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Mo Wonderboy

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This will be the greatest movie and poster of all time :lol: .

Unspeakable evil has fallen on a quiet river town. Sheriff Logan (Kurt Angle) is thrust into a chilling nightmare of death and mayhem that paralyzes the town. He then learns of the community's seedy past and the evil that has risen from purgatory to exact revenge on the town. He is confronted by the spirits of old river squatters, "The Jacobs Boys," who possess the very essence of evil.

Gold medal-winning Olympic wrestler turned professional wrestler Kurt Angle portrayed a psycho sexual serial killer in Koehler's End Game. This time Angle makes a face turn playing the heroic sheriff out to stop a bloody trail of vengeance from being left behind by three hulking brothers killed by a lynch mob thirty years earlier.

Fellow pro wrestlers Kevin Nash (who has also appeared in The Punisher and The Longest Yard) and Psycho Sid Vicious, along with Bill Laing, the actor portraying the Mothman in The Mothman Prophecies, oppose Angle as the hulking Jacoby Boys.

Bill Hinzman, best known as the very first zombie to appear in the opening minutes of the original Night of the Living Dead, is Harvey Hix, a reclusive vigilante who knows an awful lot about the town's seedy history.

Other recognizable faces appearing include another pro wrestler, Ray Lloyd (known to WCW fans as the Mortal Kombat-inspired grappler "Glacier"), Allan Rowe Kelly of Don't Look in the Basement, and My Bloody Valentine 3D's Sam Nicotero.

First Look Entertainment will release Bruce Koehler's End Game to DVD on December 1st. Look for River of Darkness sometime next year.

Koehler was kind enough to send along an exclusive first look at the conceptual DVD artwork for River of Darkness. I'm more interested in seeing Nash and Vicious as angry good ol' boy zombies.



Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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This will be the greatest movie and poster of all time :lol: .

Unspeakable evil has fallen on a quiet river town. Sheriff Logan (Kurt Angle) is thrust into a chilling nightmare of death and mayhem that paralyzes the town. He then learns of the community's seedy past and the evil that has risen from purgatory to exact revenge on the town. He is confronted by the spirits of old river squatters, "The Jacobs Boys," who possess the very essence of evil.

Gold medal-winning Olympic wrestler turned professional wrestler Kurt Angle portrayed a psycho sexual serial killer in Koehler's End Game. This time Angle makes a face turn playing the heroic sheriff out to stop a bloody trail of vengeance from being left behind by three hulking brothers killed by a lynch mob thirty years earlier.

Fellow pro wrestlers Kevin Nash (who has also appeared in The Punisher and The Longest Yard) and Psycho Sid Vicious, along with Bill Laing, the actor portraying the Mothman in The Mothman Prophecies, oppose Angle as the hulking Jacoby Boys.

Bill Hinzman, best known as the very first zombie to appear in the opening minutes of the original Night of the Living Dead, is Harvey Hix, a reclusive vigilante who knows an awful lot about the town's seedy history.

Other recognizable faces appearing include another pro wrestler, Ray Lloyd (known to WCW fans as the Mortal Kombat-inspired grappler "Glacier"), Allan Rowe Kelly of Don't Look in the Basement, and My Bloody Valentine 3D's Sam Nicotero.

First Look Entertainment will release Bruce Koehler's End Game to DVD on December 1st. Look for River of Darkness sometime next year.

Koehler was kind enough to send along an exclusive first look at the conceptual DVD artwork for River of Darkness. I'm more interested in seeing Nash and Vicious as angry good ol' boy zombies.



What the f**k? Did you make that or is that real? :lol::lol::lol:

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The Best of Smackdown Disc Two

#69 - Mr. Kennedy

Ugh. This guy was the absolute pits. What was there about this man that was good ? The fact that he could say his name twice ? The guy was incredibly sloppy by WWE standards and it put him into the doghouse on a number of occaisions, and the last time he did it got him sacked, because it must have been the hundredth time. What a joke of a wrestler.

#68 - Rough Landing - 09/09/1999

All of the nines ! This happened when Mankind and The Rock were facing The Big Show and The Undertaker in a Buried Alive Match, and the moment that finds it's way onto this is when Mankind gets tossed off of the stage and into the grave. Awesome. The match is easy to find on Dailymotion and worth a look.

#67 - Stephanie's the Champ - 30/03/2000

This is all about Stephanie winning the Women's Title. This was actually some really good booking at a time when WWE could do no wrong. Stephanie was never booked to be any good at this point. The celebration was absolutely superb, summed up by the "WHAT THE HELL ?!?!" look that was on the face of Stephanie.

#66 - Randy Orton vs. Hardcore Holly - WWE Smackdown 25/04/2002

Here is Orton's debut in the WWE and he takes down Holly right away. Headlock from Holly and then he gets sent into the ropes and he charges Orton down. Bulldog from Orton. Clothesline from Holly puts him in control. Holly then mounts Orton and lands a series of right hands and then chokes him over the top rope. Kick to the stomach follows and then he beats down on the back. Holly continues to beat down Orton in brutal fashion. The Hot Shot from Orton and then he gets sent into the ropes. Dropkick from Orton and that gets a two count. More right hands from Orton. Holly runs into an elbow and Orton heads for the top. Holly stops him and gets thrown back down. HIGH CROSS BODY FROM ORTON ... ROLL THROUGH FROM HOLLY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Drop Toe Hold from Orton. LA MAGISTRAL CRADLE FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! N/A Seems a bit unfair to rate this match considering that it was too short to really do anything. It's only real purpose was to give Orton a shock win while, at the same time, making Randy Orton look at least decent and it did that. No complaints.

#65 - Angle Wins Gold - 10/02/2000

Kurt Angle wins the European Title from Val Venis. Once again, the celebration was sensational stuff. I was cheering like mental when he won the won the title and watching this just brings that back. Super, super moment.

#64 - New Tag Champs - 16/12/2005

Batista and Rey Mysterio beat MNM for the tag team titles. Didn't think that this was much of a big deal, but I guess WWE did. Rey's top rope Asai Moonsault is cool though.

#63 - Heidenreich Poetry - 16/09/2004

I think we know what this is. Heidenreich takes Michael Cole from his commentary position, holds him against a wall and reads a poem and basically disturbs everyone watching in the process. "Damn !".

#62 - The Dudley Boys vs. The Rock, Tables Match - 09/03/2000

The battle goes forward on the ramp as The Rock goes after both men right away, and this leads to him getting an advantage early. Noggin Knocker from The Rock and then he hits Ray with the bell and then Devon. No hanging about there then. :lol: Chair to the head of both men and Rock is doing a great job of doing the "divide and conquer" tactic at this point. Devon catches Rock and hits a series of right hands. Both men get sent over the railing though and the match goes back in favour of The Rock. The Dudley Boys are running away and Rock hits them both with a Double Clothesline. SUPLEX ON THE RAMP FROM ROCK !!! Ouch ! Back into the ring with Devon and Rock. Right hands in the corner from Rock and then Ray attacks from behind and hits the Back Drop Suplex. WAZZUP HEADBUTT !!! Double teaming follows from The Dudley Boys as Ray drops a series of elbows. The Rock hits a Clothesline on Ray, but gets hit with one by Devon. Rock into the ropes and then he makes another comeback. Samoan Drop on Ray. SPINEBUSTER ON DEVON !!! THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW ... STOPPED WITH A SPEAR !!! Ray heads under the ring and he gets a table. 3-D THROUGH THE TABLE ... ROCK DDTS DEVON TO COUNTER !!! ROCK BOTTOM ON RAY THROUGH THE TABLE !!! Rock now has to put Devon through a table. Rock heads outside the ring and gets himself another table. Back into the ring he goes with table in tow. The Rock then gets Devon and the Dudley takes control and sends Rock into the ring. Chair to the back from Ray. 3-D THROUGH THE TABLE !!! IT'S OVER !!! *** That was a superb piece of entertainment right there.

#61 - Lethal Dose of Poison - 24/01/2002

This is when Vince McMahon brings back nWo. Well, they didn't come back untill No Way Out, but this is where he revealed he was bringing them in by having their symbol on the back of his chair. Of course, it was nowhere near as good second time around.

#60 - Parking Lot Brawl - 11/01/2003

John Cena and Eddie Guerrero do battle in a parking lot. It was a pretty good brawl actually and better than most of the matches that have been featured in this set in full. Again, it's easy enough to find on Dailymotion so head along and find it. It's worth it.

#59 - Matt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio - 05/06/2003

Lockup and into the corner they go. Rey ducks a right hand and gets a nearfall from a School Boy pinfall attempt. Arm Ringer from Hardy and Rey does some flipping around and gets a Headlock. Rey into the ropes and then a Headlock. Into the corner chest first and then a Clothesline to the back of the head from Hardy. Hardy then stretches Rey using the ropes. Crash Holly and Shannon Moore are on the floor ready to get their shots in. Rey comes back into the match with chops. Snapmare and then a Swinging Dropkick and a Slingshot Splash gets a two count. Rey onto the apron. He tries a springboard move, and Hardy knocks him to the floor, and the Mattitude followers lay in. Moore and Holly then gets sent to the back, which basically allows the two men in the ring to get into things. SPRINGBOARD SEATED SENTON FROM REY !!! Back from commercials and Rey avoids Splash Mountain and tries for a Neckbreaker, but Matt with the low blow. Matt then begins to work on the groin area, but not quite the balls. We see Dominic at ringside. Half Crab from Hardy. Rey is going for the ropes and the fans are egging him on. He eventually gets there. Hardy gets kicked into the ropes. 619 ... Rey is injured though, and Hardy with the Chop Block. Hardy then uses the middle rope to stretch the leg and then lands some kicks on the leg. Rey heads for the top rope after fighting back, but his leg is bothering him. Hardy puts him in the Tree of Woe position and then misses a charge and hits the ringpost. MOONSAULT PRESS ... INTO THE DDT FROM REY !!! That landed Hardy right on his head. ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Rey gets sent into the corner, but he comes off of the middle rope with a Bulldog. That gets a two count. Hardy to the middle rope and Rey stops him. SUPER SIDE EFFECT FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SMALL PACKAGE FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! TWIST OF FATE FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Drop Toe Hold from Rey. 619 !!! WEST COAST POP SENDS BOTH MEN OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! The referee is counting both men out of the match, but Rey breaks the count. The referee goes out to tell Hardy he is having none of it. DOUBLE REVERSE DDT FROM THE OTHER MATTITUDE MEMBERS !!! TOP ROPE LEG DROP FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Hardy is getting rather bothered by this now. TWIST OF FATE ... COUNTERED INTO THE JACKNIFE PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! ***1/2 The best match these two guys had together, as they were given the time to put on a good match, and the partizan home crowd of Rey definately helped. Check out the reactions of the fans at ringside when he kicked out of the Leg Drop.

#58 - Sincerest Form of Flattery

This is just basically wrestlers getting mocked, which includes The Rock mocking The Big Show. We then see a collection of loads of mocking, and Matt Striker has an AWESOME Roddy Piper voice. The man actually sounds exactly like him. This is good fun actually. Nice wee segment.

#57 - Superhuman Strength

This basically shows off the superstrength of The Big Show. Since when was that worth a segment of it's own ? Seeing him push a dumpster on top of a car with two people in it was fun though.

#56 - You're Hired - 11/04/2002

This is a segment where Vince McMahon interviews people who might want to be Vince McMahon's personal assistant. Stacy Kiebler decides she wants an interview. "You're Hired !". It's amazing that the man got booed for chasing a gay man out of the ring. Homophobia strong in the WWE.

#55 - Steve Austin vs. Rob Van Dam - 04/09/2001

Rob Van Dam was insanely popular around this time. I never quite understood that. Austin attacks RVD right off the bat. Austin then stomps a mudhole in RVD. Austin then rubs his knee across the back of the head of RVD. Knees into the back of RVD and then he continues the brutality. Kicks to the back from Austin and he doesn't approve of the fans chanting for RVD. RVD catches a kick and hits one of his own. RVD then beats down Austin in the corner and he clearly doesn't give a crap. Austin with a poke to the eye and then a knee into the back and then chopping from Austin. Austin then runs into an elbow. RVD to the top rope and Austin throws him to the floor from there. RVD then gets thrown over the railing. They then battle over the railing and a Spinning Heel Kick sends Austin over the railing. Head first into the announce table goes Austin and then back into the ring they go. Austin tries to get away, and then uses his wee bit of time wasting to Clothesline RVD and take the control of the match back. Head first into the steps goes RVD. Austin then chokes RVD with the boot. Back into the ring they go and we have a two count. RVD then gets put on the top rope. Man, Austin sure hits hard with those chops. SUPERPLEX FROM AUSTIN !!! That gets a two count. Austin into the ropes and RVD misses a Dropkick. Austin then teases the Elbow Drop, but gets off of the second rope and stomps RVD. Austin chokes RVD over the middle rope and then heads to the floor. He drags RVD out there with him and then the battle heads up the ramp. RVD WITH A SUPLEX ON THE STEEL RAMP !!! RVD then gets crotched on the railing and then gets clubbed off by Austin and then back into the ring they go. Short Arm Clothesline from Austin gets a two count. Chinlock with a knee in the back from Austin. The fans chant for RVD again as he is getting mauled here. RVD gets out of the move but Austin with more right hands. RVD fights back but runs into a kick. Austin then runs into a Dropkick. TUMBLING MOONSAULT ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Austin then heads for the floor and brings a chair into the ring. VAN DAMINATOR FROM RVD !!! Jesus christ, this has been terrific. RVD heads to the top rope and Austin crotches him. Back down goes Austin. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH ... MISSES !!! STUNNER FROM AUSTIN !!! THE ANKLE LOCK ... ANGLE'S MUSIC HITS !!! RVD WITH THE SCHOOL BOY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! THE FANS GO BATSHIT !!! ****1/4 Rob Van Dam clearly seen an oppertunity here as he put on a show that he hasn't topped. He just went balls to the walls on this one and Austin was more than happy to play ball. What resulted was a one sided, but somehow competitive match.

#54 - Edge and Vickie

This was a hell of an era on Smackdown. Vickie Guerrero was an absolute heat machine. The fans HATED her, and she became the hottest heel the WWE have had in years. They were also involved in some cracking segments. Edge singing to Vickie ? Awesome.

#53 - Austin Stalks DX - 28/10/1999

This version of DX was good as they were pretty no nonsense and you had a real sense that they were taking over things. Steve Austin decides to go for the divide and conquer route and take them all one by one. He ends things by dropping a net on all of them and then going in the ring and kicking the crap out of them with the help of Kane and The Rock. How can you not love this ?

#52 - Debra's Cooking

I guess it did lead to some nice wee gags. The cookies were done quite a lot, although didn't they feature more on RAW ? I can't believe I'm discussing Debra's cooking in a serious manner. Nobody liked them and the facial expressions were usually awesome. Angle : "These Cookies Suck !".

#51 - Stinkdown

We are looking at the Stink Face for this one. Well, it helped him become insanely popular, so who am I to complain ? I never liked it though. It focuses more on Vince McMahon getting it though.

#50 - Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri vs. World's Greatest Tag Team - 29/05/2003

The heels take control of the match early and Eddie starts with Haas. Hass into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Eddie. Forearms from Eddie in the corner and then Haas sends him into the ropes and hits a Back Body Drop. Eddie then gets sent to the floor and Shelton uses this oppertunity to get some shots in. Into the ring they go and Shelton is tagged into the match. Kick to the stomach from Shelton and then some knees. Eddie comes out of the ropes with a Dropkick and in comes Tajiri with a kick to the back. Chops from Tajiri. Rana from Tajiri and then Shelton sends him into the ropes. Rolling Sunset Flip from Tajiri and that gets a two count. Dropkick from Tajiri and then an elbow to the back of the head. Headlock from Tajiri. Shelton fights out and then both men knock each other out with kicks. We go to commercials and Tajiri hits a Dropkick. Double teaming from Team Angle and now they have control thanks to a shot to the leg of Tajiri. Haas continues the work on the leg and the fans chant "You Suck !" at the heels. Haas then drops a leg and has some sort of Indian Deathlock on it. Into the corner they go and a Knee Breaker and in comes Shelton with a Double Axe Handle onto the knee of Tajiri. Really nice submission from Shelton to keep this thing going. Knee Drop on the leg of Shelton and then he locks a new submission on the leg. In comes Haas and he doesn't deviate from the game plan. A weird version of the Half Crab from Haas and Eddie has seen enough and breaks it. Shelton comes in and does the same move. The referee tells Haas to get back into to the ring. Tajiri is about to tag out amongst the madness, but Haas realises it and stops him. A version of the Figure Four Leg Lock from Haas and Tajiri tries to kick his way out, so Shelton tags into the match and drops his weight on the leg. Tajiri is in more than just a spot of bother at this point and then a Head Scissor Takedown from Tajiri and the fans are suddenly feeling this. We have the hot tag and in comes Eddie. Shelton misses the Stinger Splash and then he gets thrown into Haas. Double Clothesline on Team Angle and then Shelton to the floor. Eddie drops behind Haas. THREE AMIGOS FROM EDDIE !!! FROG SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SHELTON MAKES THE SAVE !!! Shelton into the ropes. ASSISTED SUPERKICK FROM TEAM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... TAJIRI MAKES THE SAVE !!! Into the corner with Eddie and the heels and Eddie manages to fight his way out and then goes for the tag. DOUBLE DDT FROM EDDIE !!! We have the tag and in comes Tajiri with a flurry. Enziguri from Tajiri and down goes Haas. Tajiri then gets set on the middle rope. TORNADO DDT ... blocked. Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count for Haas and then Shelton gets sent over the top. THE SUPERKICK FROM TAJIRI !!! Eddie to the top rope. TOP ROPE PLANCHA ONTO SHELTON !!! BUZZSAW KICK FROM TAJIRI ... HAAS OF PAIN AFTER HE DUCKS !!! THIS COULD BE OVER !!! The bell rings and Brian Hebner says that he didn't ask for the bell to be rung. Eddie comes in with the belt and Haas has the belt and Eddie lays on the ground. Referee thinks the belt was used and the match is over. ****1/2 This was a superb tag team match that would not have been lost on a PPV. I remember enjoying their ladder match quite a bit, but this was much better thanks to how well it flowed. Best match on the set so far, but better is to come.

#49 - Rock and Busta - 11/07/2002

The Rock says he wants to sing a song, but he decides that Busta Rhymes should be the one singing for the fans. The fans seem to approve of that idea. If you don't understand why this is on this set, then you are a moron.

#48 - Fate Fulfilled - 19/12/2002

Jeff Hardy's big moment in the spotlight, and there aren't many names that come into my head when I try to think of people more deserving of the big prize than him. People sometimes forget that it was his dedication to the business that led him to many of the addictions that he had. I loved when the tape came down from the ceiling, and that was a moment.

#47 - Billy and Chuck Get Married - 12/09/2002

The unmasking of the old man as Eric Bischoff is absolutely incredible. Another of my own personal favourite moments. The whole angle and wedding was a complete joke of course, but it was all worth it for THAT payoff. That little moment where people think "surely not" when he says three minutes is super.

#46 - Tribute to Eddie - 18/11/2005

Pretty touching stuff from Batista when he put the title on the lowrider. The show was actually an absolute corker with Benoit and HHH tearing it up in the main event. I guess it makes sense that they didn't mention that as it wasn't the point, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

#45 - Where's Foley

This basically revolves around Foley's GM time, and where his office would be. I loved his sort of hardline, but funny schtick. They make a point of featuring the hammer in this segment, which is a good thing because it was such a key part of the fun. Cheap pops~~!!

#44 - A Classic Hit - 09/09/1999

Jeff Jarrett hits Fabulous Moolah with a guitar. That's just about as funny as it sounds. Jeff Jarrett was handed a raw deal, but if that means that Moolah getting brained with a guitar. We see multiple replays of that. :lol: Figure Four Leglock is for Mae Young.

#43 - JBL vs. Eddie Guerrero, Steel Cage Match - 15/07/2004

The door has been chained and locked shut, basically meaning that there is no easy way out of the door and Eddie opens the match aggressively. JBL just avoids being sent into the cage and he hits hard, but Eddie manages to strike him down. JBL avoids going into the cage again. Eddie with the Back Drop Suplex and then he gets sent into the ropes. He slides inder JBL, but then gets sent face first into the cage and JBL heads for the heavens. Eddie manages to stop JBL from getting over the top. JBL is brought back into the ring and Eddie with a series of jabs and then into the ropes. Fallaway Slam from JBL and all of a sudden, the worm has turned. JBL once again goes for the escape. Eddie manages to stop JBL getting out of the cage yet again. JBL is almost over, but Eddie manages to get him onto the top rope. JBL gets hit off of the top of the cage and then again and JBL falls into the middle of the ring. FROG SPLASH ... MISSES !!! JBL, as he has always done, tries to get the hell out of there and Eddie stops him again and crotches him on the top rope. Two count for Eddie. Eddie is now full of fire and he hits the Three Amigos. Eddie heads for the top rope but JBL manages to stop him up there. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM JBL !!! We come back with JBL in control of the match and he takes his elbow pad. CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL ... JBL runs right into the Dropkick from Eddie. He gets a two count out of that. Eddie into the ropes, and when he comes out, JBL manages to plant him with a Spinebuster for a two count. JBL is heading for the exit again, but Eddie stops him again. RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP OFF OF THE TOP ROPE !!! Eddie gets the fans behind him, and then JBL stops that with a Sleeper Hold. JBL is using his tape to choke Eddie, which is actually legal, so I don't get why he is hiding it behind a Sleeper Hold. Eddie gives JBL the runaround and then sends him into the cage. JBL then gets sent face first into the cage and that gets a two count. JBL then gets sent into the cage a second time and the fans are feeling the confidence of Eddie. That gets a two count. JBL then gets sent into the cage and more right hands from Eddie. Eddie into the ropes. BACK BODY DROP SENDS EDDIE INTO THE CAGE !!! That gets a two count. Eddie then comes back into the match and unleashes. CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL FROM JBL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! A commercial break and when we come back, JBL is heading for the exit. Eddie manages to stop JBL from getting out. Forearm from JBL and then he picks up Eddie. FALLAWAY SLAM INTO THE CAGE ... COUNTERED INTO THE DDT FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Eddie is now going for the escape and JBL stops him from getting out. Both men do battle at the top of the cage. Eddie is now hanging but JBL gets him into the ring. POWERBOMB FROM JBL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! JBL is now heading for the escape. Eddie kicks him into the middle of the ring and then Eddie is on top of the cage and he looks down on JBL. FROG SPLASH FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE AND THE FANS GO MENTAL !!! Eddie then crawls over. ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Both men to their feet. JBL WITH THE DDT !!! JBL is now heading for the escape again and Eddie is on the top rope with him and they seem to be racing to the outside. Both men are now battling on the top of the cage. Someone with a mask is now in the ring and is stopping Eddie Guerrero and JBL gets out. **3/4 Like the majority of matches these guys had against each other, the match was uninspiring stuff but certainly not lacking in drama.

#42 - Air Mysterio - 31/10/2002

The story is Rey fought Brock for the title after winning his spot, and The Big Show grabbed him and then launched him into the crowd. I always love it when a bunch of fans are taken out.

#41 - Noble and Nidia

There is nothing redeeming about this partnership. Nothing at all. Feel free to skip this knowing that you won't be missing anything.

#40 - Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker - 04/06/2002

We go from the really bad to what is, more than likely, going to be the really good. Lockup and Taker throws down Angle. Lockup and a Headlock from Taker. Taker into the ropes and he charges down Angle who gets out of the ring. Angle goes behind and then gets a Headlock of his own when he gets back in the ring, but he then just gets charged to the canvas. Lockup and Angle with the takedown and a Front Facelock and he gets a two count as Angle shows the pace that he can use. He mocks Taker which annoys him and Taker chases Angle out of the ring. Lockup and Taker goes to the arm of Angle. Angle sends Taker into the ropes and a Drop Toe Hold and then a pair of Arm Drags. Taker comes back with a Big Boot and Angle ends up on the floor. Angle then with a Spear, but Taker with a Clothesline and that gets a two count. Taker with the Clothesline in the corner and then the Snake Eyes and the Running Big Boot gets a two count. CHOKESLAM ... COUNTERED INTO THE RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX !!! Back Drop Suplex from Angle. Two count for the challenger. Right hands from Angle take down Taker in the corner. Front Facelock from Angle comes next. Taker comes back with rights and lefts. Taker into the ropes and then a Flying Shoulder Block from Taker and a right hand. Another one. DDT from Taker. That gets a two count. TOMBSTONE FROM TAKER ... COUNTERED INTO THE ANGLE LOCK !!! Taker fails when it comes to kicking his way out of the move, but he eventually does it. ANGLE SLAM FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... FOOT ON THE ROPES !!! ANGLE LOCK FROM ANGLE !!! Taker counters. CHOKESLAM FROM THE TAKER !!! Taker can't take advantage right away, and that allows Angle to kick out. THE LAST RIDE FROM TAKER ... ANGLE COUNTERS INTO THE TRIANGLE CHOKE !!! Taker then with another choke. ANGLE HAS THE ARM IN THE TRIANGLE CHOKE !!! We have a pin/tap out between them. **1/2 This was just about the worst match I've ever seen these two guys have had, and the ending was pretty horrible too.

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Im assuming the fatal 4 way with Edge vs Eddie vsv Benoit vs Angle from 2002 will be much higher.

I decided to check the other matches on the list and they are ...

Rock N Sock Connection vs. The New Age Outlaws - 14/09/1999

John Cena vs. Kurt Angle - 27/06/2002

Zack Gowen and Stephanie McMahon vs. The Big Show - 03/07/2003

Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle - 18/09/2003

Billy and Chuck vs. Edge and Hulk Hogan - 04/07/2003

TLC III - 24/05/2001

Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy - 12/04/2001

Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge - 26/09/2002

The Rock vs. Triple H - 26/08/1999

I take it that the Smackdown Six tag team matches didn't happen then.

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Check the date of the last match on Disc 2 and the people in it. ;)

I must be thinking of another match then :lol: . I'm thinking of the one where Brock does a run in for the finish, not sure when this was though, maybe it wasn't when Kurt lost his hair. I remember him fighting Taker right after that though but it's a different match I'm thinkg of.

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Divas in WWE. :(

Anyways, here is a statement from Shane McMahon.

It is with great sadness that I announce my resignation from the WWE, effective January 1, 2010.

I have never even considered a future outside the walls of the WWE. However, sometimes life takes an unexpected turn and while it is the most difficult decision I have ever made, it is time for me to move on.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my father for the incredible education working with him has provided and for giving me the opportunity to play a role in building WWE into the global phenomenon that it is today. I am extremely proud to have been the 4th generation in this business, and I am grateful for everyday I was able to work along side not only my own, but the entire WWE family.

Thank you to all of the WWE Superstars both past and present for your passion, pride and dedication. You are truly the engine of the organization and it has been a pleasure to work with, learn from and get to know all of you. Thank you for the privilege of sharing the stage with you and for allowing me to become but a momentary member of your elite brotherhood. I have so much appreciation for the many sacrifices you endure, both physically and personally, to make this business the success that it is. The respect I have for each of you is immeasurable.

Finally, there are no words to express my gratitude to WWE fans the world over for supporting this company through good times and bad and for your unbridled passion that fuels the Superstars’ performances. I am profoundly grateful to have been able to entertain you both in front of the camera and from behind the scenes. You are the greatest fans in the world.

I will always love this business and will remain a fan forever.


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On a slightly different note. How awful is Abyss? My God, he is crap.

He used to be pretty bloody good. I remember his spell of matches in the early days of the monthly PPVs where pretty much EVERYTHING he did was a great brawl. Especially his outings with AJ Styles, Raven and for some reason, Lance Hoyt.

And if it means Tubby McMahon stays off the TV then so be it.

He killed the momentum of one of the hottest talents in ages in Randy Orton. Of course, this would have happened anyways thanks to the idiotic booking of him in recent months, but he accelerated it.

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Abyss is awful though and getting FAR too much TV time. His matches revolve around the same formula, his piss poor promos which involve him using the word pain, preferrably on a repeated basis. Complete with his four or five different outfits, which do nothing to further his stupid character.

And you're damn right he killed Orton's momentum. Plus his punches were atrocious, worse than Cena's.

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Abyss is awful though and getting FAR too much TV time. His matches revolve around the same formula, his piss poor promos which involve him using the word pain, preferrably on a repeated basis. Complete with his four or five different outfits, which do nothing to further his stupid character.

Abyss promo time is pretty bad. I don't even know why he was given promos in the first place. He had a good thing going when he was with the Sinister Minister. He'd do the talking and Abyss would do the ass kicking. There wasn't any story to him either. He was just a maniac who would destroy people. Infact, it's good that we talk about Randy Orton and Abyss in the same posts, because they have both fallen victim to horrible booking when they were on a hot streak.

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No story to him? First he had the stupid stuff about prison, then Mitchell being his dad, his stuff with Kid Kash. On a slight variation, I'm not a fan of Mitchell anyway, something far too cheesy and ridiculous about him. Oh God, and there was the feud with Jesus what's-his-name? Mesias?

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No story to him? First he had the stupid stuff about prison, then Mitchell being his dad, his stuff with Kid Kash. On a slight variation, I'm not a fan of Mitchell anyway, something far too cheesy and ridiculous about him. Oh God, and there was the feud with Jesus what's-his-name? Mesias?

The prison stuff was the base really, and it was all he had for a while. The stupid started with Mitchell being his dad, but even THAT didn't derail his popularity, as he did largely stick with the "I'm just an ass kicker" thing regardless, but then it just got worse and worse and worse to the point that nobody cared.

The Jesus Mesias thing was horrible to watch. Mesias is actually someone with bags of charisma and has good skills on the microphone and CAN be entertaining in the ring, but TNA somehow found a way to kill him stone dead.

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