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Mo Wonderboy

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Was Matt Hardy ever really in shape? No. He's always looked terrible, but yeah he is piling it on. And has been said, his hair is fucking rediculous.

He's always had something of a gut. It only started to get really noticeable around this time last year, but since he came back from injury, he's not looked good at all. for the record, he looked pretty slim or ripped for pretty much the entire early 00s. This is not something that has been with him from the beginning of his career.

Missed SmackDown this week but McIntyre and Escobar at Braging Rights? :huh: Not seen Escobar on SmackDown yet but good to see big Drew getting his chance, apparently Triple H is a big fan hence the reason for his push.

As I said, Smackdown seem interested in giving new guys a push, and this is what has led to these two men being in such a high profile match. If those men are given the chance to share ring time with more experienced guys in the match, it will help them big time. Them being in the match is understandable, but at the same time, it makes the Smackdown team look weak in comparison.

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Was'nt sure whether to put this in this or the gaming section but is anyone getting Smackdown vs Raw 2010? I just finished reading the IGN review of it and it looks pretty good this year. I've got the last 2 that came out for PS3 but did'nt get them till months after they're release. I'm kinda tempted to get the new one on release day this year, or whenever G-Force gets it in :P . If I do it'll be the first Smackdown game I've got on release since '05.

No matter how good this one is though, it'll never beat No Mercy or Here Comes The Pain :D

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Was'nt sure whether to put this in this or the gaming section but is anyone getting Smackdown vs Raw 2010? I just finished reading the IGN review of it and it looks pretty good this year. I've got the last 2 that came out for PS3 but did'nt get them till months after they're release. I'm kinda tempted to get the new one on release day this year, or whenever G-Force gets it in :P . If I do it'll be the first Smackdown game I've got on release since '05.

No matter how good this one is though, it'll never beat No Mercy or Here Comes The Pain :D

Best wrestling game ever. FACT.

(apart from maybe WWF War Zone for the PS1... :ph34r: )

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I haven't seen RAW yet, so I'm going to take a complete stab in the dark here. I don't forsee Kofi Kingston's character having much life left in it. He was a good lively babyface to start with, but he HAS been getting more aggressive since the fued with The Miz started and the US Title being taken off him might have made things worse. They could be COMPLETELY changing him to maybe freshen him up now.

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Everyone should watch the opener of Bound For Glory on Bravo. You can switch off after that.

WWE RAW 19/10/2009

We open the show with Snoop Dogg. Cool. Snoop is, of course, bringing the ladies and looking cool as hell. He mentions John Cena vs. Triple H. He then announces that it's Ted Dibiase vs. Randy Orton. He then says it's Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho. Snoop Dogg just became my favourite GM, before becoming my LEAST favourite for bringing DX out. We now have DX slagging Smackdown, and when he gets to Escobar, he comes to this belter of a one liner. "If you're gonna sleep your way to the top, do it with someone who weighs less than you.". :lol: They introduce Team RAW, but they still don't like Cody Rhodes. Cody has grown some mic skills ! This leads to infighting and DX decides to make a 10 man tag.

Team RAW vs. MVP, Evan Bourne, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Masters and Primo Colon

If Team RAW lose, the guy that gets pinned is out of the match and is replaced by the guy that pinned him. MVP for Mark Henry please ! Nobody is switching though. Fair enough. The match wasn't doing much other than raise some tensions and stuff between the RAW team. In other words, nothing they couldn't have done in the opening segment, although I suppose the match might have been needed for the Cody Rhodes stuff. *1/2

Ted Dibiase has shown Randy Orton why he should not underestimate him. He says he took the chance to win a match. Randy Orton shows up. He says Dibiase better show him the respect he deserves or he'll be thrown out of Legacy.

Ted Dibiase vs. Randy Orton

This was pretty incredible. Obviously not from a match standpoint, but the fans were completely sucked into the Dibiase plight. Listen to the absolutely MOLTEN heat of the crowd. How long has it been since we've seen anything close to this good on RAW ? Ted Dibiase was CRYING !!! The deflating of the crowd when they realised what was going to happen was disheartening. One of the best segments that has taken place on RAW for a long, long time.

A tribute to Lou Albano comes next, and it's great to see a passed wrestler like Lou get a video package.

We're backstage with Snoop Dogg and in comes Hornswoggle. Chavo Guerrero comes in to the room. Chavo says he wants to be part of Team RAW. Jillian Hall wants a rematch for the title, and then in comes Santino. f**k OFF SANTNO !!! This is time of my life I'll never get back. Snoop now has a "bag" and we have technical difficulties. This is getting fucking pathetic. We go from that segment to THIS ?!?!

John Cena vs. Triple H

Really ? NOW ?!?! I guess Cena's time really IS now. I think these two guys are incapable of having a bad match with each other. This is actually the best match I've seen from these guys. An absolute belter which makes me glad I tuned into this bad boy. Get this match now. ****1/2

The Miz vs. Marty Jannetty

The Miz was about to be involved in a match with some sort of jobber, but we get some Jannetty instead. The fans could not give a f**k about Marty. Basically just a squash for The Miz. N/R

Jillian Hall vs. Melina - WWE Diva's Championship

A load of crap to continue load of crap fueds and storylines, but too short a match to rate. N/R

Chavo has Hornswoggle in the ring and Snoop Dogg hits the ring. Chavo pushes Snoop around. Snoop with a Clothesline and then Chavo is ready to go too. HUGE Spear from Snoop. Well, at least we got a good ending to the crap.

Chris Jericho has a microphone, instead of a wrestling match. He says RAW will be humiliated tonight, and then Cryme Time head for the ring through the crowd. Kane then comes in from the crowd with the rest of Team Smackdown. Team Smackdown are in the ring and HBK is on the floor. Here comes Triple H though with the rest of Team RAW. Team RAW get ingo the ring. Vickie Guerrero is on the ramp. VICKIE~~~!!! She is ordering Team Smackdown out of the arena as an official representitive. The brawl kicks off though.



I'd happily sit through two and a half hours of crap to reach HHH vs. Cena and that even happens in the middle of the show ! The Dibiase/Orton "match" is also well worth a watch. A lot of crap on the show, but I can forgive it for a change.

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Former Ring of Honor Champion Nigel McGuinness is backstage at the TNA iMPACT! Zone in Orlando, FL for tonight's taping, according to a report on prowrestling.net. Although Ring of Honor recently issued a statement that McGuiness had "agreed in principle" to a deal with World Wrestling Entertainment, it appears he has opted to sign with TNA instead and could debut at tonight's tapings. Nigel is expected to get a new ring name in TNA Wrestling.

There has also been some buzz that fellow former ROH Champion Bryan Danielson might be TNA-bound as well. ROH also sent out a statement last month that Danielson was WWE bound, but that appears to have fallen through. The early talk is that WWE dragged its feet on signing the duo, so TNA swooped in and signed Nigel. Danielson very well could be next.


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Everyone should watch the opener of Bound For Glory on Bravo. You can switch off after that.

That match wasn't THAT good, all them kinda X-Division matches are pretty good, but they're all the same and nothing different ever happens in them. All this one had was Daniels falling and taking a stupid bump that was needless.

You are right about the rest of the PPV, first TNA PPV I've watched through in years, and it was fucking shite!

Far too rushed, if they wanna have loads of matches then make it 4 hours. Only good thing on the PPV I though was Scott Steiners performence, he was fuckin awesome :D

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I caught bits of the PPV and enjoyed it. Seeing Abyss and Foley go all out was really refreshing, actually. It shows that if put in the right context, hardcore still has its place in 2009; perhaps giving TNA a distinctive edge over WWE. Steiner was fucking incredible too; I just hope he didn't injure himself with that display.

Nigel, using the name Dylan Wolfe, attacks Angle on Impact. :D

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TNA Bound For Glory PPV was reportedly Booker T's final appearance with the company. His contract expires in November and the company has no intentions on resigning the former WWE/WCW star. It is said that Dixie Carter would have considered resigning Booker if he approached the situation properly but instead he refused to do a job at the last Impact tapings. Booker T was not well liked backstage and one source went as far to saying, "He's been such an asshole that most people were just happy to see him go." Booker T has been telling people that he has an offer from WWE.

Credit: ProWrestling.net

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TNA Bound For Glory PPV was reportedly Booker T's final appearance with the company. His contract expires in November and the company has no intentions on resigning the former WWE/WCW star. It is said that Dixie Carter would have considered resigning Booker if he approached the situation properly but instead he refused to do a job at the last Impact tapings. Booker T was not well liked backstage and one source went as far to saying, "He's been such an asshole that most people were just happy to see him go." Booker T has been telling people that he has an offer from WWE.

Credit: ProWrestling.net

Yep, his latest act of acting like a tosser was when he refused to put over Matt Morgan on Impact. The guy thinks he's as good as Kurt Angle but really he's boring and hardly puts on any decent matches. I hope he doesn't comeback to WWE, if he does then ECW should be where he gets stuck.

Reports have also suggested that Scott Steiner is on his way out of TNA, although there's little chance he'll end up back in WWE anyway.

Edited by Parscelona
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Poor JR, he doesn't have much luck considering this is the third time in which he has suffered this attack.

Hope he makes a speedy recovery and hopefully he makes it for the Smackdown taping this week as it would be great to listen to him and the King on commentary again. Not only would be it great to see the duo back together but it would also mean not having to listen to the annoying Michael Cole.

Edited by Parscelona
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Poor JR, he doesn't have much luck considering this is the third time in which he has suffered this attack.

Hope he makes a speedy recovery and hopefully he makes it for the Smackdown taping this week as it would be great to listen to him and the King on commentary again. Not only would be it great to see the duo back together but it also would mean not having to listen to the annoying Michael Cole.

I have some bad news for you then.........

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Yeah, it was confirmed that JR won't be on the show.


ECW on SyFy 20/10/2009

Abraham Washington is the host. Ugh. Chris Jericho is in the place. Abraham Washington points him in the direction of the GM's office and wants him on his show one time.

Zack Ryder vs. Yoshi Tatsu

If this match gets some decent time then it should be pretty decent. There was a spot that I thought was blown, but it turned out to be the big spot before the commercial break. That's a pretty cool spot. They actually got a wee bit of time but this still wasn't very good, but I am wondering where they are going to go with Tatsu being the #1 contender. Will they have Regal winning the title soon ? I guess Tatsu vs. Christian would make an interesting watch.

Rosa Mendes is backstage with Tiffany. Chris Jericho has FINALLY found his way to the GM's office. It took him 15 minutes ? Tiffany tells Jericho that he can't have any of her men.

William Regal thinks it's a travesty that he isn't getting a title shot. Regal and Jericho then exchange pleasantries when Jericho shows up. Jericho wants Kozlov and Big Zeke for his team, but Tiffany turns up and lets Jericho know that he is not welcome on ECW. Tiffany decides that since he's here, he's going to be part of the action and he's going to face Christian. RESULT !!!

Sheamus vs. J.T. Quinn

This is the wee guy that Miz was going to maul before Jannetty showed up on the scene. I bet he isn't best pleased at this moment in time. Sheamus might be the worst squash match wrestler I have ever seen. DUD

Shelton Benjamin puts us out of our misery by hitting the ring and going medieval on the ass of Sheamus. Sheamus hightails it out of there.

Paul Burchill is going to be cutting a promo. He says that heroes in the UK are ones who thrive in the arts. Not that the fans could give a toss about anything that Burchill is saying. Not that he is bad on the microphone, he's just a bit ... flat. The Hurricane is heading for the ring. Burchill wants the mask. Some random is under the mask and then the real thing is behind him with a HurriCane, and he beats Burchill to hell. I spose the promo did it's job.

Chris Jericho vs. Christian - Non-Title Match

These guys had a pretty good match at Wrestlemania XX and if you ask me, Christian has gotten even better since then, so this match has some serious potential. This was a really good main event as it gradually sucked the fans in and it built up really, really well. They were obviously leaving quite a lot in the tank, but this is still a match worth a watch this week. ***1/4



No complaints from me on this one. It's a good hour of TV that pushed all of the right buttons outside of the Sheamus stuff. He's a decent wrestler really, but he is no good at this spot stuff.

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