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Mo Wonderboy

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Have I missed something here? Who the f**k are the Dudebusters?!!

I was thinking the exact same thing. I didn't bother to find out and skipped straight past the match.

T.Barreta, C.Croft

The 2 wee guys that were in ECW for a couple of months just before it got cancelled.

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WWE Fully Loaded 2000

Back to the recaps. :D

Featured on this show is ...

Trish Stratus and T&A vs. The Hardy Boys and Lita ( ***3/4 )

Tazz vs. Al Snow ( 1/2* )

Eddie Guerrero vs. Perry Saturn ( *1/2 )

Edge and Christian vs. The Acolytes ( ** )

Val Venis vs. Rikishi, Cage Match ( ***1/4 )

Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker ( *3/4 )

Triple H vs. Chris Jericho, Last Man Standing Match ( ****1/4 )

Chris Benoit vs. The Rock ( ****1/2 )

Trish Stratus and T&A vs. The Hardy Boys and Lita

Trish gets the hell out of there, and Albert and Matt start the match. Matt with right hands. Matt into the corner chest first and then he drops behind Albert. Head first into the top buckle goes Albert many times. Front Suplex from Albert and that looked brutal. Kicks to the stomach and then a final kick sends Matt down. Albert tries to pin down Matt and only gets two counts. Matt to the top rope and he comes off with an Arm Drag. Matt tries to land on the apron and he ends up falling off of the apron. To the corner and in comes Test. Test with right hands in the corner and then he runs into a Hardy boot. Second Rope Leg Drop early in the match from Matt and then he tags in Jeff and Test into the ropes. Double Back Elbow and then some offense gets a two count. Jeff into the ropes and he runs into a HUGE Sidewalk Slam. Forearm from Test and then Jeff slides to the floor, back in and Dropkicks Test. PESCADO FROM JEFF !!! Back into the ring they go. Kicks to the back from Jeff. Into the corner and back in comes Matt and then the Hardys unload with kicks in the corner. Small Package gets a two count for Matt. BIG BOOT FROM TEST !!! Ouch ! Into the corner and in comes Trish ! Slaps to the face, but she ends up hitting Test. School Boy gets a two count for Matt. Trish misses an Elbow Drop and in comes Lita, and Trish tags in Albert and now Lita is in there with him. The Hardys attack from behind. POETRY IN MOTION !!! Double Suplex from The Hardy Boys to Albert and then the same for Trish and Test as we see a Triple Suplex. Jeff with kicks to Albert. ALBERT SENDS JEFF TO THE FLOOR WITH A GORILLA PRESS SLAM !!! Test then unloads with stomps out there. Butterfly Suplex from Albert gets a two count. HUUUUGE Back Body Drop from T&A for a two count. PUMP HANDLE SLAM ... Jeff manages to escape. Jeff into the corner and he comes out with a Sunset Flip for a two count. FULL NELSON SLAM FROM TEST TO JEFF !!! Chinlock from Test now. Jeff fights out. HE RUNS INTO A LIGER BOMB FROM TEST !!! Test now heading for the top rope. FLYING ELBOW OFF OF THE TOP ROPE ... MISSES !!! Jeff now wants the tag and hits a Spin Kick and in comes Matt. Flying Clothesline off the top from Matt. Test runs into an elbow and then the Bulldog from Matt. TEST WITH THE MELTDOWN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... JEFF BREAKS WITH THE SWANTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... ALBERT SAVES !!! RUNNING POWERSLAM FROM ALBERT ... COUNTERED INTO A DDT FROM MATT !!! Lita then into the match. LEAPING DDT OFF OF THE MIDDLE ROPE !!! LITA WITH A PESCADO ONTO ALBERT !!! LEAPING RANA OFF THE TOP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Albert with a cheap shot to the back. FALLING POWERBOMB FROM TEST TO LITA !!! In comes Trish now. ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... LITA KICKS OUT !!! TRISH WITH A BULLDOG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Trish into the corner. She heads for the top rope and Lita stops her. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM LITA TO TRISH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... ALBERT MAKES THE SAVE !!! The Hardy Boys come into the ring. Lita drags Trish into the middle of the ring. LITA WITH THE MOONSAULT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was a superb opening match. The Hardy Boys were willing to bump like maniacs. Jeff Hardy in particular took a couple of really nasty shots. The crowd was also hot for absolutely everything though. Especially when Lita got involved. When the match broke down at points, the action was moving at 100mph. Highly enjoyable stuff. ***3/4

Tazz vs. Al Snow

ECW ! ECW ! This match was edited off of the home release, but since the opener was too, I'm not going to take that as any sort of knock on the quality of the match. Snow gets us going with a series of stomps. Tazz sends Snow into the apron and he kicks and then lands a Russian Legsweep. Tazz heads for the floor and Snow just attacks him out there. Back into the ring they go. They battle in the middle of the ring and Tazz rakes the eyes. Face first into the canvas goes Snow. Forearm from Tazz. Snow blocks an Irish Whip and then he lands a Superkick. Sitdown Urinagi Powerbomb from Snow gets a two count. Kicks to the stomach from Snow. Choke in the corner and then Tazz with the Alabama Slam. Tazz with stomps and then he rips at the face of Snow. Stomp to the back of the head from Tazz. Snow into the corner and he comes out with a Forearm. Body Slam from Snow and then he heads up top. TOP ROPE LEG FROP FROM SNOW !!! MOONSAULT FROM SNOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Snow now has the head. Chop Block from Tazz puts a stop to that. Right hands from Tazz. Drop Toe Hold from Tazz and then he lands some Crossface Forearms. Arm Trap Headbutts from Snow and then kicks. CAPTURE SUPLEX FROM TAZZ !!! TAZZMISSION ... countered. TAZZMISSION AND THIS TIME HE HAS IT !!! IT'S OVER !!!

That was a kind of crappy match actually. I can see why this never made the release. I use this description often, but this was just a couple of guys hitting moves with nothing resembling a story. 1/2*

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Perry Saturn - WWE European Championship

Whit ?!?! How come this match is opening the show ? I remember a six person tag opening the show. Chyna goes out to meet Terri and Saturn gets in her way. Chyna with a forearm to Saturn puts an end to that. Chyna has her hands on Terri, but Saturn attacks. Eddie and Saturn now brawling on the aisle. Into the ring they go and the referee calls for the bell. Rights and lefts from Eddie into the corner. Stomps from Eddie. Back Drop Suplex from Eddie and then the Slingshot Senton. Saturn into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Eddie and Saturn heads for the floor. Chyna hits him out there with a Clothesline. Back into the ring they go. Eddie sets Saturn on the top rope. TOP ROPE RANA FROM EDDIE !!! He does a bit of dancing in the middle of the ring after that. Headbutt to the back of the head from Eddie and then Saturn into the ropes. Clothesline from Eddie. This just isn't clicking at all. Arm Bar from Eddie. Saturn gets sent to the floor and then Chyna whips him into the railing. EDDIE WITH A PLANCHA !!! Eddie to the top rope. LEAPING RANA OFF THE TOP FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Saturn into the ropes and he goes behind. POWERBOMB FROM SATURN !!! Shoulder Charges from Eddie and then Saturn with a big chop. Saturn runs into an elbow. LEAPING DDT FROM EDDIE !!! Lots of big moves here, absolutely zero substance to them. Saturn is bleeding hardway. If that happened now, the match would be stopped. Eddie jumps right into a Saturn slam. Flapjack from Saturn. That gets a two count. Rana from Eddie. Saturn drops behind. JACKHAMMER ... COUNTERED INTO A ROLL UP !!! Two count. Powerbomb from Saturn puts a stop to Eddie's offense. Saturn then drags Eddie into the corner. MOONSAULT FROM SATURN ... MISSES !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM EDDIE !!! He heads for the top rope. Eddie fakes the Splash. Eddie gets slammed down and Saturn with a roll up and a two count. JACKHAMMER FROM SATURN !!! Saturn then heads for the top rope. Eddie stops him up there. Dropkick sends Saturn to the floor. Saturn with a Clothesline sends Chyna through a table. This is the cue for Terri to return to ringside. LOW BLOW FROM TERRI !!! Back into the ring. THE FLYING ELBOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

There was a real lack of chemistry between them. They just hit a bunch of moves with no rhyme or reason. Storytelling right out of the window. The one saving grace was that they kept it reasonably exciting. *1/2

Michael Cole has The Undertaker backstage. "Medical opinion ? Kurt Angle's gonna need a doctor to surgically remove my foot from his ass.". :lol: The Undertaker chases Kurt Angle. "Come here ! Ya little bitch !"

Edge and Christian © vs. The Acolytes - WWE Tag Team Championships

Christian busts out the JFK suicide joke. The heat he got for that was stunning. Bradshaw : "My boot's gonna be in your ear !". Bradshaw cuts a promo that gets the APA over big time. The audience is lapping this up. APA head for the floor and kick the shit out of Edge and Christian. Farooq hits Edge with the steps. I'm gonna call him Simmons for my own good. Bradshaw and Edge in the ring, but Christian comes in to help. Bradshaw in the corner. Christian got caught. SUPER FALLAWAY SLAM FROM BRADSHAW TO CHRISTIAN !!! BIG BOOT TO EDGE !!! In comes Simmons and he unloads with right hands. In comes Bradshaw again. Edge into the ropes and a Double Shoulder Block gets a two count. Edge into the corner. Bradshaw goes for a Powerbomb and Edge blocks. Shoulder Block takes down Edge. POWERBOMB FROM BRADSHAW TO EDGE !!! CHRISTIAN OFF THE TOP WITH A DROPKICK !!! Christian gets tagged in and he stomps away on Bradshaw as the fans chant "USA !". Into the corner and Edge and Christian are now exchanging quick tags. Bradshaw is in bother. Bradshaw comes back with right hands. Swinging Neckbreaker from Edge gets a two count. In comes Christian. Edge chokes Bradshaw and back in comes Christian. Bradshaw gets set on the top rope and he shoves both men to the middle of the ring. Leaping Shoulder Block from Bradshaw to Edge. Simmons into the match. Powerslam on Christian. SPINEBUSTER ON EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL TO CHRISTIAN !!! DOMINATOR ON CHRISTIAN !!! EDGE USES THE BELL AND GETS DQED !!!

Not much happening here, but it was good fun. They constantly kept the action moving. Big move after big move and unlike the previous match, they seemed to know how to put it together. **

Backstage and we have Triple H and Stephanie where Angle has sent Stephanie loads of flowers. Stephanie tells HHH to go and confront Angle and he decides to do that.

Angle is being chased by Taker. ANGLE ATTACKS TAKER WITH A WRENCH !!!

Val Venis © vs. Rikishi, Cage Match - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Val tries to escape right away and Rikishi stops him. Clothesline from Fatu. He sends Venis face first into the cage. Rikishi is absolutely mauling Venis at the moment. He goes for the escape, but Venis stops him. Rikishi knocks him down. Venis goes for the door and Rikishi stops him. Back Drop Suplex from Rikishi. Rikishi now goes for the door. Val with a chop block and he now smells blood and works on the leg. Rikishi is sent face first into the cage. If this was an old school NWA match, both men would be busted open ! Val with kicks to the gut in the corner and then he chokes with the boot. Val into the corner and an Avalanche from Rikishi. THE STINK FACE ... LOW BLOW FROM VAL !!! Val with a shot to the back of the head and then a Bulldog and now he has control. Stomps from Venis. Rikishi into the ropes and then a Clothesline and a beauty. Val is heading for the escape. Rikishi is stopping him. RIKISHI FALLS BACK INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING !!! VAL ADDS AN ELBOW DROP FROM THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Venis is now climbing the ropes again. Venis is getting close to the escape and Rikishi manages to stop him. Venis and Rikishi battle on the top rope. RIKISHI IS CROTCHED ON THE TOP ROPE !!! Into the middle of the ring and right hands from Venis. Venis into the ropes and he gets sent into the cage. SAMOAN DROP FROM RIKISHI !!! RUNNING BUTT BUMP !!! HERE COMES THE BANZAI DROP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... VAL'S FOOT IS ON THE ROPES !!! Rikishi is now heading for the door. TRISH SLAMS THE DOOR IN THE FACE OF RIKISHI !!! Neckbreaker from Venis. Venis heads for the top rope. THE MONEY SHOT FROM VENIS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LITA HEADS FOR THE RING !!! SHE WHIPS TRISH TO THE BACKSTAGE AREA !!! Val is trying to escape now and Rikishi is climbing with him. Venis gets knocked into the middle of the ring. Rikishi to the top of the cage. RIKISHI WITH THE BIG SPLASH OFF OF THE TOP OF THE CAGE !!! THAT'S FUCKING MADNESS !!! Rikishi is now heading for the door. TAZZ IS WAITING FOR RIKISHI TO GET THERE !!! TAZZ WITH THE CAMERA TO THE HEAD OF RIKISHI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a very good match. Both men just clicked and I'm sick of hearing about how this was a one spot match. It wasn't. Both men put together a very good wrestling match. I'm willing to bet they could have had a cracking 15 minute normal rules match going on this. ***1/4

Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker

This is the first of three main events. The build up on the night was great fun. This entire show had some right weird build up going on actually. Felt like watching an episode of RAW at times. But a good one ! Angle is fairly paranoid at the start about where Taker might be. Taker comes down during Angle's entrance and the men brawl through the crowd. Angle clearly pissed off the wrong man here ! The brawl heads to the ringside area. Head first into the railing he goes and then another right hand. Angle then gets sent hard into another section of the railing. Head first into the steps goes Angle and the referee wants the action in the ring and the Taker obliges. Angle into the ropes and he runs into a Big Boot. Elbow Drop gets a two count for Taker and he wants to punish Angle some more. Hanging Vertical Suplex from Taker. Don't see that from Taker often ! That gets a two count. Into the corner and then right hands from Taker. Angle into the corner and Taker runs into a boot. Angle then mounts Taker with a Sleeper Hold. Taker charges Angle into the corner from that and then Taker with Back Elbows. Angle into the corner and then Taker with a Clothesline in there. Sidewalk Slam from Taker. That gets a two count. Angle then gets sent hard over the top rope. WRENCH TO THE KNEE FROM ANGLE !!! The referee didn't catch that and they go back into the ring. Angle walks right into a big right hand and then another. Angle then grabs the knee of Taker and Taker with a right hand stops anything from happening. Angle with a Chop Block and that will be the game changer. Angle with an Elbow Drop to the knee and then he stretches the leg. The fans chant "Angle Sucks !" as Taker decides to make a comeback by driving his leg into the throat of Angle. Right hands from both men now. Kicks to the leg from Taker. CHOKESLAM ... countered. Angle takes down Taker again and works on the knee. Taker tries to add a Dragon Sleeper to proceedings, but Angle manages to escape from that. Taker goes back to the Sleeper Hold, but again can't hold it. A pair of elbows from Angle. Angle then twists at the knee of Taker and the fans are getting right behind Taker here. Taker counters and slams the knee of Angle into the canvas and then they exchange right hands. Kick to the knee from Angle. Taker then comes back with a flurry and an uppercut. Angle into the ropes. CHOKESLAM FROM TAKER !!! THE LAST RIDE FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match was boring. I suppose I can understand the knee work as they needed to make Kurt Angle look like he had a real chance, and with Taker injured, he had that chance. The match did end up being something of an extended squash though, so they never really took advantage of it. Even with the work on the knee, Taker looked unbeatable. *3/4

Triple H vs. Chris Jericho, Last Man Standing Match

Jericho has injured ribs heading into this match. This match has always been a personal favourite of mines. I love the drama of an LMS match. Right hands from Jericho right off the bat and he's not a happy bunny ! He stomps down HHH in the corner. Jericho comes out of the corner with a Clothesline and then another. Dropkick and HHH lands on the floor. Springboard Dropkick sends HHH to the floor and then Jericho goes out to meet him and throws HHH into the railing. Knee to the stomach from HHH and he attempts a fightback. Right hands from Jericho and then into the ring they go. Jericho has words with Stephanie and then heads for the top rope. Spinning Back Elbow off the top from Jericho and then right hands. HHH sent into the ropes, but he comes out with a Knee 2 Face. Clothesline sends Jericho over the top rope. HHH head first into the steps and then Jericho gets landed chest first into the railing, and with the injury that Jericho has, this might be bad. Ribs first into the steps from HHH and the focus is now clear. Into the ring they go. Kicks to the ribs from HHH. HHH then begins to rip the bandaging of Jericho off. Knee Drops to the ribs from HHH. Into the corner and Shoulder Charges in the corner from HHH to Jericho. HHH then just buries that shoulder in there over and over again. Jericho into the ropes and a Knee to the stomach from HHH. HHH then rips more of the bandaging off of Jericho. HHH chokes Jericho with the bandage. Kicks to the stomach from HHH. Knee Drop again and HHH is torturing Jericho at the moment. HHH then throws Jericho out of the ring. Stephanie comes over and gets a couple of slaps in there. Back into the ring they go and Jericho attempts a fightback. Jericho into the ropes and he runs right into the Abdominal Stretch. HHH then uses the ropes and the referee wants him to break and then kicks the arm off of the ropes. HHH is LIVID and pushes the ref. The referee pushes back. Jericho comes back with right hands. Spinning Heel Kick from Jericho and he's struggling to get back to his feet. LIONSAULT ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Jericho was never hitting that there. DDT FROM HHH !!! That was pretty brutal and the referee is counting down Jericho. Jericho gets to his feet at seven. Sleeper Hold from HHH and then he adds the Body Scissors. HHH now wants the referee to count down Jericho as JR sells Jericho's injuries as serious as sin. HHH is raging that Jericho keeps getting up. HHH then with right hands. Jericho with the crotch chop and that just angers HHH. THE PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! HHH then lays on the top rope, confident that Jericho won't be getting back up. Jericho starts to stir though and HHH gets down from the ropes. HHH heads for the floor and he brings a chair into the ring. CHAIR TO THE RIBS FROM HHH !!! BRUTAL CHAIR SHOT ACROSS THE BACK !!! HHH now picks Jericho up ... PEDIGREE ON THE CHAIR ... JERICHO WITH A LOW BLOW !!! JERICHO WITH A HUUUUUUGE CHAIR SHOT ACROSS THE HEAD OF HHH !!! HHH is bleeding quite a bit. HHH is standing and Jericho is making the big comeback now. HHH with right hands of his own, but Jericho knocks him down. Flying Forearm from Jericho. Into the corner and Jericho gets sent in. HHH runs into a boot, and Jericho hits a Missile Dropkick from the second rope. BULLDOG ONTO THE CHAIR FROM JERICHO !!! Into the corner and HHH gets sent over the top rope and to the floor. Jericho gets sent into the steps, ribs first. PEDIGREE ON THE STEPS ... JERICHO WITH THE BACK BODY DROP TO BLOCK !!! HHH now has a monitor as does Jericho. BOTH MEN CROWN EACH OTHER WITH THE MONITORS !!! Both men get to their feet. Back into the ring they go. WALLS OF JERICHO FROM JERICHO !!! Stephanie gets into the ring and drags Jericho off. JERICHO WITH THE WALLS OF JERICHO ON STEPHANIE !!! HHH then attacks Jericho from behind and sends him to the floor. The brawl goes around the ringside area. HHH then goes under the ring and grabs the sledgehammer. Jericho now has it. Catapult sends HHH into the ringpost and Jericho now has the sledgehammer. SLEDGEHAMMER TO THE RIBS SENDS HHH ONTO THE TABLE !!! HHH stops him there. BACK DROP SUPLEX OFF OF THE TIMEKEEPER'S TABLE THROUGH THE TABLE !!! HHH STANDS AT NINE !!! IT'S OVER !!!

Not quite the classic match I could remember it being, but it has lots going for it. Jericho's selling of the ribs made you think that he was never going to be in the match properly. Triple H's intensity was fitting for a man who had witnessed his wife getting abused at every turn. Jericho turned in a starmaking performance, as he just kept coming back into the match when the odds were stacked against him. Another thing was the aftermath of the match. It looked like you had watched an absolute war and it felt that way too. ****1/4

The Rock © vs. Chris Benoit - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Could you imagine having to follow a match like that ? Wasn't a classic, but it was exhausting. If anyone can follow it though, The Rock can. Shane McMahon is looking like he's about to jump into the ring. Shane, sure enough, is in the ring and Rock catches him in there. Benoit uses that chance to attack from behind. Back Elbow from Rock and Benoit gets to the floor. Head first into the steps goes Benoit and then into the ring they go. Rock then chases Shane into the ring. Rock Clotheslines Benoit down and continues the chase. Atomic Drop from Rock and then he knocks Shane off of the apron. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM ROCK ... Benoit heads for the floor. THIS is how you follow an exhausting match. Just don't give the fans time to breathe ! Right hands in the ring from Rock and he gets sent into the ropes. Knee to the stomach from Benoit. Rock chest first into the corner, and then a Gutbuster from Benoit. Stomps to the stomach from Benoit and then he distracts the ref, and Shane gets a shot in. More stomping to the stomach from Benoit. Benoit with chops and then he sends Rock face first into the steps and then back into the ring. Rock into the ropes and a knee to the stomach gets a two count for Benoit. Kicks to the stomach from Benoit. Rock comes back with a Front Suplex dropping Benoit over the top rope and then a kick to the face from Rock. Benoit tries a springboard move, but Rock stops him. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM ROCK !!! Both men battle to their feet. Shane gives Benoit the title belt. BENOIT WITH A TITLE BELT TO THE HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Snap Suplex from Benoit. That gets a two count. Benoit with right hands in the corner. Rock runs into an elbow, but then Benoit runs into a Powerslam and that gets a two count for Rock. Back Drop Suplex from Benoit. THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM BENOIT !!! Rock tries to use his strength to remove some of the leverage. Rock gets into the ropes. Benoit then slams the leg into the canvas. THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM BENOIT ... Rock escapes. Rock comes back with right hands. Shane pulls down the top rope and Rock ends up on the floor. Right hands from Benoit and then he gets sent into the steps. Rock then crotches Benoit on the ringpost. That'll do it. :lol: Back into the ring they go. Dragon Screw from The Rock. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM THE ROCK !!! Shane tries to get into the ring. Benoit gets into the ropes. Clothesline sends Rock over the top rope again and the referee holds Benoit back. Shane with a Clothesline on the floor behind the back of the referee. Shane with a Clothesline sends Rock over the railing. Benoit now heads for the floor and continues his beating. Rock coms back with right hands. Benoit Suplexes Rock on the floor. Rock then gets sent into the railing back first and then he does it again. Back into the ring they go. Benoit goes to work with stomps. DDT FROM THE ROCK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Running Back Elbow from Benoit gets a two count. Backbreaker from Benoit and that gets a two count. Shane with more cheap shots and then chokes Rock over the apron. Neckbreaker from Benoit and then he gets a two count. Rock now attempts another fight back. Benoit into the ropes. REVERSE POWERBOMB AND THAT DROPS BENOIT THROAT FIRST ON THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Rock. Back Elbow from Benoit and that gets a two count. Body Slam and then he heads for the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT FROM BENOIT !!! Both men are out from that. ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Rock comes back with right hands again. Rake to the eyes from Benoit does no good. THE SPINEBUSTER FROM THE ROCK !!! THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW FROM THE ROCK !!! Shane gets onto the apron. ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Rock is LIVID. So is the audience. Benoit comes back with right hands, headbutts and chops. Benoit now sets Rock on the top rope. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Stomps in the corner from Benoit. Rock explodes out of the corner with a Clothesline and then a Clothesline from Benoit and he heads for the floor and he grabs a chair. Shane into the ring. SHANE WITH A CHAIRSHOT TO THE REFEREE !!! Rock unloads with right hands and then grabs the chair. He wants to hit. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM ROCK TO BENOIT !!! THE REF CALLS FOR THE BELL !!! HE GIVES BENOIT THE DQ WIN AND THAT GIVES THE BELT TO BENOIT !!! Mick Foley has decided that this isn't how the match is going to end. Foley says that there was No DQ there, and he starts the match again. The Rock is busted open, but he tells Benoit to "Just Bring It !". The fight is back on and the audience is NUKED. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Benoit with right hands and Headbutts. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM BENOIT ... ROCK INTO THE ROPES !!! CRIPPLER CROSSFACE AGAIN !!! ROCK GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! Stomps from Benoit. Rock is now fighting back. ROCK BOTTOM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was equally as exhausting as the previous match, but for different reasons. Is there really a wrestler out there today who showed the passion and energy in the ring that The Rock did ? You shove him in there with someone like Chris Benoit and you're likely to get something this good. Then you add the Shane McMahon being an arsehole factor, which nuked the crowd, which gave it another dimension. What a brilliant main event. ****1/2



This was a pretty good show. The last two matches definately make this worth your while, but a decent enough IC Title Cage Match and a good opener mean that there's other goodies spread across the show.

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WWE Fully Loaded 2000

Back to the recaps. :D

Featured on this show is ...

Trish Stratus and T&A vs. The Hardy Boys and Lita ( ***3/4 )

Tazz vs. Al Snow ( 1/2* )

Eddie Guerrero vs. Perry Saturn ( *1/2 )

Edge and Christian vs. The Acolytes ( ** )

Val Venis vs. Rikishi, Cage Match ( ***1/4 )

Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker ( *3/4 )

Triple H vs. Chris Jericho, Last Man Standing Match ( ****1/4 )

Chris Benoit vs. The Rock ( ****1/2 )

Trish Stratus and T&A vs. The Hardy Boys and Lita

Trish gets the hell out of there, and Albert and Matt start the match. Matt with right hands. Matt into the corner chest first and then he drops behind Albert. Head first into the top buckle goes Albert many times. Front Suplex from Albert and that looked brutal. Kicks to the stomach and then a final kick sends Matt down. Albert tries to pin down Matt and only gets two counts. Matt to the top rope and he comes off with an Arm Drag. Matt tries to land on the apron and he ends up falling off of the apron. To the corner and in comes Test. Test with right hands in the corner and then he runs into a Hardy boot. Second Rope Leg Drop early in the match from Matt and then he tags in Jeff and Test into the ropes. Double Back Elbow and then some offense gets a two count. Jeff into the ropes and he runs into a HUGE Sidewalk Slam. Forearm from Test and then Jeff slides to the floor, back in and Dropkicks Test. PESCADO FROM JEFF !!! Back into the ring they go. Kicks to the back from Jeff. Into the corner and back in comes Matt and then the Hardys unload with kicks in the corner. Small Package gets a two count for Matt. BIG BOOT FROM TEST !!! Ouch ! Into the corner and in comes Trish ! Slaps to the face, but she ends up hitting Test. School Boy gets a two count for Matt. Trish misses an Elbow Drop and in comes Lita, and Trish tags in Albert and now Lita is in there with him. The Hardys attack from behind. POETRY IN MOTION !!! Double Suplex from The Hardy Boys to Albert and then the same for Trish and Test as we see a Triple Suplex. Jeff with kicks to Albert. ALBERT SENDS JEFF TO THE FLOOR WITH A GORILLA PRESS SLAM !!! Test then unloads with stomps out there. Butterfly Suplex from Albert gets a two count. HUUUUGE Back Body Drop from T&A for a two count. PUMP HANDLE SLAM ... Jeff manages to escape. Jeff into the corner and he comes out with a Sunset Flip for a two count. FULL NELSON SLAM FROM TEST TO JEFF !!! Chinlock from Test now. Jeff fights out. HE RUNS INTO A LIGER BOMB FROM TEST !!! Test now heading for the top rope. FLYING ELBOW OFF OF THE TOP ROPE ... MISSES !!! Jeff now wants the tag and hits a Spin Kick and in comes Matt. Flying Clothesline off the top from Matt. Test runs into an elbow and then the Bulldog from Matt. TEST WITH THE MELTDOWN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... JEFF BREAKS WITH THE SWANTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... ALBERT SAVES !!! RUNNING POWERSLAM FROM ALBERT ... COUNTERED INTO A DDT FROM MATT !!! Lita then into the match. LEAPING DDT OFF OF THE MIDDLE ROPE !!! LITA WITH A PESCADO ONTO ALBERT !!! LEAPING RANA OFF THE TOP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Albert with a cheap shot to the back. FALLING POWERBOMB FROM TEST TO LITA !!! In comes Trish now. ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... LITA KICKS OUT !!! TRISH WITH A BULLDOG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Trish into the corner. She heads for the top rope and Lita stops her. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM LITA TO TRISH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... ALBERT MAKES THE SAVE !!! The Hardy Boys come into the ring. Lita drags Trish into the middle of the ring. LITA WITH THE MOONSAULT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was a superb opening match. The Hardy Boys were willing to bump like maniacs. Jeff Hardy in particular took a couple of really nasty shots. The crowd was also hot for absolutely everything though. Especially when Lita got involved. When the match broke down at points, the action was moving at 100mph. Highly enjoyable stuff. ***3/4

Tazz vs. Al Snow

ECW ! ECW ! This match was edited off of the home release, but since the opener was too, I'm not going to take that as any sort of knock on the quality of the match. Snow gets us going with a series of stomps. Tazz sends Snow into the apron and he kicks and then lands a Russian Legsweep. Tazz heads for the floor and Snow just attacks him out there. Back into the ring they go. They battle in the middle of the ring and Tazz rakes the eyes. Face first into the canvas goes Snow. Forearm from Tazz. Snow blocks an Irish Whip and then he lands a Superkick. Sitdown Urinagi Powerbomb from Snow gets a two count. Kicks to the stomach from Snow. Choke in the corner and then Tazz with the Alabama Slam. Tazz with stomps and then he rips at the face of Snow. Stomp to the back of the head from Tazz. Snow into the corner and he comes out with a Forearm. Body Slam from Snow and then he heads up top. TOP ROPE LEG FROP FROM SNOW !!! MOONSAULT FROM SNOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Snow now has the head. Chop Block from Tazz puts a stop to that. Right hands from Tazz. Drop Toe Hold from Tazz and then he lands some Crossface Forearms. Arm Trap Headbutts from Snow and then kicks. CAPTURE SUPLEX FROM TAZZ !!! TAZZMISSION ... countered. TAZZMISSION AND THIS TIME HE HAS IT !!! IT'S OVER !!!

That was a kind of crappy match actually. I can see why this never made the release. I use this description often, but this was just a couple of guys hitting moves with nothing resembling a story. 1/2*

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Perry Saturn - WWE European Championship

Whit ?!?! How come this match is opening the show ? I remember a six person tag opening the show. Chyna goes out to meet Terri and Saturn gets in her way. Chyna with a forearm to Saturn puts an end to that. Chyna has her hands on Terri, but Saturn attacks. Eddie and Saturn now brawling on the aisle. Into the ring they go and the referee calls for the bell. Rights and lefts from Eddie into the corner. Stomps from Eddie. Back Drop Suplex from Eddie and then the Slingshot Senton. Saturn into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Eddie and Saturn heads for the floor. Chyna hits him out there with a Clothesline. Back into the ring they go. Eddie sets Saturn on the top rope. TOP ROPE RANA FROM EDDIE !!! He does a bit of dancing in the middle of the ring after that. Headbutt to the back of the head from Eddie and then Saturn into the ropes. Clothesline from Eddie. This just isn't clicking at all. Arm Bar from Eddie. Saturn gets sent to the floor and then Chyna whips him into the railing. EDDIE WITH A PLANCHA !!! Eddie to the top rope. LEAPING RANA OFF THE TOP FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Saturn into the ropes and he goes behind. POWERBOMB FROM SATURN !!! Shoulder Charges from Eddie and then Saturn with a big chop. Saturn runs into an elbow. LEAPING DDT FROM EDDIE !!! Lots of big moves here, absolutely zero substance to them. Saturn is bleeding hardway. If that happened now, the match would be stopped. Eddie jumps right into a Saturn slam. Flapjack from Saturn. That gets a two count. Rana from Eddie. Saturn drops behind. JACKHAMMER ... COUNTERED INTO A ROLL UP !!! Two count. Powerbomb from Saturn puts a stop to Eddie's offense. Saturn then drags Eddie into the corner. MOONSAULT FROM SATURN ... MISSES !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM EDDIE !!! He heads for the top rope. Eddie fakes the Splash. Eddie gets slammed down and Saturn with a roll up and a two count. JACKHAMMER FROM SATURN !!! Saturn then heads for the top rope. Eddie stops him up there. Dropkick sends Saturn to the floor. Saturn with a Clothesline sends Chyna through a table. This is the cue for Terri to return to ringside. LOW BLOW FROM TERRI !!! Back into the ring. THE FLYING ELBOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

There was a real lack of chemistry between them. They just hit a bunch of moves with no rhyme or reason. Storytelling right out of the window. The one saving grace was that they kept it reasonably exciting. *1/2

Michael Cole has The Undertaker backstage. "Medical opinion ? Kurt Angle's gonna need a doctor to surgically remove my foot from his ass.". :lol: The Undertaker chases Kurt Angle. "Come here ! Ya little bitch !"

Edge and Christian © vs. The Acolytes - WWE Tag Team Championships

Christian busts out the JFK suicide joke. The heat he got for that was stunning. Bradshaw : "My boot's gonna be in your ear !". Bradshaw cuts a promo that gets the APA over big time. The audience is lapping this up. APA head for the floor and kick the shit out of Edge and Christian. Farooq hits Edge with the steps. I'm gonna call him Simmons for my own good. Bradshaw and Edge in the ring, but Christian comes in to help. Bradshaw in the corner. Christian got caught. SUPER FALLAWAY SLAM FROM BRADSHAW TO CHRISTIAN !!! BIG BOOT TO EDGE !!! In comes Simmons and he unloads with right hands. In comes Bradshaw again. Edge into the ropes and a Double Shoulder Block gets a two count. Edge into the corner. Bradshaw goes for a Powerbomb and Edge blocks. Shoulder Block takes down Edge. POWERBOMB FROM BRADSHAW TO EDGE !!! CHRISTIAN OFF THE TOP WITH A DROPKICK !!! Christian gets tagged in and he stomps away on Bradshaw as the fans chant "USA !". Into the corner and Edge and Christian are now exchanging quick tags. Bradshaw is in bother. Bradshaw comes back with right hands. Swinging Neckbreaker from Edge gets a two count. In comes Christian. Edge chokes Bradshaw and back in comes Christian. Bradshaw gets set on the top rope and he shoves both men to the middle of the ring. Leaping Shoulder Block from Bradshaw to Edge. Simmons into the match. Powerslam on Christian. SPINEBUSTER ON EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL TO CHRISTIAN !!! DOMINATOR ON CHRISTIAN !!! EDGE USES THE BELL AND GETS DQED !!!

Not much happening here, but it was good fun. They constantly kept the action moving. Big move after big move and unlike the previous match, they seemed to know how to put it together. **

Backstage and we have Triple H and Stephanie where Angle has sent Stephanie loads of flowers. Stephanie tells HHH to go and confront Angle and he decides to do that.

Angle is being chased by Taker. ANGLE ATTACKS TAKER WITH A WRENCH !!!

Val Venis © vs. Rikishi, Cage Match - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Val tries to escape right away and Rikishi stops him. Clothesline from Fatu. He sends Venis face first into the cage. Rikishi is absolutely mauling Venis at the moment. He goes for the escape, but Venis stops him. Rikishi knocks him down. Venis goes for the door and Rikishi stops him. Back Drop Suplex from Rikishi. Rikishi now goes for the door. Val with a chop block and he now smells blood and works on the leg. Rikishi is sent face first into the cage. If this was an old school NWA match, both men would be busted open ! Val with kicks to the gut in the corner and then he chokes with the boot. Val into the corner and an Avalanche from Rikishi. THE STINK FACE ... LOW BLOW FROM VAL !!! Val with a shot to the back of the head and then a Bulldog and now he has control. Stomps from Venis. Rikishi into the ropes and then a Clothesline and a beauty. Val is heading for the escape. Rikishi is stopping him. RIKISHI FALLS BACK INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING !!! VAL ADDS AN ELBOW DROP FROM THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Venis is now climbing the ropes again. Venis is getting close to the escape and Rikishi manages to stop him. Venis and Rikishi battle on the top rope. RIKISHI IS CROTCHED ON THE TOP ROPE !!! Into the middle of the ring and right hands from Venis. Venis into the ropes and he gets sent into the cage. SAMOAN DROP FROM RIKISHI !!! RUNNING BUTT BUMP !!! HERE COMES THE BANZAI DROP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... VAL'S FOOT IS ON THE ROPES !!! Rikishi is now heading for the door. TRISH SLAMS THE DOOR IN THE FACE OF RIKISHI !!! Neckbreaker from Venis. Venis heads for the top rope. THE MONEY SHOT FROM VENIS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LITA HEADS FOR THE RING !!! SHE WHIPS TRISH TO THE BACKSTAGE AREA !!! Val is trying to escape now and Rikishi is climbing with him. Venis gets knocked into the middle of the ring. Rikishi to the top of the cage. RIKISHI WITH THE BIG SPLASH OFF OF THE TOP OF THE CAGE !!! THAT'S FUCKING MADNESS !!! Rikishi is now heading for the door. TAZZ IS WAITING FOR RIKISHI TO GET THERE !!! TAZZ WITH THE CAMERA TO THE HEAD OF RIKISHI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a very good match. Both men just clicked and I'm sick of hearing about how this was a one spot match. It wasn't. Both men put together a very good wrestling match. I'm willing to bet they could have had a cracking 15 minute normal rules match going on this. ***1/4

Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker

This is the first of three main events. The build up on the night was great fun. This entire show had some right weird build up going on actually. Felt like watching an episode of RAW at times. But a good one ! Angle is fairly paranoid at the start about where Taker might be. Taker comes down during Angle's entrance and the men brawl through the crowd. Angle clearly pissed off the wrong man here ! The brawl heads to the ringside area. Head first into the railing he goes and then another right hand. Angle then gets sent hard into another section of the railing. Head first into the steps goes Angle and the referee wants the action in the ring and the Taker obliges. Angle into the ropes and he runs into a Big Boot. Elbow Drop gets a two count for Taker and he wants to punish Angle some more. Hanging Vertical Suplex from Taker. Don't see that from Taker often ! That gets a two count. Into the corner and then right hands from Taker. Angle into the corner and Taker runs into a boot. Angle then mounts Taker with a Sleeper Hold. Taker charges Angle into the corner from that and then Taker with Back Elbows. Angle into the corner and then Taker with a Clothesline in there. Sidewalk Slam from Taker. That gets a two count. Angle then gets sent hard over the top rope. WRENCH TO THE KNEE FROM ANGLE !!! The referee didn't catch that and they go back into the ring. Angle walks right into a big right hand and then another. Angle then grabs the knee of Taker and Taker with a right hand stops anything from happening. Angle with a Chop Block and that will be the game changer. Angle with an Elbow Drop to the knee and then he stretches the leg. The fans chant "Angle Sucks !" as Taker decides to make a comeback by driving his leg into the throat of Angle. Right hands from both men now. Kicks to the leg from Taker. CHOKESLAM ... countered. Angle takes down Taker again and works on the knee. Taker tries to add a Dragon Sleeper to proceedings, but Angle manages to escape from that. Taker goes back to the Sleeper Hold, but again can't hold it. A pair of elbows from Angle. Angle then twists at the knee of Taker and the fans are getting right behind Taker here. Taker counters and slams the knee of Angle into the canvas and then they exchange right hands. Kick to the knee from Angle. Taker then comes back with a flurry and an uppercut. Angle into the ropes. CHOKESLAM FROM TAKER !!! THE LAST RIDE FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match was boring. I suppose I can understand the knee work as they needed to make Kurt Angle look like he had a real chance, and with Taker injured, he had that chance. The match did end up being something of an extended squash though, so they never really took advantage of it. Even with the work on the knee, Taker looked unbeatable. *3/4

Triple H vs. Chris Jericho, Last Man Standing Match

Jericho has injured ribs heading into this match. This match has always been a personal favourite of mines. I love the drama of an LMS match. Right hands from Jericho right off the bat and he's not a happy bunny ! He stomps down HHH in the corner. Jericho comes out of the corner with a Clothesline and then another. Dropkick and HHH lands on the floor. Springboard Dropkick sends HHH to the floor and then Jericho goes out to meet him and throws HHH into the railing. Knee to the stomach from HHH and he attempts a fightback. Right hands from Jericho and then into the ring they go. Jericho has words with Stephanie and then heads for the top rope. Spinning Back Elbow off the top from Jericho and then right hands. HHH sent into the ropes, but he comes out with a Knee 2 Face. Clothesline sends Jericho over the top rope. HHH head first into the steps and then Jericho gets landed chest first into the railing, and with the injury that Jericho has, this might be bad. Ribs first into the steps from HHH and the focus is now clear. Into the ring they go. Kicks to the ribs from HHH. HHH then begins to rip the bandaging of Jericho off. Knee Drops to the ribs from HHH. Into the corner and Shoulder Charges in the corner from HHH to Jericho. HHH then just buries that shoulder in there over and over again. Jericho into the ropes and a Knee to the stomach from HHH. HHH then rips more of the bandaging off of Jericho. HHH chokes Jericho with the bandage. Kicks to the stomach from HHH. Knee Drop again and HHH is torturing Jericho at the moment. HHH then throws Jericho out of the ring. Stephanie comes over and gets a couple of slaps in there. Back into the ring they go and Jericho attempts a fightback. Jericho into the ropes and he runs right into the Abdominal Stretch. HHH then uses the ropes and the referee wants him to break and then kicks the arm off of the ropes. HHH is LIVID and pushes the ref. The referee pushes back. Jericho comes back with right hands. Spinning Heel Kick from Jericho and he's struggling to get back to his feet. LIONSAULT ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Jericho was never hitting that there. DDT FROM HHH !!! That was pretty brutal and the referee is counting down Jericho. Jericho gets to his feet at seven. Sleeper Hold from HHH and then he adds the Body Scissors. HHH now wants the referee to count down Jericho as JR sells Jericho's injuries as serious as sin. HHH is raging that Jericho keeps getting up. HHH then with right hands. Jericho with the crotch chop and that just angers HHH. THE PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! HHH then lays on the top rope, confident that Jericho won't be getting back up. Jericho starts to stir though and HHH gets down from the ropes. HHH heads for the floor and he brings a chair into the ring. CHAIR TO THE RIBS FROM HHH !!! BRUTAL CHAIR SHOT ACROSS THE BACK !!! HHH now picks Jericho up ... PEDIGREE ON THE CHAIR ... JERICHO WITH A LOW BLOW !!! JERICHO WITH A HUUUUUUGE CHAIR SHOT ACROSS THE HEAD OF HHH !!! HHH is bleeding quite a bit. HHH is standing and Jericho is making the big comeback now. HHH with right hands of his own, but Jericho knocks him down. Flying Forearm from Jericho. Into the corner and Jericho gets sent in. HHH runs into a boot, and Jericho hits a Missile Dropkick from the second rope. BULLDOG ONTO THE CHAIR FROM JERICHO !!! Into the corner and HHH gets sent over the top rope and to the floor. Jericho gets sent into the steps, ribs first. PEDIGREE ON THE STEPS ... JERICHO WITH THE BACK BODY DROP TO BLOCK !!! HHH now has a monitor as does Jericho. BOTH MEN CROWN EACH OTHER WITH THE MONITORS !!! Both men get to their feet. Back into the ring they go. WALLS OF JERICHO FROM JERICHO !!! Stephanie gets into the ring and drags Jericho off. JERICHO WITH THE WALLS OF JERICHO ON STEPHANIE !!! HHH then attacks Jericho from behind and sends him to the floor. The brawl goes around the ringside area. HHH then goes under the ring and grabs the sledgehammer. Jericho now has it. Catapult sends HHH into the ringpost and Jericho now has the sledgehammer. SLEDGEHAMMER TO THE RIBS SENDS HHH ONTO THE TABLE !!! HHH stops him there. BACK DROP SUPLEX OFF OF THE TIMEKEEPER'S TABLE THROUGH THE TABLE !!! HHH STANDS AT NINE !!! IT'S OVER !!!

Not quite the classic match I could remember it being, but it has lots going for it. Jericho's selling of the ribs made you think that he was never going to be in the match properly. Triple H's intensity was fitting for a man who had witnessed his wife getting abused at every turn. Jericho turned in a starmaking performance, as he just kept coming back into the match when the odds were stacked against him. Another thing was the aftermath of the match. It looked like you had watched an absolute war and it felt that way too. ****1/4

The Rock © vs. Chris Benoit - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Could you imagine having to follow a match like that ? Wasn't a classic, but it was exhausting. If anyone can follow it though, The Rock can. Shane McMahon is looking like he's about to jump into the ring. Shane, sure enough, is in the ring and Rock catches him in there. Benoit uses that chance to attack from behind. Back Elbow from Rock and Benoit gets to the floor. Head first into the steps goes Benoit and then into the ring they go. Rock then chases Shane into the ring. Rock Clotheslines Benoit down and continues the chase. Atomic Drop from Rock and then he knocks Shane off of the apron. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM ROCK ... Benoit heads for the floor. THIS is how you follow an exhausting match. Just don't give the fans time to breathe ! Right hands in the ring from Rock and he gets sent into the ropes. Knee to the stomach from Benoit. Rock chest first into the corner, and then a Gutbuster from Benoit. Stomps to the stomach from Benoit and then he distracts the ref, and Shane gets a shot in. More stomping to the stomach from Benoit. Benoit with chops and then he sends Rock face first into the steps and then back into the ring. Rock into the ropes and a knee to the stomach gets a two count for Benoit. Kicks to the stomach from Benoit. Rock comes back with a Front Suplex dropping Benoit over the top rope and then a kick to the face from Rock. Benoit tries a springboard move, but Rock stops him. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM ROCK !!! Both men battle to their feet. Shane gives Benoit the title belt. BENOIT WITH A TITLE BELT TO THE HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Snap Suplex from Benoit. That gets a two count. Benoit with right hands in the corner. Rock runs into an elbow, but then Benoit runs into a Powerslam and that gets a two count for Rock. Back Drop Suplex from Benoit. THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM BENOIT !!! Rock tries to use his strength to remove some of the leverage. Rock gets into the ropes. Benoit then slams the leg into the canvas. THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM BENOIT ... Rock escapes. Rock comes back with right hands. Shane pulls down the top rope and Rock ends up on the floor. Right hands from Benoit and then he gets sent into the steps. Rock then crotches Benoit on the ringpost. That'll do it. :lol: Back into the ring they go. Dragon Screw from The Rock. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM THE ROCK !!! Shane tries to get into the ring. Benoit gets into the ropes. Clothesline sends Rock over the top rope again and the referee holds Benoit back. Shane with a Clothesline on the floor behind the back of the referee. Shane with a Clothesline sends Rock over the railing. Benoit now heads for the floor and continues his beating. Rock coms back with right hands. Benoit Suplexes Rock on the floor. Rock then gets sent into the railing back first and then he does it again. Back into the ring they go. Benoit goes to work with stomps. DDT FROM THE ROCK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Running Back Elbow from Benoit gets a two count. Backbreaker from Benoit and that gets a two count. Shane with more cheap shots and then chokes Rock over the apron. Neckbreaker from Benoit and then he gets a two count. Rock now attempts another fight back. Benoit into the ropes. REVERSE POWERBOMB AND THAT DROPS BENOIT THROAT FIRST ON THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Rock. Back Elbow from Benoit and that gets a two count. Body Slam and then he heads for the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT FROM BENOIT !!! Both men are out from that. ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Rock comes back with right hands again. Rake to the eyes from Benoit does no good. THE SPINEBUSTER FROM THE ROCK !!! THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW FROM THE ROCK !!! Shane gets onto the apron. ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Rock is LIVID. So is the audience. Benoit comes back with right hands, headbutts and chops. Benoit now sets Rock on the top rope. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Stomps in the corner from Benoit. Rock explodes out of the corner with a Clothesline and then a Clothesline from Benoit and he heads for the floor and he grabs a chair. Shane into the ring. SHANE WITH A CHAIRSHOT TO THE REFEREE !!! Rock unloads with right hands and then grabs the chair. He wants to hit. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM ROCK TO BENOIT !!! THE REF CALLS FOR THE BELL !!! HE GIVES BENOIT THE DQ WIN AND THAT GIVES THE BELT TO BENOIT !!! Mick Foley has decided that this isn't how the match is going to end. Foley says that there was No DQ there, and he starts the match again. The Rock is busted open, but he tells Benoit to "Just Bring It !". The fight is back on and the audience is NUKED. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Benoit with right hands and Headbutts. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM BENOIT ... ROCK INTO THE ROPES !!! CRIPPLER CROSSFACE AGAIN !!! ROCK GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! Stomps from Benoit. Rock is now fighting back. ROCK BOTTOM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was equally as exhausting as the previous match, but for different reasons. Is there really a wrestler out there today who showed the passion and energy in the ring that The Rock did ? You shove him in there with someone like Chris Benoit and you're likely to get something this good. Then you add the Shane McMahon being an arsehole factor, which nuked the crowd, which gave it another dimension. What a brilliant main event. ****1/2



This was a pretty good show. The last two matches definately make this worth your while, but a decent enough IC Title Cage Match and a good opener mean that there's other goodies spread across the show.

Terrific stuff as always Dom.

I remember mentioning the Venis/Rikishi cage match on here a few months ago, brilliant contest. Had almost forgot about the last two matches on the card as well - I've got this on DVD so I might just have to stick it on to relive the memories.

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WWE Summerslam 2000

The card for this show is ...

Right to Censor vs. Too Cool and Rikishi ( DUD )

Road Dogg vs. X-Pac ( DUD )

Val Venis and Trish Stratus vs. Eddie Guerrero and Chyna ( **1/2 )

Tazz vs. Jerry Lawler ( * )

Shane McMahon vs. Steve Blackman ( **3/4 )

Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho, 2/3 Falls Match ( **** )

Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boys vs. The Hardy Boys, TLC Match ( ****1/2 )

The Kat vs. Terri Runnels, Thong Stink Face Match ( DUD )

Kane vs. The Undertaker ( * )

Kurt Angle vs. Triple H vs. The Rock ( ***3/4 )

... aye. Ten matches.

Right to Censor vs. Too Cool and Rikishi

That theme music is absolutely horrific, and the heat from the fans as the entrance goes on is amazing. I can't think of a theme music that got instant heat like that did. Rikishi and Too Cool come out to shorten Richards' promo. Probably sent out because of the ten matches ! I'll call Goodfather by the name of Kama. The RTC hit the ring and the brawl is on. Rikishi sends Kama to the floor. Scotty and Bull start in the ring. Scotty into the corner and then he moonsaults over Bull and then sends him into the corner. He drops behind Bull and sweeps him. To the top rope and a High Cross Body gets a two count. In comes Sexay. Double Suplex from Too Cool. In comes Kama. Sexay into the ropes and Kama misses a Superkick and is sent to the floor. Kama throws down the ladies on the floor and that gets MAJOR heat from the fans. Sexay into the ropes and a Big Boot from Kama. Right hands from Kama as the fans chant "Save the hos !". That gets a two count. Not the chant. The Boot. Backbreaker from Bull and then in comes Richards with a Powerbomb for a two count. Suplex and then he heads for the top rope. Sexay stops him up there. SUPERPLEX FROM SEXAY !!! JR : "At least he isn't wearing those stupid white socks.". In comes Rikishi and the RTC hit the ring to stop him hitting the Driver. Double Clothesline on Kama and Bull. All three men in the corner and Rikishi hits his big Butt Bump. Samoan Drop on Kama, but then Bull with the Scissor Kick. BULLDOG FROM SCOTTY ... W ... O ... R ... M ... THE WORM !!! STEVIE KICK FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Legal man issues at the end there. Match being shite issues all the rest of the way. Was there any point at all in this match being on the card ? It was pretty crap and nobody did anything worth remembering. Opening match getting this score never bodes well. DUD

We recap the Kurt Angle, Stephanie thing where Angle kissed Stephanie. Stephanie ended up enjoying it by the end.

Backstage with Shane McMahon. He says that he supports Steph no matter what and then looks around, sees Steve Blackman and decides to do a runner. :lol:

Road Dogg vs. X-Pac

I suppose this match looks like it might have a point. Pac accidentally put Dogg through a table in the build up to this. As far as accidents go, that was pretty monumental. Lockup and Pac does some nice wrestling to open the match. Pac then crotch chops Dogg and the fans don't seem to be too happy with that. Lockup and Dogg with a Headlock. Dogg into the ropes and a Shoulder Block and then he kicks Pac out of the ring literally. Aye. Literally. As in he kicked him out of the ring. Are you all happy with that ? Pac into the ropes and he blocks a Hiptoss and misses a Spin Kick. Clothesline from Dogg but he misses a charge. Spin Kick in the corner from Pac. BRONCO BUSTER ... Dogg gets out of there. Pac attacks Dogg when he gets into the ring and then Dogg with right hands of his own. Sleeper Hold from Pac as he jumps on the back of Dogg. Dogg runs into a Spin Kick and that gets a two count. Pac then chokes Dogg in the corner with the boot. BRONCO BUSTER FROM PAC !!! The fans don't like that and then he taunts the crowd. Dogg then is back up and he comes in with right hands. Shake, Rattle and Roll and then he drops his weight on the back. Shake, Rattle and Roll Knee Drop gets a two count. X-Factor is countered with a Spinebuster. LOW BLOW FROM PAC !!! X-FACTOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Where to begin. Both men seemed to completely forget that there was supposed to be selling. Both men would do big signature moves, and then the guy taking it just stands up and acts as if it never happened. Two crap matches in a row. DUD

Road Dogg makes me feel better by hitting the Pump Handle Slam on X-Pac post-match.

Val Venis © and Trish Stratus vs. Eddie Guerrero and Chyna - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Excellent. I was just thinking that I needed an intergender match to follow two shite matches. Trish was seeing a lot of ring time at this point. No wonder she improved quite a bit. Lockup and into the ropes they go and Val with right hands. Eddie comes back with rights of his own. Val into the ropes and he charges down Eddie. Eddie grabs a leg and then hits kicks. Leg Lariat from Eddie and then a Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count. Eddie into the ropes and then he avoids a Powerbomb but eats a Back Elbow and then a Knee Drop gets a two count for Val. Backbreaker from Venis and then he sends Eddie to the ropes. Eddie catches a boot and then turns Venis into a Clothesline from Chyna. Val into the ropes and a Double Flapjack gets a two count. Kicks to the stomach and then boots in the corner. Hard Irish Whip sends Venis into the corner, and then a BRUTAL kick to the stomach. Knee to the stomach from Val and then Chyna runs into another kick, but Val runs into a Clothesline and then Trish gets into the ring. Chyna nearly gets her, but Venis attacks from behind. Back Drop Suplex from Venis and then he sends her into the corner and beats her down. Hanging Vertical Suplex from Venis gets a one count as Eddie comes in and breaks the count. Body Slam from Venis and then he heads for the middle rope. Flying Elbow Drop misses for Venis. Low blow from Chyna. CHYNA BOMB ... Back Body Drop counter from Venis. DDT FROM CHYNA !!! SHE TAGS OUT !!! Clothesline from Eddie and again. Back Body Drop and then he almost hits Trish. Springboard Rana from Eddie and that gets a two count. Into the corner. Hot Shot. BLUE THUNDER BOMB FROM VENIS !!! Eddie sends Venis into the ropes. Both men then collide in the middle of the ring. Trish comes into the match and kicks Eddie. Eddie then sweeps down Trish and in comes Chyna with a Clothesline and then another. Body Slam from Chyna and then she gets thrown into the corner. Val then pulls the hair of Chyna and Eddie comes in. Eddie sent over the top rope. Chyna runs right into a Clothesline. Venis into the steps. GORILLA PRESS SLAM FROM CHYNA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This is more like it. Not as if it was an amazing match or anything, but I'd have taken anything half decent after those first two matches. The exchanges between Eddie and Val were actually brilliant and made me want to see much more of it. Chyna didn't look too bad herself and any involvement she had usually had the fans excited so you can't complain. Decent mixed tag. **1/2

Tazz vs. Jerry Lawler

This fued seen the amazing line from Tazz. "I'd slap you in the face, but it looks like god beat me to it !". Come to think of it, that entire fued was pretty cool. Some real old school hate between them. Tazz then mocks JR with his entrance. Tazz then walks around the ring and does it right in front of JR and Lawler. Lawler knocks down Tazz with a right hand and then sends him into the ring. Right hands in the ring from Tazz. Dropkick sends Tazz into the corner and then a Clothesline. More right hands from Lawler, and then he chokes Tazz over the bottom rope. Body Slam from Lawler and then to the second rope and he lands the Fist Drop. Another Fist Drop. He then goes back to the middle rope and misses the Fist Drop and Tazz unloads with some stomps. Tazz then clubs away on the back of Lawler. JR : "He is nothin' but a jackass !". Tazz with more right hands and then he sends Lawler into the ropes and hits a Clothesline. Tazz then rips at the face of Lawler. He throws Lawler to the floor. Lawler is back on his feet and he lands some right hands. Low blow from Tazz right in front of the referee. Tazz to the top rope. SENTON BOMB FROM TAZZ ... MISS !!! The strap comes down and he lands more right hands. PILEDRIVER FROM LAWLER !!! TAZZ GETS RIGHT UP !!! Ref bump. THE TAZZMISSION ... JR BREAKS A JAR OVER THE HEAD OF TAZZ !!! THE ARENA GOES FUCKING NUCLEAR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Check the pop for that ending. That crowd just went batshit crazy when he did that. The match wasn't very good, but it wasn't expected to be either. The match delivered what it promised, which was both JR and Tazz getting one over on the nasty b*****d Tazz. Incredibly satisfying stuff, even if the match wasn't good. *

Shane McMahon © vs. Steve Blackman - WWE Hardcore Championship

Shane is doing a runner from Blackman right from the word go. Blackman is armed with a kendo stick. Blackman wants Shane in the ring. Blackman throws the kendo stick to Shane to encourage him into the ring. Blackman then offers Shane his back. Blackman with a kendo stick to the gut and Shane does a runner through the crowd. Blackman eventually finds him and unloads with the beating. Blackman chokes Shane with a boot back there. Shane gets a couple of kicks and then he hits a big right hand. Head first into the trashcan goes Shane and then to the ringside area they go. PUMP KICK OFF OF THE APRON FROM BLACKMAN !!! Blackman then goes under the ring and into the ring. Trashcan lids. Shane into the ropes and a BRUTAL lid shot to the knees and then to the back of the head. SPINNING LID SHOT TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! Blackman has a trashcan and puts it over the head of Shane and has two sticks. BLACKMAN UNLOADS WITH THE STICKS !!! SUPERKICK !!! He says that they aren't done yet. Back Drop Suplex from Blackman and then he has a strap. Into the corner and Blackman with right hands. He sends Shane into the corner and then sits him on the top rope and throws him back into the middle of the ring with the strap. HALF CRAB WITH ADDED CHOKE WITH THE STRAP !!! Test and Albert hit the ring to help Shane McMahon. BALDO BOMB FROM ALBERT !!! Stomps follow that from Albert and Test brings a new trashcan in and wedges it between the top and middle buckles. Blackman sent into the trashcan and then Test with a lid shot to the head. TEST WITH THE FLYING ELBOW WITH THE TRASHCAN LID ON THE CHEST !!! They then pick Blackman up and Shane hits jabs and then a big right. Blackman comes back into the match, but T&A make sure the numbers game wins again. HUGE SIGN SHOT OVER THE HEAD OF BLACKMAN !!! The brawl is now heading up the aisle and they have him strapped. They try and drop a speaker on Blackman and he gets away. ALBERT CANES TEST !!! BLACKMAN IS MAKING A COMEBACK !!! Shane does a runner and then he climbs the Summerslam set. Blackman is behind him. BLACKMAN WITH KENDO STICK SHOTS AND SHANE FALLS FROM THE SET !!! Blackman looks down and signals for the end. BLACKMAN WITH AN ELBOW DROP FROM THE SET !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

JR said during the match that Steve Blackman had found his niche in the hardcore division and he wasn't wrong. Some pretty good innovative use of weapons through the match, and even made the usual weapons seem new and interesting. Of course the overbooking was going to bring the standard of the match down a wee bit. Other than that this was good fun. **3/4

Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit, 2/3 Falls Match

Fall One : Both men brawl to open the match and into the corner they go. The ref wants them to break. Good luck with that ! Everyone winds up on the floor and Jericho with more right hands. Jericho then gets hit with a Hot Shot into the ringpost. Back into the ring and Jericho into the ropes. Benoit with the STF attempt and Jericho gets away. Jericho goes for Walls of Jericho, and opts for a Catapult and then a Release German Suplex for a two count. Chop from Jericho and then Benoit comes back with a Shoulder Breaker. Back Drop Suplex misses. Bulldog from Jericho. LIONSAULT ... HITS THE KNEES !!! CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM BENOIT !!! Might be a good idea to tap and give a chance to win the next fall. JERICHO TAPS !!!

Fall Two : CRIPPLER CROSSFACE !!! Jericho manages to fight away from the move most of the time, but Benoit eventually locks it in. Jericho gets into the ropes, but he was in that move for a LONG time. Jericho chest first into the corner and then the Tree of Woe. Benoit then goes to the floor and stretches the neck and shoulders from there. Benoit then drags Jericho to the floor and rams him shoulder first into the ringpost. Back into the ring and stomps to the shoulder and then he rams the shoulder into the ringpost again. That gets a two count for Benoit. He then throws him into the opposite side. Forearm and down goes Jericho. Benoit into the ropes and he runs right into a slap in the face. Kick to the stomach from Benoit, and then Jericho comes back with a Running Forearm. Jericho then with right hands again. He ducks a third. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM BENOIT !!! Jericho blocks a second. VICTORY ROLL INTO THE WALLS OF JERICHO FROM JERICHO !!! JERICHO PULLS HIM INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING !!!! LION TAMER FROM JERICHO !!! BENOIT TAPS !!!

Fall Three : Kicks to the back from Jericho and then a Backbreaker on Benoit and that gets a two count. Chop from Jericho and then more chopping. Benoit into the corner and Jericho to the top rope. Spinning Back Elbow off the top gets a two count. Benoit into the ropes and he clubs down Jericho. Both men counter Powerbombs. Jericho looks for a Backslide. DRAGON SUPLEX FROM BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Leg Drop to the back of the head from Benoit and then he heads for the top rope. Jericho then stops him up there. JERICHO WITH A HURRICANRANA RIGHT FROM THE VERY TOP ROPE !!! This match has sure been going to a new level. Forearms from Jericho. Flying Forearm follows them. Clothesline from Jericho. Spinning Heel Kick from Jericho and that gets a two count. Jericho into the ropes and another forearm. LIONSAULT FROM JERICHO !!! Jericho's shoulder is hurt after that though and that helps Benoit. Knees to the stomach from Jericho and then a chop. SCHOOL BOY FROM JERICHO !!! BENOIT HAS THE ROPES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Felt like a normal match with a couple of falls thrown in there, but they were put in the right places, so I won't be complaining about that. Another good thing is that both guys did stuff during the match that they hardly ever do, if they even do them at all. You seen Jericho do a Top Rope Hurricanrana too many times ? Or Benoit doing a Dragon Suplex ? Jericho's selling of the shoulder in Benoit matches is always good fun as well. Cracking match. ****

Edge and Christian © vs. The Dudley Boys vs. The Hardy Boys, TLC Match - WWE World Tag Team Championships

Tables ... and ladders ... and chairs ... OH MY ! The match gets going right away and all six men brawl. Hardys bring the chairs into the match right away. Chair tossing is the place to be. JEFF RUNS RIGHT INTO A CHAIR SHOT !!! Edge and Christian now have Devon and Edge gets another chair. Christian with an assisted Stinger Splash and then a Drop Toe Hold into the chair on Devon. Edge brings a ladder into the match now. He sets it against the ropes but Ray slams it into his face. DDT on Christian. Ray then sets a ladder up and he heads for the gold. Matt stops him with the help of Jeff. Jeff is now going for the gold while Matt is covering. Devon sets another ladder up beside the one Jeff is climbing. EDGE WITH A DOUBLE RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP OFF THE LADDER ON JEFF AND DEVON !!! Christian is now going for the gold and Ray is in there with him. THE BUBBA BOMB FROM THE LADDERS ON CHRISTIAN !!! The Hardy Boys then sets the nose breaker up. MATT GETS PUSHED ONTO IT AND THE OTHER LADDER BOUNCES OFF THE FACE OF JEFF !!! Edge and Christian both have chairs and miss Con-Chair-To. Bubba then does damage with a ladder and then Devon sets a ladder in the corner. Ray with a Body Slam on Edge. WAZZUP HEADBUTT FROM THE LADDER FROM DEVON !!! We know what's next ... D-VON ... GET THE TABLES !!! RAY DROPS A LADDER ON THE BACK OF THE HEAD OF JEFF !!! How did I not notice that spot before ? Anyways, there's a table set up in the middle of the ring. 3D THROUGH THE TABLE ON CHRISTIAN !!! Ray then heads for the floor and brings more tables into things. We now have four tables stacked. Two on top of two. Edge comes into the ring with chair shots on the Dudleys who had been dominant to this point. TWIST OF FATE FROM MATT TO EDGE !!! MATT WITH THE LEG DROP OFF THE LADDER ON EDGE !!! JEFF WITH THE LEAPFROG LEG DROP ONTO EDGE OVER THE LADDER !!! Matt has Edge trapped in a ladder. HE SLAMS CHRISTIAN ONTO THE LADDER AND EDGE !!! Jeff has an absolutely mammoth ladder and has Ray set on two tables. JEFF WITH THE SWANTON BOMB OFF OF THE LADDER ... RAY MOVES AND JEFF CRASHES THROUGH TWO TABLES !!! Matt now has the big ladder and is setting up. He is going for the gold. Edge with a shot to the head of Ray and then Christian comes in. Matt and Christian, Edge and Devon. REVERSE DDT OFF OF THE LADDER FROM CHRISTIAN TO MATT !!! Edge and Devon fall off the ladders. Ray has a look in his eyes and he's now going for the belts. EDGE AND CHRISTIAN SEND HIM CRASHING THROUGH THREE OF THE TABLES THAT WERE STACKED ON THE FLOOR !!! Edge and Christian are now going for the gold. LITA HEADS FOR THE RING !!! SHE SENDS EDGE AND CHRISTIAN CROTCHING ONTO THE TOP ROPE !!! Matt is now going for the gold. MATT GETS PUSHED AND FALLS BACKWARDS THROUGH TWO TABLES ON THE FLOOR !!! THAT'S MADNESS !!! EDGE SPEARS LITA ON THE FLOOR !!! Jeff Hardy and D-Von Dudley climb the ladder and both men have their hands on the titles. Edge and Christian come in. BOTH MEN ARE HANGING AND FALL FROM THE BELTS !!! EDGE AND CHRISTIAN GET THE BELTS !!!

The main thing this match has going for it is the fact that it's absolutely mental. The action starts and then it doesn't let up. Of course, the main problem is that if you don't get it right, it can be a right mess, and for the first few minutes, that's what happened. They managed to get it going properly though and the match it built into was very special indeed, and the amazing thing is that this was probably one of the weaker efforts, if not the worst effort that these teams put on. ****1/2

The Kat vs. Terri Runnels - Thong Stink Face Match

Saturn wants Terri to be covered up. We eventually get going. Body Slam from Kat. Into the corner they go and Kat wants to end it early, but Terri gets out of the ring. Al Snow sends Runnels back into the ring and then Kat takes down Terri and we have a catfight. Kat gets the better of that. Kat then just tosses Terri around the ring a bit. Kat then with some spanking. Bronco Buster from Kat. Saturn then shoves down Kat. Bulldog from Terri and then she poses over Kat. Clothesline from Kat. Another Body Slam from Kat. Kat tries to drop her ass on the face of Terri and misses. Slap from Terri to Kat in the corner. Stink Face misses. Low blow from Terri to the ref by mistake. HEAD TO THE FACE OF TERRI !!! STINK FACE !!! IT'S OVER !!!

That was a crap match. Didn't expect anything less, but hey, again, was that exactly the point here ? DUD

The Undertaker vs. Kane

The match starts on the aisle and then Kane gets sent into the ringpost and then more right hands and Taker gets into the ring. Kane on the apron and Taker tries to go for the mask. Kane drops the throat of Taker over the top rope and then hits right hands when he gets into the ring. Kicks and stomps in the corner from Kane. Kane grabs a chair and brings it into the ring. Kane goes for a chair shot and Taker comes back with a flurry of rights and lefts. Chair across the back from Taker and the referee said earlier on that he would let em go most of the way. Taker then tries to take the mask off again. Taker has the mask ripped. Kane comes back with right hands and then slams the face of Taker into the steps. Kane now has the steps and he follows Taker around the ring. He tries to behead Taker with the steps and Taker manages to avoid that situation. TAKER THROWS THE STEPS RIGHT AT THE FACE OF KANE !!! Right hands from Taker. Kane is now busted open. I guess that's why they did the ripped mask thing. Into the ring they go. Kane with a low blow and down goes The Undertaker. Kane then with more right hands. Taker won't stay down. Taker with a Spear and then he unloads with right hands and he continues going for the mask. More right hands from Taker. CHOKESLAM FROM KANE ... Taker with a low blow of his own. He then just throws Kane to the canvas. THE UNDERTAKER UNMASKS KANE AND HE DOES A RUNNER !!! That signals the end of the match.

I've wondered why these two guys didn't get the chance to have a big badass brawl with each other. This match showed that there was definately the potential for these guys to put on a great brawl, but there was too much centred on the mask of Kane. *

The Rock © vs. Kurt Angle vs. Triple H - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

HHH and Angle go at it before the bell rings. Short Arm Clothesline from HHH and Angle tries to head for the floor. HHH with more right hands and then he just unloads in the corner. Stomps in the corner from HHH and then he shoves down the referee. Angle with a Clothesline after the distraction. Cactus Clothesline and both men go over the top rope. Head first into the steps and then into the ring they go. Angle then gets sent over the top rope and HHH goes out to meet him again. Angle then gets sent into the steps. HHH then sets the Spanish Announce Table and puts Angle on there. PEDIGREE THROUGH THE TABLE ... BOTCHED AND ANGLE INJURES HIS HEAD !!! Angle is out of things at the moment. HHH then gets a sledgehammer. The Rock picks this time to head for the ring. HHH has the sledgehammer. No DQs in a triple threat. Right hands from Rock and then a Samoan Drop. More right hands from Rock and then he heads for the floor and sends HHH into the steps and then he sets another announce table. Rock gets dropped face first on the announce table. There's doctors with Angle because of the nasty bump he took. Into the ring and HHH is back in the match. Right hands from HHH. Into the corner and HHH with a beat down. Stomps in the corner from HHH and then he sends Rock into the ropes and hits the High Knee. HHH looks out at Angle. He's going to be stretchered out of the arena. Rock comes back with right hands and then into the ropes. Hot Shot sends Rock over the top rope. HHH goes up the aisle and he wants some of Angle. He is rolling Angle back to the ringside area. HHH with right hands to the head and then Rock comes out of nowhere with a big Clothesline. He couldn't give a rats arse about Angle. HHH and Rock brawl on the aisle. Rock catapults HHH into the entrance way. Rock then with a Clothesline. ANOTHER clothesline and then a low blow. Stephanie is out to check on Kurt Angle now. The fans chant "Slut !". HHH sends Rock into the ringpost. HHH then drops Rock onto the railing chest first. HHH then with a big Clothesline of his own and he appears to have forgotten about Kurt Angle for now. Stephanie McMahon heads for the ringside area. HHH doesn't want her at ringside. Rock comes back and into the ropes. He runs into the High Knee from HHH and that gets a two count. HHH wants Stephanie to get the belt. She brings the belt into the ring. BELT TO THE HEAD OF HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Rock is now looking out at Steph. Rock grabs Stephanie by the hair, but HHH then with a low blow. HHH sents Stephanie to the back. Back into the ring and HHH now with more right hands. Another big Clothesline from Rock. Neckbreaker puts a stop to any comeback though. Rock manages to stop him. SLEDGEHAMMER TO THE GUT OF THE ROCK !!! Kick to the gut from HHH. Another kick from HHH. Rock pushed into the corner and then he buries a shoulder into the stomach and then one more time. Repeated Shoulder Blocks to the gut from HHH. HHH signals that he's going to win the belt. Rock comes back with big right hands. Rock into the ropes, but then HHH hits the Knee 2 Face and that gets a two count. HHH then with a Knee Drop into the ribs and he now has a focal point. Rock gets to the floor, which probably isn't the worst idea. HHH follows though. HHH then drives Rock into the ringpost. HHH gets back into the ring and he taunts the crowd. Rock is back in and HHH lays the stomps into the ribs. Into the corner they go. More right hands from HHH, but Rock is attempting another fight back and then he unloads with right hands, but the knee to the ribs stops that. Swinging Neckbreaker from The Rock gives him a chance. Rock into the ropes and he runs into a knee to the gut and then HHH heads for the top rope. Rock stops HHH up there. SUPERPLEX FROM ROCK TO HHH !!! That can't do much good to the ribs of The Rock. Stephanie wants Kurt Angle to help HHH for her. Stephanie is now sending Angle into the fray. Rock goes over and gets a two count. Rock comes back with right hands. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Rock and that gets a two count. Kurt Angle can now be seen heading for the ring. Kurt Angle looks as if he's out of it. Rock with right hands. HHH then comes back with right hands of his own. Angle sweeps Rock. PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... ANGLE PULLS HHH OUT OF THE RING AND SENDS HIM INTO THE STEPS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kick to the gut from Angle and now he sees the same opening that HHH did. Back Elbow from Angle and the fans get behind Rock. Two count for Angle. Rock comes back with right hands again. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Angle to Rock and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Angle with a right hand. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Rock. DDT FROM THE ROCK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Angle and HHH onto the apron and he gets knocked down. THE ROCK BOTTOM ON ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... HHH MAKES THE SAVE !!! Rock then gets sent into the ringpost and then back into the ring. HHH wants the sledgehammer. Stephanie sends it into the ring and it's between HHH and Angle. HHH DECKS STEPHANIE !!! SLEDGEHAMMER TO THE HEAD OF HHH FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... ROCK MAKES THE SAVE !!! Right hand sends Angle over the top rope. THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW ON HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The match felt like Rock/HHH lite most of the way, which leads me to believe that their battle was a contingency plan to allow Kurt Angle time to recover. If that was the case, they worked around it pretty brilliantly. When the shenanigans got going good and properly with Stephanie, it took away from the match somewhat. These three guys could have had a much better three way, and it's not as if the Stephanie/Angle storyline was paid off in any worthwhile way anyways. Still a good main event though. ***3/4



No need for that many matches. Three DUDs on one show ? Most shows with that amount of crap would be among the worst PPVs ever, but it was down to the usual suspects to save the show. There is one historical match to be found here in TLC.

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I'm watching the first RAW after Wrestlemania 14, and f**k me, the crowd are mental for Austin. One thing I did notice is the sheer amount of signs in the audience. It's a bit of a flashback to when I was 12 and watching this stuff. I would just remember the cameras going crazy after the intro zooming in and out of hundreds of signs. There are hardly any of them these days.

A bit of a nothing post, but it was nice to see and I just thought I would get it off my chest.

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I'm watching the first RAW after Wrestlemania 14, and f**k me, the crowd are mental for Austin. One thing I did notice is the sheer amount of signs in the audience. It's a bit of a flashback to when I was 12 and watching this stuff. I would just remember the cameras going crazy after the intro zooming in and out of hundreds of signs. There are hardly any of them these days.

A bit of a nothing post, but it was nice to see and I just thought I would get it off my chest.

Are you watching it online, or did you have it taped?

I always used to think i just liked wrestling when i was younger because i was just a bit immature, but wwf in the attitude era was just unreal. The reaction of the fans etc showed how good it was. Watching it now, there is no atmosphere whatsoever.

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I'm watching the first RAW after Wrestlemania 14, and f**k me, the crowd are mental for Austin. One thing I did notice is the sheer amount of signs in the audience. It's a bit of a flashback to when I was 12 and watching this stuff. I would just remember the cameras going crazy after the intro zooming in and out of hundreds of signs. There are hardly any of them these days.

A bit of a nothing post, but it was nice to see and I just thought I would get it off my chest.

It's an amazing sight when the cameras go mental. It's pretty sad that you don't get that level of excitement these days.

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Are you watching it online, or did you have it taped?

I always used to think i just liked wrestling when i was younger because i was just a bit immature, but wwf in the attitude era was just unreal. The reaction of the fans etc showed how good it was. Watching it now, there is no atmosphere whatsoever.

I found this last week on another forum and posted it here a few days ago.


Only bad thing is RAW stops around March in 2009. Bums!

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The Undertaker didn't sport the shockers you allude to and, to be honest, I'm pretty glad about that. If I come across those things I'm holding you responsible. I'm thinking it might be their Survivor Series match though. It's one of the big four. Always a reason to break out hideous ring gear.

This was after the throwing off of the ramp.

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