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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Certainly not putting the cart before the horse here, but can anyone tell me how many tickets we got for the R*njurz final in 2009?
  2. Don't give them ideas. Pittodrie holds 22,000 and is almost equidistant.
  3. I wonder if the game's in any doubt tonight? I was at Ochilview earlier and the amount of water on the pitch was incredible. Not sure that their drainage will be as good as ours right enough?
  4. Had been trying to forget that Ashwood played for us as he wasn't exactly prolific! Is Davey Bell in the bottom row then? I thought he was a tiny wee guy, doesn't look like that in the photo. I'm sure my very auld memory is likely playing tricks on me though.
  5. Got them all apart from top left and the boy next to him, and second left between McCulley and McAllister?
  6. I think the attendance will be affected quite a bit by the result on Tuesday. I think it would have been a bit healthier had we won.
  7. In all seriousness though, that's not a bad idea. A fairly simple structure would be all that would be needed but it would help enormously in reducing the open feel that the stadium has.
  8. Folk in the stand wouldn't be able to see the goals though!
  9. Aye, I think that might be right. John Jobson.
  10. Hope the players don't go all Kyle Walker on their time off!
  11. Agreed. I remember one instance in the first half where he intercepted a pass but took a poor touch and lost the ball. He had acres to run into and we would have had a decent position going forward. He's not been quite at it in the last 3 or 4 games but let's just hope it's a blip because he's a big asset when he's on his game.
  12. I've just watched the highlights and, due to him being out-jumped by that wee guy at the second goal, I take back everything I said about Mackie. Henderson had to go off at half time on Saturday as he was unwell so I assume that's why he didn't start.
  13. TBF I couldn't tell you what happened with either goal. Seems the first may not have been in and I thought the Dunfermline player had hand balled it when Kinnear tried to clear. I assume this wasn't the case though as it seems the other 9499 folk in the ground didn't agree!
  14. I haven't read any of the thread since before the game started as I can't be arsed reading the inevitable vitriol. The better team won the game and the best team is going to win the league. McPake will know that nothing fancy is required now and Dunfermline will do what they've done all season and win it in a canter. As far as we are concerned, we were absolutely shite last night. Once again we've choked in a big game and essentially made things easy for Dunfermline. I think the keeper did ok, Mackie was all right, Rowe was ok when anyone bothered to give him the ball and Henderson and Burrell weren't completely disastrous when they came on. The rest were minging. I expressed my concerns on young Max being a starter given the occasion, crowd and the fact that he'd be up against better players and it seems I was right. The man who really got on my tits though was Donaldson. It may be he's playing as he does on the manager's instruction, but he looks like he's out for a gentle stroll rather than playing football. He has always been one that slows the play but this seems to becoming a notable feature. He consistently ignored Rowe in acres of space when an attack was on and either turned and gave it to Mackie or straight to the opposition. He's a good player and should be comfortable at this level but I think he's slowly turning in to a liability.
  15. I would imagine the Stenny boy will have it on the telly on Fiday.
  16. Utter nonsense. You can see them through the pub windows when they're still open too!!
  17. I thought we were as flat as a witch's tit in the first half, no atmosphere in the ground either. 2nd half wasn't much different until the 52nd minute when the applause for Gary woke everyone up, team included. Once the first went in it was a foregone conclusion. Really nice to know that a man who was a lifelong Falkirk fan could make such a difference! There were no failures but no particular stand-outs either (apart, of course from McGuffie) although I though that Sean Mackie completely strolled it. Hope Henderson's ok as we'll need him on Tuesday.
  18. Is that not the main stand? When I looked yesterday there were onl66 seats left in the away end.
  19. According to your website there's only 6 seats available in the away end, in a stand that holds 3000? Obviously not correct. I wonder if some of our fans claimed refunds then discovered they could go, bought tickets again and the club have counted them twice? Even if that happened it wouldn't make such a difference though.
  20. That really gets on my tits. I can only imagine how annoying it would be if our fans started it and I was sat anywhere near!
  21. It's vital that the players don't get complacent and think this is a foregone conclusion. I'm sure McGlynn will have that drummed into them though. I would give McGinn a rest and bring in Max although that's the only change I would make. I was never one of those who claimed that McGinn was knackered after 60 minutes and doesn't have the legs anymore, however, I do think that he's looked a wee bit jaded in the last few games and, at 34, he probably needs a rest. I'd have him back in v Dunfermline however, no matter how well young Max plays.
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