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Hard Graft

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  1. Ayr certainly looked the part last night, closed us down very quickly and were physically strong. Their actions prevented us playing out from the back as normal. Losing 4 goals to headers has alarm bells ringing and the game seemed too fast for Wedderburn, perhaps time has caught up with him. Matty Aitken is still an enigma but was given no protection at all by the incompetent Gavin Duncan. More questions asked than answered last night. Plenty for the gaffer to think about.
  2. Falkirk fan telling me that United were really poor and that any team that has a good go at them should get some success. Hopefully we have a go at them and see what we can do.
  3. Nice laid back build up to the game on the BBC. Hard to imaging that England are in a major final given that the press and media are hardly making mention of it!
  4. Mates wife knows nothing about football but says she understands people. Her comment last night " Harry Kane's a C*nt"
  5. Be interesting to hear what your best deal is.
  6. Just back from Alaska. A few shots of the Dawes Glacier and surrounding area.
  7. Sat with an arsehole on a cruise a few weeks ago. He was a retired banker who apparently specialised in deals for airlines buying aircraft. His wife was pleasant but he gave of an air of being better than anyone else. Subject came up of what other holidays were planned for this year and they gleefully told us their plans but upon hearing mine you could see he was distinctly taken aback and asked what my employment has been as if disbelieving someone could better him. Highlight came when he started to slag the cruise-line (Celebrity) off and I told him he was talking rubbish and quoted 3 that in my opinion were at the bottom of the pile. He immediately finished his desert and stood up and started to walk away. His wife asked where he was going and he curtly replied "Follow Me". You could see his wife was embarrassed by his actions. As Johnny Beattie used to say Line 4 Position 2 - Wan*er
  8. Into Baggage return at 10.10 yesterday to complete chaos. Only 1 belt working and already three flights of luggae were being put on the belt. Still to come was JFK and Calgary flights. Arseholes allowing their kids to mingle at the side of the belt when people are trying to remove cases. I told one dumb mother her kid was going to get hurt and the look of defiance was unbelievable. Eventually got cases after 45 minute wait at which point they opened the second belt had had several flights waiting on it as well.
  9. Great to see that almost every game is preceded by reports on how Engerland are doing. Perhaps now is the time to call the programmes "England preview and updates with some foreign johnies playing later". They really cannot help themselves.
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