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Mo Wonderboy

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They sucked

No they didn't. An amazing heel stable that made the crowd hate them purely by showing their faces. Any stable that can make Stevie Richards look like a top liner needs to be given credit.

WWE wasted them badly.

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ECW on Sci-Fi 19/02/2008

Incase that writing isn't big enough and the million previous similar posts I've done aren't enough, I'm going to spoiler tag this baby.

Cracking looking main event, with Jack Swagger and Mark Henry vs. Christian and Finlay.

Paul Burchill vs. The Boogeyman

Burchill did a spoof of Christian Bale which leads to this match. I can't say that I approve. Well, I approve of the reasons, but The Boogeyman ? He's awful. The fact that a match this short managed to be so bad has to be a sign of how bad Boogeyman is. I know for a fact that Burchill is better than crap like this. Of course, he'll probably get sacked soon, so it's no big deal really.

ECW Title on the line as Jack Swagger defends against Christian next week.

John Morrison vs. Tommy Dreamer

Tommy Dreamer is on a losing streak for anyone wondering, so I can only guess he's gonna lose here. Dreamer takes a nasty bump from the apron to the floor. How about some ouch with that ouch ? Actually a decent wee match and well plotted out. Morrison managed to look really good here, but it was helped by the midmatch drama of The Miz's interference. You have to wonder where exactly they're going to do with Dreamer at the end of this.

Backstage with Finlay and Hornswoggle and Christian decides to join the party and gets whipped with a towel. Finlay says he and his son will keep their end up.

ECW are BIG time hyping Evan Bourne's return.

Tyson Kidd vs. Caden Matthews

Kidd looked absolutely brilliant this week, and considering how short a time he was in the ring, that is a hell of an achievement. That Elbow Drop he did at the end matched any I ever seen from HBK or even Randy Savage himself.

Tommy Dreamer and Ricky Ortiz are backstage. f**k OFF RICKY !!! I'm not even covering this.

Mark Henry and Jack Swagger vs. Christian and Finlay

Has anyone noticed that the usual "come back from commercial breaks with a Chinlock" thing is happening less and less in WWE at the moment ? I actually said to myself "no headlock when we come back" and sure enough, there wasn't one. It didn't take long for one to happen though. Another tag match on TV where you feel the guys can do this stuff in their sleep. It says a lot for the improvement of Mark Henry that he can do that as well now. It's just little things he's added, like adding snap to his moves. Anyhoo, decent main event.



The usual inoffensive hour of wrestling from ECW. This Tyson Kidd fellow looks like one to watch, while the Finlay/Hornswoggle thing intrigues as does the Tommy Dreamer situation. Simple booking, and it's working, as ECW is still the most entertaining of the three brands on a consistant basis. While RAW and Smackdown have amazing times and bad times, ECW constantly puts on the same decent standard every week.

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Tyson Kidd (AKA TJ Wilson) is a wrestler I've been high on for a while, coming from the dungeon he is obviously technically profficient. The main thing that sets him apart from being your generic technician is his mic skills which we haven't had the chance to see yet on ECW. If only he was an actual relation to the Hart family he would have been fast tracked up quicker.

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Indeed. WWE were even willing to give the fake Hart ( Teddy Hart ) a shot and he blew it twice due to his awful attitude. I'm sure that didn't help Wilson who is a great friend of Hart and no doubt would have backed him up big time. He's made it to TV eventually, and I'll be damned if he isn't shocking he hell out of me.

My one and only experience of TJ Wilson before now was his god awful match with Teddy Hart on an ROH show way back in 2003.

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I'm a huge Teddy Hart fan. His main event fued with Homicide in JAPW has some of my favourite matches of the decade so far, including a MENTAL triple threat match which had Eddie Kingston in it as well. He's a spot monkey, but in the AJ Styles mould. He knows when to get his spots in.

I have major problems with his attitude though. The number of places he's found himself blackballed from is incredible, and has also made some pretty bad enemies in the wrestling world.

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You don't have to be flashy to be a spot monkey. Styles was actually better in his earlier days because he HAD the moves and knew exactly how to use them. That is what set him apart from the other guys in the X Division, and it's what made him one of the best in the world at that point.

He's lost a lot of that because he's lost the flash. He's going to need to get that back if TNA want him in the main event scene, because it looks like they do.

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:lol: DH Smith fucked himself. They were gonna bring him and Wilson to ECW together but Smith decided he would talk with Raw management to try and talk his way into Randy Ortons Legacy and in turn got his push revoked. :lol:

Also I fukin love Colt.......I jus wish he would change his name back.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Thats what I mean. The pace he wrestle at is way too fast for the likes of Sting and the older guys in the main event.

Taking his moves away doesn't help that. If he wrestles fast, he wrestles fast, no matter how big his moveset is.

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