backs though? A back three of Donaldson, Henderson and Mackie would stroll through games IMO (assuming the formation suits them). I think four at the back lends itself more to having two defensive midfielders which aren't needed. Only my opinion of course.
  12. Well, excuuuussse me for having an opinion. Didn't know I wasn't allowed one. I, at no time, said that McGlynn would play it, but I do think that it would get our best players on the pitch in their best positions. In the meantime, get it up ye!
  13. I know a wee Dutch guy that stuck his finger in a dyke once. Didn't get him anywhere.
  14. With the squad we have it should be a back 3 with wing backs all day long. Probably depends on Williamson's fitness though.
  15. Don't see why we should deploy two defensive mids against any team in this league. Only change I'd make from last week would be Lawal in from the start for either Nesbitt or McGuffie. The former probably.
  16. Thank f**k we're not in the habit of fuckin things up when the expectation is there!
  17. Cheers, didn't recognise him without his cat ears and whiskers
  18. You won't get any objections from our support. The only folk naïve enough to entertain that c**t was our BoD unsurprisingly. Who is that c**t as a matter of interest?
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