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Oh, there's already been all sorts of baby boom predictions off the back of 50 Shades. I do remember it being July that I heard/read loads about it because I was on placement at the time.

I think it's probably more to do with drunken summer parties and barbecues actually.

Tbf, at my work we've had 5 weddings in 6 months. So we're all having honeymoon babies. But that's giving our boss some headache with 4 girls off on mat leave at round about the same time.

If my baby's born with a moustache and a sombrero, there will be a stewards enquiry.

PS well done Addie and Clancy.

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People are full of good advice for raising kids.

The fact is, if you have a brain in your head you will be able to give your kids a good grounding and when they get to a certain age their own will power will come in to play when faced with opportunities both good and bad.

Thats true, but the problem is a lot of parents dont have a brain. I dont have a problem with advice, either giving or receiving. Sometimes other peoples opinions make you think of things differently and programmes like Supernanny and House of Tiny Tearaways can give you some good techniques on dealing with difficult situations and behaviour. The one thing I dont agree with is someone else telling you how to raise your kids.

Here's a forum appropriate question, what age do we think it's acceptable to start taking the wee ones to the football? I'm desperate to get Josh to a Queens game but he's a bit young yet.

Our first went to games quite regularly as a little baby. Neither have shown much interest in going lately, and if they do go spend most of the time playing on their DSs!

I still ask them, now and again, if they want to go but usually its a no. Ive learned there isnt much point making them go at any age, as they just fidget and get bored.

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Ive learned there isnt much point making them go at any age, as they just fidget and get bored.

That's why junior/non-league/any ground with terracing still extant and in use is a good idea, they can run around/swing on the crush barriers/sit on the boundary wall to their hearts content.

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That's why junior/non-league/any ground with terracing still extant and in use is a good idea, they can run around/swing on the crush barriers/sit on the boundary wall to their hearts content.

Palmerston has plenty of terracing ;) But, as I go with my Dad whos knees arent capable of standing for 90 minutes, we sit in the stand.

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My kids haven't been to Queens "properly" yet. Steven (who is now 2 and a half) hasn't been at all. Thomas was at an end of season game against Airdrie when he had just turned 1 but he was in a pushchair and slept through half the game and probably wasn't even looking at the pitch for the other half.

Thomas is now 3 and a half and could probably just about go if he wanted to. He can't go with me because I work at the matches but he could go with his mother and grandads. However, for various reasons, not least that my dad just had a hip replacement, neither grandad has been there much themselves recently and now it's getting colder his mother probably won't let him go so I don't think he'll be there before the Spring. We'll see. He's shown no real desire to go anyway and no interest in football yet either.

Steven has more interest in it and has said in the past that he wants to go to football with daddy but he's too wee and he doesn't like noise and he also never sits still for more then five minutes so I don't see him going anytime soon either.

Thomas did come with me to an Annan Athletic game at one point last year though when we didn't have a game. He wasn't interested in the football but enjoyed walking about the terrace!

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Well today we had her first birthday party and me and her mum are shattered it wad a blazing hot day herw the house and garden were absolutly rammed and i have spent a lot of time building things with wheels. Its been brilliant though

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Sat next to my 2 year old and started talking to him whilst he was watching Mr Moon. He shhhhh'ed me.:o

Now I know how my wife feels when she talks to me over the football.:lol:

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I get a hand over my mouth if I talk during her TV time, TBF I feel like doing the same if someone does it to me, that's my girllaugh.gif.

My oldest (she's 4) just casts me daggers if I dare talk over her tv time. Sometimes she humours me, but has the compulsary rolling of her eyes before hand.

Kids - they break your heart! :lol:

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Here's a forum appropriate question, what age do we think it's acceptable to start taking the wee ones to the football? I'm desperate to get Josh to a Queens game but he's a bit young yet.

I can't see my older daughter (who is almost 3) coming to a game anytime soon but I have already brainwashed her anyway. She told her mum this summer that Stevie May sent her a pair of trousers and Ryan McCord sent a top. My confused wife asked who these people were, and was told "friends of me and daddy". She also calls ginger bread men "McCords", which led to an exasperated babysitter telling us the wee one had been asking for a McCord all afternoon and what was it.

Yes, I know I am a loser.

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