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I take it your wife didn't need the drip then? I horrible time getting induced. Went in on the Sunday, had first dose of Prostin, another on Monday, spent two days with minor contractions, finally got waters broken on Wednesday about 1pm, reached 5 hours of the maximum dose of Oxytocin and eventually had to have an emergency section. Wee man eventually came out 0:00 on the Thursday! You guys were very lucky!

Bloody hell. I had the prostin stuff at 1pm then due to several emergancies didn't get the Systocin up until 3am and had the baby at 12.40pm.

My waters broke, no contractions nothing, just a gush of water, took a few seconds to realise what was happening! Because I am a Strep B carrier they then induced me rather than waiting for the labour to start natrually.

She had the drip yes. Wasn't Oxytocin, something similar Systocin maybe? Or is that the same thing with a different brand name?

She got up to maximum dose for a while though they turned it down as it was working too well! :huh:

That's what I had too.

I hope you got some sleep last night and aren't getting too many visitors!

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She had the drip yes. Wasn't Oxytocin, something similar Systocin maybe? Or is that the same thing with a different brand name?

She got up to maximum dose for a while though they turned it down as it was working too well! :huh:

A bit of research reveals it probably was the Syntocinon - the whole experience was a tad overwhelming! I had an epidural and suffered some complications from that as well that weren't fixed for a few days.

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A bit of research reveals it probably was the Syntocinon - the whole experience was a tad overwhelming! I had an epidural and suffered some complications from that as well that weren't fixed for a few days.

I take it he's going to be an only child? If I'd been through all that I doubt I'd have any more.

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I hope you got some sleep last night and aren't getting too many visitors!

Actually we probably got too much sleep last night. He's a wee bit jaundiced so they said he MUST be fed every four hours but we actually let him sleep from 9:30pm to 3:30am before giving up on him waking himself and getting him up. Given how little sleep Maureen had the previous two night I was keen not to wake him before he actually woke himself if it wasn't absolutely necessary. Then he went back to sleep and woke again about 6:30am and again at 7:30am when we just got up. After getting him sorted and back to sleep downstairs I slept on the couch most of the morning as I wasn't actually feeling 100% myself this morning but I feel a lot better now. Just trying to get him into a four hour routine and it seems to be working now though he's eating like a horse.

Just got him off to bed half an hour ago but he's to be up at 1:30 for a feed and again at 5:30. They say once the jaundice goes away we can let him sleep a bit longer if he wants to but whilst it's there it has to be regular feeds.

A bit of research reveals it probably was the Syntocinon - the whole experience was a tad overwhelming! I had an epidural and suffered some complications from that as well that weren't fixed for a few days.

That's the fellow I think. I knew it began with an "Sy" anyway. :ph34r:

As Rowan is already aware because we discussed it by PM, epidural is not available in Dumfries & Galloway anyway.

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I'm a dad too!!!!

Had a baby girl this morning. We didn't need to be induced (went for a curry saturday night) and within a few hours labour started. 25 Hrs from start to finish. In the end it needed a caserean.

Words really cant explain the emotions during those 25 hrs.

Congratulations! :D

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I'm a dad too!!!!

Had a baby girl this morning. We didn't need to be induced (went for a curry saturday night) and within a few hours labour started. 25 Hrs from start to finish. In the end it needed a caserean.

Words really cant explain the emotions during those 25 hrs.

Congratulations :D

Mother and baby as well as can be expected I hope? Weight? Name?

Enjoy your quiet time now the stress is temporarily passed. As someone 3-4 days ahead of you the next few days are amongst the most daunting you'll ever face. I guess you might get a little temporary relief if she had a cesarian as she might be in a little longer? :unsure:

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I'm a dad too!!!!

Had a baby girl this morning. We didn't need to be induced (went for a curry saturday night) and within a few hours labour started. 25 Hrs from start to finish. In the end it needed a caserean.

Words really cant explain the emotions during those 25 hrs.

Many congratulations and a lovely name too.

Actually we probably got too much sleep last night. He's a wee bit jaundiced so they said he MUST be fed every four hours but we actually let him sleep from 9:30pm to 3:30am before giving up on him waking himself and getting him up. Given how little sleep Maureen had the previous two night I was keen not to wake him before he actually woke himself if it wasn't absolutely necessary. Then he went back to sleep and woke again about 6:30am and again at 7:30am when we just got up. After getting him sorted and back to sleep downstairs I slept on the couch most of the morning as I wasn't actually feeling 100% myself this morning but I feel a lot better now. Just trying to get him into a four hour routine and it seems to be working now though he's eating like a horse.

Just got him off to bed half an hour ago but he's to be up at 1:30 for a feed and again at 5:30. They say once the jaundice goes away we can let him sleep a bit longer if he wants to but whilst it's there it has to be regular feeds.

Yup, my wee one was jaundice too, took weeks and weeks to clear but seemingly it take longer in breastfed babies. Natural light is good for it so we parked Ruairdh in the carrycot bit of his pram by the window alot of the time too. I was never told the 4 hour thing :huh:

I hope you two boys are taking your fair share of the dirty nappies :P

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Don't worry ND, a woman's body is apparently programmed to make us forget the pain of labour.

Just as well, really, or there'd be a hell of a lot more single-child families!

One of the things I said a few minutes after I gave birth was "och that wasn't too bad, I'll do it again". I'd quite like 4 kids.

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Yup, my wee one was jaundice too, took weeks and weeks to clear but seemingly it take longer in breastfed babies. Natural light is good for it so we parked Ruairdh in the carrycot bit of his pram by the window alot of the time too. I was never told the 4 hour thing :huh:

I hope you two boys are taking your fair share of the dirty nappies :P

As far as I can gather there seems a difference of opinion on what is "right" about many baby things from medical professional to medical professional and from hospital to hospital. Hell even within the same midwife team we've occasionally had contradictory advice already.

And yes, I've had the dirty nappy bit though generally we do them together. I do most of the feeding so far. And though we worked as a team both nights, I basically did his bath tonight and Maureen basically did it last night. I haven't done any of the making up of food so far. That's on the "to do" list though I was talked through it tonight.

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Many congratulations and a lovely name too.

Yup, my wee one was jaundice too, took weeks and weeks to clear but seemingly it take longer in breastfed babies. Natural light is good for it so we parked Ruairdh in the carrycot bit of his pram by the window alot of the time too. I was never told the 4 hour thing :huh:

I hope you two boys are taking your fair share of the dirty nappies :P

At the last count I was leading my partner 3 -1 on the nappy changes. She should build up a comfortable lead though as I reluctantly had to leave them earlier tonight.

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One of the things I said a few minutes after I gave birth was "och that wasn't too bad, I'll do it again". I'd quite like 4 kids.

One of the things Maureen said was "Under no circumstances am I doing that again". One of the things I said was, "If she does, she can find someone else to sit with her through it!" :lol:

I don't know if we'd want more kids. House isn't really big enough for more and we're a good bit older than most people starting families but we'll see. At this point, Lord alone knows how people cope with twins and more, my admiration for them knows no bounds! I'd imagine coping with a toddler AND a baby would be just about as difficult and if we were going to have more we'd need to do it damned soon. Given the long four years plus it's been to get to this stage I'm not convinced it would be as easy as all that just to have another anyway.

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We found that aswell SD almost minutes into parenthood.

At the ante natal classes the midwife was adement that swadling was a no no now. Reasoning was that the child finds it restrictive and stressful.

Then the first ward swaddled our child and said the child likes the secure coxy feel.

Then when we moved ward the midwife on that ward didn't swaddle.

Even during the whole pregnancy folk tell you conflicting recommendations. Suppose its just finding out whats best for your child.

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Making up the bottles has to be the most frustrating thing ever.

I always got distracted and lost count of the scoops ('' That dog has a puffy tail! TEE HEE!!'')and would have to discard the whole sorry mess and start again. Immensely annoying.

Congratuations ND and Skyline Drifter. Thomas is a wee cracker! We're due on the 18th March and looking at those pictures of a real , live baby sort of brings it home to you that there's going to be a othermember of your family soon. Up to theis point, my partner and I are sort of concentraiting on getting orgamised for the birth and the aftermath and that and all the kind of practical stuff, but we've not really considered all the good stuff - like having an actual new baby in our lives, if you know what I mean.

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As far as I can gather there seems a difference of opinion on what is "right" about many baby things from medical professional to medical professional and from hospital to hospital. Hell even within the same midwife team we've occasionally had contradictory advice already.

And yes, I've had the dirty nappy bit though generally we do them together. I do most of the feeding so far. And though we worked as a team both nights, I basically did his bath tonight and Maureen basically did it last night. I haven't done any of the making up of food so far. That's on the "to do" list though I was talked through it tonight.

See I was told only to bath the baby once a week-10 days for the first month and top and tail him every night with warm water and cotton wool! to do with them not dropping their core temprature.

I gave up listening to the professionals, in fact I checked us out of hospital 10 day (we'd been readmitted) after the wee one was born as they were trying to force me to use formula instead of EBM and actually the best bit of advice we got when we were struggling with Ruairidh's weight was from HCG on here.

I've found that being lead by Ruairidh has worked well, I've not done strict routines or read any books and he's a happy content little man who sleeps through.

Also, they are excellent at telling you when somethings wrong!

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