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WWE RAW 14/07/2009

We start with Triple H on the microphone and he is as over as hell. Robot Chicken gets a pop, and then we have Seth Green. OZ !!! If he morphed into a werewolf and ate Michael Cole, I wouldn't be too upset. Seth Green is definately having a lot of fun. My god, he is small. He gives us Divas in swimsuits. Triple H gets the jokes going. The Dakota Fanning/Randy Orton joke was actually pretty good. Randy Orton simply points out that he is the WWE Champ. Anyways, this promo is going nowhere. Randy Orton needs to get in some shots at Seth Green. Seth Green shoves himself in a six man tag with Orton, Legacy, HHH and Cena. Bloody idiots.

Six Diva Summer Spectacular

This wasn't actually a bad match. Lets remember that this match was made in the spirit of competition. The action kept moving quite a lot, even if quite a bit of it was really sloppy. It also added some heat to the fire of Maryse/Mickie, which hasn't been a bad fued. They really need to get Rosa Mendes out of these matches though. She is absolutely useless. *1/2

Backstage with Seth Green and Chris Jericho. We have more plugging of Robot Chicken. Chris Jericho suggests that Seth Green stays out of his business, along with his usual boring schtick.

Primo vs. The Miz

The Miz cuts the usual gold promo before this match gets going. This match seemed to be going along fine before Carlito and his sloppy mug decided to head for the ring. It was too short to really judge though. N/A

Post-match, Carlito gets into the ring and he has the apple with him and spits it into the face of his brother.

Backstage with Seth Green and Hornswoggle. Chavo Guerrero vs. Hornswoggle with an arm tied behind the back of Chavo is made. The Big Show gets into the room. The Big Show then does some mocking. That was actually terrific.

Jack Swagger vs. MVP

This was actually a pretty good match. Both men left quite a lot in the locker which means rematches are immiment, although if that IS the case, I'm surprised that they'd give Jack Swagger such a clean win. It was good to see him get such a decisive victory though. **1/2

Chris Jericho thinks that Edge was the leak link in the team. The fans think Chris Jericho should be stripped for the title. He says that he has a choice of partner. Mark Henry heads for the ring. Love Mark Henry's mini-promo before the match.

Mark Henry vs. Chris Jericho

That was the usual big man match that Mark Henry has perfected during his time with ECW. He has been a revelation in his time in ECW and things haven't changed since he moved to RAW. **

Chavo Guerrero vs. Hornswoggle

A bit ridiculous really. This is one of them matches where you have to take the serious hat off well and truly and just prepare for some idiotic and entertaining enough wrestling. It's fun, but not worth rating because of the way the match was booked. Kudos for the smart ending. N/A

The Big Show vs. Evan Bourne

This is not going to go well for Evan Bourne. Sure enough, The Big Show absolutely murders Evan Bourne with the best Spear this side of Rhino. Amazing Spear and it dropped Bourne on his head. This was basically a squash match, so again, I'm gonna refrain from rating this. N/A

Backstage with Santino and Seth Green. Basically Cena and HHH arrive and think that Seth Green is in trouble.

The Legacy and Randy Orton vs. John Cena, Triple H and Seth Green

This match was absolutely great fun. The addition of Seth Green added to it at times, as his early involvement in the match allowed for some fun shenanigans. The fans absolutely hated Orton for going after Seth Green. Anyways, the ending of the match added intrigue to the main event of NoC so I don't mind that. Good main event to the show. ***1/4



This was a better episode of RAW that we're used to, mainly due to the freshening of the main event scene by Seth Green of all people. The main event was worth a look and there was nothing that was actively bad on the show, which is usually a bonus on RAW. Decent week.

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TNA Classic Matches Collection Part 1

#1 - America's Most Wanted vs. Triple X, Six Sides of Steel Match - TNA Turning Point 2004

This match is mostly famous for one amazing spot from Elix Skipper, but I can't remember if the whole match was actually any good. Ignoring the idiotic "Best Match Ever" chants from the crowd, which it obviously wasn't, this was an absolutely amazing tag team cage match with all sorts of absolutely mental spots, loads of blood and violence and the hatred was off the charts. This was seen as a turning point for TNA as they were going to start putting on a series of PPVs that amazed the viewers. How I miss this version of TNA. ****1/2


#2 - Chris Sabin vs. Petey Williams vs. AJ Styles, Ultimate X Match - TNA Final Resolution 2005

Did someone call for a mental spotfest ? This would be TNA's crowning jewel in innovation, and lets be honest, they came up with a great idea in this one. The match is the best match of this type that has been done to date. All three men took absolutely stupid risks all over the shop, with some absolutely fascination innovative moves, with the Doomsday Rana being the real highlight of it. The whole thing flew along well too, as it didn't feel like just a collection of spots. It was just so brisk and so fluid. Points taken off for the ending. Probably the best match in TNA history. ****3/4


#3 - Raven vs. Jeff Hardy, Table Match - TNA Lockdown 2005

Can't see this being quite on the same level of the matches that I just watched. Jeff Hardy was still the waster that got sacked by WWE at this point. This was about a boring match, with many of the moves in the match being very predictable and neither man bringing anything close to their A game. The effectiveness of the cage as a weapon is also destroyed in this match. *1/2


#4 - Abyss vs. AJ Styles - TNA Lockdown 2005

Abyss was still on a hot streak of TNA PPV matches at this point, and he was probably the most reliable guy on PPV in the US at this time. The brawl before the match even gets into the cage is terrific entertainment and is mostly an amazing showcase of what AJ Styles is capable of. The Flying Forearm over the fans to Abyss is absolutely amazing. When the match gets into the ring, it turns into a brutal big man vs. little man match with some vicious stuff going on. You could really sense the desperation out of AJ Styles. Another in the line of must-see TNA matches. ****1/2


#5 - Samoa Joe vs. Chris Sabin - TNA No Surrender 2005

This would be the PPV debut of Samoa Joe. He was undefeated at this point and hadn't really wrestled in a competitive match. Chris Sabin had kind of gone by the wayside a bit, and this was expected to be another Joe squash. Samoa Joe's domination was brilliant here, and this allowed the fans to go mental when Chris Sabin got into the match and there were even points which made you think "man, Sabin has a chance here !". The crowd went from not caring to molten pretty quickly and that's a testament to both men. Great proper introduction to what Samoa Joe is capable of. ****


#6 - Jeff Jarrett vs. Rhino - TNA Turning Point 2005

Some "classic" matches quite simply are NOT classics. This one is surely going to turn out to be an example of that. Can't be that long after Rhino made his big initial impact in TNA. I don't think it took him that long to get into the main event scene and he hasn't really been back there. The dead crowd didn't help this match, but this turned out to be a hate fuelled match. Also some good story telling with the referee. The final stretch of action was disappointing and unforgiveable and there was some ridiculous overbooking, but this was a better match than it had any right to be. **3/4


#7 - Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles - TNA Turning Point 2005

These two had a really good PPV match not long before this at Sacrifice, and I hope it ends up on here. This came after Samoa Joe busted open Daniels and AJ Styles wasn't happy with that. The desperation and determination from AJ Styles all the way through this match was a joy to behold. Samoa Joe's facials were great too, as he got more and more annoyed that AJ Styles was just refusing to give up. A match which was typical of Joe's early TNA days due to how amazing it was. ****1/2


#8 - Simon Diamond, David Young and Elix Skipper vs. Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin and Dale Tolborg - BaseBrawl Match - TNA Turning Point 2005

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan in the commentary for this one, and he doesn't sound good. Obviously understandable given the circumstances, but it's not nice to hear him in this way. Elix Skipper was sloppy in a big way in this match and shows why he never really took off in TNA. This match also features the best Spinebuster this side of Arn Anderson. The action is decent enough, but I'm not sure why this match is here, other than Heenan being the commentator. **1/2


Edited by DomDom
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I think the WWE should just get it over with and hand the WWE title to David Arquette.

Wouldn't be much worse than what we're getting. Arquette would actually be a nice change of pace !

And Ready To Rumble may be pish, but it's enjoyable pish.

Meh. I didn't like it.

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ECW on SyFy 14/07/2009

No I didn't get that spelling wrong, even for a joke.

NON SPOILER NOTE : Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin opens the show and is worth watching. If you haven't heard Yoshi Tatsu's music yet, get onto YouTube and find it.

Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin

Goodness ! These two guys had a stellar match at Survivor Series one year. Both men have improved from that point as well. This was on par with the PPV match that I mentioned. Both guys pulled out the big guns with each other and they didn't ruin it with interference, as the only interference in the match was well delivered. Good TV match here. ***3/4

Backstage with Zeke. Not a horrible guy on the mic even if he didn't have anything to say.

Paul Burchill vs. Yoshi Tatsu

The finish of this match gets blown which takes marks away, but I'm loving the aggression from Burchill. Tatsu has only just started on ECW, so some blown spots can be excused but not for long. Not a bad match, but a bit short. *

Backstage with GM Tiffany and Tyler Reks. Tyler wants an in-ring debut next week. Tiffany will consider it.

Goldust vs. Zack Ryder

I guess Goldust is the old hand in the ECW roster at the moment. I could think of worse guys to take the role as Dustin wasn't bad in his day. A decent win for Zack Ryder here if they are serious about pushing him, but he didn't look very good in there. Goldust was pretty good here at making Ryder look credible and made the match worthwhile at least. 1/2*

Sheamus vs. Roman Cornell

Sheamus needs subtitles when he get the microphone. Seriously. He also needs a tanning booth like nobody's business. Love Sheamus' finisher. This was not worth rating as it was even short by squash match standards. N/A

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Tommy Dreamer

Why are we getting Kozlov main eventing ECW two weeks in a row ? That was a decent enough short match, but it doesn't bode well when Kozlov can't go for five minutes without doing some sort of rest move two times in the same match. *1/2



The usual solid ECW show.

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TNA Classic Matches Collection Part 2

After the greatness that was in the first lot, I can't wait to get going on this thing.

#9 - Samoa Joe vs. Sabu - TNA Lockdown 2006

Mainly there to give Samoa Joe a good name to go over, but by the time this match happened, nobody cared about Sabu anyways thanks to the idiots that book TNA, so the match didn't really succeed in it's plans. It doesn't help that this match wasn't actually very good. It was just the two guys exchanging moves in lieu of actually putting together a wrestling match. I'll give them marks for at least keeping things interesting and quick moving, but there really isn't much to see here. Move along. *


#10 - Team Jarrett vs. Sting's Warriors, Lethal Lockdown Match - TNA Lockdown 2006

This would be the annual "AJ Styles is a psychopath" match. Loving all of the sort of channeling of the old Wargames matches, with good updates of it, and also the loads and loads of blade jobs which was always an annual thing with the Wargames match. The AJ Styles mental spot of this match is beyond insane. It takes a different type of wrestler to agree to do something like that. The match is a great blood filled match which was more than just the big spot. ****1/4


#11 - Jay Lethal vs. Shark Boy vs. Alex Shelley vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Chris Sabin, XScape Match - TNA Lockdown 2007

Why is Shark Boy anywhere near match ? He's absolutely terrible. Definately the odd one out as the majority of the guys in this match are pretty handy. The usual good multi-man spot driven X match which you would expect from guys like this. This also acted as the first real TNA showcase of the MCMG team and the fans were absolutely loving it most of the time. The ending sequence was a bit disappointing but the stuff that came before it was good. ***1/4


#12 - Team Christian Cage vs. Team Angle, Lethal Lockdown Match - TNA Lockdown 2007

The last one was good enough so this one should be entertaining enough as well. You get to see a Frankensteiner from the genetic freak during this match, much to the delight of the fans in attendance. The brawl before the match beyond is much the same as the one from the year before, but they manage to keep things interesting with big moves and trademark stuff. The brawl gets insane when the cage comes down with AJ Styles doing his usual bit to make sure you don't think he's completely sane. ****


#13 - AJ Styles vs. Rhino - TNA Turning Point 2006

TNA booked Rhino in some cracking fueds, but because it was Rhino, the matches never quite lived up to the fueds that surrounded them, and this was just another in that list, although this match was easily the best of this fued. The pre-match brawl was absolutely magnificent as both men did everything in their power to take the other man out. It's also one of Styles' best performances as a heel. One of the most aggressive matches of Rhino's career and an amazing example of what he can do if the match is booked correctly. It also features an absolutely godly ending. A worthy addition to the TNA Classics. ***1/2


#14 - Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe - TNA Turning Point 2006

This was the rematch. Kurt Angle gave Samoa Joe his first loss in TNA and he was looking to avenge the loss. The first match was pretty intense, and I haven't seen this one yet. This match didn't quite have the sense of urgency that the first match had. The overkill on the finishers at the end really take away from this one, as is the case with a lot of Kurt Angle matches, as the man quite simply hasn't got a clue when he's overdoing it. They end up salvaging things towards the end, but this is nowhere near as good as the first match. ***3/4


#15 - Kurt Angle vs. Sting - TNA Bound For Glory 2007

Introductions for the match are made more amusing by Jeremy Borash bouncing around by doing them. Not quite Bruce Buffer sharp turn amusing, but it's certainly getting there. This was typical of what TNA main events were like initially with Jarrett defending the belt, with the interference and referee distractions and swerves and stuff. Ref bumps and other assorted madness didn't help any. This match was turning out really well and deserves a decent rating but this just descends into madness and you should be careful should you watch. ***1/4


#16 - The Angle Alliance vs. Samoa Joe, Kevin Nash and Eric Young - TNA Turning Point 2007

The main reason for this match being here would be the pre-match promo which really got the TNA Originals vs. Main Event Mafia stuff going good and proper by slagging off his own partner, Kevin Nash as well as HIS long time partner and friend, Scott Hall. Some good storytelling through the match, but it ends a bit suddenly. I can't help but feel there was much more in this. A good action packed six man tag, but could have been much better. **3/4


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ECW on SyFy 14/07/2009

No I didn't get that spelling wrong, even for a joke.

NON SPOILER NOTE : Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin opens the show and is worth watching. If you haven't heard Yoshi Tatsu's music yet, get onto YouTube and find it.

Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin

Goodness ! These two guys had a stellar match at Survivor Series one year. Both men have improved from that point as well. This was on par with the PPV match that I mentioned. Both guys pulled out the big guns with each other and they didn't ruin it with interference, as the only interference in the match was well delivered. Good TV match here. ***3/4

Backstage with Zeke. Not a horrible guy on the mic even if he didn't have anything to say.

Paul Burchill vs. Yoshi Tatsu

The finish of this match gets blown which takes marks away, but I'm loving the aggression from Burchill. Tatsu has only just started on ECW, so some blown spots can be excused but not for long. Not a bad match, but a bit short. *

Backstage with GM Tiffany and Tyler Reks. Tyler wants an in-ring debut next week. Tiffany will consider it.

Goldust vs. Zack Ryder

I guess Goldust is the old hand in the ECW roster at the moment. I could think of worse guys to take the role as Dustin wasn't bad in his day. A decent win for Zack Ryder here if they are serious about pushing him, but he didn't look very good in there. Goldust was pretty good here at making Ryder look credible and made the match worthwhile at least. 1/2*

Sheamus vs. Roman Cornell

Sheamus needs subtitles when he get the microphone. Seriously. He also needs a tanning booth like nobody's business. Love Sheamus' finisher. This was not worth rating as it was even short by squash match standards. N/A

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Tommy Dreamer

Why are we getting Kozlov main eventing ECW two weeks in a row ? That was a decent enough short match, but it doesn't bode well when Kozlov can't go for five minutes without doing some sort of rest move two times in the same match. *1/2



The usual solid ECW show.

Stay in the back! The Hurricane is coming to ECW.

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WWE Smackdown 17/07/2009

We're opening with Jeff Hardy heading for the ring, meaning that he's going to be cutting a promo. That sucks. What this also means is that we get more of heel CM Punk as well. That does NOT suck. Jeff Hardy talks about what CM Punk was saying last week, and actually stands his ground well. CM Punk is now heading for the ring having clearly heard enough of Hardy's terrible mic skills. CM Punk explains that Hardy doesn't accomplish anything by being clean right now. CM Punk is now in complete badass Straight Edge style. Jeff Hardy has no answer for any of CM Punk's points. CM Punk finally gets under the skin of Hardy and he gets a shot in. CM Punk has cut another absolutely immense promo here.

CM Punk vs. John Morrison

These two guys should have a good match, considering they have wrestled each other about a million times before this one. They did actually have one of the best free TV matches of 2007 against each other. I love the fact that the commentators are mentioning the fact that Morrison has a win over Punk. He has about 10 wins over Punk. This was another absolutely brilliant match between the two and I just want to see these two guys have more and more matches. Counters and counters and big moves and nearfalls. ****

Layla is heading for the ring wearing a Miami Heat top, and she gets mainly booed. Hometown crowds are usually appreciative, but nobody gives a shit about Layla. She does get the reaction she's looking for. She gets some dancing going and that helps. Ricky Ortiz is now heading for the ring. He does the ol' cheap heat getting and Layla throws a towel to the floor. Shit segment alert.

Cryme Time is now doing Word Up. Today's word is Championized. Another shit segment.

Kane vs. R-Truth

This is just going to lead to more build up between Khali and Kane. Does anyone really care about that ? This just wasn't happening I'm afraid. The entire match was as dull as dishwasher and I was pretty close to falling asleep during it. Lots of what happened just made no sort of sense. They'd no sell big moves about five seconds later. A mess. The finish was pretty neat though. *

As I said, Khali heads for the ring afterwards. Kane gets the hell out of there.

There's a really weird segment with that black guy from last time. Who is he and what is he doing ?

The Hart Dynasty and Natalya vs. Cryme Time and Eve Torres

This was a pretty decent action packed six person tag from everyone as each different person brought their own style to the match and that brought the excitement as a result. Particularly liked the hectic ending. The match was a bit short to be really worthwhile though. **

Edge is now being inteviewed and says that he thinks that he has achieved everything that he can. He says that this could be the end of his career which gets a strange reaction. Not sure how to describe that. He says that he will do everything in his power to come back and the fans appreciate that. Chris Jericho heads for the ring when Edge gets onto him. Edge is making Jericho sick. Chris Jericho says he's going to continue his reign as ruler of the WWE Universe. It gets boring untill Edge gets back into things again, and he says that when he comes back, he's going to prove everyone wrong. Chris Jericho with a sarcastic "I salute you".

Chris Jericho and Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy

CM Punk is at ringside doing commentary. This was a brilliant TV tag team main event and actually featured more bigass stuff than usual from a match of this type as they went for the extended tag formula. All four men work together brilliantly. ***1/2



We opened and ended brilliantly and the middle section was mostly crap, but those two matches on a free TV show. Who can complain ?

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WWE Smackdown 17/07/2009

We're opening with Jeff Hardy heading for the ring, meaning that he's going to be cutting a promo. That sucks. What this also means is that we get more of heel CM Punk as well. That does NOT suck. Jeff Hardy talks about what CM Punk was saying last week, and actually stands his ground well. CM Punk is now heading for the ring having clearly heard enough of Hardy's terrible mic skills. CM Punk explains that Hardy doesn't accomplish anything by being clean right now. CM Punk is now in complete badass Straight Edge style. Jeff Hardy has no answer for any of CM Punk's points. CM Punk finally gets under the skin of Hardy and he gets a shot in. CM Punk has cut another absolutely immense promo here.

CM Punk vs. John Morrison

These two guys should have a good match, considering they have wrestled each other about a million times before this one. They did actually have one of the best free TV matches of 2007 against each other. I love the fact that the commentators are mentioning the fact that Morrison has a win over Punk. He has about 10 wins over Punk. This was another absolutely brilliant match between the two and I just want to see these two guys have more and more matches. Counters and counters and big moves and nearfalls. ****

Layla is heading for the ring wearing a Miami Heat top, and she gets mainly booed. Hometown crowds are usually appreciative, but nobody gives a shit about Layla. She does get the reaction she's looking for. She gets some dancing going and that helps. Ricky Ortiz is now heading for the ring. He does the ol' cheap heat getting and Layla throws a towel to the floor. Shit segment alert.

Cryme Time is now doing Word Up. Today's word is Championized. Another shit segment.

Kane vs. R-Truth

This is just going to lead to more build up between Khali and Kane. Does anyone really care about that ? This just wasn't happening I'm afraid. The entire match was as dull as dishwasher and I was pretty close to falling asleep during it. Lots of what happened just made no sort of sense. They'd no sell big moves about five seconds later. A mess. The finish was pretty neat though. *

As I said, Khali heads for the ring afterwards. Kane gets the hell out of there.

There's a really weird segment with that black guy from last time. Who is he and what is he doing ?

The Hart Dynasty and Natalya vs. Cryme Time and Eve Torres

This was a pretty decent action packed six person tag from everyone as each different person brought their own style to the match and that brought the excitement as a result. Particularly liked the hectic ending. The match was a bit short to be really worthwhile though. **

Edge is now being inteviewed and says that he thinks that he has achieved everything that he can. He says that this could be the end of his career which gets a strange reaction. Not sure how to describe that. He says that he will do everything in his power to come back and the fans appreciate that. Chris Jericho heads for the ring when Edge gets onto him. Edge is making Jericho sick. Chris Jericho says he's going to continue his reign as ruler of the WWE Universe. It gets boring untill Edge gets back into things again, and he says that when he comes back, he's going to prove everyone wrong. Chris Jericho with a sarcastic "I salute you".

Chris Jericho and Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy

CM Punk is at ringside doing commentary. This was a brilliant TV tag team main event and actually featured more bigass stuff than usual from a match of this type as they went for the extended tag formula. All four men work together brilliantly. ***1/2



We opened and ended brilliantly and the middle section was mostly crap, but those two matches on a free TV show. Who can complain ?

Pretty Ricky is R-Truth. I really hope that's the last one as I just don't find it at all funny.

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