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Mo Wonderboy

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For TNA to improve they shoulf make Anderson a face, turn Abyss heel so that they drop the whole Hogan shite and get Samoa Joe back in to title shots.

Why would they want to make Anderson a face though ? He's got his popularity through being the dickhead heel. Take that away and you don't have much else.

I agree with the other two, but I worry that the damage has already been done with Abyss. Samoa Joe when he came back this time was SUPER over. It's obvious his ship hasn't sailed yet.

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Why would they want to make Anderson a face though ? He's got his popularity through being the dickhead heel. Take that away and you don't have much else.

I agree with the other two, but I worry that the damage has already been done with Abyss. Samoa Joe when he came back this time was SUPER over. It's obvious his ship hasn't sailed yet.

He doesn't need to RvD face, just enough so that him and AJ can have a feud, since I don't think they would put two heels together when they have enough of each. I thought the crowd were more into him than into Hardy at Sacrifice.

On Hardy, I think he and RvD need to get fit, watching their matches and especially the latters with AJ, it is obvious that they aren't fit enough to be wrestling with AJ who's firing pretty close to all cylinders. More so with Van Dam since in all in promos and stuff he is talking about how he is the Whole Fuckin' Show when he has not been at the top of his game since he joined TNA.

I think if Abyss just turned on Hogan and started beating him up then you could do it, you've always got the mentally unstable card. As long as they don't make him go non-violent and not use weapons again. But since he won Chelsea for 30 days starting last night then I don't suppose they'll be doing that within that time period.

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He doesn't need to RvD face, just enough so that him and AJ can have a feud, since I don't think they would put two heels together when they have enough of each. I thought the crowd were more into him than into Hardy at Sacrifice.

I've yet to see it, but apparently that was the idea. Hopefully it works. I scoffed at the idea of Anderson being a major player in TNA, but to be fair to the man, he has improved greatly in the ring and has been allowed to just unload on the mic. Whether he's just a big fish in a small pond remains to be seen, but I hope he's not and that he has turned a corner. We could be doing with someone like Anderson at the moment.

On Hardy, I think he and RvD need to get fit, watching their matches and especially the latters with AJ, it is obvious that they aren't fit enough to be wrestling with AJ who's firing pretty close to all cylinders. More so with Van Dam since in all in promos and stuff he is talking about how he is the Whole Fuckin' Show when he has not been at the top of his game since he joined TNA.

I don't think RVD has actually looked that unfit. When he isn't reverting back to his ECW-style stalling, he seems to be fairly quick in there. AJ Styles is world class on the mic just now though and in the ring he seems to have gotten the perfect mix between asshole and amazing wrestler.

I agree on Hardy though. He looks rat-arsed some of the time actually. Was funny watching him and RVD do a run in on the second week RVD was with TNA. RVD ran to the ring and looked lively. Hardy kinda stumbled down the steps and did everything at half speed.

I think if Abyss just turned on Hogan and started beating him up then you could do it, you've always got the mentally unstable card. As long as they don't make him go non-violent and not use weapons again. But since he won Chelsea for 30 days starting last night then I don't suppose they'll be doing that within that time period.

I guess time will tell if they actually do it. I feel sorry for Abyss though. The guy has been booked in horrific fashion in the past, but it has just went into freefall since the Hogoff regime took over.

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I don't think RVD has actually looked that unfit. When he isn't reverting back to his ECW-style stalling, he seems to be fairly quick in there. AJ Styles is world class on the mic just now though and in the ring he seems to have gotten the perfect mix between asshole and amazing wrestler.

I agree on Hardy though. He looks rat-arsed some of the time actually. Was funny watching him and RVD do a run in on the second week RVD was with TNA. RVD ran to the ring and looked lively. Hardy kinda stumbled down the steps and did everything at half speed.

I guess time will tell if they actually do it. I feel sorry for Abyss though. The guy has been booked in horrific fashion in the past, but it has just went into freefall since the Hogoff regime took over.

It was more the AJ RvD match where RvD won the belt, there was a couple of times where they were going fast and AJ had to either stop or slow down because RvD wasn't keeping up. One I recall ended with AJ just straight-up dropkicking him.

The Hardy turning up late last week was quite funny aswell, a wee jibe at his laid back attitude no doubt.

Yeah I also feel for him. It's probably Hogan just wanting his name/gimick to live on even though he has outlived his sell by date. What I don't get is why everyone, except Sting, fears Hogan. Like Matt Morgan when Jessy Neal was calling him out or Mr Anderson when Hardy was doing the same. I would like to see Hogan try it on Joe and Joe just knocking him out

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WWE still has a very solid in-ring performance though. Edge and Christian had their best match against each other

I was so glad that they put that match together, we had all been wanting it, just a shame that they are still going with this "friends" storyline.... they were brothers for years! I guess the WWE can only have a set amount of brothers allowed on the roster, and Khali and runjing shing (or whatever) are now "brothers" (yes the family resemblence is easy to see) gotta love shing's epic sideburns, pure class

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yeah but it's even worse, die hards might love ROH but it does nothing for me, the japanese and British wrestling is not entertaining either imo, 1997-2001 wwf was brilliant, ECW was always great and WCW was enjoyable, if not the wrestling then the comedy, but I can't be doing with this stuff, it's either too bad or aimed at kids, theres little wonder why the ratings are so low, seeing bret hart become us champ and seeing more abyss hall of fame ring power has confirmed to me that wrestling is in a worse state than Scottish fitbaw....

get it fixed vince/dixie mad.gif

Thats absolute bullsh*t and anyone who watched ECW would agree.

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I don't think RVD has actually looked that unfit. When he isn't reverting back to his ECW-style stalling, he seems to be fairly quick in there. AJ Styles is world class on the mic just now though and in the ring he seems to have gotten the perfect mix between asshole and amazing wrestler.

And to think a few years people were saying his lack of mic skills would get him nowhere.

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And to think a few years people were saying his lack of mic skills would get him nowhere.

Hey, I was right there with them ! He just needed to find his niche and that's what he's done. Fair play to the man. He's become the one TNA original who can be relied on 100%.

Thats absolute bullsh*t and anyone who watched ECW would agree.

ECW were so inconsistant that it's hard to remember a time when it was consistantly good or consistantly shite, maybe with the exception of 1996 being an absolutely amazing year for them.

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Does anyone think that there are some elements of NXT that aren't a work?

That thought has crossed my mind a few times as well, the whole Daniel Bryan segment on this weeks show seemed unscripted, from his promo to his attack on Cole.

Also a few weeks back I thought the brawl between Young and Barrett at the end of the show seemed almost like a shoot, as it genuinely seemed that the officials were struggling to pull them apart.

Maybe the wrestlers are given a bit more free reign than on Raw and Smackdown, where everything is scripted to the smallest detail.

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TNA Against All Odds 2010

I'm gonna review some ROH 2010 matches just to kind of keep the 2010 trend going. First off though, TNA's second PPV of the year which featured a tournament to find out who the #1 contender is gonna be for Lockdown.

Desmond Wolfe vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero ( ***1/4 )

Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan ( **1/2 )

Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle ( *** )

Abyss vs. Mick Foley ( * )

The Nasty Boys vs. Team 3D ( DUD )

"The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero vs. Matt Morgan ( ** )

Abyss vs. Mr. Anderson ( *3/4 )

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe ( ***1/4 )

Mr. Anderson vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero ( *** )

And the other stuff

Davey Richards vs. El Generico - ROH 4th Anniversary Show ( **** )

Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black - ROH 4th Anniversary Show ( ***3/4 )

Davey Richards vs. Kenny Omega - ROH The Epic Encounter III ( ****1/2 )

Desmond Wolfe vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero - 8 Card Stud Tournament Quarter Final Match

Say it with me ... POPE IS PIMPIN' !!! These two guys wrestled quite a lot, didn't they ? The audience is MENTAL for Pope. Wolfe and Pope exchange reversals early and Wolfe gets a Front Facelock. Into the ropes they go and a Back Elbow cheap shot from Wolfe. Japanese Strangehold with the knees in the back, but Wolfe reverses into a Japanese Strangehold of his own. Wolfe stands on the foot and gets the move again. Into the corner and Pope rolls Wolfe out. Wolfe with a kick and then a European Uppercut. Pope comes back with the Elbow Strikes. Wolfe into the ropes and he charges down Wolfe. Flying Forearm from Pope. Wolfe uses the trunks of Pope to send him to the floor. Wolfe snaps the top throat into the eyes of Pope. TOWER OF LONDON ... Pope manages to escape. Drop Toe Hold from Wolfe sends Pope head first into the middle rope. Wolfe then throws the shoulder of Pope into the top buckle. Arm Bar from Wolfe. Pope gets to his feet and Wolfe takes him down. Hammerlock Takedown from Wolfe and then he taunts the crowd. Pope comes back into the match. Chops from Pope. BRUTAL DDT FROM WOLFE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! That was out of nowhere. Cravat from Wolfe. Wolfe counters a Body Slam by holding onto the Cravat. That's cool. Pope with the takedown but he runs right into a kick and then Pope comes back with forearms. 4-Up from Pope. Manhattan Drop from Pope and then the Flying Shoulder Block. PIMP SLAP !!! THE CORONATION !!! Pope heads for the top rope. HIGH CROSS BODY FROM POPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Wolfe misses a Catapulp and Pope back to the top, but he's stopped. THE TOWER OF LONDON ... Pope manages to stop him again. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM WOLFE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! LARIAT ... countered. ROLL UP FROM POPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Arm Ringer Takedown from Wolfe. Wolfe misses the charge. HANGING NECKBREAKER FROM POPE !!! THE DDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a cracking opening match there ! The fans are right into Pope so they were warmed up in style here. Pope was a bit same-ish in this match, but Wolfe added some nice spin to the offense he had in the first PPV match these two guys had. Pope didn't need to do more though. He was fine here. ***1/4

Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan - 8 Card Stud Tournament Quarter Final Match

The ... umm ... MEDIOCRE TAG TEAM COLLIDE~~~!!! They touch fists and we have a match. Lockup and into the corner they go. Clean break. Lockup and into the corner they go again. Clean break the other way this time. Lockup and a Headlock from Morgan and he gets sent into the ropes. He charges down Hernandez. Morgan then charges him down again. THE POUNCE FROM HERNANDEZ !!! Kick from Morgan and then misses the Carbon Footprint. Morgan then lands the Rapid Fire Elbows. Morgan runs into a kick and then Hernandez to the top rope. They botch a move and that gets a one count for Hernandez. Discus Clothesline from Morgan gets a two count. Avalanche in the corner from Morgan and then another. Sidewalk Slam from Morgan and that gets a two count. Hernandez runs right into the Back Elbow. Morgan then chokes Hernandez over the top rope. High Knee to the back of the head. Head draped over the apron and Morgan with the Guillotine Leg Drop. That gets a two count. Short Arm Clotheslines from Morgan. That gets a two count. Chinlock from Morgan. Morgan then just clubs down Hernandez. Hernandez onto the apron. Slingshot Shoulder Block from Hernandez and he's back in the match. Clotheslines from Hernandez. Avalanche in the corner. Spinebuster from Hernandez gets a two count. Hanging Vertical Suplex from Hernandez. Now THAT was cool. The fans absolutely love that. Morgan gets onto the ramp. HERNANDEZ DIVES OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO MORGAN !!! Hernandez seems to have injured his shoulder. Morgan is not going to win this on a count out and stops the referee counting. Morgan holds the ropes open for Hernandez. He then throws Hernandez into the corner and grabs the tights for the win. :lol:

There was lots of little things about this match that I liked. They did the familiarity stuff pretty well. They also looked to be holding back on each other, taking things slowly which made the ending even better from that point of view. It was a decent wee match which accomplished what it set out to achieve. **1/2

Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle - 8 Card Stud Tournament Quarter Final Match

This match kicked off quite the fued between these guys, culminating in an absolute corker of a match inside a steel cage in Lockdown. Kick to the leg from Anderson. Angle catches a second kick and Anderson gets into the ropes before anything can happen. Lockup again and a Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Angle. Anderson fights his way to his feet and sends Angle into the ropes and gets charged down. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Angle. Anderson gets back to his feet. Anderson with knees to the stomach and then clubs the back and hits right hands and then chokes Angle with the boot. Anderson into the ropes and a Back Body Drop. Kick and a Suplex from Angle gets a two count. Into the corner and Angle with 10 punches. Anderson into the corner and Angle misses a charge and hits the ringpost. Anderson mocks Angle in the corner. Anderson then has the dog tags and rakes the face of Angle with it. Angle is now busted open. Anderson with a stomp and then right hands and Angle is in deep trouble here. Angle is now coming back with right hands, but Anderson puts a stop to that with a DDT and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Anderson. Angle battles his way out of the Chinlock and lands some right hands. Clotheslines send down Anderson. Angle runs into a boot, but then lands the Belly 2 Belly Suplex and that gets a two count. Another Clothesline from Angle exploding out of the corner and that gets a two count. Knee to the stomach from Anderson. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM ANGLE !!! ANGLE SLAM ... countered. ROLLING SAMOAN DROP FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Anderson now tries to expose the steel in the corner and can't do it. When the referee tries to get it back on, Anderson does the other side. ANGLE SLAM FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE ANGLE LOCK FROM ANGLE !!! Anderson kicks Angle away. ANGLE HITS THE STEEL !!! MIC CHECK FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Mr. Anderson did everything he could here to win the match using cheap tactics. He was almost channeling Eddie Guerrero at times. He's just enough of a p***k to be able to pull it off too. Kurt Angle just let Anderson do his thing and that made for an entertaining enough match. ***

Abyss vs. Mick Foley - 8 Card Stud Tournament Quarter Final Match

Foley opens the match by trying to slap Abyss into doing something. Abyss comes back eventually with right hands and they head for the floor. Foley sends Abyss face first into the railing and then grabs a chair and sends it down across the back of Abyss. Head first into the steps goes Abyss. Back into the ring they go. Foley has the bat and he charges but runs into a boot. Right hands from Abyss and then he chokes Foley. Swinging Neckbreaker from Foley. Headbutts from Foley and then he hits right hands. Charging Knee in the corner from Foley. Foley now has the tacks. Right hands from Foley. Abyss decides not to slam Foley into the tacks and hits a Chokeslam for a two count. The fans want Abyss to use the tacks and he decides to put on his "retard" look. Abyss now has the sock. MANDIBLE CLAW FROM ABYSS ... COUNTERED INTO THE DOUBLE ARM DDT FROM FOLEY !!! Foley then takes a sock from the referee. MANDIBLE CLAW FROM FOLEY !!! Foley lets the hold go so as he can go and get the barbed wire bat. BLACK HOLE SLAM INTO THE TACKS FROM ABYSS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a pretty dire brawl. The only positive to it was that it felt like a bit of a mad match, but it was really bog standard stuff which summed up some of the worst things about Abyss these days. *

The Nasty Boys vs. Team 3D

This isn't going to be pretty. The match gets going right away as a proper brawl. Saggs is looking in pretty decent shape actually. Knobbs doesn't look horrible in there either. Knobbs and Devon pair off, as do Ray and Saggs. Team 3D coming back into the match. Bionic Elbow on Saggs and then a Double Clothesline and both men head for the floor. The Nasties do a LOT of stalling on the floor. Maybe they aren't in any sort of shape at all. Ray is gonna start the match for 3D while Saggs is gonna be the man for the Nasties. Lockup and a knee to the stomach from Saggs and a kick. Into the corner and Saggs with some pulling of the face. Saggs charges and hits the Clothesline in the corner. Knobbs tagged into the match. Kick to the stomach and right hands from Knobbs. Ray comes back with right hands but that's stopped. THE PIT STOP FROM THE NASTIES ... blocked. LOVELY Back Drop Suplex from Ray and then a Leg Drop gets a two count. Into the match comes Devon. Double Shoulder Block from 3D and then Saggs heads for the floor. Saggs with a shot to the eyes and then in comes Knobbs. Knobbs with knees to the stomach, and Devon comes back into the match. Right hands from Devon and then into the ropes he goes. Shoulder Block, but then Devon ends up on the floor. Saggs then chokes Devon with his jacket. Clothesline from Saggs, but then Ray then attacks from behind. Back into the ring with Knobbs and Devon. Body Slam from Knobbs and then an Elbow Drop. Double Elbow Strike from the Nasties. In comes Saggs. Chinlock from Saggs and then he taunts Ray into the ring so as he and Knobbs can get some cheap shots in there. Abdominal Stretch from Knobbs. In comes Saggs and he gets a shot to the stomach. Devon into the corner and Nasty misses a charge and Devon is now coming back into the match here. Ray is tagged in and we have Body Slams. They blow a Rock Bottom. Jabs and a right hand from Ray. WASSUP HEADBUTT FROM TEAM 3D !!! 3D ON SAGGS !!! KNOBBS WITH A HELMET TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD THANKS TO JIMMY HART !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was absolutely terrible. The Nasty Boys have no business in a ring in the year 2010. They had to spend most of the time on the floor stalling to hide the fact that they are so shit. This is a contender for worst match of 2010. DUD

"The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero vs. Matt Morgan - 8 Card Stud Tournament Semi Final Match

Lockup and Morgan throws Pope into the corner and shows off his muscles. Morgan looks pretty confident. Lockup and the same thing happens again. Pope avoids a lockup and unloads with kicks, but Morgan throws him off. Pope comes back with kicks and right hands and then a Dropkick. Irish Whip is blocked and Morgan sends Pope over the top rope. Head first into the apron goes Pope. Morgan then chokes Pope over the railing. Back into the ring and Pope attempts a comeback, but meets a knee to the stomach from Morgan. Morgan then with the Rapid Fire Elbows. Morgan with the Avalanche in the corner and then he throws Pope down rather than hit the Sidewalk Slam. Choke with the boot from Morgan. Morgan then chokes Pope over the top rope. Morgan then drops his leg over the back of the head of Pope and that gets a two count. Bearhug from Morgan. Pope escapes and then Dropkicks the knee. Pope into the ropes. He jumps into the Fallaway Slam from Morgan and that gets a two count. SWINGING DDT FROM POPE TO COUNTER A SLAM !!! That was rather nice there. Right hands from Pope and then he unloads with forearms. Elbow Strikes to the head and then a big right hand. PIMP SLAP !!! Morgan was annoyed by that. BRUTAL DISCUS LARIAT TO COUNTER THE CORONATION FROM MORGAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Morgan shouts at Pope in the corner and then simply beats him down. CARBON FOOTPRINT ... moved. POPE WITH THE DDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

So the big upset was pulled. They seemed to telegraph it a bit with Morgan's cockiness, and it was almost seeming like a Morgan squash match. I didn't think Pope would get that much offense if he wasn't going to win the match. It was still decent though. **

Abyss vs. Mr. Anderson - 8 Card Stud Tournament Semi Final Match

Aye, because I pure wanted to see a rematch between these two guys. Lockup and Anderson is thrown into the corner. Anderson ducks a lockup and hits kicks to the leg and then chops and right hands. Might not be the best idea there son. Anderson fails with the Cross Body attempt as he bounces off of Abyss. Anderson now wants a test of strength and then hits a BIG right hand. Abyss with a Body Slam after Anderson pissed him off a bit. Anderson with another right hand and chops. Anderson runs right into the Big Boot from Abyss. Clothesline sends Anderson to the floor. Abyss goes out to meet him and sends him face first into the steps. Anderson comes back into the match with right hands and kicks. Anderson then breaks the count, complete with a little wave for the ref. Abyss comes back and sends Anderson into the railing. Back into the ring they go. Anderson gets himself into the corner. Abyss runs into an elbow and then the Dropkick to the knee from Anderson. More right hands from Anderson. Anderson then goes for the mask and the referee isn't happy. Abyss then charges Anderson into the corner. Anderson then chop blocks Abyss. Anderson chokes Abyss with the boot. Anderson has the leg over the middle rope and then runs and hits a Dropkick. He runs right into the hand of Abyss and then runs into a Back Body Drop. Abyss with right hands. Clothesline in the corner and then the Sidewalk Slam from Abyss gets a two count. MIC CHECK ... countered. SHOCK TREATMENT FROM ABYSS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Anderson to the middle rope. HE JUMPS RIGHT INTO THE CHOKESLAM ... Anderson pokes the eyes. LOW BLOW !!! MIC CHECK FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Another boring as sin match with these two guys. At least Anderson came into the match with a game plan which made it a wee bit more watchable than their last effort. Abyss at this point is pretty horrific. *3/4

AJ Styles © vs. Samoa Joe - TNA World Heavyweight Championship

I'm willing to put money on this match being the worst of their PPV efforts so far. Bell rings and I really hope that this match is as good as it looks on paper. Lockup and into the corner. Styles misses a move and gets out of the ring. Styles with a Headlock and then he gets sent into the ropes, but he holds on. Styles into the ropes and both men collide, which seems to go the way of Joe. Obviously. Styles into the ropes and the same thing happens again. Styles fakes a third run and hits a right hand and then locks in the Headlock. He runs right into a brutal Shoulder Block though and Joe unloads with the jabs in the corner and then he lays a beatdown. Joe with the Running Back Elbow and then the Roundhouse Kick and down goes Styles. Into the corner and Joe with more jabs. Styles into the corner and Joe with the High Knee. Styles comes back with a Jawbreaker. Styles into the ropes and he runs right into the High Knee for a two count to Joe. Chop sends down Styles. Kicks to the chest and then the back from Joe and he's really unloading. Styles catches a kick and lands the Dragon Screw. Styles continues to work on the knee, Snapmare and a kick to the back. Is Styles setting up for the Figure Four Leglock here ? Styles with some stomping to the leg of Joe. Figure Four Leg Lock is countered as Joe sends Styles flying to the floor. JOE WITH THE ELBOW SUICIDA ONTO STYLES !!! Back into the ring they go. Styles tries to get away from Joe and opts to poke the eye. I don't know if this is deliberate or not, but Styles' work on the floor is very Flair esque. Styles then tries to expose the concrete on the floor. Joe chops Styles before anyone can do a move on the concrete. Back into the ring they go. Styles with a nice Running Dropkick. Good news is that I forgot Bischoff was the ref untill they mentioned it on commentary. Means he's doing a good job. Chinlock with a knee in the back from Styles. Joe escapes the move and hits a right hand. Rebound Dropkick from Styles. That gets a two count. Into the corner again and Styles with a chop. Chops from Joe and then Styles with chops too. You don't wanna exchange chops with Joe. Styles actually gets the better of that exchange. Joe then set on the top rope. SUPER RANA FROM STYLES ... blocked. Leaping Knee Strike off of the second rope gets a two count for Joe. Joe with a big chop and then Styles avoids a kick. S-T-JOE FROM JOE !!! Joe runs into boots and then Styles with right hands. Bischoff pulls Styles off, and Flair uses the chance to slam the leg of Joe into the ringpost. Chop Block from Styles and he is in firm control again. Elbow Drops to the leg from Styles. More kicks to the leg from Styles. Muta Lock from Styles. Joe escapes. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM STYLES !!! Bischoff breaks it when he sees Flair getting involved. Joe drops Styles over the top rope. Back in and Joe is back in control. Big Clotheslines from Joe. Styles goes to the eyes, but he jumps into the Manhattan Drop, Kick and then the Senton Splash gets a two count. SNAP POWERSLAM FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Joe is now doing the whole chop/jab thing. Styles onto the apron. Springboard Forearm from Styles and that gets a two count, but Styles hits right hands rather than keep the pin. Slaps from Joe. Joe runs into an elbow. QUEDABRA DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SLEEPER SUPLEX FROM JOE !!! WHOA !!! MUSCLE BUSTER ... Flair tries to get involved and Bischoff goes to the floor. MUSCLE BUSTER FROM JOE !!! Flair pulls Bischoff to the floor. Bischoff then floors Flair. Joe then drags Bischoff into the ring. Joe then gets in the face of Bischoff. PELE KICK FROM STYLES CATCHES JOE PERFECTLY !!! THE STYLES CLASH ON JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Well, it WAS the worst match the two have had on PPV, but not for any reasons I forseen. They didn't get raped for time. They didn't get overcome by Bischoff, who was surprisingly anonymous through the match. The overbooking at the end only added to things. They kept a solid story through the match, so I can only really put it down to the two of them not clicking like they usually do. ***1/4

Mr. Anderson vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero - 8 Card Stud Tournament Final

Anderson attacks an injured Pope on the rampway right from the start and unloads with kicks. Anderson with some mocking kicks along with that. More right hands from Anderson and then he breaks the count a second time. Anderson is looking great here. Anderson : "Easy !". Anderson gets in the face of Pope, and Pope with a slap and then he makes a comeback and that wakes the audience up. Anderson gets off of the rampway and Pope follows. Anderson gets right back out of the ring when they get in the ring. Anderson with a knee to the gut. Anderson sends Pope onto the steps. Anderson then breaks the count again. Anderson, not content with slagging Pope and the referee, goes to the fans next. He then breaks the count again. He gets in the face again and gets back into the ring. He now wants the count out. Pope onto the apron and Anderson into the ropes and he charges Pope back down to the floor. Anderson then tells Pope to come back into the ring. Pope with a shoulder to the stomach and then he comes back with right hands. Suplex is blocked twice and then Anderson with a Suplex of his own. Pope's ribs are still giving him a bit of bother. Two count from the cover that follows. Pope into the corner hard. Right hand from Pope and then he gets a Small Package for a two count. Another Clothesline from Anderson and then he drops some Elbow Drops. Anderson gets a two count. Anderson then chokes Pope over the bottom rope. Pope makes another comeback and hits a series of rights and lefts. Anderson comes back with big strikes of his own and then stomps the shit out of the poor guy and chokes him. I think Pope only succeeded in annoying Anderson there. Chinlock from Anderson. Pope into the ropes and he runs right into the knee to the stomach. Pope is struggling badly here. Anderson stomps on his hand and then his head. Right hands from Anderson. Kicks to the chest from Anderson and then a Short Arm Clothesline gets a two count. Chinlock from Anderson and he adds a scissor to that. Pope is trying to fight his way back into the match. Right hands from Pope and he knocks down Anderson. Manhattan Drop. Flying Shoulder Block from Pope. Suplex and he rolls through. Suplex, followed by a German Suplex. Anderson fights out of a third Suplex, but Pope with the STO and that gets a two count. Knee to the gut from Anderson. Pope into the corner and he gets over Anderson. 4-Up from Pope. DDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Shot to the throat. Big Clothesline from Anderson. Anderson now has the microphone. He basically says he's gonna be the #1 contender. MIC CHECK FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! The Impact Zone LOVES that. ROLLING SAMOAN DROP FROM ANDERSON !!! KENTON BOMB FROM ANDERSON ... MISSES !!! DDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

A cracking ending to the PPV there. Not an amazing match by any means, but it was a brilliantly booked match between the two guys who were the highlight of what was a fun tournament. They did a great job of The Pope being the guy battling his way through adversity to win the tournament. Good. ***

Davey Richards vs. El Generico - ROH 4th Anniversary Show

Richards refuses the handshake and they lockup. Into the corner they go. We have a clean break from there. They lock hands and Richards takes down Generico. Richards then wrestles rings around Generico a bit. Richards with a Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock. Forearms to the back of the head from Richards and then the referee demands he lets go. "American Wolves !". Headlock from Richards and he gets sent to the ropes. Generico catches a kick and Richards with the Minoru Special and Generico into the ropes quickly. Generico heads for the floor. Richards wants himself more. Colt Cabana tries to psych up Generico and succeeds in getting him into the ring. Richards charges down Generico but runs into a pair of Arm Drags. Richards ends up in the corner where Generico lights him up with chops and then right hands. Richards wants a timeout and Generico with a kick. Leg Lariat from Generico gets a two count. Richards sends Generico into the corner and Richards runs into an elbow. Generico gets pulled into a kick to the chest and that's gonna change things. Forearms and then a beatdown in the corner. Running Back Elbow from Richards. Chinlock from Richards. Generico gets into the bottom rope. Into the corner where Richards lands rights and lefts. Back Drop Suplex from Richards in the style of Chris Benoit. Richards then spits in the face of a fan. That's absolutely amazing. Generico comes back with forearms. Spin Kick to the stomach from Richards. They then exchange right hands. Body Slam from Generico and Richards onto the apron. Generico goes out there to meet him. They brawl on the apron. Richards drops the arm of Generico on the apron. Richards then sends the arm of Generico into the ringpost. Generico into the railing. YAKUZA KICK AGAINST THE RAILING FROM RICHARDS !!! Richards then walks around to the fan from earlier, takes his hat from him, rubs it on his crotch and throws it in the ring. :lol: Richards then works on the arm of Generico and locks in a submission. Modified Rings of Saturn from Richards. Generico manages to get himself into the bottom rope. Body Slam and then Richards stomps on the elbow. Leg Drop to the arm from Richards and then he locks in the Arm Bar. Generico escapes and then comes back with Clotheslines. Back Body Drop from Generico. Kick to the shoulder from Richards. GENERICO SENDS RICHARDS TO THE FLOOR WITH A BACK DROP SUPLEX !!! GENERICO WITH AN AWESOME SOMERSAULT PLANCHA !!! If they have a good final stretch from this point, this match is gonna be in the list. Back into the ring they go and Generico to the top rope. High Cross Body gets a two count for Generico. Blue Thunder attempt is blocked. Reversals from both men. MICHINOKU DRIVER FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! I love Generico's version of that move. YAKUZA KICK IN THE CORNER FROM GENERICO ... he runs right into a boot. SPRINGBOARD RANA ... COUNTERED INTO THE FUJIWARA ARMBAR BY RICHARDS !!! Generico rolls through. BRAINBUSTER ... COUNTERED INTO THE FUJIWARA ARMBAR AGAIN !!! Generico gets into the ropes. Kicks to the chest from Richards. He misses the charge and Generico with chops. Running Forearm. CAPTURE SUPLEX SENDS GENERICO INTO THE CORNER !!! BRUTAL LARIAT FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Richards spits in the face and Generico slaps him. KAWADA KICKS FROM RICHARDS !!! GENERICO WON'T GO DOWN !!! ALARM CLOCK ... COUNTERED !!! Dragon Screw. YAKUZA KICK !!! HALF AND HALF SUPLEX FROM GENERICO !!! RICHARDS WITH A BRAINBUSTER OUT OF NOWHERE !!! BOTH MEN DOWN !!! Richards is now heading for the top rope. Richards and Generico battle on the top rope. Generico knocked down. SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM RICHARDS ... MISSES !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM GENERICO !!! Richards battles his way out again. Richards has Generico. Tree of Woe for Richards. COAST TO COAST SOMERSAULT LEG DROP FROM GENERICO !!! HOLY SHIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! The fans can't believe that one, and I can't either. Generico sets Richards on the top rope again. Sunset Bomb attempt is countered. BRUTAL RELEASE SUPER GERMAN SUPLEX !!! GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BRUTAL KICK KNOCKS OUT GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KIMURA ... REVERSED INTO A SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CROSS ARMBREAKER FROM RICHARDS !!! TAP OUT !!!

That was a hell of a match. El Generico was established as the underdog fairly early and they didn't do anything to go against that in the match. They did seem to forget about Generico's arm injury, which when you consider how it linked to the ending of the match, was a bit of a poor show. Davey Richards' intensity is always good fun. The antics with the fan at ringside was good too. ****

In an awesome moment, Richards wants a handshake and Generico slaps him instead. Richards actually applauds this and walks away with a smile on his face. Brilliant.

Austin Aries © vs. Tyler Black - ROH World Heavyweight Championship

Before the match we get an amazing video promo with the build up. That makes me REALLY want to see this match. Aries has a "don't f**k with me" look on his face, but it's hard to take it seriously when he's wearing a pink frilly jacket. The audience is REALLY split on this. If this is anywhere near the epic some people have billed it as, it's gonna be awesome. Aries with a big left hand and this match is off. Chops from Aries. Black sends Aries into the corner and lands a Back Body Drop. Aries into the ropes and he gets a Back Rake, so Black punches him and Aries heads for the floor. Strong wants Aries to get into the ring. Black grabs Aries and Suplexes him back in, but Aries lands on his feet. Aries runs into a Dropkick and then Black with a series of right hands. Into the corner and Black with a series of chops. Aries into the corner and Black onto the apron. Kick to the forehead from Black. Springboard Clothesline from Black gets a two count. Black then heads for the floor. Aries begs off. Headlock from Black and then he's sent into the ropes and he gets a two count. Hammerlock from Black. Aries into the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. Aries into the ropes and he runs into a Snapmare and a kick in the back. Into the corner they go and Black with a chop. Aries comes back with chops of his own. Shoulder Blocks from Aries in the corner and then Aries goes over Black. Back Drop Suplex from Black brings him back into the match for a two count. Black then stands on the throat of Aries and misses a stomp. Aries drops the throat of Black over the top rope. Slingshot Senton from Aries, but he misses the Running Elbow Drop. Black comes in with a Slingshot Spinning Heel Kick gets a two count. Stomps from Black in the corner. Body Slam from Black and this time he gets the stomp. Aries escapes a Waistlock. Black counters a Sunset Flip for a two count. Backslide gets a two count and so does a School Boy. Kick to the head from Black. Oklahoma Roll from Black, and Aries kicks out sending Black into the ringpost. Aries comes off the top rope with a Double Axe Handle. Aries then clubs away on Black and then slams the chest into the apron. Kick to the shoulder from Aries on the floor. Onto the apron. NECKBREAKER ON THE APRON FROM ARIES !!! Back into the ring they go. Knees in the back from Aries and then a running kick to the back. That gets a two count. Aries tries for the Last Chancery and Black gets into the ropes before damage can be done. Boston Crab from Aries. Black gets into the bottom rope. Aries then with a stomp to the chest. Neckbreaker from Aries and that gets a two count. Aries to the top rope. Missile Dropkick nicely done by Aries and it gets a two count. Aries drops his weight on the leg of Black. Black attempts a fight back. Snapmare from Aries and then the Stump Puller. He turns that into a pin for a two count. Nerve Hold from Aries. Black gets out and hits the ropes but Aries sends him to the floor. Back into the ring and Aries heads for the top rope. Black stops him up there. Onto the apron they go. Aries onto the apron. HANGING SWINGING NECKBREAKER FROM ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Aries is now heading for the top. Black stops him with a Dropkick. Both men now battle on the middle buckle. SUPERPLEX INTO THE F-5 FROM BLACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands from both men now. Head first into the corner and then Black unloads with kicks. Aries into opposite corners and Aries onto the apron. Black sends him to the floor. BLACK WITH A SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA OFF OF THE TOP ROPE INTO THE CROWD !!! Back to the ringside area they go. Back into the ring they go. Aries is fighting his way out of the Buckle Bomb. Aries sends Black to the floor and both men on the apron. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ON THE APRON FROM ARIES !!! ARIES MISSES THE HEAT SEEKING MISSILE AND HITS THE RAILING FACE FIRST !!! INTO THE RING !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Aries escapes a Powerbomb. Aries bites Black. RUBIX CUBE FROM BLACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! PHOENIX SPLASH ... MISSES !!! Both men now exchange strikes. Corner Dropkick. BRAINBUSTER FROM ARIES !!! A SECOND ONE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! 450 SPLASH ... HITS THE KNEES !!! INTO THE SMALL PACKAGE FROM BLACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Aries slaps Black and then we have an exchange. Roaring Forearm from Aries and then the kicks are unloaded. GOD'S LAST GIFT FROM BLACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kenny King on the apron. Strong kicks King, but that knocks down Black. SUPERKICK KNOCKS STRONG OFF OF THE APRON !!! SUPERKICK KNOCKS CORNETTE OFF OF THE APRON !!! SUPERKICK !!! BUCKLE BOMB !!! SUPERKICK !!! ANOTHER SUPERKICK !!! PHOENIX SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Not quite the epic match I was expecting, but that last final stretch of action was awesome. Austin Aries is just so infuriating at times to watch. It IS possible to play a heel and not make yourself shite. He's probably more over as a face that Davey Richards, who gets even more hated by the fans the better he gets. ***3/4

Davey Richards vs. Kenny Omega - ROH The Epic Encounter III

This show is named after this match so it better be bloody good. Richards gets going early with a kick and Omega comes back. Richards with a Shoulder Block and then he sweeps down Omega who heads for the floor. RICHARDS WITH THE TOPE CON HILO AND HE ENDS UP IN THE AUDIENCE !!! "American Wolves !". Indeed ! Over the railing they go and back into the ring. Into the corner and Richards with kicks to the chest. Choke with the boot from Richards. Richards runs into a boot and then pulls Omega off of the middle buckle into a kick. Richards goes for the Cloverleaf and Omega gets into the bottom rope before Omega can do anything. Headbutt from Richards and then kicks to the chest. Omega catches a third and then he hits a big Body Slam. Running Dropkick to the head from Omega gets a one count. Omega with a chop and Richards comes back with chops of his own. Head first into the top buckle goes Richards and then the same again. Choke with the boot from Omega and then he goes for Shane Hagadorn. He sends Richards to the floor and goes after him. Richards comes back with chops. Strike exchange on the floor and Omega sends Richards into the railing. Omega is sent into the railing and then Richards with the Yakuza Kick. Back into the ring they go. Snapmare and then a Head Scissors from Richards. Richards then stomps the face of Omega. Right hands from Richards and then he hits the Running Back Elbow. Snap Suplex from Richards and that gets a two count. Richards locks in the Headlock. Omega manages to escape the move eventually. Omega with a big chop in the corner and then he gets over Richards. POWERBOMB FROM RICHARDS !!! THE CLOVERLEAF !!! Omega gets into the bottom rope quickly. Back Drop Suplex from Richards and then a kick to the back and the chest. Omega comes back with right hands. Kick to the face from Richards. Omega won't stay down. Richards unloads with rights and lefts. Cloverleaf/Tequila Sunrise combo from Richards and Omega gets into the ropes. Omega comes back into the match. Omega and Richards now exchange slaps. Spin Kick from Richards spells the end of that. Handspring from Richards, and he jumps right into a Spinning Heel Kick from Omega. Omega comes back with the chops. Richards ducks a third and then Omega into the ropes and a Dropkick to the knee. Rana from Omega. STO from Omega and that gets a two count. Richards with a Victory Roll attempt and we now have good reversals from both men. Richards misses a charge. Missile Dropkick to the back of the head. DRAGON SUPLEX FROM OMEGA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! They seem to be going to the big moves a little early here. Richards and Omega now exchange forearms. Right hand exchange. Omega gets the advantage. Minoru Special from Richards gets the advantage back and he's in the ropes. Richards gors for the German Suplex and Omega blocks. Richards kicks the arm. Richards runs into a boot but them Omega runs into a kick. Springboard Kick to the back of the head from Richards. BRUTAL DROPKICK TO THE FACE FROM RICHARDS !!! CROSS ARMBREAKER FROM RICHARDS !!! Richards is sent face first into the top buckle. Richards drops behind as does Omega. Omega dumps Richards over the top rope. Baseball Slide sends Richards over the railing and this isn't going to end well. THE SUPER CRAZY SPECIAL OVER THE RAILING INTO THE CROWD FROM OMEGA !!! I've not seen that move in yonks ! The fans like that. Back to the ringside area we go. Richards onto the apron where he's met by Omega. Both men kick each other and then a second time. KOTARO KRUSHER OFF OF THE APRON ONTO THE TIMEKEEPER'S TABLE FROM OMEGA !!! Richards beats the count JUST. Richards and Omega battle again. KAWADA KICKS FROM RICHARDS !!! FLURRY FROM OMEGA !!! KAWADA KICKS !!! FLURRY !!! SPIN KICKS FROM BOTH MEN !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM OMEGA ... COUNTERED !!! REVERSE RANA FROM OMEGA !!! HUGE LARIAT FROM RICHARDS !!! BOTH MEN ARE DOWN !!! Omega and Richards now do battle again. Both men are just killing each other here. Headbutts from both men now. They go head to head and we now have Headbutts again. ONE MAN ALARM CLOCK !!! SUPLEX INTO THE ONE MAN ALARM CLOCK FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Body Slam from Richards and then heads for the top rope. Omega stops him up there and a Headbutt and more from Richards. Omega fights off. SUPER RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX ... OMEGA LANDS ON HIS FEET !!! HADOUKEN FROM OMEGA !!! POLE SHIFT FROM OMEGA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Richards avoids Croyt's Wrath. SUPER SUNSET BOMB LANDS OMEGA ON HIS HEAD !!! YAKUZA KICK !!! GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DR DRIVER FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! RIGHT INTO THE KIMURA !!! OMEGA COUNTERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CROSS ARMBREAKER FROM RICHARDS !!! OMEGA SOMEHOW MANAGES TO TURN IT INTO CROYT'S WRATH INTO THE BUCKLES !!! REVERSE RANA !!! CROYT'S WRATH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! AND RICHARDS INTO THE KIMURA !!! OMEGA TAPS !!!

THAT was more like it ! Thet set the stall out early with the mad dive from Richards and for 30 minutes they didn't let up. Both guys just completely unleashed. They did some cracking counters, some great hard hitting exchanges and some belting double knockout spots, and also managed to fit crowd dives and a table into things. All of it made sense. What a match. ****1/2



It's a shame that this PPV didn't have the standout matches that Genesis had, because it was actually a much better PPV overall. The tournament give things a much better feel and it was well booked throughout. Kind of like how the King of the Ring tournaments SHOULD have been. I'd recommend this show.

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I'm giving up on wrestling, I just can't watch a whole episode or ppv without falling asleep, predictable over produced shit nowadays. I hate the way commentators and some fans w**k themselves stupid over wrestling, sometimes I honestly belive michael cole doesn't know it's fake.

game over (unless they bring back attitude era stuff)

I've not sat through a whole RAW or SD in ages just because I'm either bored with the same moves etc or things in it that just annoy me. I tend to just go onto WWE.com now and watch the 3 min vids to keep up to date.

Sad times sad.gif

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I don't remember the last time I sat through a Smackdown. I've sat through plenty of RAWs and even the occaisional NXT and Superstars. Any show where you get a cracking 15 minute match between Carlito and Masters is good in my book. Even the ROH TV show is basically boring as f**k, with only the occaisional awesome match to bring it up.

The only must-see shows of 2010 have come from Dragon Gate USA. Everywhere else has just been kinda "meh" untill now.

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I've not sat through a whole RAW or SD in ages just because I'm either bored with the same moves etc or things in it that just annoy me. I tend to just go onto WWE.com now and watch the 3 min vids to keep up to date.

Sad times sad.gif

I swallowed my words and started watching some of last nights impact.... but didn't manage to sit through much of it.... turned it off and came on P&B

it's just pish sad.gif I want the hardcore title back, and the tag team "the headbangers" real men wear skirts laugh.gif

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The contents of the new Ricky Steamboat DVD. Really looking forward to this, I'll definetly be buying it.


Documentary Chapters:

Growing Up




The Dragon

WrestleMania III

World Champion

Fire Breathing Dragon


Hall of Fame


Special Features:

Ricky's First Car

Mike Graham Remembers Richard Blood

Ricky Forgets His Name

Having a Positive Attitude

World Wide Wrestling February 16, 1982

Tuesday Night Titans April 5, 1985

Steve Lombardi Remembers Ricky's First Match in the WWE

The Body Shop

All-Star Wrestling June 22, 1985

Becoming the Dragon… The Three Moments of Truth

Chris Jericho Meets Ricky Steamboat For The First Time

Tuesday Night Titans September 10, 1986

Update with Gene Okerlund

Superstars January 31, 1987

Dragon in the Oven

Superstars April 11, 1987

Return from Japan

World Championship Wrestling March 18, 1989

William Regal Remembers Watching Ricky Steamboat & Ric Flair

World Television Champion

WCW Saturday Night September 19, 1992

Ricky Steamboat's Induction into the WWE Hall of Fame April 4, 2009


NWA World Tag Team Championship Match

Jack & Gerry Brisco vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat & Jay Youngblood

Starrcade November 24, 1983

NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs "Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Boogie Jam March 17, 1984

(Commentary by: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat & Matt Striker)

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. Cowboy Bob Orton

Capital Centre July 20, 1985

Lumberjack Match

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. The Magnificent Don Muraco

Maple Leaf Gardens September 22, 1985

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Boston Garden August 9, 1986

Intercontinental Championship Match

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. Randy "Macho Man" Savage

WrestleMania III March 29, 1987

(Alternate Commentary by: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat & Matt Striker)


2 out of 3 Falls Match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Clash of the Champions VI April 2, 1989

United States Championship Match

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. Lex Luger

The Great American Bash July 23, 1989

WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat & Dustin Rhodes vs. Arn Anderson & Larry Zbyzsko

Clash of the Champions XVII November 19, 1991

Iron Man Challenge Match

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. Rick Rude

Beach Blast June 20, 1992

No Disqualification Match for the WCW World Television Championship

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. Steve Austin

Clash of the Champions XX September 2, 1992

(Alternate Commentary by: Ricky Steamboat & Matt Striker)

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. Chris Jericho

Backlash April 26, 2009

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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WWE.com has announced that Carlos Colon (Carlito) has been released from his WWE contract as of today May 21, 2010.

According to WWE, "Carlito’s termination was due to his first violation of the WWE Wellness Program and his subsequent refusal to attend a rehabilitation facility."

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