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Mo Wonderboy

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Thats because he doesn't realise his title reigns were boring even as far back as 2003 and refuses to allow someone to take "his" place. As much as the IWC love him.........I fucking hate him.

Ye whit! The IWC hate his fucking guts! Thats where most of his critics come from.

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I have gone through a ton of questions and I'm sorry I had to omit some of them which I know doesn't exactly endear me to a few people who think that every question that they submit deserves to be answered. There are some classics on this grouping of Q&A's that many of you will get a kick out of reading.

Heath Ledger fans took me to task about my poor choice of words during Rey Mysterio's entrance at WM25 and for good reason. I had something else I wanted to say in reference to Rey's attire and I fumbled. My bad. My attempt to make a topically, funny remark came out wrong but it's on me. Sometimes on live TV things are said that one would like to have back but when one works without a net that's what occasionally happens. Nonetheless I am sorry for offending any of you with my remarks.

My hybrid role as a quasi play by play guy/analyst is likely going to be the direction that I will be traveling in the future with WWE. I actually like it and had a good time with working in the new role at WM25. I will assume this role again this Friday on SmackDown, working with Todd Grisham, and it is a work in progress but I think that in time, hopefully Sooner than later, that I will nail it. The old school play by play role is considered obsolete in WWE these days as the broadcasters are more story tellers than play by play people or color commentators. I look at this repositioning as a challenge and one that I look forward to refining.

What all this means as it relates to where the announcers will be going come Draft day on Monday on Raw is anyone's guess. I personally have no preference of brands but I would be really surprised if I returned to Raw. I like the schedule that Smackdown provides me as working on Tuesdays allows most of my weekends to be free of travel. Raw will always be the #1 TV brand for WWE because of its positioning on the USA Network as cable TV has always been "wrestling friendly." It will be interesting to see how all the stars align this Monday night in Atlanta and hopefully whatever brand I am on when the night ends will have its fair share of talented wrestlers to help make that particular brand competitive.

Thanks for shopping with us and for supporting our site with your business in our store. My thanks also to those WWE fans who stopped at our BBQ joints while heading down to WrestleMania in Houston. Your business is also greatly appreciated.

I'll see you in the Q&A section until our next blog which will be imminent.

Boomer Sooner!


P.S. The Texas Longhorn fans were in regular season form Tuesday night with their loud, OU sucks chants while I made my way to the announce position and when leaving it. Boomer Sooner isn't so popular in Austin and Todd Grisham must have been thinking what in the hell have I gotten myself into? A fun night nonetheless.

Good to see him simply admit that what he said was bang out of order.

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There used to be massive hate on the IWC for HHH, but it's been going away. I personally think he's a good wrestler, but sick of him as a champ. Same goes for Cena, who is actually a wrestler I adore.

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As a wrestler I have lots of respect for Trips because "He's that damn good". It's more his character that is shite. Even when he was heel it got boring because it was the same since about 2000. Also the fact that he has been champ for about 9 of the last 10 years.

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Tests cause of death fianlly revealed:

According to The Sun out of the UK, former WWE wrestler Andrew "Test" Martin died after overdosing on the painkiller known as "Hillbilly heroin."

The Hillsborough County Medical Examiner out of Tampa announced his cause of death as Oxycodone intoxication as a result of an accidental overdose.

Oxycodone is an addictive ingredient found in the painkillers OxyContin, Percoset and Percoden.

Martin was found dead in his Tampa apartment just four days shy of his 34th birthday on March 14, 2009 after a neighbor reported that he had appeared motionless for several hours.

The pill, dubbed "Hillbilly heroin," was also linked to the death of fellow wrestler "Sensational" Sherri Martel, not to mention Oscar-winning actor Heath Ledger.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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WWE : The Ladder Match Disc 1

Here's a full scale DVD review for you good people. My favourite kind of match is the Ladder Match or any sort of version of it, so this DVD is going to be a million gallons of awesome.

Big Daddy Ritter vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts - Stampede Wrestling July 1979

Ritter is actually Junk Yard Dog. Anyways we join the match in progress. The rules here are that you have to placed on a scaffold and you have to climb it and take the prize. Needless to say that this wasn't the most high flying ladder match that you've ever seen. There isn't much to like about this match but it is dramatic at times at least, and it must have been pretty innovative at the time. Fair play to them, but not exactly my cup of tea. Should be mentioned that the crowd started the match nuked and just got bored. *

Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart - WWE Portland 21/07/1992

This is us getting into the proper stuff now. None of that ancient shite going on here. These two guys had all sorts of matches around this time, and you can find most of them on the internet. It all ended with a stellar world title match at Survivor Series, but of course, that wouldn't be the end of their fued. Not a match big on risk, but that's not the point this time around. They put the concept over really well with this match, as they made the ladder seem like the ultimate weapon. There's also a ton of drama in the match. Good debut for the ladder match in WWE. ***1/2

We see highlights of the match at Wrestlemania X between Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon. Considering this is a ladder match DVD, it's amazing that they aren't showing the most famous ladder match ever in full. I'll review it at the end when I'm doing the "bonus" stuff. They do have their better match from Summerslam 1995 though.

Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels - WWE Summerslam 1995

Here's an interesting wee bit of information for you. Apparently, there was a problem with using the ladder as a weapon in this match, so they had to be a bit more innovative with how they used the ladder. An increasingly violent ladder match with some big risks. The ending is brilliant as it's so blatantly botched, and Razor Ramon has to sell the same move for about five minutes as a result. That takes a bit away from the match, but this is still well worth a look. ****1/2

The Rock vs. Triple H - WWE Summerslam 1998

Aye, I'm watching it yet again. I can watch this match as many times as I want though and still love it. The key element that makes this match so good is the drama in it. The fans just weren't interested when the match started. As the match went on, the fans got louder and louder as The Rock and HHH went and really gave their all. How many times do you hear the arena rumbling during a match ? One of the greatest matches of all time and certainly the best ladder match of all time. Listen to the pop at the end as well. Jesus. *****

The Hardy Boys vs. Edge and Christian - WWE No Mercy 1999

This was the match which really revolutionised the ladder match to what we see today. This match had pretty massive expectations going in. In an interesting wee sidenote, The Hardy Boys were heels and Edge and Christian were faces. The pace of this match was incredible and it felt as if there was never a dull moment. I don't think I've ever seen another ladder match like it. There was some amazing spots here and it's amazing how well this match has aged, all things considered. The ending of the match is also a brilliant piece of innovation, and hasn't been bettered. ****1/2

Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boys vs. The Hardy Boys, TLC Match - WWE Summerslam 2000

Edge says that he and Christian invented the TLC Match, but it was actually Mick Foley. Lying dickhead that he is. Heeeeel. The insanity was upped here. This match is an absolute joy to watch. I don't know how, but this match just felt less serious and more fun to watch. Anyways, this is a nutcase level ladder match but it just didn't hit the levels of the matches that surrounded it. That's not to say it isn't a great match. It's obviously a great match. ****1/4

Evan Karagious and Jamie Noble vs. 3 Count vs. The Yung Dragons - WCW Starrcade 2000

This match was for a shot at the cruiserweight title. I can't believe I actually have to watch Shannon Moore. That man is absolutely dire. Can't rate this too high because of the number of botched spots, mainly from Moore and Evan, but the match is still a great deal of fun. The moves with the ladder bridge in particular were incredible. It's probably the most effort I've seen in a ladder match as all six men seemed to be auditioning for WWE in this one. The rating might not indicate it, but this match is a must-see. ***1/2

Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho - WWE Royal Rumble 2001

A WWE DVD with Benoit on it ? You know that this DVD set is old. :lol: These two guys had an absolutely amazing rivalry in WWE. They also had amazing matches in WCW and in Japan. You knew that a ladder match with them would be good, and they certainly didn't disappoint. This match contains the Suicide Dive chair shot spot which is godly stuff. Anyone who hasn't seen this spot needs to see it. Close to perfect but the arm work didn't ever mean anything and that takes away from the match. Amazing match though. ****3/4

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Guest Berwick till i die

with the draft only a few days away who would everyone like to see move shows and potential feuds.

Superstars to Raw

John Morrison - feud with Mysterio for the Intercontinental Championship as they two have the ability to put on a string of top matches for the next few months while bringing some much needed value back to the title. I would expect Morrison to come out on top as I really believe he is the guy to take over from HBK one day.

HHH - hopefully a fresh feud with Batista with one of them turning heel but it's a few years a go since they were last involved in a big feud so it might be to quick so possibly Jericho as another feud if HHH is still champion.

The Undertaker - his time is up on Smackdown and with his time in the WWE coming to an end they he deserves a run on the top show with loads of potential new feuds that haven't been done or done in several years which would freshen and shake things up.

Matt Hardy - 2009 could be the standout year for Matt after his win at Wrestlemania so I think they need to follow it up by drafting him to the top show and give him a huge push. There's plenty of people for him to feud with like Mysterio and HBK who could be the man to take him to the next level and really put him over.

Michelle McCool - you always get at least one diva.

Superstars to Smackdown

CM Punk - I expect Edge to win back the title to keep it on Smackdown so a feud with Edge is very realistic for the WHC and I think they could put on some great matches.

Christian - He better not stay on ECW. If Christian gets over hopefully they can build towards a feud with Edge and or Jeff Hardy

Miz - It's pretty obvious he will split from Morrison so I hope he moves to Smackdown with MVP been the obvious feud.

Kofi Kingston - I think he would get a far better chance to shine on Smackdown and be built up as a top star and I would love to see him feud with Jeff even if their both faces as they could put on some amazing matches.

Jillian Hall - same reason as Michelle.

Superstars to ECW

William Regal - a great chance for him to do something and more importantly help the younger talent.

Cryme Tyme - a fresh start which is what they both need and one last chance to see if they have what it takes to make it.

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Guest Berwick till i die
Punk will stay on RAW and take the title from Cena at Backlash after he has won a gruelling LMS match.

One of the title needs to go to Smackdown presuming HHH goes to Raw so CM Punk might get drafted and take the title with him setting up a feud with Edge as them two have unfinished business after CM Punk stole the title from Edge but I still think it's more lightly that Edge will win because surely for CM Punk to do what you said would mean a heel turn and I'm not sure if that could work.

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CM Punk not working as a heel ? He might be the greatest heel ever not to work in WWE as a heel. Even the smarks who love good wrestlers had to boo him because he was such an amazing heel. Trust me, Punk as a heel works on every level and if he turns heel, you get to see him doing his best promo work.


Watch this.

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Punk most definetly can go heel, hes one of my favourite heels of recent times.

This is more who I'd like to see in each show rather than what I think will happen.



Triple H

Mark Henry


Evan Bourne

To SmackDown!:







Jeff Hardy

Hurriacane Helms

William Regal


The Brian Kendrick

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At a guess I can see Edge and HHH going to Raw. Edge because of Vickie's announcement that she is the new Raw GM and HHH so that he can develop his involvement with the McMahons and his feud with Orton and possibly Batista.

I don't see 'Taker' moving to Raw as Smackdown is being touted for the future as more of a development show to breed new talent and the WWE see's his influence in the locker room benefical to helping them develop, also the Smackdown schedule is less hectic as it allows for weekends off.

Also don't see HBK moving as I remember reading that the Smackdown tapings interfere with his church schedule and he would be dead against it.

Not sure which show but I expect the Hardy's to be put on the same Rosta, that's assuming that Matt is still a ECW member and not Smackdown. It would make sense to put them back as a tag-team in the near future as neither one can cut a good promo.

Not sure about the rest, although it's being rumoured that Smackdown will take the biggest hit as Vince wants to concentrate on taking Raw to the next level.

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Not sure about the rest, although it's being rumoured that Smackdown will take the biggest hit as Vince wants to concentrate on taking Raw to the next level.

It will take the biggest hit - 'My Network TV' is turning into a re-run channel (aka US Gold) so McMahon will be moving Smackdown to a different network in September.

Taker will stay on Smackdown, but the likes of Edge, HHH etc will all be moving over.

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The wwe has gone vastly downhill ever since wcw went down the drain, after the takeover from the alliance and all that crap its seemed like the script writers dont need to write the best script possilbe every single week as they now dont have a competator for top spot.

With 3 world title belts, it doesnt seem as important anymore to win one of them and titles are changeing hands whenever to whoever, when back then you practically had to be the best and to get beat by the best to win the only world title, not anymore, with people like CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, JBL etc etc having held a World Title.

But one big mistake they made was makeing different wrestlers on smackdown and raw and bringing back ecw.

When it was the same wrestlers on both smackdown and raw everyweek with great scripts and that one big world title, the wwe was a class act.

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