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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Looking ahead, I suppose what you've got to think of next is that if (and most likely when) you get promoted, will McPake be able to change his style to be able to get you challenging for the Championship? I can't see you being able to replicate results the way that you have down here against largely better teams playing the same way. I don't doubt that you'll bring in better players but, again, will McPake be able to get the best out of them? It will be interesting to see what happens.
  2. I think we're in the last chance saloon already, as far as the title is concerned anyway. Dunfermline aren't going to suddenly start to lose games to any great frequency. We must win this IMO.
  3. I said a couple of months ago that you would 'shitfest' your way to the title, which seemed to upset some Pars fans at the time. I didn't mean that Dunfermline were shit, just that you had found a way to grind out results. Nothing's happened since to make me change my mind.
  4. You boys just don't get it! If you don't ask you don't get! I've also heard that Messi and Ronaldo want to play together before it's too late and have always liked the central belt of Scotland!
  5. I think the point he's making is that, if we have a fan base of around 4000 and only 600 have signed up, then maybe there are not as many fans who are as genuinely worried, anxious or fearful as you suggest.
  6. Queens' keeper is badly at fault for our 2nd (Morrison's 1st). Morrison strikes it from one corner of the box and it flies into the opposite corner of the net despite it beating the keeper on the same side as it was struck. It goes straight through him.
  7. Having watched the highlights the goals that he lost weren't as bad as I first thought. The free-kick looked like it was going over but took a sudden dip and the other one was right in the corner. It was the fucking about by Morrison and then the decision by McKay to bring the boy down that was more culpable for their first and Nesbitt being weak and failing to clear for the second. Having said that, he looked very nervous all night and I think he's got some work to do convince us that he's worthy of being first choice.
  8. We've no control over that. You do know what time of the year it is, yes?
  9. It's not really that simple though. We're losing Hogarth and PJ will be 1st choice from then on so he needs to handle the situation properly to make sure that a) Hogarth plays v Dunfermline and b) Morrison is ready to take over in the right frame of mind. Players are people and all different. One man's kick up the arse is another's arm round the shoulder. If you see what I mean?
  10. I don't think it would do PJ any harm if McGlynn handled the situation properly and explained his reasons for doing it. PJ obviously knows himself that he's had very little game time and that it would be a risk to play him in such an important game.
  11. Aye, I heard them. PJ wasn't good but he looks to me that he suffers from lack of confidence when things go wrong so getting on his back individually does him no good at all. There were also a fair few boos when we went two down. I'm not a happy clapper either but I can't be arsed with all of the booing when there's 3/4 of the game still to play! McGlynn said last night that Hogarth goes back on January 3rd so I'd play him against Dunfermline. It's too big a game to play a keeper who's rusty and low on confidence IMO.
  12. Fair play to McGlynn for thanking Jaime Wilson for his time with us, shows a bit of class. You often get these sound bites from managers but I do feel that he means every word.
  13. I heard that we were looking at Paton before he signed for Queens. Canny see why that would make him act the way he did though!
  14. Aye, the subs made a big difference. Having said that I thought that Henderson was getting a lot of space in the middle, I'd play him there against Dunfermline but he surely won't get so much time on the ball v them? I thought Burrell ran them ragged when he came on. I'd like to see him and Alegria together but that would probably mean dropping Morrison who, as we know, can be a match winner. Both of his goals tonight were very well taken. PJ gives me the fear I'm afraid. Just stood and watched the ball go over his head at the free kick although I reckon he maybe thought it was clearing the bar. I thought he could have done a bit better with the second as well although the ball was right into the corner. As it stands though I think we'll need to play him (or Martin) as Hogarth will surely be going back to Forest to release some funds?
  15. Complete coincidence. TBF he didn't really have the players to do it any other way.
  16. PJ Yeats, McKay, Mackie, McCann McGinn Morrison, Nesbitt, Oliver, Kennedy Alegria Not what I'd like necessarily what I'd like but what I think he'll put out.
  17. Don't disagree with this and don't completely disagree with your assessment of Nesbitt either. I think both would be perfectly acceptable as squad players. Nesbitt in particular I think could give us a different dimension coming off the bench, however, as far as the first 11 is concerned, I feel that Lawal is a better option and that we need a completely different type of midfielder in there too. A box to box Vaulks type to do McGinn's running and allow Lawal to concentrate on supporting the strikers would be ideal. I think the main issue with either Nesbitt or Oliver comes when we need to depend on them as starters because for all their good points there are just as many drawbacks.
  18. If you listened to McGlynn's pre QoS interview he explained why Lawal hasn't been playing. So you'd be happy if we bin the squad and start again then because that's what you seem to be suggesting? That's worked really well over the past few seasons, hasn't it?! I'm saying that a few better additions than the McKay's, Williamson's and Nesbitt's (none of whom are McGlynn's signings) of this world would make a big difference to us. A proper RB, a box to box midfielder and a striker of quality would make all the difference IMO. They would compliment the guys that McGlynn has already brought in.
  19. Yes, because they're having to play with shite!
  20. We're needing a RB, I believe there's a (apparently) half decent one just left QoS...
  21. If you think Falkirk can get better than Donaldson, McCann, McGinn, Yeats, Lawal and Burrell while in our current financial predicament and in L1 then I think you're deluded. Henderson, Watson and Mackie aren't too shabby for this level either. We all know the players that we need rid of and that process has perhaps started with Wilson leaving. There are maybe seven or eight players that need to go, none of them in the above list, before we can bring in possibly 3 or 4 of quality that would compliment what we have. I don't see that happening in January(at least not completely). If we're still in L1 next season then the second part of that scenario may not happen at all!
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