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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I used the word "literally" not "literal" but I'm not going to be a c*nt to a fellow wrestling fan like yourself. It can if you have the awareness that I was getting my point across in a serious way. If your not going to be serious how can someone take your point in? Yes there was a sense of exageration and humour involved but if people are going to take wrestling that serious I'll not do so again.

I can't stop watching Goldberg destroying Christain with that spear.

Still doesn't get away from the fact that Goldberg hasn't literally killed anyone with his spear. :P

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I used the word "literally" not "literal" but I'm not going to be a c*nt to a fellow wrestling fan like yourself. It can if you have the awareness that I was getting my point across in a serious way. If your not going to be serious how can someone take your point in? Yes there was a sense of exageration and humour involved but if people are going to take wrestling that serious I'll not do so again.

I can't stop watching Goldberg destroying Christain with that spear.

To be fair 90% of the people who use the word "literally" like you did are c*nts.

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Did anyone go to the smackdown wrestlemania revenge tour tonight?

Yep, i thought it was quite good.

Here were the results if anyone is interested,

Kane def Ezekiel Jackson

Beth Phoenix def Layla

Hart Dynasty def The Dudebusters (double sharpshooper on both of the dudebusters)

John Morrison def Luke Gallows (won with starship pain)

R Truth def Dolph Ziggler (via roll up)

Drew McIntyre def Matt Hardy (double arm DDT off the rope)

Rey Mysterio/John Morrison def CM Punk/Luke Gallows (619 on CM Punk)

Edge def Jack Swagger (DQ) (Swagger hit Edge with a chair)

The Kane vs Jackson match was very short as Big Zeke picked up a serious knee injury. Kane was set to jump off the top rope yet Jackson signalled for him not to and took a small bump before Kane pinned him for the win.

Rey Mysterio was the crowd favourite while Drew McIntyre got a big pop and acted like Hulk Hogan until he cut a heel promo on how America is a much better country than Scotland because of the women, weather and way of life. The Hart Dynasty were massively over which surprised me while R Truth as usual got a good reception. Interestingly, Edge didn't seem to get as big a reaction as i thought he would considering he is one of the top faces on Smackdown.

Swagger got a lot of heat as did Drew McIntyre after his promo, while Ziggler receieved the first "you suck" chants of the night against R Truth.

Edited by Parscelona
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Yep, i thought it was quite good.

Here were the results if anyone is interested,

Kane def Ezekiel Jackson

Beth Phoenix def Layla

Hart Dynasty def The Dudebusters (double sharpshooper on both of the dudebusters)

John Morrison def Luke Gallows (won with starship pain)

R Truth def Dolph Ziggler (via roll up)

Drew McIntyre def Matt Hardy (double arm DDT off the rope)

Rey Mysterio/John Morrison def CM Punk/Luke Gallows (619 on CM Punk)

Edge def Jack Swagger (DQ) (Swagger hit Edge with a chair)

The Kane vs Jackson match was very short as Big Zeke picked up a serious knee injury. Kane was set to jump off the top rope yet Jackson signalled for him not to and took a small bump before Kane pinned him for the win.

Rey Mysterio was the crowd favourite while Drew McIntyre got a big pop and acted like Hulk Hogan until he cut a heel promo on how America is a much better country than Scotland because of the women, weather and way of life. The Hart Dynasty were massively over which surprised me while R Truth as usual got a good reception. Interestingly, Edge didn't seem to get as big a reaction as i thought he would considering he is one of the top faces on Smackdown.

Swagger got a lot of heat as did Drew McIntyre after his promo, while Ziggler receieved the first "you suck" chants of the night against R Truth.

Was a good night all round few good laughs aswell

Swagger: i do not have a speech impedament and anyone who says so will be escorted from the building. Anyone who chants spear will also be escorted out :lol: .

Morrison: The straight edge society and the queen of england can kiss my arse.

I enjoyed all the matches apart from the diva's match was pretty much layla running for 5 minutes.

Kane and Ezekiel were just getting into a good match when big zeke got hurt.

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Inside are ...

CM Punk vs. Chris Hero, Tables and Ladders Match - IWAMS 09/02/2002 ( ** )

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero - IWAMS 01/03/2002 ( **1/2 )

CM Punk vs. Eddie Guerrero - IWAMS 02/03/2002 ( ** )

Bryan Danielson vs. CM Punk - IWAMS Ted Petty Invivational 2004 ( ***3/4 )

Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles - IWAMS Ted Petty Invitational 2004 ( ****1/4 ) FULL MATCH : http://www.megavideo.com/?d=UQGE28VS

Chris Hero vs. Bryan Danielson - IWAMS Ted Petty Invitational 2005 ( ***1/2 )

BJ Whitmer vs. Jimmy Jacobs, I Quit Match - IWAMS The 500th Show ( ****3/4 ) FULL MATCH : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TPBJI2A3

I can't advise the Jacobs/Whitmer match enough. Click on that link and then go to the Megavideo link for it. Absolutely insane match.

CM Punk vs. Chris Hero, Tables and Ladders Match- IWAMS 09/02/2002

This was part of an acclaimed rivalrly between these two guys which also included a 90 minute match which, thankfully, isn't in this set. Not that it was a bad match. I'm just not sure if I'm up for a 90 minute PBP. Punk gets in the face of some of the fans. The ring is an absolute mess as always. The commentators in IWAMS used to go on about not going to the top rope. Hero gets the fans into this. This match is gonna be pretty long for a ladder match. Lockup and Punk goes behind. Hero then goes to the arm. Hero then with some more nice arm work after Punk attempts a reversal. Punk works on the arm and then stands on the hand and then stomps on it. Headlock on Hero. Hero then gets a Headlock of his own. Punk tries to escape to the Overhead Wristlock and then opts for the Headlock instead. Punk gets charged down and he heads for the floor pretty quickly. Hero has been the dominant wrestler so far. Of course, as they always say, you won't be winning this match by judge's decision. Punk with some stalling by shouting at the audience. Uh oh. This match might be a bit longer than I was hoping for. Punk tries to jump and grab the belt and that doesn't quite work out for him. Hero grabs him, but it seems it was a ploy to bait Hero in, and Punk with a Front Facelock. That was pretty smart wrestling from Punk there. Hero with a go behind to the Hammerlock. Punk goes behind and an Oklahoma Roll attempt. Why ? Full Nelson from Punk and that makes more sense from a wear down aspect. Snapmare from Hero and then the Hero's Welcome is blocks and Punk goes back to the Headlock. Punk into the ropes and he charges Hero down. Hero with a cartwheel and we have a standoff. Punk then slaps Hero and then Hero slaps back and they exchange slaps. Hero with a flurry and he gets sent to the ropes. Hiptoss from Hero and then a Cacths Clothesline sends Punk onto the apron. Low blow from Nadia and then Hero sends Punk back into the ring. RYDEEN BOMB FROM HERO !!! I love that move. Punk into the ropes and then a lovely Rana to counter a Hiptoss. Right hands in the corner from Punk. Shoulder Blocks to the stomach from Punk. Chop and then forearms in the corner and then a choke with the boot. Forearm from Punk and then he's sent into the ropes. Sunset Flip attempt from Punk. I hate that. Wheelbarrow Bulldog from Punk. Punk climbs the ropes to see if he can get the belt like that and it doesn't work like that. Forearms from Punk and he wants the guy with the camera to get a good shot of that. Hero sends Punk to the apron and sends him to the floor with a Running Forearm. HERO WITH A PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! Forearms from Hero to Punk. More forearms from Hero and they're brawling into the crowd here. Head first into the ring apron and then Hero sends him back into the ring. CROSS LEGGED CRADLE BREAKER FROM HERO !!! He goes for the cover and then finds out that he needs to get the ladder. Chops in the corner from Hero. Punk comes back with a flurry of strikes in the corner and then he chokes Hero. Punk runs into an elbow. SECOND ROPE TWISTING BLOCKBUSTER FROM PUNK !!! WELCOME TO CHIGAGO MOTHERFUCKER FROM PUNK !!! STO Backbreaker from Punk follows that and then he decides to go and get the ladder. Punk puts the ladder down and goes after Hero's manager and he catches her. Nadia slaps him and then jumps on his back. Punk gets her down. Hero then catches him at the back of the hall. HERO SPEARS PUNK THROUGH A WALL !!! HERO PUTS PUNK THROUGH ANOTHER SECTION OF THE WALL !!! Man, that has to hurt. Head first into the apron and then a right hand from Hero. Into the ring goes Punk. Punk stops Hero getting the ladder and then grabs a chair. HE DRIVES IT INTO THE THROAT OF HERO !!! Punk takes the ladder to the ringside area and then goes and gets Hero and sends him into the ring. Nadia is in the ring, and Hero uses the distraction to Baseball Slide into the stomach of Punk. Hero gets the ladder and climbs. Punk gets into the ring to stop him. POWERBOMB FROM PUNK BRINGS HERO DOWN FROM THE LADDER !!! Punk sets the ladder against the corner. PUNK GETS WHIPPED HARD INTO THE LADDER !!! Hero sets the ladder in a way against the corner. Running Flying Shoulder Tackle in the corner from Hero to Punk. SUPLEX INTO THE LADDER FROM HERO !!! HIPTOSS INTO THE LADDER !!! Hero is really doing the damage on CM Punk at the moment. Hero then heads for the floor and goes under the ring. Hero then sets a table on the floor. Punk is on his feet in the corner. Hero with chopping in the corner and then he whips Punk in. HE RUNS UP THE LADDER IN THE CORNER AND HITS A SPRINGBOARD CROSS BODY !!! That was nice. Punk with a Knee Drop after that and then another. Punk just lays the ladder in the ring now. 25 minutes have gone according to the guy with the mic. BLUE THUNDER BOMB FROM HERO ONTO THE LADDER !!! Punk is on the floor and Hero is on the top rope. Punk manages to stop him. REVERSE RANA OFF OF THE TOP ROPE SENDS HERO THROUGH THE TABLE THAT HE SET ON THE FLOOR !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Back into the ring they go. Hero is now busted open. Punk makes Hero wear the ladder. HE SENDS HERO AND THE LADDER INTO THE RINGPOST !!! This match is definately getting brutal, and Hero has been busted open. Punk with right hands to the head. Punk then tries to get the ladder out of the way and sets a table up in the ring. Punk : "Now I kill your hero !". Punk is looking around and he brings another table out and sets it on the floor. Punk then sets Hero on the table that's in the ring. Nadia stops Punk from doing a Springboard. TOMBSTONE OFF OF THE APRON THROUGH A TABLE FROM PUNK TO NADIA !!! Punk then takes Hero off of the table and to the top. PEPSI PLUNGE ... Hero manages to block. SUPER SITDOWN POWERBOMB OFF OF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE TABLE !!! Hammerlock DDT from Hero. Punk into the corner. Hero runs right into a Superkick. Punk throws Hero to the floor. Punk heads for the top rope. PLANCHA ... Hero catches him. REVELATION THROUGH CHAIRS ON THE FLOOR FROM HERO !!! Hero parts the fans like Moses would have parted the seas. Well, I make an assumption on that one. Hero brings out a table. He gets someone to help Hero take a table deep into the audience. Hero wants to use the balcony in the hall. Hero then uses the chair across the back. Punk : "Oh my fucking god !". Hero then sets Punk on the table and then uses the bleachers to go to the balcony. Punk gets off of the table and goes up there with him. Hero is almost falling off and Punk tries to knock him down. PUNK STOMPS HERO TO THE FLOOR !!! Punk then with Forearms and he sets Hero on the table. He has another table. Two tables are now stacked as Hero makes a comeback. Hero wants Punk on the balcony and Punk is just about ready enough to get up there and face him. RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP THROUGH TWO TABLES OFF OF THE BALCONY FROM HERO TO PUNK !!! Back to the ring we go and Hero finally has his eyes back on the prize. Hero then decides to hang from the rafters and Punk hangs there with him in an attempt to grab the gold. PUNK FALLS DOWN AND CROTCHES HIMSELF ON THE TOP ROPE !!! HERO FALLS THROAT FIRST ONTO THE TOP ROPE !!! Hero now lays the ladder in the middle of the ring. NIAGRA DRIVER ON THE LADDER FROM HERO !!! Hero brings a table into the ring. Hero sets a ladder against the ropes. Hero sets it on the canvas next and then sets Punk on top. PUNK WITH THE PEPSI PLUNGE ONTO THE LADDER !!! Punk now sets the table in the ring. Punk slaps the referee. THE REFEREE FIGHTS BACK !!! PUMP HANDLE INTO THE RIKISHI DRIVER FROM PUNK !!! HERO'S WELCOME ONTO THE LADDER FROM HERO TO PUNK !!! Hero is now going for the gold. PUNK SENDS HERO CRASHING THROUGH THE TABLE !!! PUNK GETS THE BELT !!!

There were plenty of great spots in this match. That doesn't make a great match though, and both guys seemed to forget that. It was a decent match thanks to what both guys were doing but there was so much wrong with it. Why were both men constantly going for pinfall moves in a ladder match ? Some of the spots were incredibly contrived and I wasn't buying into them at all. Some of the moves just didn't look the part either. I'm willing to give points for effort but that's it. **

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero - IWAMS 01/03/2002

Eddie is in total RUDO~~~!!! mode here, looking at the audience as if they all farted in the one go. Rey goes for legs of both men. All three men lockup, but then Eddie backs away from that. They decide to have another go at that and once again Eddie backs away. Into the ropes and Rey with elbows. Eddie is resting in the corner. Punk and Rey with right hands to Eddie and then send him into the ropes. Double Spinebuster gets a two count for both men. Punk and Rey then battle. Rey to the floor and Eddie capitalises on that with chops. Punk with a Rana and he gets a two count. Rey back in and Punk gets sent to the apron. Rey Dropkicks Punk to the floor and we're left with Eddie and Rey in the ring. X-Factor from Rey. Rey fakes a dive onto them. REY WITH A PESCADO INTO PUNK !!! Eddie and Rey back into the ring and right hands in the corner and then a stompdown. Back Drop Suplex nicely done from Eddie. The Gory Special from Eddie and then Rey reverses into an Arm Drag. Punk comes in and lands a Snap Suplex for a one count on Eddie. Chops in the corner from Punk and Eddie comes back with chops of his own. Right hands from both men follow that. Monkey Flip and Punk lands on his feet. Wheelbarrow Bulldog from Rey gets a two count on Punk. BUCKLE BOMB FROM EDDIE TO REY !!! Eddie then with stomps to the leg but Punk comes out of the corner. Double Springboard Cross Body gets a two count for Rey on both men. Dropkick to the knee from Rey to Punk and Eddie catches Rey with a School Boy and gets a two count. Rey with a Head Scissors takes Eddie to the floor. Punk sends Rey into the corner and hits a High Knee. Springboard Dropkick from Punk and that gets a two count. Eddie back in a Fallaway Slam gets a two count as Rey makes the save. Snap Leg Drops from Rey to both men gets two counts. STF from Eddie to Rey. Punk adds a Camel Clutch to Eddie, and Rey is heading for the ropes and he breaks it. Eddie with a Leg Grapevine. Rey then adds a Head Scissors. Punk gets into the ropes. Eddie into the corner and Rey misses a charge. Into the corner and Punk whipped in. SPRINGBOARD FLIPPING BLOCKBUSTER FROM PUNK !!! SPRINGBOARD LEG FROP FROM REY TO PUNK !!! REY WITH THE 619 !!! THE BRONCO BUSTER TO PUNK !!! BRONCO BUSTER TO EDDIE ... RIGHT INTO THE BOOT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! THREE AMIGOS FROM EDDIE ... Rey blocks the second. SUNSET FLIP/GERMAN SUPLEX THREE WAY SPOT !!! WELCOME TO CHICAGO MOTHERFUCKER FROM PUNK TO EDDIE !!! High Knee misses from Punk. THE ALLEYOOP RANA FROM REY TO PUNK !!! FROG SPLASH FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a decent enough match. I don't know if the three men were told not to steal the show or anything, but that was certainly below the standards that all three men. I can't believe that the fans in the audience got behind this as some sort of great match, because it wasn't. **1/2

CM Punk vs. Eddie Guerrero - IWAMS 02/03/2002

The match opens with Eddie beating down Rey after both men bumped into each other in the aisleway. Punk hits the ring and hits a big Clothesline. The ref comes in and we have a match. Right hands in the corner and then chops from Punk. Punk with the High Knee adnd then a Springboard Dropkick gets a two count. Eddie sends him into the ropes and hits a Hiptoss. Punk with the Rana to counter a Hiptoss and then the Running Dropkick in the corner gets a two count and Eddie heads for the floor. Eddie then gets back into the ring. The fans are solidly behind Punk which was a rarity for IWAMS around this time. Punk tells Eddie that the fans think he sucks. Eddie attacks Punk for that and then Punk comes back with right hands and chops. 10 punches in the corner. Eddie counters that to the Manhattan Drop and then chops and right hands. Big chop from Eddie and then Punk into the ropes. Spinning Back Elbow from Eddie. European Uppercut knocks down Punk. Snapmare and then the does the face twist with the boot. Punk then with a fight back. Punk out of the corner. Springboard Cross Body ... into the Gutbuster from Eddie. BRAINBUSTER FROM EDDIE !!! Seems a bit early in the day to be doing that. Punk with a School Boy gets a two count, and Eddie is angered into a Clothesline. Sleeper Hold from Eddie. Eddie into the ropes and a Jawbreaker from Eddie counters a Sleeper Hold and that gets a two count. Back Drop Suplex and then Eddie lands the Slingshot Senton for a two count. Leg Grapevine from Eddie. Punk gets into the bottom rope, and Eddie takes another oppertunity to beat him down in the corner. Chop from Eddie and then he pokes the eye. Punk goes under Eddie and then hits a Pump Handle Slam and that might get him back into the match. Punk is too hurt though and Eddie is back in the match. Eddie goes to work on the leg. Punk is trying to battle his way out, but Eddie continues to be relentless. Eddie rams a knee into the leg and Punk then fights out of the move, but Eddie then just beats down Punk. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Punk. Fireman's Carry Slam from Punk. SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Fallaway Slam from Eddie and he rolls through to a two count. Gory Special from Eddie. Punk escapes with an Arm Drag, but Eddie then hits another Clothesline to stop Punk getting momentum. Eddie then locks in the STF. Punk battles to his feet and then hits shots to the stomach. Eddie charges him down. WHEELBARROW DDT FROM PUNK !!! Eddie and Punk exchange right hands. European Uppercuts from Eddie. Into the corner they go and Eddie sets Punk on the top rope. SUPER RANA FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! CROSS ARMBREAKER FROM EDDIE !!! Punk tries to roll out of it, but Eddie just lets go anyways. Why do people do that in submissions ? Right hands in the corner from Eddie. Punk then comes back into the match so Eddie goes to the eyes. Punk botches a Neckbreaker and this match is just not clicking. WILD BOMB FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Camel Clutch from Eddie. Eddie lets that go as well to have words with the fans and then he goes after the manager. Eddie brings a chair into the ring and the referee throws it back out. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM EDDIE TO PUNK !!! Eddie and Punk with right hands. Back Body Drop from Punk. Body Slam. Two count from that. You're not gonna win with a Body Slam dude. Suplex from Punk. Punk then heads for the top rope, and Eddie stops him up there. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM EDDIE !!! Eddie heads for the floor. He has a chair. Rey is at ringside and takes the chair from him. Punk into the rops. REVERSE DDT ON THE CHAIR FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I guess I'm going to have to admit the fact that CM Punk probably wasn't very good back then. This is another match where he had a chance to shine and didn't, and especially against an Eddie Guerrero who was willing to do as much as possible in the match. He was certainly looking magnificent here, but Punk wasn't playing ball and they just didn't click. **

CM Punk vs. Bryan Danielson - IWAMS Ted Petty Invitational 2004

The fans are a little split on their opinions on Punk. Lockup and into the corner they go. We have a clean break out of there. Lockup and Punk goes behind and takes down Danielson with a Hammerlock. Danielson tries to break out and does and gets a Hammerlock. Danielson with a knee in the back and then he grabs an arm and stretches it. Danielson goes for Cattle Muttilation and Punk gets into the ropes. Danielson takes down Punk and has an Overhead Wristlock. Drop Toe Hold from Punk and he manages to catch Danielson in the Crippler Crossface. Danielson gets to his knees and goes to the Neck Crank. Punk counters that with knees. Danielson bridges out of a pinfall and that gets a two count. Punk : "I hope your parents die !". :lol: Both men want submissions and Danielson manages to get the Camel Clutch. Danielson then goes to the Headlock. Danielson into the ropes and he charges down Punk. Dropkick from Punk and Danielson then hits one of his own. Both men miss Dropkicks after that. Danielson with the Full Nelson. Punk manages to break free, but Danielson right back to it, and Punk into the ropes. Headbutt to the back from Danielson. Snapmare and a Knee Drop and then another Full Nelson from Danielson. Punk tries to roll out but Danielson goes right back to the Full Nelson. Punk elbows out. Back Body Drop from Danielson and then knees to the head. Punk into the ropes. BRUTAL PILEDRIVER FROM PUNK !!! Neckbreaker from Punk and that gets a two count. Punk then goes for the nerve hold. Knee to the back and then a Dropkick to the back of the head gets a two count for Punk. Snap Suplex and he rolls through and gets a two count. Elbow strike to the back of the head from Punk. Forearm from Punk and Danielson with a European Uppercut. They exchange there. Punk with a Clothesline to the back of the head for a two count. Danielson seems to be in quite a bit of bother at the moment. Swinging Neckbreaker doesn't come. Backslide gets a two count from Danielson, but Punk with a Running Back Elbow. Danielson fighting back to his feet and then he hits a Back Drop Suplex to try and get back into the match. Both men up and they hit headbutts. Running European Uppercut from Danielson. Snap Suplex from Danielson and he heads for the top rope. DIVING HEADBUTT FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Punk into the ropes and a Back Elbow sends Punk to the apron. Punk is on the apron now. Both men block Suplexes. SUPLEX SENDS DANIELSON TO THE FLOOR !!! Danielson seems to have damaged his knee from that. Forearms from Punk. Roaring Elbow misses for Punk. AIRPLANE SPIN ON THE FLOOR FROM DANIELSON !!! HE TAKES PUNK AROUND THE RING WITH IT !!! Both men then collapse. Both men get back into the ring to make sure there's no count out. ROARING ELBOW ... misses. SHINING WIZARD FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... DANIELSON GRABS THE ROPE !!! Punk is signalling for the Plunge. PEPSI PLUNGER ... Danielson blocks that. Back Body Drop sends Punk into the ring. CATTLE MUTTILATION FROM DANIELSON !!! Punk gets out. Side Kick from Punk. DRAGON SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE CATTLE MUTTILATION AGAIN !!! PUNK TAPS !!!

The improvement here is incredible. He didn't feel the need for the big and silly moves because to be quite honest, he didn't really need them. He still had that venom that he had back in the earlier matches though. They played on the fact that both men were evenly matched and the match turned out to be a good two sided battle as a result with some cracking playing on the finishers and good counters. ***3/4

Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles - IWAMS Ted Petty Invitational 2004

Here is the finals of the tournament that the above match took place in. Infact, I've seen this match before and I'm sure I can remember it being an absolute cracker. This is an elimination match. The fans stand and applaud the three men in the ring and it looks like we're gonna get a standing room only match here. Danielson takes down Joe and Styles then grabs Danielson and this is clearly going to be awkward to do a PBP on. Forearm exchange from Styles and Joe. Danielson gets involved with a European Uppercut. Styles goes behind and Danielson does the same. Joe joins the fun with a Waistlock Takedown and Danielson catches him with a Sleeper Hold. Styles catches him with one. Joe grabs Styles with a Half Crab and then Danielson hits Joe with a Dropkick and sends Styles out of the ring. PESCADO ... MISSES !!! JOE WITH THE ELBOW SUICIDA ON DANIELSON !!! STYLES WITH A SOMERSAULT PLANCHA ONTO JOE AND DANIELSON !!! Back into the ring with Danielson, but Joe with kicks to Styles and then he breaks the count. OLE KICK FROM JOE TO STYLES AND THAT LANDS !!! Danielson puts Joe on a chair. DANIELSON WITH AN OLE DROPKICK !!! Styles comes back with Forearms. STYLES WITH AN OLE FLYING FOREARM SENDS DANIELSON THROUGH THE CHAIR !!! Back into the ring and we have a two count. Joe gets into the ring. Spin Kick to the back of the head on Styles. Jabs and chops from Joe to Styles. Styles is whipped into the corner. MONKEY FLIP SENDS STYLES INTO A RANA ON JOE !!! GERMAN SUPLEX ON DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Joe with a Spin Kick. Styles sends Joe into the corner. Big forearm in there. Danielson is back. QUEDABRA DDT AND JOE ADDS A RUNNING STO TO THAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Joe with kicks to the chest. Danielson grabs one and then lands a Dragon Screw. Danielson then works on the knee. Indian Deathlock from Danielson and Styles hits a Dropkick while he has the move, which means Joe's getting done too. Roundhouse Kick misses from Styles and Danielson with a Northern Lights Suplex while still in the move. Danielson with a European Uppercut but Joe then hits an Enziguri. Forearms from Styles. DISCUS LARIAT DECAPITATES DANIELSON !!! STYLES THEN RUNS INTO THE S-T-JOE !!! SUPER MUSCLE BUSTER FROM JOE ... Danielson stops that from happening. Running Forearm from Danielson there. Styles stops it. SUPERPLEX FROM DANIELSON TO JOE !!! DRAGON SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON TO STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CATTLE MUTTILATION ... STYLES ESCAPES AND HITS THE PELE KICK !!! JOE WITH THE CHOKE !!! DANIELSON TAPS !!!

We come down to Styles and Joe. Kicks to the chest from Joe. Styles comes back with right hands. HUGE SPIN KICK !!! Running Forearm knocks down Joe. Forearms from Joe. Running Forearm and that gets a two count for Joe. Joe into the ropes and he runs right into a Leaping Forearm. Forearms from Styles. JOE COMES BACK WITH A FLURRY !!! ENZIGURI FROM STYLES !!! BOTH MEN ARE DOWN !!! Styles is now heading for the top rope. Joe manages to stop him up there. THE MUSCLE BUSTER FROM JOE ... blocked. STYLES CATCHES THE LEGS AND GOES FOR THE STYLES CLASH ... he can't get it. He tries again and Joe escapes. Roundhouse kick hits the mark. Styles' knee gives way when he tries the Styles Clash the next time. The fans are egging him on. HE GETS IT EVENTUALLY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

They botched the ending a few times, but amazingly enough this actually managed to ADD to the match as the fans ended up really getting behind the attempt of AJ Styles to finish the match, so nothing can be taken away for that. The stuff before the Danielson elimination was great three way fun with some cracking innovation from both men. The stuff after the elimination was a good hard hitting battle between two men who have gotten very good at that sort of thing. It's a good final and probably worth a watch. ****1/4

Chris Hero vs. Bryan Danielson - IWAMS Ted Petty Invitational 2005

The bell rings and both men shake hands before the bell. They lock hands to open the match. Danielson to the mat and he tries to take Hero down and that isn't working. Hero then stands on Danielson's feet and pulls him up. He then has the Standing Surfboard. Dragon tries to reverse and can't do so but he gets up and manages to get a Standing Surfboard of his own. He then has Hero on one knee and puts a foot on the back. Hero escapes with an Arm Drag. Danielson with a takedown and then goes over and looks for a Headlock. He then puts a Chinlock in there, but Hero grabs a leg. He stretches the knee using his own. Hero then just twists the ankle. Half Crab attempt but Danielson gets to his feet. He gets knocked down and comes back to his feet and gets sweeped down again. Hero decides to just kneel on the leg. Danielson with a Wristlock and that's one way to escape ! The fans liked that little exchange. Danielson gets annoyed by some people chanting for Hero. Hero grabs a leg, but Danielson jumps on his back and locks in the Sleeper Hold. Danielson then just rips at the face and the aggression is on. Hero wasn't too pleased with the tactics that Danielson was using there. Danielson wants a handshake and then he stomps on the hand. He nearly does the same to the referee but decides against it. Danielson goes for a leg, and eventually gets his own leg taken. Stomp on the knee from Hero. Danielson stays down and he's moving around. He tries to kick Hero away. Hero rolls and grabs the leg and works on it. Hero then snaps the leg of Danielson back. Hero then goes for the Rivera Cloverleaf. He opts to just do more damage to the leg. Danielson gets a hand full of hair. He then slaps him in the back. Danielson has the legs locked and he stretches Hero. Hero gets back to his feet and then Dropkicks the leg of Danielson. Danielson then gets back to his feet. They lock hands and then Hero with a kick to the leg. Danielson charges Hero into the corner and then a wee slap to the face. Hero rushes Danielson into the corner. DRAGON SCREW FROM THE TOP ROPE FROM HERO !!! Figure Four Leglock follows that from Hero. Hero then bridges to add more leverage to the move. Danielson rolls over. That move DOES work btw, and the reversal is more painful than the move itself. Hero with a wee shot to the leg after they get into the ropes. Danielson tries to get to his feet but he can't get there. Hero lets him get to his feet. Danielson comes back with chops and then he slaps Hero in the face. Knees to the head and then a Butterfly Suplex. Danielson then mounts Hero and tries to force the shoulders down. Hero manages to bridge out of the pin. THE CROSSFACE CHICKENWING ... Hero is doing everything he can to block. Danielson drives a knee into the side of Hero and Hero gets into the ropes. Danielson pulls Hero into the middle of the ring and he's now going for the Mexican Surfboard. Danielson just decides to stomp down though. Danielson has a VICIOUS move on the arm. Hero screams in pain. Into the corner they go and then big chops from Hero. Twisting Dragon Screw. THE RIVERA CLOVERLEAF !!! Danielson gets into the ropes. Hero picks up Danielson and he tries to Irish Whip him but Danielson just falls to the ground. Hero continues to work on the leg, and Danielson tries to chop his way out of a predicament. Hero then has a submission. I have no idea what to call that ! Danielson hauls himself into the ropes and Hero is getting annoyed. AIRPLANE SPIN FROM HERO !!! DANIELSON WITH THE SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Knee Breaker ... DANIELSON COUNTERS TO THE SUNSET FLIP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Shin Breaker, but Danielson hits an Enziguri. Danielson with a flurry of slaps and then a HUGE final slap. ROARING ELBOW FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE CATTLE MUTTILATION ... HE OPTS WITH THE CROSSFACE CHICKENWING !!! HERO GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! AIRPLANE SPIN FROM DANIELSON ... COUNTERED INTO A PIN FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Chris Hero can be so infuriating. His offence at times is just so contrived and he went into full "lets do some really stupid looking shit" mode in this match which is disappointing. Danielson's selling of the leg made this match fun all on it's own. Seemed like that was sorta pointless with an ending like that which didn't really play on the injury at all. Good enough outing here though. ***1/2

BJ Whitmer vs. Jimmy Jacobs, I Quit Match - IWAMS The 500th Show

This is a sort of spinoff of their awesome ROH fued. Jacobs uses "Goodbye Horses" as his entrance music, which is an instant way of making me like you. BJ's manager sweeps Jacobs and Whitmer takes the chance. Both men now brawl to the floor and Whitmer with a big right hand. Head first into the apron goes Jacobs. Whitmer throws Jacobs face first into a chair. Jacobs then with a series of right hands. Whitmer takes the control back and they brawl to the back of the hall. Jacobs then gets whipped hard into the wall and the referee asks Jacobs and he doesn't say it. Whitmer then rips the face of Jacobs. Whitmer sits Jacobs on a seat and then hits a couple of chops and right hands. Jacobs comes back with right hands of his own. Dropkick sends Whitmer down. Jacobs then has a chair and he sits Whitmer on it. JACOBS WITH A PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE SENDING WHITMER THROUGH THE CHAIR !!! Jacobs then chokes Whitmer with a belt and the referee asks him, and he doesn't say it. Jim Fannin comes in and kicks Jacobs off. Whitmer now has the belt and he whips Jacobs. Jacobs with another fight back and then he whips Whitmer. Back into the ring they go and Jacobs with a choke. Jacobs then with a Headbutt. Jacobs has a kendo stick and Whitmer manages to stop him using it. Big right hands from Whitmer. KENDO STICK SHOTS FROM WHITMER !!! SHOT TO THE HANDS AND THEN THE HEAD !!! THIS IS INSANE !!! Whitmer then chokes Jacobs with the stick. KENDO STICK TO THE HEAD OF JACOBS !!! Jim Fannin tapes Jacobs to the ropes and this might well be the end for him. KENDO STICK TO THE KNEE OF JACOBS !!! Jacobs is REFUSING to quit here. MORE SHOTS TO THE KNEE OF JACOBS !!! JACOBS WON'T STAY DOWN !!! KENDO STICK TO THE HEAD !!! Jacobs spits in the face of Whitmer. ANOTHER BRUTAL SHOT TO THE HEAD OF JACOBS !!! Whitmer then chokes Jacobs with the kendo stick and Jim Fannin helps with that. WHITMER KICKS THE KENDO STICK INTO THE FACE OF JACOBS !!! Whitmer decides to try and release him and Jacobs is kicking the shins and then a headbutt. Jacobs then breaks free from the tape. Jacobs then stomps on Whitmer and chokes him with the boot. Stomps and then he drops his weight on the chest of Whitmer. Jacobs then comes back with right hands and a kick to the face. JACOBS WITH THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE !!! HE HAS THE CHOKE TURNED OVER !!! BOTH MEN GO OVER THE TOP ROPE AND TO THE FLOOR !!! Both men are down out there. Jacobs then gets sent into the ringpost. Right hands from Whitmer. Jacobs with a chair to the stomach. BJ Whitmer has a chair. WHITMER WITH A VICIOUS CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD OF JACOBS !!! Jacobs is now busted open and Whitmer goes to work on the cut. There's blood on the camera. That is always a cool as f**k visual. Headbutts from Whitmer and he has to stop. Whitmer now has the kendo stick again. SHOT TO THE HEAD OF JACOBS !!! MORE BRUTAL SHOTS AND JACOBS IS JUST FIRING UP !!! SHOT AFTER SHOT AFTER SHOT FROM WHITMER !!! FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM WHITMER !!! That is a good move in a match like this. KENDO STICK RIGHT TO THE FUCKING EAR !!! ANOTHER BRUTAL SHOT TO THE HEAD WHILE IN THE MOVE !!! This is madness. COME ON JACOBS !!! TURN THIS BAD BOY OVER !!! Jacobs is out. The referee rings the bell and calls for the match to end. Jim Fannin says that the match is still going. BJ Whitmer even seems to be thinking about this. BJ Whitmer decides to get down to business. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM WHITMER !!! JACOBS HAS A SPIKE AND HE RAMS IT RIGHT INTO THE FUCKING HEAD OF WHITMER !!! THIS MATCH IS BATSHIT INSANE !!! Dropkick to the knee from Whitmer. WHITMER HAS A SPIKE OF HIS OWN !!! BOTH MEN SPIKE EACH OTHER !!! The fans are LOVING this. No wonder. It's truly amazing. BOTH MEN SPIKE EACH OTHER AGAIN !!! BOTH MEN SPIKE EACH OTHER OVER AND OVER AGAIN !!! WHITMER IS GETTING THE BETTER OF THIS !!! LOW BLOW FROM JACOBS !!! Oh no ... SPIKE TO THE FUCKING BALLS !!! REPEATED SHOTS TO THE BALLS AND WHITMER QUITS !!! WHAT A FUCKING MATCH !!!

That was absolutely mental there. I've seen lots of crazy hardcore matches in my time, but I'm not sure I've seen any matches which had the intensity and madness that this match had. Jimmy Jacobs is always willing to bring the madness, but Whitmer was well up for meeting him half way and did some pretty insane stuff himself. Probably the best match the two men had, which given how good their fued was, is definately something. ****3/4

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Matt Striker - please stop saying "World's heavywight champion". mad.gif

URGHH!!! I hate that too! J.R. says it too!

it's the WORLD heavyweight champion, singular not plural... or they should use the term "heavyweight champion of the world" lets go back over there take the white house and teach them how to talk English, confederate b*****ds!

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URGHH!!! I hate that too! J.R. says it too!

it's the WORLD heavyweight champion, singular not plural... or they should use the term "heavyweight champion of the world" lets go back over there take the white house and teach them how to talk English, confederate b*****ds!


Striker's saying that the champion is belonging to the world. Perhaps sort you're own English out first? :lol:

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URGHH!!! I hate that too! J.R. says it too!

it's the WORLD heavyweight champion, singular not plural... or they should use the term "heavyweight champion of the world" lets go back over there take the white house and teach them how to talk English, confederate b*****ds!


I quite like the phrase, it's just something I'd associate with wrestling.

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Still doesn't get away from the fact that Goldberg hasn't literally killed anyone with his spear. tongue.gif

Response will be found a few pages back to your statement....

To be fair 90% of the people who use the word "literally" like you did are c*nts.

Who are you to tell me who and what I am? You basing your opinion over the internet. Your clever...

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Response will be found a few pages back to your statement....

Who are you to tell me who and what I am? You basing your opinion over the internet. Your clever...

I didn't. You're the one who decided you weren't in the 10% of soond guys. 8)

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