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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Not sure about that, I think he'll keep the same team as last week. Burrell's an 'over the top run on to the ball' type, Oliver's more of 'ball to feet, hold it up for the midfielders' type. I can't see Clyde coming out enough to allow Burrell the space to run in to, so I think he'll plump for Oliver (would have been Alegria for the same reasons).
  2. Don't think I'd be in any rush to bring him back either. Fine if he was in addition to Burrell and Alegria but not as a replacement. Like you I felt he started very well with us in his stint here but the enthusiasm seemed to evaporate when things weren't going so well for him.
  3. I thought we played quite well over the piece. Good performances from Nesbitt and Kennedy, I reckon we'll see a lot more from Nesbitt now if McGlynn continues the McGinn and Henderson midfield combo. PJ looked good and Rowe had a good debut. I thought Donaldson and Mackie looked a bit shaky at times, they're really polar opposites, Donaldson is very laid back in his play (sometimes slows the play down a bit too much for me) whilst Mackie can be very rash, flying into things without thinking first sometimes. Leon McCann had a merely slightly above average game instead of his usual 9/10 stuff. As far as the disputed goals are concerned; I'm unsure if Nesbitt won the ball or got the player first for his second goal but his reaction in his interview suggests that he fouled the guy. The did it or didn't it effort from Rowe was not over the line, it's basically impossible for it to have been. If you watch the replay in slow motion the ball looks to have hit the roof of the net causing it to ripple but it then ends up clearing the crossbar. It can't have done both so it must have been the players hitting the net that caused the ripple. Anyway, on to next week with hopefully a couple of additions to bolster things. A striker would be good because I don't think we'll see Alegria for a few weeks and we need another option up there anyway.
  4. I think they already tried that and he lasted about a week.
  5. Hogarth was no Mallo or McGovern, that's for sure, but I still felt we were a bit more secure with him in goal than either PJ or Martin. I agree though that we shouldn't be trying to keep him because we need the money elsewhere. PJ will be first pick now which worries me a bit because the guy looks bereft of confidence at the moment. Can only hope that he kicks on from here and proves me wrong big time! Can I make a plea here too folks? Please don't boo the guy if he makes a mistake. Some players can easily shake that kind of thing off but I don't think PJ would. Also, being the goalie, he's nowhere to hide, he's right there in front of the booing and it'll be at the front of his mind the next time he's involved in the action. Let's try to encourage the guy and build his confidence instead.
  6. I went with the same team but with Nesbitt instead of Oliver. There's little to draw between them but Nesbitt does at least seem to be more involved. I never seem to see Oliver in a game. He needs to dye his hair pink or something!
  7. Aye, but I assume they'll be thinking of next season's shortfall already. I'm not saying he wouldn't be allowed to replace Morrison but I do think they'd have one eye on next year and the probability of having no other transfer receipts to help.
  8. I'd start with both McGinn and Henderson in the middle. I'm sure most fans would view that as being defensive but I don't think it would be as it would help control the midfield and allow the 3 behind the striker to get further forward.
  9. I wouldn't want to lose him. As I said, when he performs the team tends to do well. His inconsistency is a bugger right enough. I suppose it depends on how much a 'few grand' would actually be? As things stand with our financial situation I'm sure that anything approaching £100k would probably get him.
  10. I'm not arguing otherwise. You asked what my idea of a creative player is and I gave you examples of that type of player (IMO). Morrison doesn't fit my idea of a 'creative' player. Doesn't mean he hasn't got more assists. Nowadays, if Michael Higdon's big arse had laid the ball on a plate for someone else to score rather than going in, it would be classed as an assist. I don't think of Michael Higdon being a creative player. There's not necessarily a direct connection between being 'creative' and assisting in a goal.
  11. Ooft, slim pickings if you're restricting it to 12 years but I'd say that Telfer, Irving, Sibbald, Fulton, M Millar, Flynn (was he here as recently?) are examples of the type of player I'm meaning. I'm not necessarily saying that they were particularly successful at it but it's the kind of thing that I have in mind. I think the best we have in that mould at the moment is McGinn and we might even get to see a bit more of that from him if Henderson plays alongside and lets him move forward a bit.
  12. That's why I said 'as such'. When I think of a creative player I think of someone who can bring the ball down, maybe beat a man or two and possibly thread a defence splitting pass through to a team mate. Morrison's not that type of player IMO. I obviously don't have any stats to back this up but I would imagine that the majority of his assists are knocking the ball across goal from wide positions or getting a toe to the ball to pass to a team mate in the box. Nothing wrong with that at all but just not what I've got in my mind as 'creative'. I certainly wouldn't want to lose him at this point; as I said earlier, when he performs the team tends to do well and I think he could be very important to us for the remainder of the season.
  13. I wouldn't say he's creative as such, unless he's creating for himself. Not that I'm complaining though, when Morrison turns it on the team tends to do well and he's one of the few players in this division that can get you off your seat. He had a good game v Queens, two goals and three assists, one of which was for QoS right enough.
  14. We go to Alloa on the 7th of February according to the BBC.
  15. That photie would keep the weans away fae the fire!
  16. You never know, maybe the new RB is shit hot, the McGinn & Henderson midfield combo turns out to be a master stroke and Lawal's injury isn't as bad as first thought! Might all be roses from here on in!
  17. Aye, there's a wee sentence in there that worries me a bit though!
  18. Wilson's gone and Hogarth's going back to Forest.
  19. Hopefully he'll play Henderson beside McGinn and we'll stumble across a midfield system that works.
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