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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. So do you think we should get rid just now then or at the end of the season? Spend thousands on a pay off then start all over again. How long do you feel we should give the new guy? Should it be 'right mate, 6 months and if we're not top of the league, you're out' or maybe a full season instead? Remember that he would have to bring in his own squad and they would need to hit the ground running. The only type of manager we could hope to attract under those conditions would either be a Sheerin type punt or a Yogi type who nobody else would want IMO.
  2. I don't think it's anything to do with McGlynn as far as the naysayers are concerned. Strikes me more as folk with big axes and all day to grind them.
  3. Well, that surely depends on your interpretation? He's not saying that Holt shouldn't have been given free reign, just that he made a ripping roaring c**t of it when he was. Plus, it was Holt's job to identify players and put those recommendations to the manager(s) so it would appear that they should share the blame.
  4. Unfortunately I think it entirely possible that Alloa will beat us due to our poor form and defensive problems. If that happens and Dunfermline beat Airdrie then I don't see us competing for the league this season. That being the case we should probably spend tens of thousands sacking McGlynn and doing eeny meeny miny moe to get a new guy in.
  5. Boaby McCulley looks like a subbuteo player there!
  6. I could just about see where you're coming from if we played 4-2-3-1, but we don't.
  7. If we finish 3rd but our points total in the 2nd half is much better than the first half, would you think he would be worth an extension at that point?
  8. Do you know if there's a cash gate available for Falkirk fans?
  9. So, what would 'significantly more' look like? Admittedly we've gone off the boil in very recent games however I think he's generally got us playing better football and, as I say, there does seem to be light at the end of the tunnel that hasn't been there for a while. Bearing in mind that I did say 'as things stand' do you think that, if nothing changes and we finish where we are, he should be kept on or punted? Or should he only be kept on if we win the league?
  10. I would keep Watson providing we can punt McKay (which is unlikely) as I don't think we can afford to have 5 CDs on the books when the cash will be needed elsewhere. I'd probably keep Morrison too. He likes to frustrate but, on his day, he's valuable. When he performs the team tends to.
  11. Aye, I had a wee look and some of the designs would look great as a football shirt IMO. Of course it wouldn't matter one jot to some folk who the kit supplier, or the bovril supplier or who provides the fucking cheese for the cheeseburgers is. It's not good enough, full stop!
  12. IMO we can't continually keep churning managers. We may, for example, have been in a better position now if we'd stuck with Miller & McCracken. We'll never know of course. The thing with McGlynn however is that, although he obviously has his limitations, (like all managers) there does seem to be some light at the end of the tunnel with him. We can play well when in the mood and there does seem to be some positivity about the place that hasn't been apparent for many seasons now. This could all evaporate quite quickly though and we would need to get shot if we end up on a consistent downward trajectory. As things stand though I think he's earned the chance to take us into next season when he will have the chance to completely build his own squad which will include anyone that's out of contract that he decides to offer terms to. I would like to think though that he'll say thanks and cheerio to Williamson, Watson (if he can't encourage McKay to move on), Ross, Hetherington, McGuffie, Wilson, Sneddon and Malcolm (although we really don't know if he's any good or not). Question marks over Henderson, Nesbitt and Oliver too for me although I doubt he'll be able to get much better in within the likely budget. So, at least eight out to hopefully be replaced with four or five of superior quality.
  13. Christ, that's all we need, for them to start to get 'good'!
  14. That would have been worth a try. Only weakness (in formation) would be Morrison playing wing-back. Don't think he's good enough defensively although neither's Williamson TBF.
  15. Just watched the highlights from last night. I thought the penalty shout last week was a stone waller but last night's was unreal!
  16. I said months ago that a 3-5-2 would suit the players that we have, however, that was way back in the days that Williamson could still get his socks on.
  17. Aye, I'm not saying that we should bin them all but if, for example, Hamilton or Arbroath or whoever wanted Watson and McGlynn knew that he could get a decent RB or striker in with the wages saved then I'd be happy for that to happen given that we've not seen Watson for months anyway.
  18. I'd be happy enough if he managed to move some of McKay, Watson, Henderson, Mackie, Hetherington, Nesbitt, Oliver, McGuffie, Malcolm, Wilson, and Ross on if he can get better in. I also wouldn't be too bothered if he sent Kennedy back to Sevco and he really should be sending Hogarth back to Forest now that PJ is fit.
  19. Like many others though he's gone off the boil big time. He was dreadful last night.
  20. Completely agree with the McGinn bit. I remember McGlynn saying something like 'he won't run any marathons' or words to that effect when he signed him so we knew he wouldn't be going box to box with any sort of pace. I still think he strolls most games but he has nobody next to him to share the burden. Lawal's got to start and we should have Alegria and Burrell together. Unlikely for the former, almost definitely not for the latter!
  21. That was fucking awful! Not a chance that McGlynn's going to play Burrell and Alegria together now if he wasn't prepared to do it tonight. Nobody really got pass marks, certainly not in the first half anyway. There was an improvement in the second although we never looked like scoring. PJ was like a rabbit in the headlights and his kicking was rotten. McKay was shite as was Mackie. Donaldson's good on the ball although he slows everything down. McGinn was ok but definitely needs a rest. McGuffie, Hetherington and Nesbitt were rank and Kennedy's the definition of a sand dancer. Nothing sticks with Burrell, Alegria's better in that one up role but, now that teams know exactly what to expect from us, they really should be playing together because we need to change something. Not going to happen though.
  22. Although we've certainly got a good performance in us we've been quite 'meh' of late. I'd be pleasantly surprised if Dundee don't progress here. Having said that, maybe the fact that nobody really gives a shit about this cup may allow the players to relax a bit and perform a bit better without the usual pressure being on them? Ideally I'd like McGlynn to rest Donaldson, McCann and McGinn as we can't afford to lose any of them to injury or suspension and I'd like to see Burrell and Alegria get an extended run together up front. Problem with resting both Donaldson and McCann is that, because Henderson's out, we don't have the personnel to replace both!
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