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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. It's vital that the players don't get complacent and think this is a foregone conclusion. I'm sure McGlynn will have that drummed into them though. I would give McGinn a rest and bring in Max although that's the only change I would make. I was never one of those who claimed that McGinn was knackered after 60 minutes and doesn't have the legs anymore, however, I do think that he's looked a wee bit jaded in the last few games and, at 34, he probably needs a rest. I'd have him back in v Dunfermline however, no matter how well young Max plays.
  2. Aye, 65. Can't actually remember giving them any proof but I suppose they possibly still had my details from previous years so that would give my age? I didn't actually turn 65 until last September but they gave me the concession ticket as my birthday was during the season. Can't imagine they would do that if your birthday fell on the following April for example but you never know?
  3. Was thinking that myself. Guy used to be very helpful with the obvious knowledge that he has but he seems to be turning a bit sanctimonious now.
  4. And maybe Dundee Utd, Motherwell, Kilmarnock...
  5. I now qualify for a concession season and asked this year if I could pay the full price with the balance going to the club. They were happy with me paying the extra but wanted that to go to the scheme that was running at the time which allowed less fortunate folk to go to a game. I'd happily pay more for my ST if the balance was going to the FSS and I'd wager that a good few more folk would too.
  6. It looks it due to the space between Donaldson and Gallagher, makes it look like Gallagher's well offside. It wouldn't look so clear cut if looking along the line though.
  7. Aye, in the face. So does it have to be a clenched fist? poke in the eye?
  8. Yea, that's why I said 'unless it's been changed'. I'm pretty sure that raising your hands and making contact with an opponents face was outlawed and resulted in a red card at one stage. It may well have been an instruction to referees at the time to try to stamp that kind of thing out? At what point would it be deemed a red card?
  9. Superb argument, thanks for your contribution.
  10. By the letter of the law (unless it's been changed) McCabe should have been sent off whether Kennedy went down or not. I think the embarrassment should really lie at your manager's door, not ours.
  11. Wright's certainly better at doing that, however, with Airdrie chasing the game at 1-3 they were leaving huge gaps that Burrell would most definitely have exploited. He would surely have scored the tap-in that Wright missed for a start. I'm imagining the type of devastation that he could cause Dunfermline in the 2nd half if we manage to go a goal up yet it doesn't look like McGlynn will give him the chance now.
  12. I'm assuming you mean the Airdrie highlights? How did you managed to view those so soon after the end of the game? The Falkirk highlights clearly show McCabe lifting his hands and pushing Kennedy in the face. Should Kennedy have reacted like that? Probably not, but when have you ever seen a player walk quietly away when he's been pushed in the face? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and wait to see the Airdrie highlights on the off chance that they don't give as clear a view, however, he was most definitely not 'bumped on the shoulder'.
  13. The stewards wouldn't allow us to sit in the back two rows for some unfathomable reason. I'd be interested to know why that was/
  14. You're surely not meaning the incident where McCabe lifted his hands and pushed him in the face?
  15. Strange kind of game I thought in that we were both excellent and pish at different times. The defence was all over the place in the 1st half and I thought Donaldson was having his worst game for us at that point. Mackie was erratic in the 2nd at times too although both Rowe and McCann had good games. I thought Oliver was isolated and ineffective, yet he scored again so fair play. I thought Nesbitt started poorly yet may well have been MOM by the end. Kinnear looked quite solid with his double save in the 2nd half being a highlight. Big Henderson had a good game although McGinn probably needs a rest and I'd play Max in his place next week. Can't understand why McGlynn didn't bring Burrell on as Airdrie were having to chase the game and were leaving lots of room at the back. Neither Allan or Wright were up to much with Wright missing a sitter for the second game in a row. Our counter attacking was effective in the 2nd though and we really should have scored a few more. A word on the pitch; don't know if it was the number of pellets or whatever but a few people stubbed toes or stumbled on it with Mackie almost gifting a goal at one point. Just got to hope that we can beat Dunfermline twice and keep the momentum going.
  16. Aye and the ball takes a wee change of direction just when Holmes thinks he's got the situation under control. He was a good player for us over the piece I would say.
  17. Jim Holmes won't be picked, he must be about 70?
  18. Maybe the best way to look at this is that Donaldson has made way fewer complete f**k ups than the other two. IMO anyway. McKay has improved immensely, no doubt about that (although that may be because he's playing with better players), however, we all know that he will f**k up again at some point. Mackie I think hasn't make so many huge mistakes either although he obviously hasn't had as many opportunities to do so. Donaldson would definitely start for me and I'd probably pick Mackie ahead of McKay simply because he's left footed so we wouldn't have to play anyone out of position.
  19. I thought Mackie had a decent game on Saturday, better than he has been recently anyway.
  20. I can confirm that the Walking Footballers are in exactly the same position!
  21. Surely we could point to the Hibs game in the League Cup to say the exact opposite? I think there are several players in the current squad that would do well in the Championship. McCann, Donaldson, Henderson, Lawal, Nesbitt (maybe as a squad player), Burrell, Morrison, Kennedy to name a few. McGinn too if he can maintain his fitness.
  22. Fair do's, but the debate was on the standard of referees in this league and I was really asking if you had noticed if that was good bad or indifferent?
  23. Last I heard was McGlynn saying that it was too early to tell how bad it was (or words to that effect.)
  24. Injured in the 1st half then only lasted about 5 minutes after the restart. He's taken a lot of punishment over the last few games and I really hope he's fit for Saturday.
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