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Mo Wonderboy

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Nothing really. HHH beat up Cody Rhodes in a cage and The Legacy stood around looking like idiots, but they never really had a choice with that.

Rey just beat "Hey, Dolph Ziggler." pretty easily.

Shawn Michaels stole the pin from The Undertaker in a tag match over JBL and Kozlov. HBK then Superkicked Taker on the ramp.

Not sure there's anything else of note.

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At least after this long Y2J - Legends storyline they have finally announced a match that everyone wants to see :mellow:

Jericho vs 3 guys who cant wrestle anymore, that'll put the buy rates up after everyone thinking it would be jericho - austin/hogan/flair/rourke. What a fuckin dissapointment!

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Congratulations to WWE for making another fued hit the pits.

I'm assuming I know what you're talking about here.

When Snuka's music hit I nearly creamed my drawers thinking it was Jeff Jarretts WCW music!

Even though I knew there was absolutely no chance of it being the case, I still got VERY excited for a second.

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Also, I'm quite pissed off that Test didn't get a single mention during Raw.

Not even a "In memory of..." fade at the end.

What does that say, really? "Yes, he worked for us.. But it was only Test."

Okay, he was never a huge star and a massive crowd favorite, But he was solid enough whenever he was needed and all he gets is a snippet on the website, which now appears to be gone completely.

Did we really need 2 3/5 minute 12 Rounds adverts on the show? Surely it's not too difficult to throw together a minutes worth of material as a tribute?

No, it's not. I could do that in 5 minutes, and that's without actually having any footage handy.

I'm actually surprised it's made me this angry!

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WWE Wrestlemania XV

There's a wee bit of idiocy running through this show as it relates to the IC Title and the Hardcore Title. I'll get to both.

Billy Gunn © vs. Al Snow vs. Hardcore Holly - WWE Hardcore Championship

Right, the idea was to have Road Dogg as the hardcore title guy, but Vince Russo, being the wacky guy that he is, decided to switch things and have Billy Gunn as the hardcore guy. Nevermind the fact that the fans wanted to see Road Dogg win the Hardcore Title. What we really needed was a swerve for the biggest show of the year. We'll come back to this whole thing later, since it was a swap deal with the IC Title, and the Road Dogg part is much more frustrating. The match itself wasn't very good apart from a couple of good spots. The ending was horrible as well. Al Snow missing Air Sabu in the corner was pretty good though.

Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett © vs. Test and D'Lo Brown - WWE World Tag Team Championships

Not much arguement with this match. I guess they needed something to do with the tag champs, but did anyone really think that Test and D'Lo Brown were going to win the tag team titles ? Test wears a t-shirt saying "GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE. I KILL PEOPLE.". Lightning pace of a match as the two teams basically had five minutes out there and all four men seemed to be treating it like it was the biggest night of their lives, busting their asses big time for a match which didn't matter a jot.

Butterbean vs. Bart Gunn - Brawl 4 All Match

I have an issue with any time such a match is booked on a wrestling show. If I want to watch boxing, I'll watch boxing. It should be noted that this was dumbass booking, and managed to make Bart Gunn look like the biggest chump ever. He had to move half way around the world to look any good again. The match is a hilarious match as Bart Gunn gets destroyed right off the bat. That knockout punch was absolutely great. I can watch that punch over and over again. :lol:

The Big Show vs. Mankind

Not the meaningless match that it looks as it all tied in with the main event that was coming later. I actually have no bones with this match or the main event as they were big enough of a deal, but it could have been much bigger. The Big Show does a Russian Legsweep in this match, which is news to me. I don't know how Mankind survives some of the stuff he goes through. He takes two absolutely vile bumps in this match and I sometimes wonder if he is even human. This is an intense and physical battle which was a great deal of fun. Nothing memorable which is a shame because both guys were clearly ready for something memorable.

Road Dogg © vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Val Venis vs. Goldust - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Billy Gunn was going to be going for this match, but as explained earlier, we needed a Russo swerve, and this was basically the death of Billy Gunn's fued before it even started, as he was relegated to the Hardcore Division for no good reason. An absolute joke of a match which was a complete mess. The whole thing was a mockery of the IC Title.

Triple H vs. Kane

This was basically a means to and end, as nobody was sure what was going to happen between Kane, Triple H and Chyna heading into this match. This was the night that all would be made clear. Russoriffic ending to the match, but it made sense considering the way the fued was going. As for the match, it was boring apart from when Chyna came down and brought the steps in, and from that point onwards, they did a good job of bringing the fans into things.

Tori © vs. Sable - WWE Women's Championship

This is pretty crappy stuff. The worst thing about it is that they were expected to go out there and do the sort of things that they blatantly weren't good enough to be doing. Considering how pointless the whole thing turned out to be, I can't understand that. Crap match.

Shane McMahon © vs. X-Pac - WWE European Championship

Remember the days when Shane McMahon wasn't even allowed to look like the equal of a midcarder nevermind the Wrestlemania main eventer ? This was an incredibly entertaining match from a sports entertainment standpoint, as Shane McMahon played the scummy heel perfectly and was never made to look strong, getting help every single time that he needed it. Worth a look. ***1/4

The Big Bossman vs. The Undertaker - Hell in a Cell Match

Micheal Cole : "You can get a finger caught in there."

Micheal Cole doing a great job of explaining the problems with HiaC. Quite a good visual at the end of this match with The Big Bossman getting hung from the cell. A bit vicious but hey, that's The Undertaker for ya. The fans turned on this match about 10 minutes into it, with some booing and the fans chanting "Boring.". They really had enough of this match and you can't blame them. Pretty much the worst match of this type that you'll ever see. The guys in the match, as if realising that, go right for the finish.

The Rock © vs. Steve Austin, No Disqualification Match - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

I've said that this match shouldn't have made it to the main event of Wrestlemania and I stand by that. I won't let that take away from what was an exciting main event. This was one for the "rollercoaster" list and was an absolute joy to watch from start to finish with loads of ref changs and interferences and dramatic moments to keep the fans nuclear throughout. You can't help but love a match which is as much pure fun as this. ****



One of the worst Wrestlemanias ever, mainly thanks to the moronic booking of a lot of the matches, but there were times when it felt right. The main event and Shane/X-Pac help this to stand above other bad Manias. Infact, the main event is well worth a look.

This was the first Wrestlemania I watched. I bought it on VHS last year for $1 in a yard sale in Canada :lol:

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This was the first Wrestlemania I watched. I bought it on VHS last year for $1 in a yard sale in Canada :lol:

I got the original WWF dvd release from eBay a couple of years ago for £4. Bargain.

They didn't mention Test because they don't want more steroid linked deaths damaging the comapnies reputation.

And Taker-HBK and HHH-Orton are the only matches i'm looking forward to. The Jericho thing better improve or it will be the most disappointing thing i've ever witnessed in wrestling.

It's the same reason, no doubt, that they didn't mention the Von Erich's induction into the HoF - instead keeping the announcement on wwe.com

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