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Mo Wonderboy

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Paul E. will full creative control and no limitations would be a disaster. Some of his booking in ECW was Russo level bad. Infact, that's an unsult to Russo. At least he was involved with some great moments.

WCW Nitro 25/09/1995

Alex Wright vs. Disco Inferno

This would be the Monday Nitro debut for Disco. I could have sworn Alex Wright was a heel the last time out against Sabu. Nevermind. Wright is all MOVEZ~~~!!! here, and it definately works for him in a short match like this. Disco Inferno spends most of the time dancing which doesn't do this match any favours whatsoever. Thankfully, he has a disaster debut. This was an alright match when Wright was in control, and Alex Wright was big time over here.

Hogan and Jimmy Hart have a backstage promo and says that he's gonna set The Giant up and take him down. He gives a pretty graphic description of what he's gonna do to The Giant and then says he'll challenge him to a match. "Big Stinky Nasty Giant.". :laugh: f**k off.

We come back from the commercials where Mean Gene is standing with Randy Savage. Lex Luger gets right down to the ring. Luger says Savage lacks respect. He says that he has respect for past opponents like Hogan and Sting and challenges Savage to a match and says that he will leave WCW if he doesn't win. Savage accepts the challenge. Quite an interesting wee fued getting going here.

Kurasawa vs. Sgt. Craig Pittman

Are we finally going to see an end to the run of okay - good matches on Nitro ? All I've seen from Pittman has been a bag of shit. Pittman does a bunch of Kozlov type Headbutts except for the fact that he actually uses his head. The highlight of this match is when Kuruawa, clearly pissed off with how poor Pittman is, exposes the concrete and drops him on it with no remorse. Just to compound the badness, rather than kick out of a pin, Pittman tries to wriggle to the ropes. Cretin. This was a bad match regardless of the fun I had from the headbutts and concrete stuff.

Mean Gene is back in the ring with Bryan Pillman and Arn Anderson. Pillman talks a whole load of crap, but what he basically means is that he and AA will hospitalize Ric Flair. AA says that the better man won. Arn Anderson says what goes around comes around and that's why Ric Flair can't find a partner to face them.

The Taskmaster vs. Randy Savage

This might have been worse than the match earlier on between Pittman and Kurasawa. It was basically the same fire filled fist fight that we've been seeing on Nitro, except there was absolutely no heat to it thanks to Sullivan sucking the life right out of it and Savage getting absolutely zero offense in.

The Giant comes down and hits The Chokeslam on Savage and then some jobbers come out and meet the same fate. Alex Wright hits the ring and jumps right into the Bearhug and Taskmaster beats the crap out of Savage. Lex Luger is then heading for the ring. In an interesting piece of intrigue, The Giant attacks Luger before he can make any choice. that ending to the match was much better than the match before it.

Lex Luger vs. Meng

Luger is basically having to wrestle Meng with the injuries that he picked up in the beating he got from The Giant. Those pre-match shenanigans pretty much dictated that this match would be pretty tedious stuff because of the selling of the injuries and it didn't help that Meng was as boring as sin in this match. Probably the weakest main event yet on the weakest show yet.



This was simply not on the same level as the previous three weeks. Two bad matches and a tedious main event make this actually a pretty poor hour of wrestling. The only good point was the Savage/Luger/Dungeon of Doom stuff. Lets hope for an improvement next week.

WCW Nitro 02/10/1995

Ric Flair opens things by grabbing one of the headsets at the start of the show and goes nuts about the prospect of facing Arn Anderson.

Lex Luger vs. Randy Savage

If Luger loses, he is leaving WCW. This has been a decent wee fued which sort of stemmed from the opening episode of Nitro. Really well wrestled match, with Luger doing the "am I heel or not ?" sort of deal through the match. Liked the opening with neither man giving an inch, showing the importance of the match. Of course, The Giant adds to the intrigue by helping Luger win, although Luger didn't see it. Ooohhhh. Suspense. Really good opener.

Tony Schiavone is saying Malenko/Guerrero was scheduled, but here comes Disco Inferno. He dances quite a bit. Eddie Guerrero has seen enough and heads for the ring while scaring Disco away. Thank f**k for that. Time for a decent match coming up !

Dean Malenko vs. Eddie Guerrero

An absolutely phenomenal display of counter wrestling from these two guys. They must have hit about three high impact moves between them in this one as everything was ducking, covering, diving and pinning. The speed at which they did it was amazing too. A terrific second match.

Eddie Guerrero accepts a challenge to a rematch.

During the match Hogan arrived and Hart urged him to stay in the limo, but Hogan refused. He comes out to the ring after the break. He says he's going to the back and he's going to rip The Giant apart. Someone comes out of the crowd with a cane. Zodiac and The Giant head for the ring. The Taskmaster was in disguise. This is a beatdown ! The Giant does the brutal neck twist that he did before at the PPV and then shave his moustache off and the fans are HATING this. The American Males hit the ring. As you can gather, that doesn't end well for them. The Nasty Boys meet the same fate.

Arn Anderson vs. Ric Flair

Rematch from Fall Brawl 1995 ! No taunting from Flair on the way to the ring, as he is meaning business in a big way. Once again, Flair isn't even remotely interested in having a wrestling match and just wants to beat the crap out of AA, but Anderson is far more experienced than Pillman and uses all of his crafty ways to keep himself in the match but he only does it just barely. Pillman ends up saving Anderson from defeat. This wasn't much in the way of a wrestling match but again, a fun beating handed out.

Pillman and Anderson do a number on Ric Flair. Next week we get a cage match between Arn Anderson and Ric Flair. Niiiiice.



Super show. Absolutely super. The segment with Hogan was absolutely amazing and added insane heat to the fued with The Giant. The opening two matches were stunning and the main event only added fuel to the Flair/Anderson fire. The best one yet.

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WWE Smackdown 31/07/2009

We open the night with Jeff Hardy heading for the ring. Jeff Hardy starts to cut what might be the worst promo of all time for a main event star. He bigs up people being different. Hey, this promo is getting pretty good. He says that CM Punk will get his rematch whenever he wants it. He then pimps the main event against JoMo before Cryme Time hit the ring.

Cryme Time vs. The Hart Dynasty

An interesting switch on the usual Cryme Time thing with Shad playing the face in peril and JTG being the guy on fire running in for the hot tag. The action in this match was as quick and as hot as hell thanks to Cryme Time pulling out all of the stops. They really are the most under-rated tag team in WWE. The Hart Dynasty certainly kept their end of the bargain up with a good heat segment on Shad. Good opening match. ***1/4

Chris Jericho and The Big Show have a mashed up new theme tune. Jericho says that for Cryme Time, things go downhill from here. Chris Jericho puts in some arrogance on a higher level than usual which makes me laugh. Shad : "What I see is Chewie and Han Solo ?". He then goes on to do a badass impression of a wookie. YUSS !!! The fans start to call Jericho Christina thanks to JTG. Cracking segment between these two teams.

Michelle McCool and Layla vs. Eve Torres and Melina

Layla is shockingly bad. She's so bland, she'd be just as well not showing up for her matches. That was a pretty bad match. I don't think you can ever be sure of what to expect from the women of WWE. After that match on the PPV I thought this might have been decent, but it was back to the norm. DUD

We're backstage with CM Punk. He considers the defeat to Jeff Hardy to be an upset. He wishes luck to both Morrison and Hardy basically.

Mike Knox and Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey Mysterio and Finlay

Mike Knox is seemingly the odd one out here as Finlay and Rey both have problems with Ziggler. I guess Knox had problems with Rey but I almost forgot about that, which means loads of others don't give a toss about it either. Mike Knox provides moment of the week with a Cross Body Block which murders Rey. :lol: This match was surprisingly boring considering who was involved. The action was fine, but just not exciting. **

John Morrison is backstage and he offers congratulations for winning the title.

Charlie Haas vs. The Great Khali

I don't understand why Haas, a guy known for the mat wrestling, didn't go to the knees. There wasn't much of a match to be had anyways, since Kane came out and nabbed the translator of Khali which drew him out.

Jeff Hardy © vs. John Morrison - World Heavyweight Championship

The action before the first break ( yup, TWO breaks in this one ) was kinda tedious. The action after the break was terrific stuff with all sorts of crazy stuff going on. This is your free TV match of the year. Super match. ****1/4

CM Punk comes out after that match. He grabs a microphone. Punk decides not to talk and leather Hardy instead. :lol: This is a badass beatdown right here.



An absolutely sensational episode of Smackdown with a stellar main event, two amazing segments and Mike Knox murdering Rey. What more can you ask for ?

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Right, I'm gonna continue my Nitro posting, but before I do, I have to point out how amazing the non-RAW WWE TV was this week. On ECW, you had an incredible main event between Zack Ryder and Christian. Probably Christian's best match since returning to the WWE, and then on Superstars which seen John Morrison and Tyson Kidd wrestle a beauty.

Add that to the Morrison/Hardy match from Smackdown and you have a super week. Right ...

WCW Nitro 09/10/1995

Sting gets to the commentary booth and he has words about the Luger/Savage situation. He says that later tonight, he is going to solve the problem. Hmm.

Sting © vs. The Shark - WCW United States Championship

For anyone who isn't aware, and I can't imagine this being many people, The Shark is John Tenta. This match isn't really long enough to mean anything. Shark didn't look bad ... well, he actually looked awful when it comes to the ring attire. I thought that the Dungeon of Doom would have been doing something at ringside though. This whole thing seemed to be just to get Sting over, which is fair enough. Squash match.

We then look back to Hulk Hogan getting done in by the Dungeon of Doom and getting his hair cut. Cracking angle there.

Mr. JL vs. Sabu

It's an ECW invasion ! Oh, more gimmick news, as Jerry Lynn is the man under the Mr. JL mask. What a horrible mess of a match this is. It's just basically a bunch of moves glued together with no actual meaning. The fact most of Sabu's offense looks horrible only adds to the misery here. Not a good match at all.

Mean Gene is in the ring with Sting and Lex Luger. Sting says he needs Randy Savage out here. Savage gets paranoid in a big way, and as soon as I type that, Sting points it out. Sting wants a rematch at Halloween Havoc and Luger isn't happy with that. Luger accepts the match eventually though.

Disco Inferno comes out for a bit of a dance, even though he isn't due to wrestle. His music gets shut off so as Big Bubba can come out for his match, so he busts out a radio and puts his music on. HAHA !!! Brilliant ! The dancing continues.

Big Bubba vs. Road Warrior Hawk

This match is just a bruising big man brawl untill Disco Inferno comes down, and this causes Hawk to go after him and beat the shit out of him. Which then causes the referee to count him out. Booooooo. I was hoping that we would at least get something from these two guys here. Turned out to be a set up for something down the line, even if I'm not exactly sure what it is.

Mean Gene brings out Hulk Hogan. He's in the ring in all black and he says it's time to take care of business. Mean Gene says that The Giant has been barred from the arena. The Dungeon of Doom show up anyways. Oh, that's why they weren't here. Hogan goes back to find The Giant. That's the last we hear from that untill we come back from commercial and they are keeping Hogan and The Giant apart with the cops.

Arn Anderson vs. Ric Flair - Steel Cage Match

This time around, even Arn Anderson isn't interested in a wrestling match, as he goes right into brawling mode. Unlike the previous matches, this match kind of gets a bit dull as Flair decides to start struting and taunting much more than usual and it just doesn't work with this match. More strangeness at the end of this match as Anderson decides to use a foreign object to win and the commentators scream for a DQ. Can you get a DQ in a Cage Match ? Anyways, disappointing match.

Ric Flair grabs a headset and says he wants both Pillman and Anderson next week in a match.



Absolutely nothing of real note on this show, apart from the announcement of the potential Luger vs. Savage match on the PPV. Waste of time here I'm afraid.

WCW Nitro 16/10/1995

The sound on this one is horrific, but I'm gonna work through it anyways.

We look back to WCW Pro and Ric Flair asking Sting to become his tag team partner. Sting agrees, and says that he will leave Ric Flair for dead if he swerves him.

Diamond Dallas Page © vs. Johnny B. Badd - WCW Television Championship

This is happening because Page cost Badd a title shot in the past because he gave Badd flat tyres. That man is dedicated to cowardice ! He decides to really add to this by hitting Badd in the back of the head with the belt and getting DQed before the match even starts. Oh come on ! The Diamond Doll wasn't happy with that, which I'm sure we're going to see followed up in the future.

Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero

Knowing my luck, they're gonna go to some backstage shenanigans during this match, since it looks like a belting technical match. This was a different sort of technical match from the Malenko one because of the aggression brought in by Chris Benoit, which didn't hinder the match in any way. Infact, this might have been even better than the match with Malenko. A super piece of action here.

Mean Gene is in the ring. He brings out The Taskmaster and The Giant, and this is only going to be a bad thing. Kevin Sullivan is absolutely dire on the microphone. I completely zoned out for a minute of his promo. The point of things is that the Hulkamaniacs will become the children of the Dungeon of Doom. He then introduces us to The Giant. He'll destroy Hogan and we're back with the commentary team.

Disco Inferno hits the ramp and gets dancing. I have to admit that this is getting pretty amusing. Right, there's a match to happen here.

Meng vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Meng was the most agile guy in the match, which should tell you something about how good this match turns out. It's not very good.

Arn Anderson and Bryan Pillman vs. Sting and Ric Flair

Arn Anderson hasn't actually had an entrance to the ring on TV during this series of matches. That is the sort of treatment that you give to a jobber. Ric Flair just decides to extend his ass kicking of the last few weeks into the current scenario with severe chopping for both men. The booking of Flair during this period was absolutely awesome. The match was pretty decent, but I preferred it when Sting wasn't around.

We talk to Sting and Ric Flair at the end of the show. Sting is convinced that Ric Flair is on the straight and narrow and wants to be his tag team partner. Bobby Heenan can't believe it. He thinks Sting is a mug.



This wasn't much in the way of major storyline development. The Giant/Hogan and Luger/Savage stuff went absolutely nowhere. Two really good matches in there though, so you can't complain.

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CM Punk comes out after that match. He grabs a microphone. Punk decides not to talk and leather Hardy instead. :lol: This is a badass beatdown right here.

Agreed! :lol:

I loved it when Punk went "Jeff, the last few weeks.." then BOOM strikes him with the microphone, Punk even made Hardy bleed on a PG show!

Looking forward to next week, then again i always look forward to Smackdown.

Also is anyone starting to get bored of the guest hosts on Raw every week?, I mean all the guests so far have been face's, why can't we get one badass guest who favors the heels instead? :unsure:

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Agreed! :lol:

I loved it when Punk went "Jeff, the last few weeks.." then BOOM strikes him with the microphone, Punk even made Hardy bleed on a PG show!

Looking forward to next week, then again i always look forward to Smackdown.

Also is anyone starting to get bored of the guest hosts on Raw every week?, I mean all the guests so far have been face's, why can't we get one badass guest who favors the heels instead? :unsure:

Rumour has it that Jeremy Piven might be a heel for his guest host role tomoro night. Would be class I think to see him in full Ari Gold heel mode.

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When's Angle coming back? I'll never be happy until he returns to be a heel in wwe. Greatest of all time!

It's true, it's damn true.

If he's gonna go back, he'll go back when his contract is up later this year with TNA. If he doesnt go back to WWE then, he never will.

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After looking at the 'best tv themes' thread on this site, it got me thinking. What would you rate as the best ever wrestling themes, whether it be for wrestlers, shows, etc etc.

2 of my favourites are the old Wrestlemania theme and


God there are loads of belter :lol: . These are just a few of my favourites for starters:





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That Triple H theme is pretty class, although once it kicks in it sounds a bit like Big Boss Mans.

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I'm getting the old Nitros from an awesome torrent which has every episode.

EDIT : I'll be back later with my favourite themes. I have loads. :)

EDIT 2 : ...

WCW Nitro 23/10/1995

Kurasawa vs. Randy Savage

This is the second time I've seen Savage curtain jerking. And he hasn't even main evented a show yet ! Obviously high in the pecking order for WCW. :P Was Kurasawa trying deliberately to suck all of the life out of this match ? Thankfully, the fans were not willing to give up on the match easily thanks to their love for Randy Savage. I have to admit that I love his "kick the ringpost" spot that he seems to like doing. Not as good, or as funny, as Lionheart punching a ringpost, but I'll take it. Poor match anyways.

The lights go out and some baldy podgy guy shouts some stuff. I can't hear what he's saying, but this is hilarious regardless. :laugh:

Mean Gene has The Taskmaster and The Giant in front of a block of ice. The Taskmaster says that he brought an insurance policy in the block of ice. The Giant says that Hogan is running out of lives, and he says that he'll take his last life from him. Another nothing promo from these two guys. Apparently there's a yeti in that block of ice. Oh man, they aren't adding a yeti are they ? I can't remember if they did.

After the break, Hulk Hogan comes out to the ring. He's wearing the black again. He says he doesn't fear evil and he does not fear no man because he carries all of the Hulkamaniacs on his back. "Everyone knows what a man with black gloves and a black bandana is capable of doing." What the f**k ?!?! He says he'll beat everyone one at a time and refers to himself as "the bad guy" a couple of times. It was a decent enough promo actually, but it didn't really advance anything.

Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko vs. Eddie Guerrero and Mr. JL

Oh man, this is top quality stuff coming up. Alex Wright has apparently got an injured knee and will be replaced by JL for this match, but Wright comes out to offer moral support. I don't think this is going to end well for the babyface team. Whatever you want from tag team wrestling and cruiserweight action, you'll probably find it here. The match dulls down a bit and could have probably done with a couple of minues shaved off considering what they were going for, but this was a good match.

After the match, Diamond Dallas Page attacks Eddie Guerrero with the Diamond Cutter.

Harlem Heat vs. Sting and Lex Luger

During this match, we have a new similie for The Big Show's hand. "He has a hand like a car door.". Much more effective than a frying pan I bet. Anyways, this was a pretty boring tag team match as neither Sting or Luger looked anything close to interested, and the Heat weren't exactly excelling in control of the match.

After the match, The Giant comes out and Chokeslams Luger and Sting and The Taskmaster is out there with him. Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan hit the ring. Savage gets out and the two men brawl in the ring. The Taskmaster gets into the ring and that gets a ring invasion going. The two men eventually get split up. Someone breaks out of the block of ice and we don't even get to see who it was. Jesus christ.



Apart from the molten hot ending of the show, there really isn't much to see here. The tag team match with Benoit and co. is fine but not the blowaway stuff you'd expect, and there was also a distinct lack of Disco ! The ending was a brilliant go home for the PPV though.

WCW Nitro 30/10/1995

Halloween Havoc was the night before and apparently things happened which you won't believe. The Giant stole the WCW Title.

Sgt. Craig Pittman vs. Eddie Guerrero

Apparently it was supposed to be Savage against Pittman, but he got injured last night and Guerrero is going to take his place. This is going to be interesting since I have no idea how far down to his level that Pittman can actually drag Eddie. Pittman completely botches two moves within 30 seconds of the match starting. Jesus. This match is about as horrible an Eddie Guerrero match as you're ever likely to see. Infact, it might even be worth a look just to see Eddie in a match this bad.

The Shark vs. Scott Norton

This came as a result of some Dungeon of Doom miscommunication leading to The Shark costing Norton a match with Savage, which caused Norton to go absolutely batshit and attack The Shark last week. This is like a big man match on speed. This means that the match is at least entertaining as they keep the match moving constantly untill the crappy ending, which probably means that the fued between these guys continues.

The brawl continues after the match is done, and Norton is in control, but the referee splits them up and The Shark takes his chance to get the hell out of there.

Bobby Heenan is with Sonny Ono talking about the show.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring, and we see pictures of Ric Flair turning on Sting and getting the Horsemen together. The Three Horsemen are then brought to the ring. Ric Flair says that the three will soon be four, and says that the Horsemen are the best thing going today, whether we like it or not. He says that if Sting doesn't like it, The Horsemen will be in town next week ready to go to work. The fans HATE the Horsemen, making this fun.

Sabu vs. Disco Inferno

Poor Disco. After weeks of fun and games from this guy, it looks like he's going to be massacred. :( Disco Inferno actually gets in more offense than the usual Sabu opponent which makes me sorta happy, but it turns out to be just a squash match anyways. Much like earlier squash matches with Sabu, this isn't really worth watching.

Sabu brings a table out to the ringside area. SABU DOES A SLINGSHOT SENTON ONTO AN UNBREAKABLE TABLE !!! :D Disco Inferno gets out of there and Sabu goes nuts.

Lex Luger and Meng vs. The American Males

It turns out that Lex Luger and Jimmy Hart joined with The Taskmaster and the Dungeon of Doom. At least they finally paid off the Luger "will he won't he ?" thing. This was a pretty crappy main event. Especially when Scotty Riggs was in there. He had no place in a main event. Neither did Marcus Bagwell to be honest, but at least he looked decent when he was in the ring. Poor main event.

We then have a look at the footage of the main event of Halloween Havoc 1995. It started with Jimmy Hart knocking out the referee, and then turning on Hogan. Lex Luger and Randy Savage then hit the ring and Luger attacks Savage to make sure that he can't get up, and then some tadger in a mummy costume, who they are calling the Yeti, helps The Giant.

We come back to Tony Schiavone who is in the ring with Lex Luger, The Taskmaster, Jimmy Hart and The Giant. Hart says that HE was the evil in Hogan's backyard. The Giant says that he will defend the belt, and The Taskmaster basically says I told you so.



Man these shows have been getting uneventful. This is another one for the "skip" column.

WCW Nitro 06/11/1995

The fans choose the main event.

Cobra vs. The Giant

The Giant forces the ring announcer to say that this is a title match even though The Giant only stole the belt. Cobra should be DQed on the basis of a horrific entrance theme anyways. This match turns out to be the quickest match on Nitro so far. The match is a chokeslam and three count long.

Sting wants the fans to pick Sting vs. Lex Luger.

The Taskmaster vs. Renegade

The Renegade is one of the most ridiculous gimmicks that WCW came up with. Well, infact, it's not even the most ridiculous gimmick of that MONTH for WCW, since they showed The Yeti earlier. He's not a horrible wrestler though and keeps this thing entertaining while he's in control, which is the majority of the match. Shame that he was the only one interested in putting out a decent match here.

Ric Flair is backstage, and he says that if Sting doesn't like him, he should do something about it.

Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero

No complaints about seeing this match again. I could watch these two guys wrestling every single week. The match was absolutely nowhere near as good as the match they had weeks before, and had a pretty crappy ending which is pretty poor considering that they usually spot the foot on the ropes. I can't believe that the refereeing would be that bad all of a sudden. Not a bad match though.

Sting is livid that Ric Flair used "the little Stingers" at the PPV.

Sting vs. Ric Flair

The fans have voted for this one ! No surprise really considering how badly Ric Flair screwed over Sting. Brilliantly booked main event, with Flair wrestling a completely different match than he had been doing in the weeks previous, in an almost desperate manner while Sting is the man on fire for a change. Good main event to the show, but I can't help but feel that we got too clean a match here between the two guys too soon after the big swerve.

Wrestlers try to get Sting to release the Scorpion Deathlock and he eventually does it. Luger comes down and tries to talk some sense into Sting, and he eventually does. Sting and Luger leave together. Hmmmm.

We're in the ring with The Taskmaster, The Giant and Jimmy Hart. Jimmy Hart confirms that The Giant won the title. A lawyer comes out and says that the WCW Title is vacated because of the way that the match was awarded to Giant, and that means World War 3 is for the title.



This was a decent show from an angle standpoint. The action in the ring was decent as well, even if it was never amazing which is disappointing considering what two of the matches were.

Edited by DomDom
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After looking at the 'best tv themes' thread on this site, it got me thinking. What would you rate as the best ever wrestling themes, whether it be for wrestlers, shows, etc etc.

2 of my favourites are the old Wrestlemania theme and


Here's a few of my fav's. IMO, this is The Rock's best theme,

Undertaker 2nd theme,

Ric Flair WWF theme,



Kurt Angle WWE

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Really? He had every title in the business won within about 9 months of his debut though.

Angle looked human when he just started out. He wasn't a small guy, but when you have HHH, The Rock, The Undertaker, Kane, Big Show all floating around the upper mid-card/main event then he was small in comparison.

That Triple H theme is pretty class, although once it kicks in it sounds a bit like Big Boss Mans.

Yep, it's brilliant. I was having an argument with my mate about this one actually. I told him there are 2 versions of this theme and he only used this one for a very short period of time before they beefed it up with the vocals and that. So next time he's round here I'll be showing him it!

Anyway, the greatest theme the WWE have ever done has to be

. It's really, really sinister sounding.
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Actually Goldusts is one my favourites too as well as him being one of my favourite gimmicks of all time. That theme just sounds so mysterious.

More of my favourite themes are:



(one of all time favourite characters as well.)

EDIT: How could I forget this one:

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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