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Mo Wonderboy

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March 17, 2009

DETROIT, MI - Former UFC Heavyweight Champion, Tim Sylvia was involved in a fight at a bar in downtown Detroit Michigan with 7 foot, 320 pound WWE Superstar, Glen 'Kane' Jacobs (pictured above).

No details are currently being released on how the fight started. A witness says the two were arguing and Tim Sylvia instigated the fight. Jacobs quickly took Sylvia to the ground and repeatedly punched him in the face. The bartender along with a bystander helped pull Jacobs off Sylvia. Sylvia was said to have suffered a broken nose and a black eye.

The police were notified but since the fight was not prolonged and neither men wanted to press any charges, no arrests were made. Sylvia was driven by a friend who was with him to the hospital to treat the broken nose. Glen Jacobs left the scene with his wife shortly after.

More details to be released as they come in.

Wrestling 1-0 MMA it seems lol

Be even better if it was true. Unfortunately Glen Jacobs was something like 3000 miles away from Detriot.

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I know I said I'd do the ROH PPV but this appeared on the net.

ROH on HDNet 21/03/2009

ROH make their TV debut on TV ! Main event is Tyler Black vs. Jimmy Jacobs and that should be fantastic. ROH's new commentator is like an actual sports commentator which makes things weirdly cool.

Jerry Lynn vs. Delirious

The production for ROH TV is actually pretty good. Much better than it was for any DVD or PPV I have seen to date. This is steady wrestling, but nothing that you'll remember right after watching. I thought that ROH would throw a cracker out there to open the show, but they didn't do so. They threw out the standard Jerry Lynn match.

Sami Callihan vs. Kenny King

This actually has some potential, but so did the first match and that didn't exactly set the world on fire, so lets see how this one goes. This match has the coolest kick I've seen in a wrestling ring for some time. A decent little showcase match this time around. This is the sort of thing that should have been ROH's first match on national TV. Too short to be brilliant, but enough here to be enjoyable.

Rhett Titus vs. Brent Albright

This match had absolutely zero emotion in it. There was a whole bunch of good stuff from Albright but the fans didn't care and to be honest, neither did I. Chalk this one up as another one in the fail column.

Tyler Black vs. Jimmy Jacobs

This match should be very very good if they hit their potential, and with it being a TV show and the main event, I'm hoping they go all out to deliver. Well, that was certainly a disappointment. It wasn't a bad match and it finds itself on "the list" but only just. I can't help but feel that they didn't put everything out there which is really stupid all things considered. ***



Should have been a great showcase for ROH and it wasn't. There was one good showcase match and a reasonable main event but the whole thing was disappointing on the whole. Recommendation to avoid episode 1.

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ROH Rising Above 2009

I love watching ROH PPVs. The crowd is always absolutely nuked for every single match. This show should be no different as there is big matches going on here.

Kevin Steen and El Generico © vs. The Briscoes - ROH World Tag Team Championships

These two teams turned it up BIG time on the ROH Man Up PPV with an absolute classic Ladder Match which was more insane than any ladder match you're ever likely to see. Really good tag team action, but it was a little short which means it's not even making the list. The action was as fast and as furious as you'd like though.

MsChif © vs. Sara Del Ray - Shimmer Championship

SHIMMER is a pretty awesome Women's wrestling promotion which is sort of a sister ( no joke intended ) promotion to ROH. Absolutely brilliant showcase for ladies' wrestling and this is the ultimate proof that not all ladies are crap. This had a great mix of counter wrestling and all out brutality and sometimes both at the same time ! Well worth a look. ***3/4

Alex Payne vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Sami Callihan vs. Silas Young

The fans winding up CC with the "Hey !" is absolutely hilarious. They are so insistant with it that you just can't help but laugh. It's basically a one man match. The rest of the guys are merely there to provide some light entertainment.

Chris Hero, Go Shiozaki and Davey Richards vs. Ace Steel, Brent Albright and Roderick Strong

Loads of little fueds running through this and no, I can't be bothered explaining any of them. That first team looks awesome though. Another really good match on ROH PPV. The highlight of which was probably the chopping from Strong and Shiozaki, and the stiff as hell final battle between Richards and Strong. ***1/2

Jimmy Jacobs vs. Austin Aries - I Quit Match

This was the end of this blood fued. Jacobs has been involved in some mega brawls in his time, and as usual, this was on the bloody side. This was exactly how to both book and also wrestle such a heated fued. It certainly wasn't perfect, but it wasn't supposed to be either. Neither guy was out there to wrestle the other, and as a result, it was ugly at times. This doesn't take away from a fascinating match. ****1/4

Nigel McGuinness © vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH World Heavyweight Championship

Another fued blowoff, and these two had absolutely incredible matches all over the world. The best probably happened in Liverpool at ROH Unified where Nigel wrestled in front of a home crowd and the place was mental for the epic they put on. I really should not be surprised by this. If there's a better match this year, then it's gonna have to get full marks. The crowd reaction to the result is priceless. This isn't their best match either which is incredible. ****3/4



This is an absolutely amazing PPV. There's only two hours of wrestling here, but every minute of it is enjoyable and there's four matches that go over the *** mark, which is good by any promotion's standards. The last two matches certainly fall under the "must see" category.

So, the MOTY 2009 list now has ...

Nigel McGuinness vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH Rising Above ( ****3/4 )

Edge vs. The Big Show vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H vs. The Undertaker, Elimination Chamber - WWE No Way Out ( ****1/2 )

Adam Shame vs. BT Gunn vs. Lionheart - SWA Bellahouston March ( ****1/2 )

Jimmy Jacobs vs. Austin Aries, I Quit Match - ROH Rising Above ( ****1/4 )

Chris Renfrew vs. BT Gunn - SWA:NXT February ( ****1/4 )

Johnny Moss vs. Wolfgang, Flag Match - BCW Rage and Honour ( ****1/4 )

Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed vs. Suicide - TNA Destination X ( **** )

Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley - TNA Genesis ( **** )

Jack Swagger vs. Christian - ECW on Sci-Fi ( ***3/4 )

RAW Elimination Chamber - WWE No Way Out ( ***3/4 )

The Big Show vs. Triple H, Last Man Standing Match - WWE Smackdown ( ***3/4 )

MsChif vs. Sara Del Ray - ROH Rising Above ( ***3/4 )

Beer Money Inc. vs. Lethal Consequences - TNA Against All Odds ( ***3/4 )

Jack Swagger vs. Matt Hardy - ECW on Sci-Fi ( ***1/2 )

Edge vs. Kofi Kingston - WWE Smackdown 13/03 ( ***1/2 )

Eric Young and Petey Williams vs. Beer Money Inc. - TNA Impact ( ***1/2 )

Chris Hero, Go Shiozaki and Davey Richards vs. Ace Steel, Roderick Strong and Brent Albright - ROH Rising Above ( ***1/2 )

Primo vs. The Miz - ECW on Sci-Fi 10/03/2009 ( ***1/4 )

Miz and Morrison vs. Primo and Carlito - WWE Smackdown 27/02/2009 ( ***1/4 )

Kid Fite vs. Jason Rotanda - BCW Rage and Honour ( ***1/4 )

Edge vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE Royal Rumble ( ***1/4 )

No Limit vs. Motor City Machine Guns - TNA Impact 19/03 ( *** )

Raging Storm vs. Darkside and Scott Renwick - BCW Rage and Honour ( *** )

Jack Swagger vs. Matt Hardy - WWE Royal Rumble ( *** )

Tyler Black vs. Jimmy Jacobs - ROH on HDNet ( *** )

Beer Money Inc. vs. LAX - TNA Impact 05/03 ( *** )

I haven't even seen anything from Japan either, although I have Katsuhiko Nakajima on my PC to watch, which should be hard hitting and awesome.

Edited by DomDom
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WWE RAW 23/03/2009

We open the show with Ric Flair accepting the challenge for the 3 on 1 handicap match at Wrestlemania. Oh joy. Anyone remember the advert in the late 90s where the guys would walk backstage and guys are getting beat up in the background in WWE HQ ? That's what the start of Jericho's promo reminds me of. I'm not sure what they were trying to achieve with that to be honest.

Micheal Cole : "Cheapshots.".

Earning his pay there. The promo was as boring as hell, but the beatdown after it more than made up for that. Tremendous angle at the end there.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Jeff Hardy - Extreme Rules Match

Pretty much a squash match to get Jeff Hardy over in the build up to Wrestlemania. It also did a great job of getting Jeff Hardy over as just as angry as Matt Hardy would appear to be. I'm liking the look of Dolph so far. He hasn't had much chance to shine but he seems like someone who could be very good, with loads of energy and makes everything look good, whether it be his own moves or the opponent's.

Jeff Hardy cuts a promo after the match. Never let these guys have the microphone. Thankfully he sticks to the point. That last match wasn't Extreme.

John Cena tells a wee poem. Not quite "Shane and the Beanstalk" but it's fun and games anyways.

Kofi Kingston, MVP, Christian and CM Punk vs. Mark Henry, Kane, Finlay and Shelton Benjamin

Man, there's an awful lot of decent talent in this match. Expectations are high ! The match was pretty disappointing actually, but the final stretch was absolutely breathtaking with all eight men turning up the pace BIG time.

Finlay stands tall at the end after beating everyone up with a ladder.

Backstage interview with Randy Orton. He basically threatens Triple H and says that what's going to happen has been brought on himself.

Edge vs. The Big Show

A very boring match with a pishy ending. Is this supposed to make me care about the match at Wrestlemania, because it didn't.

William Regal vs. Rey Mysterio

Much like the rest of the matches on the show tonight so far, this one isn't exactly very good. What is it with the show tonight ?

Rey takes a shot at JBL for the fun of it after the match.

The Undertaker is here for a promo, and he isn't exactly pleased with Shawn Michaels, and he delivers some threats the way of The Showstopper. Shawn Michaels then is in a graveyard, and this is very ... I dunno. Weird. That might actually be the most cringeworthy attempt at a promo that this Wrestlemania buildup has seen so far.

Santino says that he's going to be in the Wrestlemania Diva Battle Royal if he can beat Mickie James with one hand tied behind his back.

Santino Marella vs. Mickie James

Superb entertainment from Santino in this match. His impression of a Steamroller is one thing, but watching him try to go the top rope with two hands behind his back is the highlight. Again, the match isn't very good, but that really isn't the point of matches like this. Entertaining stuff.

Jerry Lawler challenges Chris Jericho to a match next week on RAW.

Randy Orton vs. Triple H and Cody Rhodes

There is no match to speak of here, but this is a sensational step up in the fued between Randy and HHH. The kiss took this fued to a whole new level.



This wasn't a good episode of RAW at all, but the ending of the show was amazing.

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My faith in the Orton/HHH fued has been well and truly restored by RAW. IT'S ON !!!

There's some stuff that I'm looking forward to.

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker : These two could dance every week with dresses on and I'd be looking forward to their big match, because you only have to look at the two names. The Undertaker has never been better, which is astonishing given his age, and Shawn Michaels, while he HAS lost a step since back in the day, is superb.

Randy Orton vs. Triple H : It has to be decent, given the heat that the fued has. They can't go for the slow methodical match this time because there's too much hatred there.

John Cena vs. Edge vs. The Big Show : Edge vs Cena in any form has me looking forward to it. Their fued was the highlight of 2006 with all sorts of good matches and most of them had a different style. Cena also had a decent match with Show at Mania XX. This could be very good.

Money in the Bank : Eight guys and a ladder. Has to be good. There's guys in the match who can do the usual good stuff, but you have the unknown quantitys as well. Mark Henry should be fun as the ass kicker who couldn't give a toss if he climbs or not. I'm looking forward to seeing what Kofi does.

Primo and Carlito vs. MNM v.2 : Any combination of these guys is going to be superb. Even the two less experienced guys, Miz and Primo, had a stellar match on ECW a couple of weeks ago. Their stuff on Smackdown has always been watchable. Can't wait for this.

The Battle of the Brothers : Make no mistake. This is going to MURDER the match that they had on PPV before. Especially with the Extreme Rules. I can see both of these guys taking the sort of risks and doing the sort of things that we seldom see anymore in WWE.

I've left stuff out. I've opted to include only the stuff that I'm looking forward to.

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Yeah, I knew about that. There's schools in East Kilbride and Linwood too. I'm sure there's another one or two in the Fife area although I don't know too much about that.

In great news, Drew McIntyre is your new FCW Champ. He's gonna face Seamus O'Shaunessy which is significant to UK fans because their feud went all over the shop on the UK and Irish scene and now it goes to WWE developmental. Apparently Drew's match for the title win was fantastic. Can't wait to see it.

Good to see Drew doing well, he was the year above me at school. He once gave me powerslam in my mates back garden lol

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ECW on Sci-Fi 24/03/2009

A couple of good looking matches on the show this week.

John Morrison vs. Carlito

Primo and The Miz went at it on this show not long ago in a really good match. A decent match actually. Not quite as good as what their partners did, but that is certainly a hard pair of shoes to fill. The lumberjacks coming down didn't take away from it as they kept going and putting on a good match after that.

They make the tag title match a Lumberjack Match.

We have Howard Finkel added to the Hall of Fame. I don't know what other people think of that, but I'm absolutely delighted. He was the voice of WWE for me growing up. He has been through the ringer in his WWE time. His HoF induction video sums up exactly why he should be there.

Tyson Kidd and Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne and Tommy Dreamer

Really solid tag team showing, and Bourne was made to look like an absolute star, as he also gave Kidd his first ever pinfall loss in ECW which is I guess means WWE built up Tyson Kidd purely to put Evan Bourne over. They really are putting a lot of stock in this guy, but he's very good, so that's understandable.

MVP's VIP Lounge featuring the MitB participants.

This is basically a lot of hype for the Money in the Bank, and Christian predicts the brawl that is sure to happen and the end of this. MVP has a bottle of Mad Dog 20-20 in the lounge. Holy shit, seriously ? The brawl doesn't happen as Kane scares everyone away. Everyone said their bit and nothing happened.



Two good matches and a decent final segment makes this the usual good episode of ECW.

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Just checked who was going in hall of fame this year - what a joke :angry:

Seriously how can f*cking Koko B Ware get int he hall of fame but the following can't:

Ultimate Warrior

Macho Man Randy Savage


Shawn Michaels

The Rock

Owen Hart

British Bulldog

Ted Diabiase

Bruno Sammartino

Bob Backlund

Honkey Tonk Man

Miss Elizabeth

Arn Anderson

The Slickster

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I can answer some of them, but maybe they are keeping names for the coming years ?

Macho Man Randy Savage

I'm amazed that they are even bringing out a DVD set for this guy, nevemind putting him into the Hall of Fame. Randy Savage and WWE just do not mix these days so don't expect the man EVER to be put into the HoF.


He'll get there eventually. Maybe in the next five years, but believe it or not, he's better now than he has ever been. Putting him into the Hall of Fame now might well give out the wrong impression that he's reaching the end when he might have some mileage left in the tank.

Shawn Michaels

The same as above, except the thing about him being better than he's ever been.

The Rock

Didn't give a lot of years to the WWE, and wrestling wasn't really for him anyways. I'd say he deserves a place purely because he's the most entertaining, if not the most technically gifted, wrestler in WWE history.

Owen Hart

I think there's some issues to be dealt with as regards to the family of Owen Hart before this can happen.

British Bulldog

I dunno about this. This to me reeks of someone going in because they are dead, but if Koko B Ware can make it into the list while alive, then I'm sure Bulldog can get in.

Ted Dibiase

Not exactly a superstar, but an amazing heel and an under-rated wrestler. Could be one for the future and probably will be.

Bruno Sammartino

Definately one for the future.

Bob Backlund

See above. Too soon after he's left TNA to get to the Hall of Fame so soon.

Honky Tonk Man

How this man never made it to the Hall of Fame earlier is a mystery to me. A genuinely historic wrestler. The guy was never any good, and his character wasn't the best, but he had enough charisma and showmanship that he could hide all of that and made his IC Title run super.

Miss Elizabeth

Umm ... why ?

Arn Anderson

No way should he be inducted without Tully Blanchard. The Brainbusters should be in there though. Wouldn't surprise me as Vinny Mac clearly thought highly of them, bringing them in purely for the sake of having great matches with every team and then being off again. Their run in WWE was super.


Umm ... why ?

There are more names that I think should make it and I'll probably list them later.

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I can answer some of them, but maybe they are keeping names for the coming years ?

Macho Man Randy Savage

I'm amazed that they are even bringing out a DVD set for this guy, nevemind putting him into the Hall of Fame. Randy Savage and WWE just do not mix these days so don't expect the man EVER to be put into the HoF.


He'll get there eventually. Maybe in the next five years, but believe it or not, he's better now than he has ever been. Putting him into the Hall of Fame now might well give out the wrong impression that he's reaching the end when he might have some mileage left in the tank.

Shawn Michaels

The same as above, except the thing about him being better than he's ever been.

The Rock

Didn't give a lot of years to the WWE, and wrestling wasn't really for him anyways. I'd say he deserves a place purely because he's the most entertaining, if not the most technically gifted, wrestler in WWE history.

Owen Hart

I think there's some issues to be dealt with as regards to the family of Owen Hart before this can happen.

British Bulldog

I dunno about this. This to me reeks of someone going in because they are dead, but if Koko B Ware can make it into the list while alive, then I'm sure Bulldog can get in.

Ted Dibiase

Not exactly a superstar, but an amazing heel and an under-rated wrestler. Could be one for the future and probably will be.

Bruno Sammartino

Definately one for the future.

Bob Backlund

See above. Too soon after he's left TNA to get to the Hall of Fame so soon.

Honky Tonk Man

How this man never made it to the Hall of Fame earlier is a mystery to me. A genuinely historic wrestler. The guy was never any good, and his character wasn't the best, but he had enough charisma and showmanship that he could hide all of that and made his IC Title run super.

Miss Elizabeth

Umm ... why ?

Arn Anderson

No way should he be inducted without Tully Blanchard. The Brainbusters should be in there though. Wouldn't surprise me as Vinny Mac clearly thought highly of them, bringing them in purely for the sake of having great matches with every team and then being off again. Their run in WWE was super.


Umm ... why ?

There are more names that I think should make it and I'll probably list them later.

The active guys not going in are fairly obvious. I guess you could argue that Elizabeth was one of the first valets in WWF. Like you say, they can't just fire the MAIN guys into the Hall of Fame in one shot, the next year would be worse, with the next being worse, etc. etc.

Did Sammartino not have a bust up with Vince? Dibiase is a guy who should be in though, and with Ted Jr and even Rotunda jr, both working then it will be sooner rather than later.

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