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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Right, this is about as good a list of good theme tunes as I can think of at the moment. I might even leave stuff out. Bear in mind this is a LONG list.

Kurt Angle


Steve Blackman ( tap those feet people ! )

D'Lo Brown


Mankind's Victory Theme : This features on one of the greatest visuals in wrestling history, with the McMahons leaving the scene of their crime on Austin after his match with Mankind, and they run through the back with this music playing. Truly unforgettable.

Doink ( Heel Theme )



Ken Shamrock




The Allied Powers ( British Bulldog and Lex Luger )

Disco Inferno


Jake Roberts ( heel )

Jake Roberts ( original )

The Big Bossman

That's the best I can do right now.

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Christian (2005)

Main Event Mafia

Kevin Nash (First TNA theme)

Steve Austin (2001)

The Rock (1998)

Chris Jericho (2002 King of my World)

Mark Henry (Current)

Mark Henry (2002) Is it just me or does he look like Saracen in that picture 27 seconds in?

Rob Van Dam (2001)

Michael PS Hayes

The Coach

Too Cool

Also stumble upon

just there. What a reaction.

Mr Ass

Eric Bischoff

Shane O'Mac

and I saved the best till

Only planned on putting a few up and I just kept finding more good ones. I'm giving up looking now.

Edited by KilliePie
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Who can forget this gem?

SHIT ! That was the first one I thought of when I started looking and I forgot about it !

WCW Nitro 25/12/1995

No rest for the wicked I'm afraid, especially with the PPV being two days later.

Lex Luger vs. Scotty Riggs

Sorry Scotty, but if Buff doesn't stand a chance against the Package, I'm pretty sure that YOU don't stand a chance either. This was even MORE competitive than the match that Luger had with Bagwell and it was all the better for it. I even thought Riggs had a chance of winning at one point ! I hated the ignoring of all of the arm work that Riggs done as he really went for it. That aside, good match.

On the aisle with Sting and Mean Gene. Sting has had enough of Gorilla asking questions of him about Luger. He says he wants to lock the Scorpion Deathlock on Flair and never let go. He then says that NJPW are on WCW territory at Starrcade.

Big Bubba vs. Sting

Sting is looking a bit suspicious on the way to the ring, getting angry with his pyro (?) and hesitant with the fans before finally deciding to slap away. I thought they botched the ending untill I realised that it was actually the right ending ! This was far too long considering who was involved. Big Bubba got far too much offense and most of it I have already forgotten about. I still think it was a Sting squash, even though it was far from.

Mean Gene is with Jimmy Hart and Lex Luger. He says that you couldn't have a more premiere match than the Triangle Match. He says that he is going to win the title and then Jimmy Hart gets on the mic, and Craig Pittman comes out. He wants Hart as a manager. My video cuts. WHAT ?!?!

Dean Malenko vs. Mr. JL

Oh FFS. JL has been pretty poor thus far on these shows. Thank goodness that they seemed to get it sorted before he went to ECW. Seems like there was a pretty bad injury at the end of the match on the Super Gutbuster. I had a bad feeling when Malenko was struggling to keep Lynn on. This was the best Mr. JL match so far thanks to Malenko just being far too good to have anything other than a good match. It helped that JL was actually on a bit of form as well.

Mean Gene is with Ric Flair. He basically pimps the main event for this show and for Starrcade.

Randy Savage © vs. Ric Flair - WCW World Heavyweight Championship

f**k YEAH !!! I've been dying to see one of these matches since I started watching these shows. Flair is on his very best heel form here, doing all sorts of cheap shots and short cuts to basically annoy everyone watching. Savage just could not buy a break through this match as Flair had his number for the vast majority of it. They sacrificed the match for the story, which was fair enough as it made Flair look like a credible challenger. Not a great match by any means, but understandable.

Luger hits the ring and attacks Savage. Sting runs down and gets cut off by Flair. Sting and Savage manage to clean house. Savage and Sting have words.

End of show.

WCW Starrcade 1995

The World Cup of Wrestling is on the line this evening. The WCW ! Get it ?

Chris Benoit vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Chris Benoit is a strange one. He's supposed to be a member of the Horsemen, but we never hear anything about that unless he's wrestling. He never comes out for promos or beatdowns. I bet the Horsemen are glad they have him. I absolutely hated the ending to this match. I thought they were going to just let these two guys go at it, but it's WCW so no chance of that I'm afraid. This was a brilliant hard hitting match though with both guys throwing big bombs at each other.


Koji Kanemoto vs. Alex Wright

I haven't really seen any matches of Alex Wright that went any great length. I watched a match he had with HHH in WCW one time, but he was boring as sin when he went to WWE initially, so I don't think that's such a great place to judge someone. This match had completely lost the fans half way through it because of how awkward and slow things were between the two of them. This match could have probably done with some pre planning. They finally won the crowd back in the end, but too late for me I'm afraid.


Masa Chono vs. Lex Luger

I'd be very surprised to see anything other than a Luger win here. The weird thing here is that the fans are expected to cheer for Luger in this match and then boo him later on the same night. Sure enough, Luger gets the win, but he was made to work for it, as Chono put Luger through every kind of hell he could in this rather short match before Luger made his wee comeback at the end. Not a good match though. Infact, it was kinda shit.


Masa Saito vs. Johnny B. Badd

Man, Saito is a vicious looking man. The fact that THIS guy is named "Mr. Torture" does not bode well for the TV champ. Not even nearly enough ass kicking from Saito in this match for me. Another very poor match, which was only interesting when the two guys were just going mental on each other.


Shinjiro Ohtani vs. Eddie Guerrero

I watched this match not long ago, but I'm going to watch it again because it was bloody good the last time around. This was an absolutely terrific match watching it again. The ending sequence was just fabulous and capped off the match perfectly. Both guys broke out some amazing stuff, especially Eddie, who's offense just looked so crisp. It also played out much like many NJPW Jr. matches that I've seen, and since Eddie has been there seen it and done it, this match was great.


Randy Savage vs. Hiroyoshi Tenzan

The scoreline and the fact that Savage is the champion just confirms what the result of this match is going to be. I almost feel like just skipping the match, but I'm gonna stick with it. This match was as boring as sin. The fans just didn't give Tenzan a hope in hell of winning this match and they just stayed dead silent for the entire time he was in control. It didn't help that his entire offense consisted of kicks and chops.


Kensuke Sasaki vs. Sting

The winner of this match wins the World Cup of Wrestling for their team. The match these two guys had for the US Title in Japan was pretty impressive, I have to admit, so I'm hoping they have a similar match for a big prize here. This was a very different match from the NJPW match and therefore was nowhere near the quality of the match in Japan, but you had to expect the style of match to be different. It did lead to the match being very disappointing though. Certainly not worthy of being the last match of what was supposedly an important tournament.


Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair vs. Sting - Triangle Match

Ric Flair almost seems like a bit part player in all of this, with Sting and Lex Luger playing out the main story in all of this, as well as Randy Savage having issues with Luger and almost blowing up at Sting. Ric Flair and Randy Savage had a match on Nitro though and it was pretty good. I'm surprised by the lack of heat for the Sting/Luger portions of the match. The heat whenever Flair was in there was off the charts, and his interactions with both of the opponents was top notch. The interactions between Sting and Luger were interesting but dodgy to watch because of the lack of heat. Great ending to this match and the whole thing was pretty good.

Randy Savage © vs. Ric Flair - WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Very much the underdog, Ric Flair going through really gave the main event an unpredictable feel. Obviously this match couldn't be as good as previous matches because both men had wrestled in matches and they never got long to put on a good match either. The match was still a lot of fun. I was a bit shocked at the lack of arm work from Tenzan so I was pleased to see that Flair didn't forget about it. I loved the pop that Flair got for the win. The arena went fucking ballistic when the pinfall was counted.

Edited by DomDom
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WWE Royal Rumble 2000

I've decided to skip some PPVs and hit the 2000s, mainly because people bitch and moan about the downfall of WWE. Lets see just how it has faired in the last almost 10 years.

We open with Kurt Angle heading for the ring and he has things to say. He says he's proud to be in the MSG. The MSG is clearly not proud to have him. He has a dig at the Yankees. He has decided to be New York's champion. He says that his un-named opponent that he could tell his grandkids about this one day, so he should come out and give his all. He sure did.

Kurt Angle vs. Tazz

Tazz gets a fucking MONSTER pop from the audience. This was as great a showcase for a wrestler coming in as you're ever likely to see. Tazz basically just hit his Suplexes and bitched Angle big time. Angle got in a bit of offense there, but this was the Tazz show. Won't be rating it on account of it being a squash, but for historical value, this is definately worth a watch and it's one of the most entertaining squash matches ever.

Michael Cole is with The Hardy Boys. We see the fued between the two. Matt and Jeff tell Terri she isn't going to be at ringside.

The Dudley Boys vs. The Hardy Boys - Tables Match

Up to this point, there wasn't really a good Dudleys match in WWE, but then they brought tables into play six days before the PPV and we were then left with this match. This was an amazing spotfest, which while it wasn't quite on the level of the ladder match at No Mercy 1999, it was still a great set up to the stuff that would come later. Although watching it now, you can't help but feel that all of the risks in this particular match were taken by the Hardy Boys. The TLC series would see The Dudleys come into their own though. This was brilliant regardless. ****

I'm going to forget that the Swimsuit competition ever existed. And I'm not explaining why. You should already know.

Chris Jericho vs. Chyna vs. Hardcore Holly

Chyna and Jericho were co-title holders at this point. "Welcome to Madison Square Jericho !". I'm not sure why they thought Holly would be a good inclusion to their little fued. Anyone complaining about Cena's punches should give this match a watch. Chyna gives easily the most feeble strikes I have ever seen in my life. My nephew hit me harder when he was one year old. This match has some pretty exciting nearfalls where you believed that anything could happen. There was even a good bet for a double pin. Terrible first half, good second half. **1/2

We're backstage with The Rock. He says he's going to have trouble from Headbanger Mosh and Crash Holly, and if he can get past them, he might win the Rumble. "You Should Be Concerned With Getting Yourself a Nice Tall Glass of Shut Up Juice !". He says that he prays that he and The Big Show will be the last two men. Absolutely cracking promo from The Rock there.

The New Age Outlaws © vs. Acolytes - WWE World Tag Team Championships

This was a bit of a WWE dream tag team match at the time. The problem was that the NAO were a wee bit past it and the APA weren't exactly the best of teams in the first place. What we're left with is a match kept short so as the match wasn't too disappointing and this did no good because they weren't even good enough to have a five minute match without making it bad. Fo' shame. DUD

Triple H © vs. Cactus Jack, Street Fight - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Triple H was already an established main eventer by the time this match came around, but this fued pretty much cemented Triple H in the main event scene forever, as Foley made him look like an absolute god. This match was super because of HHH's gradual adapting to the type of match he was in, to the point that he was actually beyond sick and fighting survive. You had the gradual intensity building and while the spots didn't get bigger, even if the final spot was fucking mental, they got more meaningful and there was a sense of chaos that is sadly lacking in hardcore matches in WWE these days. In the end, both men took almost everything that the other man had, and this war means that it's one of the best matches of the decade. *****

For the record, I feel sorry for anyone who has to follow a match like that. Something like that should only EVER main event a show. The crowd is always dead when something like that has happened.

Royal Rumble 2000

This might be one of the few types of matches that CAN do it. The 30 entrants means the fans will be kept on their toes and there's always lots of fueds going on. Thank god for the Royal Rumble. Rikishi and Too Cool were insanely over at this point and when they did the dancing during the match the crowd went absolutely mental. Also funny when he just dumped 'em before giving a "just business" look and then they give a sign that it's all good. Anyways, this was booked brilliantly and showed why this was a period when everything that Vinny Mac touched turned to gold. ***1/2

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WWE No Way Out 2000

Chris Jericho © vs. Kurt Angle - WWE Intercontinental Championship

This was a pretty good match, but there were some things that bugged me. It felt as if Angle was supposed to be going after the arm, but he never, and then suddenly expected an arm submission to be a nearfall. It doesn't work that way. Also, both guys just shrugged off massive moves during the match. Double Powerbomb leading to Angle just going to the arm ? What the hell is that about ? There's more good than bad here though, so this is a good opening match. ***1/4

The New Age Outlaws © vs. The Dudley Boys - WWE World Tag Team Championships

Billy Gunn was coming into this match with a pretty bad shoulder injury, so everyone knew that this was going to be a pretty poor match and also a title change. They'd have been as well having this on RAW. This was actually a LOT more one sided than I expected. Billy Gunn got a couple of moves in there towards the end but this was an absolute demolition job from The Dudley Boys. No rating needed for a squash match. N/A

Viscera vs. Mark Henry

Right here's the deal. Mae Young was pregnant, but Viscera gave her a big Splash and Mark Henry decided to protect her. I guess such a shit looking match only deserved a really shit fued to go along with it. The fans chanted "Boring" during this match, but I thought it was a tad bit unfair. It wasn't a great match by any means but you certainly couldn't fault the effort of either man here. Especially Henry who was bumping like a maniac, going above and beyond the call of duty to make this match as good as possible. There's only so much these two guys could do though. *

Edge and Christian vs. The Hardy Boys

This match was a #1 Contender's Match. This was the ultimate proof that these two teams were capable of more than just the amazing stunt fests that they had been doing. This match felt like it was moving at 100mph with every single move being high impact and high risk. The ending was absolutely senseless and the attempted explanations that were offered just did nothing for me I'm afraid. Still, this match is WAY worth watching. ***3/4

FAROOQ DROPS JEFF ON HIS HEAD AFTER THE MATCH WITH THE DOMINATOR !!! I should point out APA were protecting Terri who cost The Hardys the match.

The Big Bossman vs. Tazz

You want to talk about a step downhill ? Tazz beats future main eventer in the opening match of the second biggest WWE PPV of the year. He then gets fed some diddy from years ago in the second PPV match of his career. It wouldn't get any better for him in the future. Thankfully, this match didn't even last two minutes which meant Tazz didn't lose too much momentum here. N/A

X-Pac vs. Kane - No Holds Barred Match

This was an awesome storyline and turned Kane into a brilliant babyface character. The problem was that after this, WWE was never again sure what they wanted to do with Kane and therefore had a lot to do with the mess of a character we have today. The fact that he can still get over is a miracle. This match was okay, but when you consider the hatred going into this, where was the violence ? This was no more intense and brutal than many of the No DQ type matches we see on WWE TV today and that should give you an idea of what to expect here. **

Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko and Dean Malenko vs. Too Cool and Rikishi

The heel team came into WWE along with Eddie Guerrero because they were annoyed with the way they were treated by WCW, and basically made the jump. They turned on Mick Foley and turned heel. This match is proof that if you put six men of even decent standard into a tag team match, you're going to get some really good action as a result. My fingers are almost red because of how fluid the action in this match was. A really good six man tag. ***1/2

The Big Show vs. The Rock - #1 Contender's Match

This match came about because The Rock was eliminated from the Rumble and the referee never spotted it, so The Big Show thinks he should be going to the main event of Wrestlemania instead of The Rock. The action in this match was just horribly dull. Lots going on, but with no substance to it. Amazing when you consider that at this time, The Rock was incredible in the ring and could almost do no wrong. Probably the worst Rock one on one PPV from this point to the end of his WWE career. *

Triple H © vs. Cactus Jack, Hell in a Cell Match - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Mick Foley's career is also on the line here. Despite the stipulation, nobody had the slightest idea who was going to win this match. This was every bit as violent as their match the month before. Infact, this might have been even more brutal than that match. This match had nowhere near the amount of drama as that match because of the odd timing at times. There was also some really shit selling. HHH shrugging off a barbed wire shot with fire in there too ? What the hell is that about ? This is still a magnificent way to end a career though ... if it was the end. Unfortunately, he's still going. ****1/2



Oh man. What a PPV this turned out to be. Three matches which went over the 3* mark in the undercard and then THAT main event. Get this.

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Here is a full PBP of what is SUPPOSED to be one of the best matches of the year.

ROH Supercard of Honor IV

GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship

KENTA © vs. Davey Richards

KENTA gets a MONSTER pop from this audience. KENTA has been involved in some very memorable ROH matches actually, and his match with Low Ki at Final Battle 2004 might well be the best of the lot. The referee wants a handshake between the two men. Richards doesn't want any of it. Lockup and into the ropes they go. KENTA misses a kick in the ropes and the fans wanted to see that one connect. Lockup and Richards with a Headlock. Arm Drag from KENTA quickly countered. Both men miss kicks and then miss Dropkicks and we have a stalemate. They lock hands and both men struggle to get control, but Richards gets there eventually, and then KENTA. Richards gets out and goes to the Arm Ringer.

KENTA with the Arm Ringer of his own and then a Snapmare and a kick to the back from Richards, so KENTA slaps him in the face ! KENTA with a Snapmare and then a kick to the face ! Suplex from KENTA is blocked and then drops behind on a Suplex. Dropkick takes Richards out of the air as he tried a Leapfrog. He gets a one count from that. Snapmare from KENTA and then a Slingshot Back Heel Kick. :lol: Awesome. Kick to the chest in the corner. This is gonna be one stiff match. More kicks to the chest from KENTA. European Uppercut from KENTA. Richards runs into a boot. Forearm to the head, but then Richards with a Dragon Screw over the middle rope and now he has complete control thanks to that.

He drops an elbow on the leg and locks in a submission. He lets it go and then kicks away at the leg before jawing with the fans. KENTA into the ropes and a Clothesline from Richards. Kicks to the chest from Richards and also to the legs. Spinning Toe Hold, and then the Figure Four Leglock, but Richards doesn't do it since the fans wanted him to, so he does some sort of inverted variation of it. Ouch ! KENTA gets into the ropes. KENTA tries to come back but Richards just shrugs it off and kicks the leg. Clotheslines from KENTA to get back into the match. Suplex from KENTA. KENTA heads for the top rope and then the Top Rope Clothesline gets a two count. Kicks to the chest of Richards and then a Spin Kick and then the Fisherman Buster from Kenta gets a two count.

STF from KENTA and Richards starts heading for the ropes. Richards gets into the ropes. German Suplex attempt is blocked by Richards, but then KENTA runs into a Head and Arm Suplex. RICHARDS WITH THE TOPE CON HILO ... AND HE FUCKING ENDS UP IN THE CROWD !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Back into the ring they go. Richards to the top rope. Top Rope Dropkick from Richards. He hits the Running Forearm but runs into a Big Boot and then another Spin Kick to the head. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! He brings KENTA to his feet and then sets him on the top rope. KENTA blocks the Superplex and then slaps Richards in the face and dumps him in the ring. Springboard Dropkick and then Boots in the corner. Dropkick in the corner from KENTA to the sitting Richards.

SITDOWN POWERBOMB FROM KENTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! DOUBLE STOMP TO THE CHEST OF RICHARDS FROM THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Flurry of strikes. Rana from Richards and then KENTA into the corner and Richards runs into a boot. Tornado DDT over the top rope. HE SPRINGBOARDS RIGHT INTO THE POWERBOMB AND THEN THE TEXAS CLOVERLEAF FROM RICHARDS !!! KENTA IS IN DEEP TROUBLE !!! KENTA GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! Kicks from Richards. KENTA refuses to buckle and comes back with kicks of his own. Kick fest. Clothesline fest. BOTH MEN WITH KICKS TO THE HEAD AND BOTH MEN GO DOWN !!! JESUS CHRIST THIS SHIT IS TERRIFIC !!! Every fan is standing and you can't blame them. BOTH MEN WITH BOOTS TO THE FACE !!! RICHARDS WINS THAT !!! SLAPFEST !!! Richards dominates that. TIGER SUPLEX FROM KENTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! Richards finds his way onto the apron. KENTA goes out there to meet him. This will not end well. FALCON ARROW OFF OF THE APRON ... blocked. Both men battle. BRAINBUSTER OFF OF THE APRON AND TO THE FLOOR FROM KENTA !!! THAT IS FUCKING VILE !!! The commentators called that a Falcon Arrow, but that was a Brainbuster. The referee is up to 13 on his count. Richards gets into the ring at the 17 count. Richards uses KENTA to get to his feet. Poke to the eye. REPEATED KICKS TO THE HEAD FROM KENTA !!! BUSAIKU KNEE KICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE .... KICKOOOOUUUTTT !!! GO 2 SLEEP FROM KENTA ... RICHARDS CATCHES THE KNEE !!! THE FUCKING TEXAS CLOVERLEAF !!! OH MY GOD !!! HE DRAGS HIM INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING !!! THE FANS ARE NUKED !!! KENTA WITH A SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! DR DRIVER FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! I'm exhausted just WATCHING this match. KENTA with Forearms along with Richards. GO 2 SLEEP COUNTERED INTO THE CRUCIFIX COUNTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KENTA WITH THE GO 2 SLEEP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

Match Winner : KENTA

Match Rating : ****3/4

Match Comments : I'm not sure what was missing from this match, but it just didn't feel like a 5* match to me, but this was absolutely sensational stuff. The finishing sequence lasted almost half of the match and was just the most amazing example of throwing bombs that you're going to see this year. I think that maybe I didn't give Davey Richards enough of a chance in this match, and that's why I didn't give it the full whammy. This is a 2009 classic though. Watch it.


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Here is a full PBP of what is SUPPOSED to be one of the best matches of the year.

ROH Supercard of Honor IV

GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship

KENTA © vs. Davey Richards

KENTA gets a MONSTER pop from this audience. KENTA has been involved in some very memorable ROH matches actually, and his match with Low Ki at Final Battle 2004 might well be the best of the lot. The referee wants a handshake between the two men. Richards doesn't want any of it. Lockup and into the ropes they go. KENTA misses a kick in the ropes and the fans wanted to see that one connect. Lockup and Richards with a Headlock. Arm Drag from KENTA quickly countered. Both men miss kicks and then miss Dropkicks and we have a stalemate. They lock hands and both men struggle to get control, but Richards gets there eventually, and then KENTA. Richards gets out and goes to the Arm Ringer.

KENTA with the Arm Ringer of his own and then a Snapmare and a kick to the back from Richards, so KENTA slaps him in the face ! KENTA with a Snapmare and then a kick to the face ! Suplex from KENTA is blocked and then drops behind on a Suplex. Dropkick takes Richards out of the air as he tried a Leapfrog. He gets a one count from that. Snapmare from KENTA and then a Slingshot Back Heel Kick. :lol: Awesome. Kick to the chest in the corner. This is gonna be one stiff match. More kicks to the chest from KENTA. European Uppercut from KENTA. Richards runs into a boot. Forearm to the head, but then Richards with a Dragon Screw over the middle rope and now he has complete control thanks to that.

He drops an elbow on the leg and locks in a submission. He lets it go and then kicks away at the leg before jawing with the fans. KENTA into the ropes and a Clothesline from Richards. Kicks to the chest from Richards and also to the legs. Spinning Toe Hold, and then the Figure Four Leglock, but Richards doesn't do it since the fans wanted him to, so he does some sort of inverted variation of it. Ouch ! KENTA gets into the ropes. KENTA tries to come back but Richards just shrugs it off and kicks the leg. Clotheslines from KENTA to get back into the match. Suplex from KENTA. KENTA heads for the top rope and then the Top Rope Clothesline gets a two count. Kicks to the chest of Richards and then a Spin Kick and then the Fisherman Buster from Kenta gets a two count.

STF from KENTA and Richards starts heading for the ropes. Richards gets into the ropes. German Suplex attempt is blocked by Richards, but then KENTA runs into a Head and Arm Suplex. RICHARDS WITH THE TOPE CON HILO ... AND HE FUCKING ENDS UP IN THE CROWD !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Back into the ring they go. Richards to the top rope. Top Rope Dropkick from Richards. He hits the Running Forearm but runs into a Big Boot and then another Spin Kick to the head. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! He brings KENTA to his feet and then sets him on the top rope. KENTA blocks the Superplex and then slaps Richards in the face and dumps him in the ring. Springboard Dropkick and then Boots in the corner. Dropkick in the corner from KENTA to the sitting Richards.

SITDOWN POWERBOMB FROM KENTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! DOUBLE STOMP TO THE CHEST OF RICHARDS FROM THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Flurry of strikes. Rana from Richards and then KENTA into the corner and Richards runs into a boot. Tornado DDT over the top rope. HE SPRINGBOARDS RIGHT INTO THE POWERBOMB AND THEN THE TEXAS CLOVERLEAF FROM RICHARDS !!! KENTA IS IN DEEP TROUBLE !!! KENTA GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! Kicks from Richards. KENTA refuses to buckle and comes back with kicks of his own. Kick fest. Clothesline fest. BOTH MEN WITH KICKS TO THE HEAD AND BOTH MEN GO DOWN !!! JESUS CHRIST THIS SHIT IS TERRIFIC !!! Every fan is standing and you can't blame them. BOTH MEN WITH BOOTS TO THE FACE !!! RICHARDS WINS THAT !!! SLAPFEST !!! Richards dominates that. TIGER SUPLEX FROM KENTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! Richards finds his way onto the apron. KENTA goes out there to meet him. This will not end well. FALCON ARROW OFF OF THE APRON ... blocked. Both men battle. BRAINBUSTER OFF OF THE APRON AND TO THE FLOOR FROM KENTA !!! THAT IS FUCKING VILE !!! The commentators called that a Falcon Arrow, but that was a Brainbuster. The referee is up to 13 on his count. Richards gets into the ring at the 17 count. Richards uses KENTA to get to his feet. Poke to the eye. REPEATED KICKS TO THE HEAD FROM KENTA !!! BUSAIKU KNEE KICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE .... KICKOOOOUUUTTT !!! GO 2 SLEEP FROM KENTA ... RICHARDS CATCHES THE KNEE !!! THE FUCKING TEXAS CLOVERLEAF !!! OH MY GOD !!! HE DRAGS HIM INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING !!! THE FANS ARE NUKED !!! KENTA WITH A SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! DR DRIVER FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! I'm exhausted just WATCHING this match. KENTA with Forearms along with Richards. GO 2 SLEEP COUNTERED INTO THE CRUCIFIX COUNTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KENTA WITH THE GO 2 SLEEP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

Match Winner : KENTA

Match Rating : ****3/4

Match Comments : I'm not sure what was missing from this match, but it just didn't feel like a 5* match to me, but this was absolutely sensational stuff. The finishing sequence lasted almost half of the match and was just the most amazing example of throwing bombs that you're going to see this year. I think that maybe I didn't give Davey Richards enough of a chance in this match, and that's why I didn't give it the full whammy. This is a 2009 classic though. Watch it.


I had actually just finished watching this just before I came on here. An absolutely sensational match and one of the stiffest I've seen in a long, long time. Brilliant stuff.

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