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RH33 last won the day on July 20 2023

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About RH33

  • Birthday 28/09/1982

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    Ross County

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  1. 12.5 months with the same car. I'm doing well!
  2. Mine have had them for a while. I'm not going to pretend otherwise. My son got an Xbox at 10 I think. We don't have many toys left and I simply don't have the patience to play board games etc. This summer been first they've (girls, son still AWOL) not really been on booked activities. Wee one was north. I'm working full time from home and it is easier. When you're on own as parent and they were younger, it was an easy babysitter to have a shit in peace! Off next week though. And they're away one night of it
  3. I think the police have a difficult job but that guy's out line. Would be interesting to see wider context but a head stamp like that kills.
  4. Nah, plus it's the holidays so there wee bodies are all out of routine. She'll soon settle back into sleeping pattern when schools back.
  5. Enrolled on the MSc Psychology Conversion. Open Uni has finally received BAP accreditation for their course. Was going to do the RGU one but other things got in way.
  6. Why did we stop sending kids up chimneys?! Granted one of them maybe a bit roundt to fit but other would. Better way pass the summer holidays.....
  7. -2 (But I'm a lassie so hope that still counts!)
  8. My uncle lives in Troon. Messaged him this morning and he said winds from north and absolutely freezing.
  9. Some are louder than others. Daschunds for example
  10. I just happen buy the shortest shit.
  11. How much is decking some paving and like costing. I'd happily lay a concrete slab.
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