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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Why are all the big names in the WWE all on Raw now? I'm talking about Cena, HHH, Orton, Michaels, Jericho. Smackdown's main men are CM Punk, Matt Hardy and fucking John Morrison? Whats the story with that? Are they trying to phase Smackdown out or something?

Have you been watching SD recently? Jeff Hardy is without doubt the most popular guy in WWE right now and Morrison is getting huge crowd reactions. Dolph Ziggler is getting a huge push along with Cryme Tyme.It more a case of building the big names for the future. Plus they have the experience in Rey Mysterio and Taker has yet to return.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Legacy looked totally badass. Even Cody Rhodes didn't look like a jobber, and with a bit of a build on him, he actually looks really intimidating.

I can totally believe DiBiase as a badass heel. But Cody Rhodes?????????Still No. :lol:

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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I can totally believe DiBiase as a badass heel. But Cody Rhodes?????????Still No. :lol:

My only problem with Cody now is the knees.

Oh, and Freddy was the best guest so far. Good on the mic and actually held his own when Orton seemed to be dragging the opening segment down.

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My only problem with Cody now is the knees.

Oh, and Freddy was the best guest so far. Good on the mic and actually held his own when Orton seemed to be dragging the opening segment down.

Cody Rhodes still thinks it's the 80's..........get yourself some fuckin kneepads son, your not on World of Sport.

I thought Freddy was decent but SD still kicks RAW's arse. I guess him being a life long wrestling fan and a former member of WWE creative shone through last night. I really can't stand the comedy pish we get on RAW these days (Santino/DX), Santinos real comedy comes in the ring.

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Possible spoiler for Summerslam.

John Morrison could be added to the Summerslam TLC match. [Credit: Wrestlingobserver.com]

Yeah I was reading that they think he's too big a name to not be on the card. Even if he's not in the TLC match I would ecpect him to be involved in some way on the show.

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Can't be long now til Undertaker returns & ruins Smackdown again :(

How in god's name would he ruin it ? He was at his career best before he disappeared. He'd only add to the amazing main event scene. He helped to elevate Shelton before he went as well. Just a shame Shelton is a charisma hole and has now managed to halt three elevations all on his own.

Good going captain. :D

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How in god's name would he ruin it ? He was at his career best before he disappeared. He'd only add to the amazing main event scene. He helped to elevate Shelton before he went as well. Just a shame Shelton is a charisma hole and has now managed to halt three elevations all on his own.

Good going captain. :D

no arguments from me on that Undertaker is a fantastic worker & one of the greatest of all time.....but his character is sooooooo played out on Smackdown & has been for the best part of 3 years now.

I think a move would not only benefit him in the countdown to his retirement in the next few years but might also help RAW become watchable at least.

only my opinion though ;)

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A move to RAW would do no good. They're not interested in pushing fresh faces anymore. He'd be wasted.

The very name of The Undertaker is a big deal, and he's possibly the best choice for putting new guys over. He has a varied list of guys on Smackdown who could do with him being there. His gimmick might be outplayed, but it's popular and absolutely vital that he sticks with it. Otherwise he'll go back to being nothing like he was in the "American Badass" days.

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A move to RAW would do no good. They're not interested in pushing fresh faces anymore. He'd be wasted.

The very name of The Undertaker is a big deal, and he's possibly the best choice for putting new guys over. He has a varied list of guys on Smackdown who could do with him being there. His gimmick might be outplayed, but it's popular and absolutely vital that he sticks with it. Otherwise he'll go back to being nothing like he was in the "American Badass" days.

No possibly about it.........undoubtedly. He has made stars out of a number guys on the past including both Randy Orton and Edge. Guys like Ziggler and Morrison could be elevated to superstardom by the deadman. I read that as it stands, the plan is for Taker to feud with CM Punk on his return which will make fantastic TV.

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WWE Judgement Day 2000

Vince McMahon wonders how he can have a show without Pat Patterson. It'll be a struggle I'm sure. The Headbangers try and win the hardcore title, but they fail in their quest as Gerry Brisco gets away.

Kurt Angle, Edge and Christian vs. Too Cool and Rikishi

Kurt Angle is drawing attention from teenage girls now that he's with Edge and Christian. Edge and Christian are still pretty popular, even though they are now fully fledged heels. Christian calls Louisville "Lewisville" to get some major heel heat from the crowd. This is followed by a photo pose, in style of a redneck band. :lol: Everyone in this match gets a huge reaction from the crowd, which obviously means hot hot opener and a perfect choice. Thought the heat segment could have been longer considering how over everyone was, meaning that the beatdown could have gone on forever and nuked the crowd when Rikishi came in. That little tidbit aside, this was a hot as hell opener. ***1/2

Shawn Michaels is the referee for the main event this evening.

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Dean Malenko vs. Perry Saturn - WWE European Championships

THE RADICALS COLLIDE~~~!!! Not quite as major a deal as The Mega Powers, but meh, probably gonna be just as good. They didn't overload the match with triple threat spots, instead allowing everyone to wrestle with each other one on one. Not to say that there weren't minor moments like that. We got to see the triple German Suplex which was really cool. The ending was also a wee bit cool to see. ***1/4

We see great footage of how Brisco won the title, as he won the title because Crash Holly was sleeping. We now go to Brisco hiding in the toilet. He thought he seen someone, but it was just himself in the mirror. He punches him anyways. :lol: Loving the comedy tonight.

Shane McMahon vs. The Big Show - Hardcore Match

The Big Show basically hates Shane McMahon for treating him like a complete mug. If this was these days, Shane McMahon would have beaten The Big Show on his own and done a great job not selling and looking like a Superman. Compare that to the way he was RIGHTLY booked here. Didn't get a single move in on his own and needed about five people and even they couldn't get the job done most of the time. I have no problems with the way this match was booked. The match itself was just kinda dull even with the overbooking. Had it's moments. The way Show recovered from some horrible stuff made him look like a hero. **

Gerry Brisco into the referee's room and they're gonna keep him happy for now. The referees wanted a wee shot at the title but he wakes up. Nae luck buds.

Chris Benoit © vs. Chris Jericho, Submissions Match - WWE Intercontinental Championship

These two guys certainly knew how to bring the intensity and the awesome during their early 2000s fued. I was gonna say their 2000 fued, but their best match came at the start of 2001. We'll get to that one. Hardcore Holly did some work on the knee of Benoit prior to this match. This was one hell of an intense battle. Goes to show that you don't need blood and weapons to play out a brutal classic. Both guys brought all sorts of insane relentlessness to the match and it ended up just being a battle of survival. Neither man wanted to give an inch. Absolutely amazing match. ****1/2

Gerry Brisco is getting interviews and then there's some guy backstage who is pointing and wants a shot at the title. Brisco spots them and makes sure that nothing happens to him.

Road Dogg and X-Pac vs. The Dudley Boys - Tag Team Table Match

One of the few dead spots in WWE for 2000. The term "X-Pac Heat" wasn't that far around the corner, and we were already hitting a point where the fans just completely stopped caring about him, and it seemed to rub off on the other guys in whatever fued he might be having. It'd take genius booking to put him over again. A kind of boring match as the majority weren't really interested in bringing the effort. They were probably told to make it that way because of the long match that was going to be coming very soon. Probably not the best idea to book a tables match before your main event. **

The Rock © vs. Triple H, Iron Man Match - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Triple H wants to win on his own and sends the McMahons to the back. This would be the last one on one match of this part of the fued between these guys if I remember correctly. You don't expect the big explosive pace from this bad boy obviously. The guys looked absolutely knackered about half way into it so the effort all the way through the match has to be given all sorts of credit. Think of the Fully Loaded 1998 match. Same circumstances. A bit of a long match for either man but the timing of both men is off the charts. The difference is that they're infinitely better here and the entire match makes sense. Not a single wasted move in the entire hour and they manage to keep the crowd hot for the whole thing too. You never know where the next fall is going to come from either and the falls that are there are timed brilliantly to add to the drama. The comeback of Taker just takes it to the next level. The match of 2000. *****

The Undertaker is livid with the ending of the match. Shawn Michaels starts heading for the back, and he's stalked to the back by The Undertaker.



Looking back at this, this might be one of the all time great PPVs. The lowest match rating was **. There were six matches on the PPV. Two of them broke the 4* mark and one of them even broke the 5* and was the best match of the year. Two other matches hit the 3* mark. How can you match this in any way ? Way overlooked.

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Now heres a talking point.

PWInsider.com has confirmed that World Wrestling Entertainment has offered former ROH champion "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson a contract.

Danielson, considered one of the best pure wrestlers in the world from a technical standpoint, has been the nucleus of ROH as he's been main eventing for the company since their first show in February 2002. Originally trained by Shawn Michaels and Rudy Boy Gonzales at the Shawn Michaels Wrestling Academy, Danielson has been something of a journeyman, learning and wrestling all over the world in Japan, Great Britain, Mexico and other countries, as well as training in MMA to create his own unique mesh of styles.

Danielson was under a WWE developmental deal early in his career when the system was based out of Memphis, but was later released. He's long considered William Regal one of his mentors and has been considered the best in-ring performer not signed to a national company for several years running and has given ROH a number of legitimate classics over the years with everyone from Jushin Liger to KENTA to Paul London to Austin Aries to Samoa Joe, among others.

Danielson was signed to an ROH contract when the company debuted on PPV, but earlier this year opted not to sign a contract extension. He's continued to work for the company since then as an independent contractor.

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Bryan Danielson was always going to get a job with WWE. With the amount of friends he has there that can vouch for him, it's no surprise.

T'is a shame that he is leaving the indies, but CM Punk has shown that you can leave there and do well in the WWE if you are good enough to do so.

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I'm glad he'll be making some good, steady money and getting some exposure, but from a wrestling standpoint, I'm not sure of Dragon's chances. He's small, pasty and, while a good talker, doesn't quite have the WWE style of charisma.

Still, he's probably the greatest wrestler on the planet, so maybe he can be a new Benoit.

For indy fans, the upper-tier of WWE in a couple of years time could be pretty surreal. Danielson, Punk, Sydal; rumoured long-running interest in Joe. :D

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I'm glad he'll be making some good, steady money and getting some exposure, but from a wrestling standpoint, I'm not sure of Dragon's chances. He's small, pasty and, while a good talker, doesn't quite have the WWE style of charisma.

He reminds me of Benoit in that respect. Danielson has absolutely bags of intensity and IS the best on the planet when he wants to be. ROH has had him in a lot more sports entertainy matches as of late. He has actually fit into them superbly. Of course, they did his series with Tyler Black on TV just to say "this guy can still go".

For indy fans, the upper-tier of WWE in a couple of years time could be pretty surreal. Danielson, Punk, Sydal; rumoured long-running interest in Joe.

Not sure if Evan Bourne has much further to go. With Punk, you knew he was going up in the world because of the steady increase in push. With Bourne, it's kinda gone downhill.

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