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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Aye, but unless they're a fan, why would they want to buy the club if there wasn't something in it for them? Mark Campbell springs to mind.
  2. Well, we've only got your word for that and you're a bit of an enigma TBH.
  3. That's a very good question, I had forgotten all about him.
  4. You either can't read, comprehend or are a bit thick.
  5. Sigh... WTF are you on about mate? Where did he say that we should be first? he's saying we don't deserve to be top because we're not good enough, even though the league is full of shite. It's really not hard if you try hard enough FFS. Some Airdrie fan earlier in the thread says that we can't even overcome this Airdrie team with your threadbare squad and he's right! Our deficiencies are of our own making.
  6. It wasn't smart mate. Your defender was running toward his own goal, he had no way of knowing if the ref could see him fouling our player or not.
  7. Thing is, with Hartley, McKinnon, Sheerin and Rennie there was a feeling, for me anyway, that the position was hopeless, just couldn't see any way forward. I didn't get that with Miller and McCracken at first because I do think we would have won the league in the Covid season but, at the end, they had dropped off a cliff. McGlynn's making mistakes, no doubt about that, his substitutions for example tend to be like for like or generally fairly uninspiring (Lawal excepted). I don't get that impression with McGlynn. Like yourself, I do think that he will eventually get us up (if we can negotiate our way through our current financial predicament) but we'll probably have to wait until beyond next summer when we can offload several players to allow him to recruit better replacements.
  8. Doesn't alter the fact that it was a penalty. You're basically admitting that your team are cheats.
  9. It was a foul, it was in the box, therefore it was a penalty. Doesn't matter how 'clever' it was.
  10. Yes but we're allowed to recall him for CC games if we wish.
  11. I'd play Martin to give him some game time and I'd rest Donaldson, McCann and McGinn because I wouldn't want to risk any of them getting injured or suspended and they're 3 guys that we can't do with out IMO. Henderson's going to be out for a while though so I suppose Mackie would need to play CH next to McKay with Sneddon coming in at LB. Not sure about playing Lawal either for the same reasons as I think he's going to be crucial to any success we have this season however he needs game time too so that's a hard one.
  12. You're just making all of that up. Apart from the everyone's pish bit.
  13. Just watched the highlights. No idea if the early penalty shout on Burrell was a penalty or not, if anything I thought that the keeper may have got a touch on it. Alegria should have possibly got a shot away before he was fouled for the second shout but it was most definitely a penalty. Defender blatantly pushed him to the ground. The ref. showed what he thinks about players pushing though when he ignored the two handed shove by Ballantyne on Burrell in the first half. Somebody mentioned to me yesterday that McGinn had 4 or 5 touches on the ball before giving it away for their goal and I agreed because it looked that way at the time. He actually touched the ball twice then was short with a back pass to McCann. That was the only time that I remember him making a mistake yesterday despite folk saying he was bad and that his legs have gone, in fact I remember him making some very accurate passes, one in the 2nd half to Kennedy (I think) was sublime. We had more than enough chances to win the game, Oliver's sitter being the best one of course. I think we've got to try to get a striker in in the window to give us more options up there but we obviously need to try to get one or two out before we can do that. The only player that I can think of that other clubs may be interested in is Watson. Maybe try to loan him to Hamilton or something?
  14. Completely agree. I thought he controlled the game until late on when he made his blunder. We've no-one better in that position IMO.
  15. I would imagine that, if there aren't 25 fans who want to pay £5k for the deal, then they won't sell them. Just a wild guess.
  16. Aye, Ford was decent and a useful utility player. Bobby Robinson was a great player though, or at least it was obvious he was going to be as he was still quite raw when with us. I'm sure he went on to play for Scotland. His replacement, Alex Bryce, who we swopped him for, wasn't quite so good to put it mildly.
  17. Oh aye, I'm not arguing with that at all. If Oliver (or whoever else) is clearly our best penalty taker then he should be taking the penalties if he's playing. If he's clearly better than anyone else. He's unlikely to be a starter once we get a settled eleven (if ever) so I think we need someone, who we know is going to start, to take the responsibility. I wouldn't want a scenario where we get a penalty and the players don't know who's going to be taking it. At the moment Morrison is the go to guy but I don't think his record merits him being the obvious choice. That's why I think it should be one of the three that I mentioned, unless they are clearly pish at penalties, which I don't think would be the case. I remember thinking when we got a penalty and Muirhead was on the pitch it was almost a guaranteed goal.
  18. Aye, could well be the case. I'm more thinking of future games. I think every team should have a designated penalty taker who's likely to be on the pitch when it's awarded. Assuming they're good at penalties of course.
  19. From the players he mentions, IMO Rennie, Abel & Young were average, Roxburgh above average but McLaughlin, Markie, Miller, Gibson, Hoggan and Shirra were fantastic players. Ferguson wasn't a great footballer but his goal scoring record is fantastic. He certainly knew where the goal was.
  20. If Morrison had been on the pitch he would have taken it so, if he's our best penalty taker, then we're just not very good at penalties.
  21. I think I'm right in saying that he only missed one, against Dundee United I think, when he slipped as he hit it.
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