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Did I mention that Madison's 4th came through t'other day?



We're also at 4 teeth. We've also finally decided to attempt crawling and we've managed a "Mum" "Da" and "hello". Mostly, though, he's just content to sit and bounce up and down on his bum and squeal. A very high-pitched squeal.

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Went for a scan with wife on Tuesday (about 28 weeks gone). Everything was fine, baby is distinctly normal in terms of head size and waist? size (unlike father!), so very happy with that. The consultant in place of the normal obstetrician was from Northern Ireland, as was the student doctor with her, and my wife being from there also lead to a long discussion about the place and where everyone came from.

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Thanks. We didn't think to ask what sex the baby was, just happy that everything is okay. Wife went to first aqua natal class in the pool yesterday and enjoyed. She met a few new fellow mothers to be too, so all good.

It's more fun when you don't know! We also asked not to be told when he was born so we could find out for ourselves. :) I really enjoyed the aqua natal classes, too. Swimming was brilliant - it was the only time I felt comfortable towards the end of my pregnancy as the water supported all my weight. Fab. :)

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Really! We have two, at six and a half months.

Really, none, not one, nothing, nada, nil.

He's 1 in 3 weeks!

I hated swimming, I'm a strong swimmer and love it but I went when I was about 6 months and found it really weird as my centre of gravity had changed.

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Guest The Phoenix
for some reason that I can't quite explain, I'm drawn to this thread and keep coming back every other night.

All Gingers except my wee pal, G_Man, should be automatically banned from the Pregnancy Thread. :P

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We're also at 4 teeth. We've also finally decided to attempt crawling and we've managed a "Mum" "Da" and "hello". Mostly, though, he's just content to sit and bounce up and down on his bum and squeal. A very high-pitched squeal.

Alexandra could walk before she could crawl. She used to get around on her bum using her legs to pull her along and one arm to push - she could move like that at a fair rate. I think Madison will be an early walker too as she's always wanting to stand up to look around. I think Alexandra was 9 months when she started padding about.

It was fookin ages before she talked though, well over a year. Now we can't get her to STFU. :o

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Alexandra could walk before she could crawl. She used to get around on her bum using her legs to pull her along and one arm to push - she could move like that at a fair rate. I think Madison will be an early walker too as she's always wanting to stand up to look around. I think Alexandra was 9 months when she started padding about.

It was fookin ages before she talked though, well over a year. Now we can't get her to STFU. :o

Bum shuffling is Ruairidh's prefered mode of movement to. He also likes to say Dadadadadada at various volumes and pitches all day long.

He's also not fond of sleeping through the night at the moment. I'm shattered. He's off to nursery this morning and I'm not working until noon, I fancy crawling back into bed but I need to clean the house :(

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Bum shuffling is Ruairidh's prefered mode of movement to. He also likes to say Dadadadadada at various volumes and pitches all day long.

He's also not fond of sleeping through the night at the moment. I'm shattered. He's off to nursery this morning and I'm not working until noon, I fancy crawling back into bed but I need to clean the house :(

Thomas slept the whole night like an angel last night. Went to sleep later than usual at about 9:45pm but was still asleep when we gave up waiting for him to stir this morning and got ourselves up about 7:45am. He was awake when I went back through ten minutes later and just lying quietly. Whether he'd woken naturally or the noise of the shower and hoover had done it I know not. Bliss!

He really didn't like being on his front for months but now will lie there for a few minutes if you put him on his front. Still absolutely no signs of even attempting to crawl though never mind managing it. He can move himself on his back though by jamming his heels into the floor and moving his bum backwards. He regularly turns circles on the floor too and can usually be found at right angles to the position he was left in if you leave him five minutes.

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Thomas slept the whole night like an angel last night. Went to sleep later than usual at about 9:45pm but was still asleep when we gave up waiting for him to stir this morning and got ourselves up about 7:45am. He was awake when I went back through ten minutes later and just lying quietly. Whether he'd woken naturally or the noise of the shower and hoover had done it I know not. Bliss!

He really didn't like being on his front for months but now will lie there for a few minutes if you put him on his front. Still absolutely no signs of even attempting to crawl though never mind managing it. He can move himself on his back though by jamming his heels into the floor and moving his bum backwards. He regularly turns circles on the floor too and can usually be found at right angles to the position he was left in if you leave him five minutes.

And he's got teeth!!!

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We have a bum shuffler/head circler here as well. It doesn't matter where you put him, he'll end up a good distance away from there in a few minutes. I was starting to think he'd just stick with the shuffling and not bother with the crawling actually - some babies just never bother doing it. However, he has now started getting on to his front and lifting his tummy off the floor - his knees have started coming up at the same time though so he looks like he's doing press ups. :lol:

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My friends baby is seven months old, and although not crawling yet, she drags herself along the ground at quite a speed and can cover some distance if you don't keep your eye on her. It's quite cute, really. I was visiting last week and got the duty of feeding her lunch. I'd never fed a baby before. She kept closing her mouth before the spoon was inside. She sucks her index and middle fingers almost constantly, and after every mouthful, she'd stick her fingers back into her mouth. Awww. Sweet.

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My friends baby is seven months old, and although not crawling yet, she drags herself along the ground at quite a speed and can cover some distance if you don't keep your eye on her. It's quite cute, really. I was visiting last week and got the duty of feeding her lunch. I'd never fed a baby before. She kept closing her mouth before the spoon was inside. She sucks her index and middle fingers almost constantly, and after every mouthful, she'd stick her fingers back into her mouth. Awww. Sweet.

But glad you could hand her back?!

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But glad you could hand her back?!

She was great, but I am not used to carrying babies and my arms were sore for a solid two days afterward. :lol:

She has three other kids, the eldest is six and she was at school. The next is four and she was at nursery for half of the day. The only boy is two and a half, and just started potty training. He came over to tell us he'd done a poo in his pants. We actually told him to tell us when he needed a poo, not once he'd done it. They're all great, but I'd have my hands full with the baby. I don't know how she does it. Incidentally, I read your comment about people disapproving of you still feeding your baby. Said friend was still feeding the boy until she was well into her pregnancy with her fourth.

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