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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Just watched the highlights. McKay most at fault for the penalty IMO.
  2. We're going to need players next season and beyond. Maybe Nesbitt has agreed an extension on exactly the same money as he's currently on? One thing is certain though, we won't have broken the bank to keep him.
  3. Aye, Sandy. Decent full back for us in his day, think he'll just be a squad player for you now though as he must be nearly 70.
  4. Email Laura Craig, she's excellent. laura@falkirkfc.co.uk
  5. You may be right about the agents thing because it ultimately makes them money, however, if I was a manager and my club were involved in play-offs and a cup semi I certainly wouldn't be telling any player that I thought I may have to use that they weren't wanted for next season. There are six players that I wouldn't keep, Martin, Williamson, Watson, Sneddon, Hetherington and Malcolm and it may well be that these players have already been told that they're away (we know this for sure in Williamson's case) but I wouldn't be having that conversation with McGuffie just now especially as Kennedy's unlikely to be available for a potential cup final. I'd also be having a word with St Johnstone and Coventry about possibly loaning back Max and Rowe for next season too.
  6. Wouldn't say that, it's an easy mistake to make. I asked because I have no idea how far apart Antigua and Barbados are so thought there may have been some sort of shared arrangement.
  7. I don't think he'll have told those he doesn't want that they're going, at least not the ones that have any chance of featuring before the end of the season. You don't want McGuffie, for example, not putting in the effort in the play-offs because he knows he's going. If Lawal and Burrell aren't spoken to about extending their deals (unless there's some reason beyond their actual ability that means he doesn't want to keep them) then I'd start to doubt McGlynn's opinion on a player's worth.
  8. He was really stinking for us last season. I always thought that he was a bag of nerves anytime the ball came near him and I sometimes wonder if we, as a fan base, give players too much of a hard time sometimes. Confidence player that didn't have much. Genuine question: did you make a mistake saying 'Barbados and Antigua' because it's actually Antigua and Barbuda, or do Barbados and Antigua have a joint arrangement for international football?
  9. We all came to the same conclusion at the time. Turned out not to be the case. I think if we still had him we would have a few more points on the board.
  10. Wish it would erupt, would save a lot of the shite that we get on here.
  11. Don't know if you've seen the FFC highlights, but he's actually near enough the centre of the goal.
  12. Completely agree, it's happened on many occasions this season. I can accept it a bit more tonight due to us trying to avoid injuries and suspension considering the play-offs and semi-final but there's no doubt that previous sub decisions have affected our performances. It's almost like he feels obliged to make so many subs because there are so many available to him.
  13. I think that, if sevco release him, then there's only one other team in Scotland that wouldn't be interested.
  14. I heard a few months ago that Arfield was coming back but immediately dismissed the notion as I just couldn't see it. He'll be on, what, maybe £10-£15 grand a week or whatever so I thought that he would surely go to Hearts or Hibs for £3 or 4k or whatever it is they pay these days. Having said that, he'll not be short of a bob or two so maybe would consider it if it was going to be a route into management? McGlynn will be getting his pension a few short years so maybe the time line would work? He would certainly make a big difference to our midfield, that's for sure.
  15. No he didn't, he's already said so. I'm beginning to think you're not very bright Jimmy.
  16. There's no proof though. He'd just need to deny it, which I'm sure he would and it's case closed.
  17. Aye, I've heard a few folk say that he spat twice, I only saw the one though.
  18. You're right, no Falkirk fan can say with absolute certainty that Joe Cardle spat on kids because no Falkirk fan said that he did. He did spit however, I saw him do it. As I said earlier, it looked to me like it was directed at the Falkirk support, but there were wee laddies in the vicinity.
  19. I saw him spitting too. He spat over the barrier in the direction of some young laddies. I felt at the time that it was a gesture aimed at the Falkirk support. I don't know if he was aiming at the boy or not though and I'm pretty sure that it didn't hit him. Either way it's very poor behaviour.
  20. I am aware of that. We were actually in the Championship with Hibs for 3 seasons. The point is that we last won 16 games in a season during that time.
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