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Aiden was transferred to Yorkhill on Thursady and they have found that his body is producing too much insulin which may be treated by medication or an operation.

I have to say when our first was born we took so much for granted and just expected everything to be ok as you do.

This has been an absolute nightmare from the emergency section.Its only now we are beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel.There have been many possibilties with Aiden but it looks like he will be fine.I am not expecting him home for a wee while yet though until his blood sugar stabilises.If he is home earlier it will be a bonus.

Edited by seamus
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Aiden was transferred to Yorkhill on Thursady and they have found that his body is producing too much insulin which may be treated by medication or an operation.

I have to say when our first was born we took so much for granted and just expected everything to be ok as you do.

This has been an absolute nightmare from the emergency section.Its only now we are beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel.There have been many possibilties with Aiden but it looks like he will be fine.I am not expecting him home for a wee while yet though until his blood sugar stabilises.If he is home earlier it will be a bonus.

Sorry to hear that, Seamus. Although, as you say the outlook is good, I'm sure you'll be enjoying your sleepness nights before too long. I hope the little man's home with you soon. :)

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Sorry to hear that, Seamus. Although, as you say the outlook is good, I'm sure you'll be enjoying your sleepness nights before too long. I hope the little man's home with you soon. :)

He has been prodded scanned and had a lumber puncture and they found nowt.He was in Yorkhill one night and they had more answers than questions.Hopefully some medication will get his body back on an even keel.

It looks like the specialist staff will get him fixed although the staff in the maternity ward were great.They just did not have the resources that Yorkhill have.When you speak to other parents in worst positions it makes you humble and thankful.

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Infacol is fantastic.

Routine is the key to success

Life is fantastic.

For you, different things work for different people. We, for example are baby lead and haven't done the routine.

HCG will keep me right but I think it's also easier to establish a routine when they are bottle fed?

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For you, different things work for different people. We, for example are baby lead and haven't done the routine.

HCG will keep me right but I think it's also easier to establish a routine when they are bottle fed?

Certainly we've had a routine from pretty much day one and have found it works really well.

It's been thrown slightly out this weekend with the clocks going back though and I expect that's why he was up at 5am this morning. It's going to be a long day.................

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For you, different things work for different people. We, for example are baby lead and haven't done the routine.

HCG will keep me right but I think it's also easier to establish a routine when they are bottle fed?

Im not sure I give a toss what HCG says. Both ours were breast fed and in a routine and it worked really well. Id be prepared to bet you cant find anyone who has tried, and stuck to, a routine and it not work.

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For you, different things work for different people. We, for example are baby lead and haven't done the routine.

HCG will keep me right but I think it's also easier to establish a routine when they are bottle fed?

I couldn't imagine not being in routine. Personally, I think it is good for a baby to be in one. That's just my opinion though, I expect, like you, there are loads out there that disagree.

Charlie has been in a routine since he was around 12 weeks, just after we moved house. He used to cry lots in the evening but after we established a routine, he was much more happy.

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Im not sure I give a toss what HCG says. Both ours were breast fed and in a routine and it worked really well. Id be prepared to bet you cant find anyone who has tried, and stuck to, a routine and it not work.

Fair enough. I just didn't believe in a regimented you were fed four hours ago you will eat now approach. What we do works for us and that's the most important thing, doing what works best for you and baby!

I have a happy content little man doing it this way.

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Fair enough. I just didn't believe in a regimented you were fed four hours ago you will eat now approach. What we do works for us and that's the most important thing, doing what works best for you and baby!

I have a happy content little man doing it this way.

Likewise! :)

To be honest, Charlie doesn't really stop eating. He is fed every four hours but he normally has stuff in between then, like bits of our lunch, or a sweet.

It's no wonder he is a big lad!

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Likewise! :)

To be honest, Charlie doesn't really stop eating. He is fed every four hours but he normally has stuff in between then, like bits of our lunch, or a sweet.

It's no wonder he is a big lad!

Haha! I was meaning more when he was tiny.

Now he's still not a big eater. Likes his fruit and chedder cheese between meals. He's currently eating Irish Stew!

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Haha! I was meaning more when he was tiny.

Now he's still not a big eater. Likes his fruit and chedder cheese between meals. He's currently eating Irish Stew!


What time does your boy normally go down at night?

Charlie is 10 months now and he is almost always in bed before 7pm and that is him until at least 7am.

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In the name of the law?

Cal's settled into his own routine during the day, but bedtime is a routine we dictated to him.

I sniggered a bit at that, but a big reason for that is that earlier on today, I suddenly remembered the joke that went along with that one, "Where does a policeman live? 999 Letsbe Avenue".

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What time does your boy normally go down at night?

Charlie is 10 months now and he is almost always in bed before 7pm and that is him until at least 7am.

Thomas is 8 months. He gets his bath now just after 7pm (depending exactly on when I get in as I usually do it), gets fed when he goes back downstairs and then goes to sleep in his own time whenever he's ready. He's often asleep by 8pm, usually by 8:30pm but occasionally, like last night, it's a bit later. Was well after 9pm when he went to bed last night. He usually wakes about 6:30am although he actually woke for half an hour at 2:30am this morning. I think his teeth are bothering him.

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