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Mo Wonderboy

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WWE have distanced themselves from the incident, but also took the beating down. I think they are pretty scared that one of the Nexus guys was responsible. Considering that Skip threw a Hercules sized Clothesline and Otunga dropped him hard, it is possible that there could have been a bit of damage done.

I doubt it was the clothesline....if that is when it happened, and chances are it was, I thought at the time Steamboat took a really hard bump off that spinbuster from Otunga.

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I attended the 29th of June tapings which will air Thursday the 8th of SpikeTV but on Bravo Saturday the 10th. 2 PPV quality matches were given to the fans with Samoa Joe vs RVD and Jeff Hardy vs Mr Anderson. During RVD's match Dreamer, Rhyno, Raven and Stevie Richards all came out.

At first the spotlight was directed towards me and didn't have a clue what was going on but then Dreamer and co walked past me and into the row infront of me (i was in the second row). I also caught Jeff Hardy's towel thing that he threw into the crowd, I couldn't believe how over he is in the Impact Zone. tongue.gif

PS. Tommy Dreamer used my shoulder to pull himself up a row in seats when he was leaving, beat that.biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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JB was throwing out DVDs and Tshirts in between adverts I guess, albeit old Sacrifice 07 ones. Was cringing the whole way through RVD's entrance music but was happy to see Abyss has his old music back but still has the stupid top. (i suppose TNA are going more hardcore as Abyss came out in with a 2x4 with nails sticking out of it)

The Joe vs RVD match was the highlight for me and I shall be attending Victory Road.

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WWE Wrestlemania XXV

This show on paper looked solid. One match stood out even before the show happened though. The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels. With both guys being on the form of their life, there was no way this could disappoint. Could they ?

CM Punk vs. Mark Henry vs. Finlay vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Christian vs. Kane vs. MVP, Money in the Bank Ladder Match ( ***1/2 )

Divas Battle Royal ( DUD )

Chris Jericho vs. Jimmy Snuka, Roddy Piper and Ricky Steamboat ( **3/4 )

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, Extreme Rules Match ( ***1/2 )

JBL © vs. Rey Mysterio - WWE Intercontinental Championship ( N/A )

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker ( ***** )

Edge © vs. The Big Show vs. John Cena - World Heavyweight Championship ( ***1/2 )

Triple H © vs. Randy Orton - WWE Championship ( **1/4 )

CM Punk vs. Mark Henry vs. Finlay vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Christian vs. Kane vs. MVP, Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Mass brawling is the order of the day to begin the match. Henry and Kane are now in the ring. Avalanche in the corner from Henry. Christian and Shelton bring a ladder in. Kofi jumps over it and Dropkicks it into them. BOOM DROP ONTO THE TWO OF THEM AND THE LADDER !!! Kingston goes for the gold and then Finlay stops him. Kane with a Big Boot to Finlay and then he and Henry climb at the same time. Everyone gets into the ring and stops them. Lawler : "We've wondered how Kane or Mark Henry would be able to climb the ladder.". Probably the same way he did in the TLC match he won Jerry. Everyone now climbs ladders in the ring and goes for the gold. Henry parrt the ladders and they go back to work on each other. Kane now goes for the gold and then Henry pushes the ladder down, dropping Kane on the top rope. Drop Toe Hold and a Dropkick from Finlay to Henry. SUICIDE DIVE FROM FINLAY TO KANE AND SHELTON !!! CHRISTIAN WITH A SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA !!! MVP WITH A BALLIN' CANNONBALL OFF OF THE SENTON !!! PUNK AND KINGSTON WITH STEREO SUICIDE DIVES !!! Shelton heads for the top rope. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM A FUCKING MASSIVE LADDER ONTO EVERYONE !!! Henry decides he wants to dive, but Finlay stops him. Hornswoggle brings a step ladder into the ring and wants Finlay to use it. Finlay tells his son to use it. Hornswoggle climbs onto the back of Henry. TADPOLE SPLASH ONTO THE MASS OF HUMANITY !!! Finlay sends another ladder into the ring and then Kingston comes into the ring. KINGSTON WITH A SWINGING DROPKICK THROUGH THE LADDER TO FINLAY !!! Kingston drops Finlay with the ladder. KINGSTON JUMPS INTO THE LADDER SHOT FROM FINLAY !!! ROLLING SAMOAN DROP ONTO A LADDER FROM PUNK !!! Finlay is using the step ladder well and then goes for the gold again. TROUBLE IN PARADISE FROM KINGSTON SENDS FINLAY OFF OF THE LADDER !!! Mark Henry is back in the ring and pushes Kingston off of the ladder. Henry holds the ladder ... AND KINGSTON CLIMBS IT WITH HENRY HOLDING IT !!! HENRY CATCHES KINGSTON AND LANDS THE WORLD'S STRONGEST SLAM ON THE LADDER !!! MVP now bridges the top rope and the middle of the ladder. SHELTON JUMPS INTO A POWERBOMB FROM MVP !!! MVP heads for the gold. Punk now goes up and stops him and lands a couple of kicks. Christian goes behind Punk. Punk tries for Go 2 Sleep. KILLSWITCH OFF OF THE LADDER BRIDGE FROM CHRISTIAN TO PUNK !!! SHELTON RUNS UP ONE LADDER, ACROSS THE BRIDGE ONTO THE LADDER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING !!! SUNSET BOMB SENDS MVP OUT OF THE RING ONTO HENRY AND ATLAS ON THE FLOOR !!! Finlay is now climbing the ladder with Shelton. FINLAY FALLS BACKWARDS ONTO THE LADDER BRIDGE !!! Christian and Shelton now do battle. They climb the opposite sides of two pairs of ladders. SHELTON FALLS ALL THE WAY TO THE FLOOR !!! CHRISTIAN HOLDS ON !!! Punk springs into the ring and unloads with right hands and the fans are booing this. Kane is now in the ring with this madness. CHOKESLAM SENDS CHRISTIAN TO THE CANVAS !!! Punk kicks Kane off of the ladders. PUNK WINS !!!

The match didn't have the awesome innovation all the way through like the previous years, but what it did have was madness from start to finish. Kingston was the only guy from the match that really stood out for me. Mark Henry didn't add anything to the match outside of a bit of a curiosity value. ***1/2

Divas Battle Royal

For the record I have no intention of watching the Kid Rock performance from before it. I don't know why I'd bother watching this match anyways. I hardly know any of them and Battle Royals are shit as a rule. So lets just get down to the basics and say that Santino won. DUD

Chris Jericho vs. Jimmy Snuka, Roddy Piper and Ricky Steamboat

Piper : "Get the f**k out !". Piper wants himself some of Jericho. He then spits in the face of Jericho and lands some right hands. High Cross Body sends Jericho to the floor. Head first into the announce table goes Jericho. Sunset Flip from Piper gets a two count. Dropkick from Piper. Head first into the top buckle goes Jericho. Snuka is then into the ring. Headbutt from Snuka. Snuka then with some chopping. Jericho into the ropes and he runs right into a choke. Steamboat heads to the top rope. FLYING CHOP !!! Arm Drags from Steamboat and then an Arm Bar and the fans are LOVING that. Elbow Drop to the arm and then he works solidly on it. Jericho into the ropes and a double chop from Snuka and Steamboat. Snuka with a jumping Headbutt. JERICHO WITH THE WALLS OF JERICHO OUT OF NOWHERE !!! Jericho with a cheap shot sends Steamboat to the floor and Piper is in the ring. SLEEPER HOLD FROM PIPER !!! Countered. Enziguri eliminated Piper. Steamboat up top. HIGH CROSS BODY FROM STEAMBOAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jericho with a Clothesline. Steamboat isn't out of this yet though. Kick to the back from Jericho which Steamboat sells like death. Chinlock from Jericho. Steamboat fights back. Steamboat skins the cat. Jericho sent to the floor. PESCADO FROM STEAMBOAT !!! FLYING CHOP FROM STEAMBOAT !!! Chops and a Rollup gets a two count. Bulldog from Jericho. LIONSAULT FROM JERICHO ... MISSES !!! Powerslam from Steamboat gets a two count. WALLS OF JERICHO ... COUNTERED TO A SMALL PACKAGE BY STEAMBOAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Wrestlemania XXV will always about two things to me. The HBK/Taker match, and the amazing performance from Ricky Steamboat. I don't think anyone forseen what was about to happen and the fans completely bought into the idea of Steamboat ending the match for Jericho. A lot of that was down to the great selling of Jericho as well, who once again showed that he is just as good now as he always has been. **3/4

After the match Jericho calls out Rourke and gets floored. I've seen that angle getting lambasted but I can't see why. Jericho might be a superior wrestler, but he's not a superior boxer and that's the kind of fight that Rourke frustrated him into having. It was a bit of fun and the fans loved it.

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, Extreme Rules Match

Slap to the face from Jeff and then he charges Matt down. Jeff heads under the ring and smashes a Wrestlemania sign over the head of Matt and then Jeff gets a trashcan but that doesn't end well. Head first into the steps goes Matt. POETRY IN MOTION WITH THE STEPS !!! Back into the ring they go and Jeff takes a chair in with him. Poetry in Motion misses. Jeff decides to try something else. WHISPER IN THE WIND ... RIGHT INTO A CHAIR SHOT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Matt stretches Jeff over the ropes. Matt goes back under the ring and brings out a hoover. HOOVER TO THE HEAD OF JEFF !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Matt. Head first into the top buckle. SIDE EFFECT ON THE CHAIR FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Matt again and then he chokes with the boot. Matt then stretches the back of Jeff over the ringpost. Matt then brings a table into things. Onto the apron and Jeff gets away from that. Jeff with a LOVELY Flying Clothesline and then he sends Matt into the steps. Crutches to the back of Matt and he gets into the ring. Jeff then brings a trashcan into the match. Trashcan over the head of Matt. A CRUTCH SHOT TO THE HEAD WITH THE TRASHCAN !!! SWINGING DROPKICK ADDED TO THAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Sitdown Front Suplex from Jeff and then he heads for the top rope. SWANTON BOMB ... MISSES !!! TWIST OF FATE FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Matt heads for the top rope and Jeff stops him up there. SUPERPLEX FROM JEFF !!! Jeff now has the steel chair. CHAIR TO THE HEAD FROM JEFF !!! Matt is now laid on a table and he has a chair put on him. Another table is put on top of that. SPLASH OFF OF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH MATT AND THE TABLES !!! Jeff sends Matt into the ring. ONE ! TWO ! THR ... FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Jeff brings ladders out from under the ring. One big 'un and a smaller one and he is setting up the Leapfrog Leg Drop spot. LEAPFROG LEG DROP FROM HARDY ... MISSES !!! CHAIR ASSISTED TWIST OF FATE !!! THAT'S SICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Lets get one thing straight right off the bat. These two guys have absolutely zero chemistry in the ring. Unlike their last PPV meeting though, they had license to do absolutely everything in the match that they could to get it over and they used that license with great effect. Sheer will power and effort alone meant that this was a very good and entertaining match. ***1/2

JBL © vs. Rey Mysterio - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Big Boot from JBL to open the match. Right hands and boots in the corner from JBL. Rey ducks a Clothesline. Enziguri. 619 !!! SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Next. N/A

After the match, JBL retires.

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

Here we go. HBK lands a chop. Taker stalks HBK around the ring, but then HBK with more chops. HBK continues to do some running. Right hands in the corner from HBK and then more of them. HBK trying to use speed to get through this. Taker then catches a right hand and throws HBK onto the apron. HBK with a crotch chop and he jumps over Taker and fakes injury, which catches Taker off guard and he lands some rights and lefts. HBK into the corner and then right hands from Taker. Right hand then knocks HBK down and that gets the crowd booing. Into the corner where Taker with right hands and headbutts. Kick to the stomach from HBK and then he comes back with more chops. HBK hard into the corner and then a Back Body Drop from Taker. Gorilla Press Slam from Taker and an Elbow Drop gets a two count. Hard Shoulder Charges from Taker. OLD SCHOOL FROM TAKER !!! Big Knee from Taker misses as HBK gets out of the corner. Knee Breaker from HBK and now he plans on using some Flair tactics. Chop Block from HBK. Kick to the head and down goes the deadman. JR tells us that HBK outmaneuvered Taker in the cell. Nah, I'd say that it was more to do with the fact that Kane dropped Taker on his head. MODIFIED FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM HBK !!! Taker manages to escape the move with right hands. Dropkick to the knee from HBK though and he won't be deterred from his solid plan. He runs right into a charge though and gets sent into the corner though. Taker with right hands. HBK into the corner again and he gets hit with a Clothesline. Avalanche in the corner follows that and then the Snake Eyes and Big Boot from Taker. Taker then lands a Leg Drop and that gets a two count. CHOKESLAM ... COUNTERED TO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM HBK !!! That move is horribly executed here. It's almost like a Side Headlock from HBK at this point, but it now looks really painfull. Sidewalk Slam from Taker and that gets a two count. HBK won't back down here. He kicks Taker in the face and that didn't please the big man. HBK now comes back with chops and he ducks right hands. Flying Forearm from HBK and then he kips up. Manhattan Drop from HBK and then another and he follows them with chops. Clothesline knocks down the big man. HBK now heads for the top rope. He jumps. THE CHOKESLAM FROM TAKER ... COUNTERED ... SWEET CHIN MUSIC ... COUNTERED INTO HELL'S GATE FROM TAKER !!! HBK GETS INTO THE MIDDLE ROPE !!! HBK gets to the floor and Taker follows him out there. Head first into the steps goes Taker. Back into the ring and Taker with a boot to the head of HBK which is draped over the apron. Leg Drop to the exposed head from HBK and that misses. Taker ends up on the floor and HBK with the Baseball Slide and he heads up to the top rope. MOONSAULT PRESS TO THE FLOOR ... MISSES IT'S MARK !!! OUCH !!! Taker gets back into the ring. Taker sees an oppertunity. UNDERTAKER WITH THE PLANCHA OVER THE TOP BUT HE HITS NOTHING BUT CAMERAMAN AND HIS HEAD ON THE FLOOR !!! Deary me ! HBK pulls the referee into the ring and demands that he makes the count. THE UNDERTAKER SLIPS ... BUT MAKES IT INTO THE RING !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC FROM HBK ... INTO THE CHOKESLAM FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! TOMBSTONE ... BUT HBK LANDS THE SWEET CHIN MUSIC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! HBK kips up, but Taker grabs him by the throat. LAST RIDE ... HBK drops behind with the Sunset Flip, but Taker grabs him. LAST RIDE FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Taker to the top rope. FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM THE UNDERTAKER ... MISSES !!! The King : "That would have been poetic justice." For what ? :huh: Both men battle to their feet. HBK skins the cat ... BUT ENDS UP RIGHT IN THE TOMBSTONE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KKKKKIIIIICCCCCKKKKKOOOOOUUUUTTTTT !!! AAARRGGHHH !!! THE PLACE GOES BATSHIT INSANE !!! The Undertaker's face has "I'm fucked !" written all over it at this stage. Unlike the TNA fans, this lot actually chant "This Is Awesome" when they are seeing something very special. The Undertaker signals for the end. THE TOMBSTONE ... COUNTERED INTO A SWINGING DDT FROM HBK !!! HBK then pulls himself to the top rope. HBK LANDS THE BIG TOP ROPE ELBOW !!! HBK pulls himself to his feet again and The Undertaker does the same, but HBK has a surprise waiting for the Deadman. SWEET CHIN MUSIC ... CONNECTS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Standing ovation comes from the Wrestlemania audience after that one. JR : "The world is watching a classic." Finally a commentary call to agree with. Slugfest now. Big Boot from Taker puts an end to that. HBK with chops though. HBK with a boot and he heads for the top rope. MOONSAULT PRESS ... INTO THE TOMBSTONE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!

I'm not sure whatelse you could want from a wrestling match. You want drama and excitement and absolute batshit craziness, because this match has it all. There is no point in the match that feels awkward and too contrived. At no point are you NOT sucked into every single move that the two guys are doing, and even before the dives to the floor you felt the match could end. Many people will remember this as the greatest Wrestlemania match of all time. I've yet to decide if I feel the same, but it is very very close. *****

Edge © vs. The Big Show vs. John Cena - World Heavyweight Championship

John Cena gets a cool-ass entrance with loads of Cena's doing the "You Can't See Me" sign. Edge has a sizeable following in the audience tonight. The King says it's because there's a big Canadian contingency in the audience. Don't think that's it. Cena with a Bulldog on Edge but he then runs into a brick wall. Edge wants to team with Show to deal with Cena. Show wants none of that and crotches Edge on the top rope. Headbutt and then an Open Hand Slap from Show. Superkick from Show knocks down Cena who was holding Edge. Edge rolls to the floor. Right hands from Show. Show then stands on Cena. Vickie then goes around to check on Edge. Show then clubs away on Cena and stands on him again. Cena into the ropes and a Flapjack from Show. Show tries for a boot and Cena uses that to send him over the top rope. Edge Dropkicks the steps into Show. CENA WITH THE DIVING FAMEASSER FROM THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR !!! That was a decent spot. Into the ring we go yet again with Edge and Cena. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... COUNTERED TO THE IMPLANT DDT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Edge heads to the top rope and Cena stops him and sends him to the floor. Cena walks right into a Sidewalk Slam and that gets a two count. Chavo sweeps Cena to the floor. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT TO CHAVO !!! Back in and he has Show tied up. Shoulder Blocks to Edge. PROTOBOMB FROM CENA TO EDGE !!! THE FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... Vickie gets onto the apron. EDGE SPEARS VICKIE TO THE FLOOR !!! SCHOOL BOY FROM CENA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Both men Clothesline each other and then the referee releases Show from the ropes. Headbutts from Show and then an Avalanche to Cena and then Edge. Both men then suffer the Butt Bump and the audience don't mind that. DOUBLE CHOKESLAM ... ONLY EDGE GETS IT !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT FROM CENA TO SHOW ... blocked. THE BIG RIGHT HAND FROM SHOW TO CENA !!! DDT WITH A DDT ON THE FLOOR TO COUNTER A CHOKESLAM !!! Edge sets the steps. EDGE COMES OFF THE STEPS AND SENDS SHOW THROUGH THE BARRICADE !!! Edge throws Cena into the ring and that gets a two count. SPEAR ... CENA COUNTERS TO THE STF !!! The King : "Just when Edge thought he was out, Cena pulls him back in." :lol: Awesome. SLINGSHOT ELBOW DROP FROM SHOW TO EDGE ... MISSES !!! Suplex from Cena is blocked by Show. Edge and Cena with a Double Suplex to Show and they seem to be a bit amazed by that. BIG BOOT TO THE HEAD FROM EDGE AFTER WIPING OUT SHOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Flipping Ace Crusher again from Cena and he heads for the top rope. SHOW PUSHES CENA INTO THE SPEAR FROM EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SHOW PULLS EDGE OUT !!! Back into the ring they go. Edge into the corner and Show runs into a boot. Edge jumps on Show's back with a Sleeper Hold. CENA LIFTS BOTH MEN !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT TO SHOW AND THEN EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

When you have the majority of the audience cheering Edge, and then half way switch to The Big Show, you know that he's done a good job and he definately looked great here. The match was basically a spotfest which is par for the course with a three way, but it was brilliantly booked and had some cracking moments in there too. As far as consistancy goes, this is the third match to get this rating. Naw bad. ***1/2

After this, Steve Austin gets a sendoff to remember, basically drinking beers and riding around and having the time of his life. It's always fun to see someone who deserves it getting an amazing sendoff and that's what this was.

Triple H © vs. Randy Orton - WWE Championship

Lets see how this match does with fair eyes. Lockup and HHH with a takedown and he lands some right hands. He beats down Orton in the corner and then lands a series of stomps and the referee warns him about a DQ. ORTON STRIKES WITH THE RKO !!! THE PUNT ... MISSES !!! PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! To the floor and HHH clubs down Orton. HHH then gets sent face first into the announce table and comes into the ring after waking himself with water. He lands right hands on the canvas. The referee demands a break. Orton heads back to the floor. HHH follows and lands him head first into the ringpost. Into the ring they go. Kick to the chest from HHH and he decides to just go back to the right hands. Catapult sends Orton throat first into the bottom rope. Knee Drops to the back of the head and then a Running Knee Drop. Orton heads to the floor again. HHH then gets sent into the steps. HHH then gets whipped over the barricade. HHH gets back into the ring on the seven count and Orton then goes after HHH again. Big stomp to the stomach from Orton and I think something has happened in the crowd as a pop breaks out. Right hands to the grounded HHH and you know you're done when the audience start to amuse themselves. Kick to the stomach and then right hands from Orton and he locks in the Chinlock. Back Drop Suplex from HHH. Orton goes back to the Chinlock. HHH fights back to his feet and Orton with some right hands. HHH comes back with right hands, and the fans are split what seems to be right down the middle for this one. High Knee from HHH. Knee 2 Face follows that. PEDIGREE FROM HHH ... countered. Catapult sends HHH into the top rope, but Orton runs right into the Clothesline and that gets a two count. Snake Eyes drops HHH over the top buckle and that switches the momentum. Orton heads to the middle rope. He jumps right into a boot. What was he going for there. Jacknife Pin gets a two count for Orton. School Boy gets a two count for HHH. Spinebuster from HHH and then he fires up the crowd and amazingly they're still up for this. PEDIGREE ... countered into the Orton Backbreaker. HHH with a shot and he heads to the top rope. HE JUMPS RIGHT INTO A DROPKICK IN THE FACE !!! Orton now has a look out at the massive audience. HHH catches a punt. HHH then simply flips Orton over the top rope. Head first into the spanish announce table. The fans want HHH to use the monitor, but he opts to just kick Orton. HHH puts Orton on the announce table. PEDIGREE ON THE ANNOUNCE TABLE ... COUNTERED ONTO THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE AND IT DOESN'T BREAK !!! HANGING DDT OFF OF THE ANNOUNCE TABLE FROM ORTON !!! Orton is in the ring and HHH is close to being counted out. HHH makes it into the ring though. Orton then stomps away at HHH. Orton just continues to beat on HHH. The only thing sickening about this assault is how long it's lasted. RKO FROM ORTON !!! The ref is bumped though and Orton is heading for the floor. He goes under the ring. Orton now has the sledgehammer. HHH WITH THE PUNT !!! SLEDGEHAMMER TO THE HEAD !!! PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

People said that these two didn't click, but that wasn't the issue at all here. The issue was he brutally slow pace that the two guys had. It started off as heated as you'd expect but it degenerated into a slow as hell match. They shouldn't have had them filling so much time if they didn't know how to fill it without slowing right down. The match wasn't bad, but it wasn't good enough as a Wrestlemania main event. **1/4

If this show didn't have that main event it would have been much more fondly remembered. It did though, so there you are. There was a genuine classic here between Undertaker and HBK that you've probably seen, there's good consistant action outside of that match and some cracking moments, my personal favourite being Steamboat's big return. It's a solid show yet again in a long line of them.

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WWE Wrestlemania XXV

This show on paper looked solid. One match stood out even before the show happened though. The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels. With both guys being on the form of their life, there was no way this could disappoint. Could they ?

CM Punk vs. Mark Henry vs. Finlay vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Christian vs. Kane vs. MVP, Money in the Bank Ladder Match ( ***1/2 )

Divas Battle Royal ( DUD )

Chris Jericho vs. Jimmy Snuka, Roddy Piper and Ricky Steamboat ( **3/4 )

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, Extreme Rules Match ( ***1/2 )

JBL © vs. Rey Mysterio - WWE Intercontinental Championship ( N/A )

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker ( ***** )

Edge © vs. The Big Show vs. John Cena - World Heavyweight Championship ( ***1/2 )

Triple H © vs. Randy Orton - WWE Championship ( **1/4 )

CM Punk vs. Mark Henry vs. Finlay vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Christian vs. Kane vs. MVP, Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Mass brawling is the order of the day to begin the match. Henry and Kane are now in the ring. Avalanche in the corner from Henry. Christian and Shelton bring a ladder in. Kofi jumps over it and Dropkicks it into them. BOOM DROP ONTO THE TWO OF THEM AND THE LADDER !!! Kingston goes for the gold and then Finlay stops him. Kane with a Big Boot to Finlay and then he and Henry climb at the same time. Everyone gets into the ring and stops them. Lawler : "We've wondered how Kane or Mark Henry would be able to climb the ladder.". Probably the same way he did in the TLC match he won Jerry. Everyone now climbs ladders in the ring and goes for the gold. Henry parrt the ladders and they go back to work on each other. Kane now goes for the gold and then Henry pushes the ladder down, dropping Kane on the top rope. Drop Toe Hold and a Dropkick from Finlay to Henry. SUICIDE DIVE FROM FINLAY TO KANE AND SHELTON !!! CHRISTIAN WITH A SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA !!! MVP WITH A BALLIN' CANNONBALL OFF OF THE SENTON !!! PUNK AND KINGSTON WITH STEREO SUICIDE DIVES !!! Shelton heads for the top rope. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM A FUCKING MASSIVE LADDER ONTO EVERYONE !!! Henry decides he wants to dive, but Finlay stops him. Hornswoggle brings a step ladder into the ring and wants Finlay to use it. Finlay tells his son to use it. Hornswoggle climbs onto the back of Henry. TADPOLE SPLASH ONTO THE MASS OF HUMANITY !!! Finlay sends another ladder into the ring and then Kingston comes into the ring. KINGSTON WITH A SWINGING DROPKICK THROUGH THE LADDER TO FINLAY !!! Kingston drops Finlay with the ladder. KINGSTON JUMPS INTO THE LADDER SHOT FROM FINLAY !!! ROLLING SAMOAN DROP ONTO A LADDER FROM PUNK !!! Finlay is using the step ladder well and then goes for the gold again. TROUBLE IN PARADISE FROM KINGSTON SENDS FINLAY OFF OF THE LADDER !!! Mark Henry is back in the ring and pushes Kingston off of the ladder. Henry holds the ladder ... AND KINGSTON CLIMBS IT WITH HENRY HOLDING IT !!! HENRY CATCHES KINGSTON AND LANDS THE WORLD'S STRONGEST SLAM ON THE LADDER !!! MVP now bridges the top rope and the middle of the ladder. SHELTON JUMPS INTO A POWERBOMB FROM MVP !!! MVP heads for the gold. Punk now goes up and stops him and lands a couple of kicks. Christian goes behind Punk. Punk tries for Go 2 Sleep. KILLSWITCH OFF OF THE LADDER BRIDGE FROM CHRISTIAN TO PUNK !!! SHELTON RUNS UP ONE LADDER, ACROSS THE BRIDGE ONTO THE LADDER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING !!! SUNSET BOMB SENDS MVP OUT OF THE RING ONTO HENRY AND ATLAS ON THE FLOOR !!! Finlay is now climbing the ladder with Shelton. FINLAY FALLS BACKWARDS ONTO THE LADDER BRIDGE !!! Christian and Shelton now do battle. They climb the opposite sides of two pairs of ladders. SHELTON FALLS ALL THE WAY TO THE FLOOR !!! CHRISTIAN HOLDS ON !!! Punk springs into the ring and unloads with right hands and the fans are booing this. Kane is now in the ring with this madness. CHOKESLAM SENDS CHRISTIAN TO THE CANVAS !!! Punk kicks Kane off of the ladders. PUNK WINS !!!

The match didn't have the awesome innovation all the way through like the previous years, but what it did have was madness from start to finish. Kingston was the only guy from the match that really stood out for me. Mark Henry didn't add anything to the match outside of a bit of a curiosity value. ***1/2

Divas Battle Royal

For the record I have no intention of watching the Kid Rock performance from before it. I don't know why I'd bother watching this match anyways. I hardly know any of them and Battle Royals are shit as a rule. So lets just get down to the basics and say that Santino won. DUD

Chris Jericho vs. Jimmy Snuka, Roddy Piper and Ricky Steamboat

Piper : "Get the f**k out !". Piper wants himself some of Jericho. He then spits in the face of Jericho and lands some right hands. High Cross Body sends Jericho to the floor. Head first into the announce table goes Jericho. Sunset Flip from Piper gets a two count. Dropkick from Piper. Head first into the top buckle goes Jericho. Snuka is then into the ring. Headbutt from Snuka. Snuka then with some chopping. Jericho into the ropes and he runs right into a choke. Steamboat heads to the top rope. FLYING CHOP !!! Arm Drags from Steamboat and then an Arm Bar and the fans are LOVING that. Elbow Drop to the arm and then he works solidly on it. Jericho into the ropes and a double chop from Snuka and Steamboat. Snuka with a jumping Headbutt. JERICHO WITH THE WALLS OF JERICHO OUT OF NOWHERE !!! Jericho with a cheap shot sends Steamboat to the floor and Piper is in the ring. SLEEPER HOLD FROM PIPER !!! Countered. Enziguri eliminated Piper. Steamboat up top. HIGH CROSS BODY FROM STEAMBOAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jericho with a Clothesline. Steamboat isn't out of this yet though. Kick to the back from Jericho which Steamboat sells like death. Chinlock from Jericho. Steamboat fights back. Steamboat skins the cat. Jericho sent to the floor. PESCADO FROM STEAMBOAT !!! FLYING CHOP FROM STEAMBOAT !!! Chops and a Rollup gets a two count. Bulldog from Jericho. LIONSAULT FROM JERICHO ... MISSES !!! Powerslam from Steamboat gets a two count. WALLS OF JERICHO ... COUNTERED TO A SMALL PACKAGE BY STEAMBOAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Wrestlemania XXV will always about two things to me. The HBK/Taker match, and the amazing performance from Ricky Steamboat. I don't think anyone forseen what was about to happen and the fans completely bought into the idea of Steamboat ending the match for Jericho. A lot of that was down to the great selling of Jericho as well, who once again showed that he is just as good now as he always has been. **3/4

After the match Jericho calls out Rourke and gets floored. I've seen that angle getting lambasted but I can't see why. Jericho might be a superior wrestler, but he's not a superior boxer and that's the kind of fight that Rourke frustrated him into having. It was a bit of fun and the fans loved it.

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, Extreme Rules Match

Slap to the face from Jeff and then he charges Matt down. Jeff heads under the ring and smashes a Wrestlemania sign over the head of Matt and then Jeff gets a trashcan but that doesn't end well. Head first into the steps goes Matt. POETRY IN MOTION WITH THE STEPS !!! Back into the ring they go and Jeff takes a chair in with him. Poetry in Motion misses. Jeff decides to try something else. WHISPER IN THE WIND ... RIGHT INTO A CHAIR SHOT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Matt stretches Jeff over the ropes. Matt goes back under the ring and brings out a hoover. HOOVER TO THE HEAD OF JEFF !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Matt. Head first into the top buckle. SIDE EFFECT ON THE CHAIR FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Matt again and then he chokes with the boot. Matt then stretches the back of Jeff over the ringpost. Matt then brings a table into things. Onto the apron and Jeff gets away from that. Jeff with a LOVELY Flying Clothesline and then he sends Matt into the steps. Crutches to the back of Matt and he gets into the ring. Jeff then brings a trashcan into the match. Trashcan over the head of Matt. A CRUTCH SHOT TO THE HEAD WITH THE TRASHCAN !!! SWINGING DROPKICK ADDED TO THAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Sitdown Front Suplex from Jeff and then he heads for the top rope. SWANTON BOMB ... MISSES !!! TWIST OF FATE FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Matt heads for the top rope and Jeff stops him up there. SUPERPLEX FROM JEFF !!! Jeff now has the steel chair. CHAIR TO THE HEAD FROM JEFF !!! Matt is now laid on a table and he has a chair put on him. Another table is put on top of that. SPLASH OFF OF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH MATT AND THE TABLES !!! Jeff sends Matt into the ring. ONE ! TWO ! THR ... FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Jeff brings ladders out from under the ring. One big 'un and a smaller one and he is setting up the Leapfrog Leg Drop spot. LEAPFROG LEG DROP FROM HARDY ... MISSES !!! CHAIR ASSISTED TWIST OF FATE !!! THAT'S SICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Lets get one thing straight right off the bat. These two guys have absolutely zero chemistry in the ring. Unlike their last PPV meeting though, they had license to do absolutely everything in the match that they could to get it over and they used that license with great effect. Sheer will power and effort alone meant that this was a very good and entertaining match. ***1/2

JBL © vs. Rey Mysterio - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Big Boot from JBL to open the match. Right hands and boots in the corner from JBL. Rey ducks a Clothesline. Enziguri. 619 !!! SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Next. N/A

After the match, JBL retires.

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

Here we go. HBK lands a chop. Taker stalks HBK around the ring, but then HBK with more chops. HBK continues to do some running. Right hands in the corner from HBK and then more of them. HBK trying to use speed to get through this. Taker then catches a right hand and throws HBK onto the apron. HBK with a crotch chop and he jumps over Taker and fakes injury, which catches Taker off guard and he lands some rights and lefts. HBK into the corner and then right hands from Taker. Right hand then knocks HBK down and that gets the crowd booing. Into the corner where Taker with right hands and headbutts. Kick to the stomach from HBK and then he comes back with more chops. HBK hard into the corner and then a Back Body Drop from Taker. Gorilla Press Slam from Taker and an Elbow Drop gets a two count. Hard Shoulder Charges from Taker. OLD SCHOOL FROM TAKER !!! Big Knee from Taker misses as HBK gets out of the corner. Knee Breaker from HBK and now he plans on using some Flair tactics. Chop Block from HBK. Kick to the head and down goes the deadman. JR tells us that HBK outmaneuvered Taker in the cell. Nah, I'd say that it was more to do with the fact that Kane dropped Taker on his head. MODIFIED FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM HBK !!! Taker manages to escape the move with right hands. Dropkick to the knee from HBK though and he won't be deterred from his solid plan. He runs right into a charge though and gets sent into the corner though. Taker with right hands. HBK into the corner again and he gets hit with a Clothesline. Avalanche in the corner follows that and then the Snake Eyes and Big Boot from Taker. Taker then lands a Leg Drop and that gets a two count. CHOKESLAM ... COUNTERED TO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM HBK !!! That move is horribly executed here. It's almost like a Side Headlock from HBK at this point, but it now looks really painfull. Sidewalk Slam from Taker and that gets a two count. HBK won't back down here. He kicks Taker in the face and that didn't please the big man. HBK now comes back with chops and he ducks right hands. Flying Forearm from HBK and then he kips up. Manhattan Drop from HBK and then another and he follows them with chops. Clothesline knocks down the big man. HBK now heads for the top rope. He jumps. THE CHOKESLAM FROM TAKER ... COUNTERED ... SWEET CHIN MUSIC ... COUNTERED INTO HELL'S GATE FROM TAKER !!! HBK GETS INTO THE MIDDLE ROPE !!! HBK gets to the floor and Taker follows him out there. Head first into the steps goes Taker. Back into the ring and Taker with a boot to the head of HBK which is draped over the apron. Leg Drop to the exposed head from HBK and that misses. Taker ends up on the floor and HBK with the Baseball Slide and he heads up to the top rope. MOONSAULT PRESS TO THE FLOOR ... MISSES IT'S MARK !!! OUCH !!! Taker gets back into the ring. Taker sees an oppertunity. UNDERTAKER WITH THE PLANCHA OVER THE TOP BUT HE HITS NOTHING BUT CAMERAMAN AND HIS HEAD ON THE FLOOR !!! Deary me ! HBK pulls the referee into the ring and demands that he makes the count. THE UNDERTAKER SLIPS ... BUT MAKES IT INTO THE RING !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC FROM HBK ... INTO THE CHOKESLAM FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! TOMBSTONE ... BUT HBK LANDS THE SWEET CHIN MUSIC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! HBK kips up, but Taker grabs him by the throat. LAST RIDE ... HBK drops behind with the Sunset Flip, but Taker grabs him. LAST RIDE FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Taker to the top rope. FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM THE UNDERTAKER ... MISSES !!! The King : "That would have been poetic justice." For what ? :huh: Both men battle to their feet. HBK skins the cat ... BUT ENDS UP RIGHT IN THE TOMBSTONE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KKKKKIIIIICCCCCKKKKKOOOOOUUUUTTTTT !!! AAARRGGHHH !!! THE PLACE GOES BATSHIT INSANE !!! The Undertaker's face has "I'm fucked !" written all over it at this stage. Unlike the TNA fans, this lot actually chant "This Is Awesome" when they are seeing something very special. The Undertaker signals for the end. THE TOMBSTONE ... COUNTERED INTO A SWINGING DDT FROM HBK !!! HBK then pulls himself to the top rope. HBK LANDS THE BIG TOP ROPE ELBOW !!! HBK pulls himself to his feet again and The Undertaker does the same, but HBK has a surprise waiting for the Deadman. SWEET CHIN MUSIC ... CONNECTS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Standing ovation comes from the Wrestlemania audience after that one. JR : "The world is watching a classic." Finally a commentary call to agree with. Slugfest now. Big Boot from Taker puts an end to that. HBK with chops though. HBK with a boot and he heads for the top rope. MOONSAULT PRESS ... INTO THE TOMBSTONE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!

I'm not sure whatelse you could want from a wrestling match. You want drama and excitement and absolute batshit craziness, because this match has it all. There is no point in the match that feels awkward and too contrived. At no point are you NOT sucked into every single move that the two guys are doing, and even before the dives to the floor you felt the match could end. Many people will remember this as the greatest Wrestlemania match of all time. I've yet to decide if I feel the same, but it is very very close. *****

Edge © vs. The Big Show vs. John Cena - World Heavyweight Championship

John Cena gets a cool-ass entrance with loads of Cena's doing the "You Can't See Me" sign. Edge has a sizeable following in the audience tonight. The King says it's because there's a big Canadian contingency in the audience. Don't think that's it. Cena with a Bulldog on Edge but he then runs into a brick wall. Edge wants to team with Show to deal with Cena. Show wants none of that and crotches Edge on the top rope. Headbutt and then an Open Hand Slap from Show. Superkick from Show knocks down Cena who was holding Edge. Edge rolls to the floor. Right hands from Show. Show then stands on Cena. Vickie then goes around to check on Edge. Show then clubs away on Cena and stands on him again. Cena into the ropes and a Flapjack from Show. Show tries for a boot and Cena uses that to send him over the top rope. Edge Dropkicks the steps into Show. CENA WITH THE DIVING FAMEASSER FROM THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR !!! That was a decent spot. Into the ring we go yet again with Edge and Cena. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... COUNTERED TO THE IMPLANT DDT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Edge heads to the top rope and Cena stops him and sends him to the floor. Cena walks right into a Sidewalk Slam and that gets a two count. Chavo sweeps Cena to the floor. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT TO CHAVO !!! Back in and he has Show tied up. Shoulder Blocks to Edge. PROTOBOMB FROM CENA TO EDGE !!! THE FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... Vickie gets onto the apron. EDGE SPEARS VICKIE TO THE FLOOR !!! SCHOOL BOY FROM CENA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Both men Clothesline each other and then the referee releases Show from the ropes. Headbutts from Show and then an Avalanche to Cena and then Edge. Both men then suffer the Butt Bump and the audience don't mind that. DOUBLE CHOKESLAM ... ONLY EDGE GETS IT !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT FROM CENA TO SHOW ... blocked. THE BIG RIGHT HAND FROM SHOW TO CENA !!! DDT WITH A DDT ON THE FLOOR TO COUNTER A CHOKESLAM !!! Edge sets the steps. EDGE COMES OFF THE STEPS AND SENDS SHOW THROUGH THE BARRICADE !!! Edge throws Cena into the ring and that gets a two count. SPEAR ... CENA COUNTERS TO THE STF !!! The King : "Just when Edge thought he was out, Cena pulls him back in." :lol: Awesome. SLINGSHOT ELBOW DROP FROM SHOW TO EDGE ... MISSES !!! Suplex from Cena is blocked by Show. Edge and Cena with a Double Suplex to Show and they seem to be a bit amazed by that. BIG BOOT TO THE HEAD FROM EDGE AFTER WIPING OUT SHOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Flipping Ace Crusher again from Cena and he heads for the top rope. SHOW PUSHES CENA INTO THE SPEAR FROM EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SHOW PULLS EDGE OUT !!! Back into the ring they go. Edge into the corner and Show runs into a boot. Edge jumps on Show's back with a Sleeper Hold. CENA LIFTS BOTH MEN !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT TO SHOW AND THEN EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

When you have the majority of the audience cheering Edge, and then half way switch to The Big Show, you know that he's done a good job and he definately looked great here. The match was basically a spotfest which is par for the course with a three way, but it was brilliantly booked and had some cracking moments in there too. As far as consistancy goes, this is the third match to get this rating. Naw bad. ***1/2

After this, Steve Austin gets a sendoff to remember, basically drinking beers and riding around and having the time of his life. It's always fun to see someone who deserves it getting an amazing sendoff and that's what this was.

Triple H © vs. Randy Orton - WWE Championship

Lets see how this match does with fair eyes. Lockup and HHH with a takedown and he lands some right hands. He beats down Orton in the corner and then lands a series of stomps and the referee warns him about a DQ. ORTON STRIKES WITH THE RKO !!! THE PUNT ... MISSES !!! PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! To the floor and HHH clubs down Orton. HHH then gets sent face first into the announce table and comes into the ring after waking himself with water. He lands right hands on the canvas. The referee demands a break. Orton heads back to the floor. HHH follows and lands him head first into the ringpost. Into the ring they go. Kick to the chest from HHH and he decides to just go back to the right hands. Catapult sends Orton throat first into the bottom rope. Knee Drops to the back of the head and then a Running Knee Drop. Orton heads to the floor again. HHH then gets sent into the steps. HHH then gets whipped over the barricade. HHH gets back into the ring on the seven count and Orton then goes after HHH again. Big stomp to the stomach from Orton and I think something has happened in the crowd as a pop breaks out. Right hands to the grounded HHH and you know you're done when the audience start to amuse themselves. Kick to the stomach and then right hands from Orton and he locks in the Chinlock. Back Drop Suplex from HHH. Orton goes back to the Chinlock. HHH fights back to his feet and Orton with some right hands. HHH comes back with right hands, and the fans are split what seems to be right down the middle for this one. High Knee from HHH. Knee 2 Face follows that. PEDIGREE FROM HHH ... countered. Catapult sends HHH into the top rope, but Orton runs right into the Clothesline and that gets a two count. Snake Eyes drops HHH over the top buckle and that switches the momentum. Orton heads to the middle rope. He jumps right into a boot. What was he going for there. Jacknife Pin gets a two count for Orton. School Boy gets a two count for HHH. Spinebuster from HHH and then he fires up the crowd and amazingly they're still up for this. PEDIGREE ... countered into the Orton Backbreaker. HHH with a shot and he heads to the top rope. HE JUMPS RIGHT INTO A DROPKICK IN THE FACE !!! Orton now has a look out at the massive audience. HHH catches a punt. HHH then simply flips Orton over the top rope. Head first into the spanish announce table. The fans want HHH to use the monitor, but he opts to just kick Orton. HHH puts Orton on the announce table. PEDIGREE ON THE ANNOUNCE TABLE ... COUNTERED ONTO THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE AND IT DOESN'T BREAK !!! HANGING DDT OFF OF THE ANNOUNCE TABLE FROM ORTON !!! Orton is in the ring and HHH is close to being counted out. HHH makes it into the ring though. Orton then stomps away at HHH. Orton just continues to beat on HHH. The only thing sickening about this assault is how long it's lasted. RKO FROM ORTON !!! The ref is bumped though and Orton is heading for the floor. He goes under the ring. Orton now has the sledgehammer. HHH WITH THE PUNT !!! SLEDGEHAMMER TO THE HEAD !!! PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

People said that these two didn't click, but that wasn't the issue at all here. The issue was he brutally slow pace that the two guys had. It started off as heated as you'd expect but it degenerated into a slow as hell match. They shouldn't have had them filling so much time if they didn't know how to fill it without slowing right down. The match wasn't bad, but it wasn't good enough as a Wrestlemania main event. **1/4

If this show didn't have that main event it would have been much more fondly remembered. It did though, so there you are. There was a genuine classic here between Undertaker and HBK that you've probably seen, there's good consistant action outside of that match and some cracking moments, my personal favourite being Steamboat's big return. It's a solid show yet again in a long line of them.

Who gave that a red dot? :blink:

Anyway, cracking reviews as always Dom - keep 'em coming! :)

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Just watched TNA. My thoughts:

AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe was very good. Not seen Joe hit the Coquina Clutch in a while, not seen him in a good match for a while. Style/Kazarian should be good next week. When Styles reversed the Muscle Buster, I would've liked him to go into the Pelé.

Desmond Wolfe vs Brian Kendricks was alright. Any match involving Wolfe, at the moment, is shadowed by his thing with Chelsea. He should just start slapping her about, put that woman in her place :P. Hardly a surprising ending, Kendricks with the cobra clutch.

The Pope really got some emotion going in his segment. Crowd seems to love him. His match with Angle has the potential to be good, two people with something to prove with them both coming back to TNA recently.

Jay Lethal vs Matt Morgan, another unsurprising ending. Hopefully Morgan's match at Victory Road will be better than this one.

Didn't really watch the Knockouts' match. Found it funny that Tazz said that the ECW guys didn't like him when he was there, because Raven and Dreamer were the best of friends :lol:. As I said earlier, Rhino was added to the stable. Hopefully they can make more additions from former ee see dub wrestlers. If I had my way, Tajiri would be in aswell. Would love if they reformed the BWO, never gonna happen while Bischoff, Sting, Hogan or Nash are there, but it would be hilarious. If it's ECW that Abyss is talking about then it would be appropriate because:


Main event was alright.

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Just watched TNA. My thoughts:

AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe was very good. Not seen Joe hit the Coquina Clutch in a while, not seen him in a good match for a while. Style/Kazarian should be good next week. When Styles reversed the Muscle Buster, I would've liked him to go into the Pelé.

Desmond Wolfe vs Brian Kendricks was alright. Any match involving Wolfe, at the moment, is shadowed by his thing with Chelsea. He should just start slapping her about, put that woman in her place :P. Hardly a surprising ending, Kendricks with the cobra clutch.

The Pope really got some emotion going in his segment. Crowd seems to love him. His match with Angle has the potential to be good, two people with something to prove with them both coming back to TNA recently.

Jay Lethal vs Matt Morgan, another unsurprising ending. Hopefully Morgan's match at Victory Road will be better than this one.

Didn't really watch the Knockouts' match. Found it funny that Tazz said that the ECW guys didn't like him when he was there, because Raven and Dreamer were the best of friends :lol:. As I said earlier, Rhino was added to the stable. Hopefully they can make more additions from former ee see dub wrestlers. If I had my way, Tajiri would be in aswell. Would love if they reformed the BWO, never gonna happen while Bischoff, Sting, Hogan or Nash are there, but it would be hilarious. If it's ECW that Abyss is talking about then it would be appropriate because:


Main event was alright.

Taz was genuinely disliked backstage in ECW. Used to believe in his gimmick too much and acted like a tough guy. There used to be an old story going around about him having been telling anyone who'd listen backstage that he could kick Van Dam's ass; when word got to RVD, he went up to Taz, said "pick a hand", then hooked him. :lol: To be fair to Taz, he's pretty open in interviews about admitting he used to act like a dick, and says he regrets it now.

Speaking of Taz, I loved him owning Tenay over not bothering to follow the storylines. Mike throwing questions at him left, right and centre about something that happened with the Knockouts on Xplosion, Taz just angrily snapping "Watch the product!".

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WWE Backlash 2009

For the person who red dotted me, get yer mouse at the ready because I won't be stopping anytime soon. I seem to remember this show being a pure dillion from beginning to end, even having an amusing non-wrestling segment in there.

Jack Swagger © vs. Christian - ECW Championship ( ***3/4 )

Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat ( ***1/4 )

Kane vs. CM Punk ( ** )

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, I Quit Match ( ** )

Triple H, Batista and Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase - WWE Championship ( ****1/4 )

John Cena © vs. Edge, Last Man Standing Match - World Heavyweight Championship ( ****1/2 )

Jack Swagger © vs. Christian - ECW Championship

Here's a series of matches that rock my world. Swagger with a takedown right away and he goes to a Front Facelock. Into the corner they go and we have a clean break untill Christian slaps Swagger. Christian into the ropes and he lands a Spinning Heel Kick and then a Leaping European Uppercut for a two count. Headlock from Christian but Swagger just charges him down. The same thing happens for a second time. Swagger then just drops Christian over the top rope with a Gorilla Press Slam. Back into the ring and that gets a two count. Swagger sends Christian into the ropes and lands a knee to the stomach. Waistlock then follows that soon enough. Waistlock takedown and he holds on. Christian gets to his feet and escapes the Waistlock. Christian into the corner and then he misses his kick and then gets BRUTALLY stomped into the canvas for a two count. Bearhug from Swagger. Christian with right hands to try and escape, but Swagger holds onto the move. Christian gets out of the move again. Christian escapes and runs right into a Gutbuster. That gets a two count. Swagger goes right back to the Waistlock. Christian finally gets his swinging kick, but he runs right into a knee in the stomach. RUNNING VADER BOMB FROM SWAGGER ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Right hands and then Christian with a Running Forearm. TORNADO DDT ... blocked. Springboard Sunset Flip gets a two count for Christian. Big Takedown from Swagger. DOCTOR BOMB ... Christian holds on for dear life. Christian now set on the top rope. He fights off Swagger. TORNADO DDT FROM CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Swagger. Christian with a Crucifix Takedown sends Swagger to the floor. Swagger attempts a German Suplex off of the apron. That is not going to work. Christian then flips Swagger into the ring and heads up top. Swagger stops him up there. Super Back Body Drop. TOP ROPE VADER BOMB FROM SWAGGER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Swagger shouts in the face. KILLSWITCH ... blocked. Oklahoma Stampede ... COUNTERED TO THE ROLLUP BY CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE FROM SWAGGER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Swagger and Christian both reveal a steel buckle. SWAGGER RUNS INTO ONE !!! KILLSWITCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Very smartly worked match here. Swagger basically worked his amateur background and strength into it as much as possible and it turned out in this match that he should have stuck with it instead of cheating. Storytelling #101. Christian was on a hot streak in ECW having a good match with anything that moved, but it helped that Swagger was very good. One little flaw was how long they stuck with the Waistlock. The audience were getting a bit impatient at that, but this otherwise was very very good. ***3/4

Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat

Before this match I was saying that Steamboat should have let Wrestlemania be his big sendoff. Lockup and Steamboat with a takedown and Jericho gets into the bottom rope. Steamboat into the ropes and he gets under Jericho and heads to the floor. Kick sends Jericho to the floor. PESCADO FROM STEAMBOAT !!! Back into the ring they go. Chops from Steamboat and then the Arm Drags and Arm Bar from Steamboat. Jericho gets to his feet, so Steamboat just pulls him back down. Jericho gets out with forearms. Jericho runs to the ropes but only meets another Arm Drag and Arm Bar. Steamboat then goes to a Wristlock. Forearms from Jericho but Steamboat comes back with chops. Jericho sends Steamboat over the top rope after he skins the cat. Jericho lands the Springboard Dropkick when Steamboat gets onto the apron. Back Drop Suplex and then a kick to the back from Jericho. Snapmare and then Jericho locks in the Half Nelson. Steamboat fights out and then lands the Arm Drag again but Jericho with a Clothesline and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Jericho. Steamboat battles to his feet and then he sends Jericho into the ropes. He holds onto the Headlock. Back Drop Suplex but Jericho holds on yet again. Steamboat gets out and manages to avoid the Bulldog from Jericho. Kick to the stomach brings Jericho back into the ring. Jericho with right hands. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM STEAMBOAT TO JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Steamboat. That gets a two count. Powerslam from Steamboat. Kick and then the Enziguri from Jericho and that gets a two count. Bulldog from Jericho. LIONSAULT ... blocked. ROLLS THROUGH TO THE WALLS OF JERICHO ON STEAMBOAT !!! Steamboat escapes and locks in the worst Figure Four Leglock ever. Jericho rolls into the ropes. To the top rope goes Steamboat. HIGH CROSS BODY FROM STEAMBOAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... STEAMBOAT GETS A FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! THE WRESTLEMANIA III ENDING !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! WALLS OF JERICHO AGAIN !!! IT'S OVER !!!

I guess the slow deliberate pace of the match couldn't be helped. Neither could the match length, as that is what people wanted. People wanted to see if he could hang but ultimately he couldn't. Have to commend the effort of both men here. Steamboat gave what he could to the cause and showed that he still has a lot of that old stuff left in him. Jericho made Steamboat's offense look brilliant even when it was beginning to look weary. They really worked hard to keep this match still going strong and amazingly, it turned out really good. ***1/4

Kane vs. CM Punk

Kicks from Punk to get going as he tries to take Kane off of his game early. Punk ducks a right hand and then lands another kick. Kane eventually catches Punk and lands a big right hand and then another. Kane runs into a boot and then Punk with a Hanging Cross Armbreaker. That's nice. Punk heads for the top rope and he lands down on the arm of Kane. Kicks to the shoulder and then forearms. Do not get into a slugfest. Dropkick sends Kane to the floor. PESCADO ... Kane blocks but Punk gets onto the apron. Running Clothesline off of the apron from Punk. Knees to the side and kicks from Punk when they get into the ring. Kane whips Punk's back into the ringpost. Baseball Slide Dropkick does even more damage. Ouch. That gets a two count and then a Body Scissors from Kane. Headbutts to the back of the head and then he keeps the move locked in. Punk elbows his way out of the move. Punk runs right into a Clothesline and that gets a two count. Backbreaker and then Kane with the stretch over the knee. Punk tries to strike his way out and succeeds. CHOKESLAM FROM KANE ... countered into the Single Arm DDT ! Bunch of guys do the conga in the background. :huh: Anyroads, Punk stretches Kane using the ropes and then lands a Springboard Clothesline. Punk runs into the Big Boot though. Kane heads for the top rope. Punk goes for Go 2 Sleep from out of that. High Knee from Punk and then the Bulldog and that gets a two count. Punk onto the apron. He jumps right into the right hand and that gets a two count. Punk with an Armbar Takedown and then into the Fujiwara Armbar, but the fans just couldn't give a toss about this. Sidewalk Slam to escape that and that gets a two count. Kicks to the head from Punk for another comeback. CHOKESLAM FROM KANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The audience couldn't care, which after two hot matches can be forgiven. They didn't do much to help though. The match was technically fine, with good selling and good tactics from both men, but it was just pretty boring and then when they got to the end they seemed to be all over the place. Not horrible, not great. Just kinda there. **

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, I Quit Match

I've seen this getting rave reviews and I didn't really like it. I don't think I liked the direction they took the match, but I'll give it a chance here knowing what kind of match I'm getting. Kicks and right hands from Jeff in the corner and the beatdown. Into another corner and it's a case of rinse and repeat. Into the middle of the ring and the Low Leg Drop and Dropkick from Jeff. Jeff wants a submission and Matt heads for the floor. Swining Kick. PESCADO FROM JEFF TO MATT !!! Matt is then charged into the barricade and he sets the steps. POETRY IN MOTION !!! Back into the ring they go. Throat is dropped over the top rope by Jeff and then into the corner. Swinging Dropkick connects with the chin of Matt. Snap Leg Drop from Hardy and then he does a hat trick of them. Jeff wants the referee to ask Matt but he says no. Clubbing blows and then Jeff tries for a Sleeper Hold. Matt drops Jeff face first across the top buckle. Forearm from Matt and the momentum has shifted. Jeff goes for the Whisper in the Wind but gets thrown to the floor from there. Jeff isn't quite that fucked yet. Jeff has an injured leg and this might well give Matt an oppertunity. Matt smashes the leg into the ringpost and then a second time. Matt then stretches the leg around the ringpost. Chop Block from Matt and he locks in the Figure Four Leglock. Take note Ricky Steamboat. Matt lets go and decides to drop knees on the leg. Doesn't do any good for Jeff to pass out. Kicks to the leg from Matt. Figure Four Leglock is locked in for a second time and given the way this is going, it makes sense. Jeff turns the move around and now it's Matt that's suffering. They roll into the ropes. Matt gets to his feet first and continues his work. Enziguri misses from Jeff and Matt goes to the Half Crab. Leg Drop to the back of the head from Matt and then Jeff is set on the top rope. Club to the back from Matt and then the Tree of Woe. Matt then stretches the neck of Jeff. Matt gets brought back into the ring. WHISPER IN THE WIND OUT OF NOWHERE !!! Setting Jeff on the top rope is like putting a kamikaze pilot in a plane. Right hand exchange from the Hardys. Spin Kick from Jeff sends down Matt. Texas Cloverleaf from Jeff and Matt is tapping out. TWIST OF FATE FROM JEFF ... avoided, but Jeff lands a Leg Drop. TWIST OF FATE FROM JEFF !!! SWANTON BOMB !!! Jeff sets a table in the ring and then both men end up on the floor. TWIST OF FATE FROM JEFF !!! Jeff then brings out duct tape from under the ring and cable. Jeff Hardy is now taping Matt to the table as well as using the cable. Jeff brings out a ladder and sends it into the ring. MATT QUITS !!! JEFF SENDS HIM THROUGH THE TABLE ANYWAYS !!!

I just don't see where this match is great I'm afraid. Once again there is absolutely zero chemistry between the two. Nothing clicks whatsoever. They can do all of the good work that they want in there and unless they do something very special to make sure it works, then it's not gonna matter worth a squat, which is why even when Jeff Hardy was in there, the fans didn't give a shit about this match untill he brought a table into the match. I'll give them plenty of kudos for effort like earlier and for at least trying to work through the obvious limitations they have. **

The Great Khali and his translator head for the ring and they want Santina Marella to head for the ring. Santina is in love with someone else. She is in love with Good 'Ol JR. JR : "Yeah alright.". :lol: "He calls me his little slobberknocker." :lol: This is a stupid segment for a PPV, but it's just so much fun that it only adds to the quality of the PPV.

Triple H, Batista and Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase - WWE Championship

Big mass brawl gets this match going and HHH and Orton brawl their way up the ramp. The other four men are in the ring. HHH runs to the ring and it looks like Rhodes and Dibiase are on their own for the time being. The bell rings and the ref has decided that Rhodes and Dibiase can deal. Rhodes and Batista to get the match started. Charge into the corner and Batista with Shoulder Blocks. Hard Irish Whip into the corner from Batista and then a Snapmare and kick to the face. Backbreaker and then the Demolition Decapitation with Shane. Shane comes into the ring and works the arm and tags HHH into the ring quickly. Right hands in the corner from HHH and then some stomping. Rhodes into the corner hard again and the faces are making good work of this at the moment. The same happens again and then a kick to the face from HHH and he seems to be really enjoying this. Rhodes comes out of the ropes with a kick and tags out. Dibiase runs right into a Clothesline and in comes Shane. Hart Attack from Shane and HHH gets a two count. Arm Bar from Shane and then he lands forearms to the back. Batista back into the match. Kick to the stomach from Batista. Kick to the face and then Rhodes tags in and runs into a boot. Hanging Vertical Suplex from Batista. Rhodes with a shot and back in comes Dibiase and he gets Batista into the corner and chokes with the boot. Rhodes gets a cheap shot behind the referee's back and then Dibiase with more stomps. Kicks and right hands from Rhodes. Dibiase does more. Batista into the ropes and he comes out with a Double Clothesline. Rhodes over the top rope. Spinsbuster on Rhodes. BATISTA BOMB ... Dibiase heads for the floor. Batista goes out to meet Dibiase. Randy Orton then attacks Batista from behind and runs him into the ringpost. He is now tagged in and the audience have been woken up big time. Orton unloads with stomps on Batista. Big kick and then more right hands. European Uppercut from Orton and then Dibiase with a series of kicks. Rhodes with kicks in the corner. Orton and Dibiase work over Batista behind the back of the referee. Rhodes sends Batista to the floor where Dibiase gets his shots in too. Shots to the back from Rhodes and then he gets into the ring. THE HANGING DDT FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Orton then unloads with stomps to the stomach. He walks across Batista and tags Dibiase in. Kicks to the head from Dibiase and Batista tries a fight back. Drop Toe Hold and a Headlock from Dibiase to stop Batista getting to his corner. Back Drop Suplex from Batista and he's now heading for his corner but Orton manages to stop that from happening. Stomps to the stomach from Orton. Knee Drops from Orton. Chinlock from Orton. Orton into the ropes. SPEAR FROM BATISTA !!! In comes Shane and he unloads with shots. Neckbreaker on Rhodes and that gets a two count. Rhodes sent to the floor and Shane then readies an announce table. Orton then attacks Shane. Shane gets rid of him and heads to the top rope. FLYING ELBOW DROP ON RHODES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... Dibiase pulls out Shane. Orton then whips Shane HARD into the steps. He did the Foley bump there ! Orton back into the ring and he lands a Suplex for a two count. Into the corner they go and Dibiase with a stomp. Kick to the stomach from Dibiase and then he kicks Shane to the floor. Head first into the apron and then into the ring and that gets a two count. In comes Rhodes and he unloads with stomps on Shane. That gets a two count. Stomp to the chest from Rhodes and then back in comes Orton. Standing Dropkick gets a two count for Orton and that was a beauty. In comes Dibiase and he lands a Double Stomp on Shane for a two count. Shane with right hands, but a lovely takedown and kick from Dibiase and in comes Rhodes. Shane wants to tag out, but Rhodes manages to stop him. Shane almost reaches the corner again and he gets stopped again. Shane JUST misses a tag and the fans sigh collectively as Dibiase stops him. Million Dollar Fist Drop from Dibiase. DREAM STREET ... COUNTERED INTO THE DDT FROM SHANE !!! Orton and HHH into the match and he lets out all of his fury now. HHH with right hands in the corner. Clothesline out of the corner and then another right hand. Knee 2 Face and then in comes Rhodes and Dibiase. HHH runs into a boot, but Orton runs into a Spinebuster and that gets a two count. Batista into the ring and he takes out Dibiase. Drop Toe Hold sends Batista into the barrier. DDT FROM RHODES TO HHH !!! Shane with the Cactus Clothesline takes Rhodes out. Rhodes has a chair. RHODES WITH A CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF SHANE !!! Batista runs into a shot. The madness continues as HHH and Orton battle. HHH takes the chair from Batista. ORTON WITH THE RKO ON HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! ORTON WITH THE PUNT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

A lot of the positive of this match comes from just how terrific that Legacy are on offense. It's not pretty and highspot filled, but it's aggressive and they look like they really want to hurt the guys in the match which is sort of the point. Another positive was the booking of each individual wrestler which is something that sometimes can be missed in tag matches. Only Dibiase and Rhodes didn't have their own little subplot and to be honest, you can completely understand that. I totally dismissed this match when I first watched it and that was unfair. This was actually a fucking brilliant six man tag in hindsight. ****1/4

John Cena © vs. Edge, Last Man Standing Match - World Heavyweight Championship

Lockup and into the corner they go. Cena tries for the Bulldog and Edge manages to counter and then he heads for the floor. Cena chases. Edge misses a Spear and Cena wants Attitude Adjustment and once again, they stop. Edge into the ropes and he charges down Cena and that's the first advantage of the match. Edge into the corner and he runs into the Release Fisherman Suplex. Edge with the Edge-O-Matic. Clotheslines from Edge. He then lands a series of right hands and Edge wants the referee to make the count. Cena with right hands. Spinning Heel Kick from Edge puts a stop to that. Cena gets to his feet and comes back with right hands. Flapjack from Edge. Sleeper Hold from Edge. Cena charges Edge into the corner, but Edge is persistant with the Sleeper Hold. Cena is out and Edge wants the referee to make the count. Cena comes back with Shoulder Blocks. Protobomb from Cena. FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE ... countered. SHARPSHOOTER FROM EDGE !!! Cena does his absolutely hilarious selling. Edge pulls Cena into the corner so as he can use the ropes for leverage. Cena uses the ropes to get up on the apron, and Edge charges him to the floor. Right hands from Edge and then he sets the steps. EDGE WITH THE SPEAR ... HE HITS NOTHING BUT THE STEPS !!! Edge gets up at six and then sends Cena into the steps and that's a six count as well. Edge gets sent back into the steps. Cena then picks up the steps and sends them into the ring. Cena puts over the weight of the steps brilliantly. Big Boot from Edge means it doesn't matter anyways. Edge smacks Cena with the steps and then Dropkicks the steps right into the body of Cena. Cena manages to get to his feet. He sends Edge to the floor. Cena then picks up the steps. CENA THROWS THE STEPS AT THE HEAD OF EDGE !!! I don't care how many times I see that spot, it's always awesome. Edge somehow gets up at seven and they go back into the ring. Edge comes back with right hands and then we have "Boo ! Yeah !" right hands. They rest against each other and then both men land right hands. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... countered to the Back Drop Suplex. That was a hell of an exchange. FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FROM EDGE ... COUNTERED TO THE STF FROM CENA !!! Cena now releases the hold and allows the referee to make his count. Edge beats the count at the seven count. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... SPEAR FROM EDGE !!! Cena with right hands to Edge. SUPER ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT FROM CENA !!! EDGE GETS UP AT NINE !!! Cena heads for the top rope. CENA JUMPS RIGHT INTO THE SPEAR FROM EDGE !!! Cena rolls out of the ring to make the ref count again, so Edge readies the announce table. IMPLANT DDT ON THE ANNOUNCE TABLE ... COUNTERED INTO AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT INTO THE CROWD !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Cena apologizes to the audience. EDGE GETS TO HIS FEET !!! Cena for once doesn't oversell it and just gets on with it. Edge does a runner as Cena has the momentum. Edge runs to the backstage area and the referee is following. They make their way out near the aisle. Edge continues to run. :lol: Cena eventually catches him. BULLDOG OFF OF THE STEPS INTO THE EQUIPMENT BOXES FROM CENA TO EDGE !!! EDGE BELTS CENA WITH A HARD HAT !!! :lol: Village people action going on here. The battle heads onto the ramp where Cena and Edge exchange right hands. IMPLANT DDT ON THE STAGE FROM EDGE TO CENA !!! CENA BEATS THE COUNT AT NINE !!! Edge heads backstage and gets a chair. Chair across the back of Cena. CON-CHAIR-TO ON THE RAMP FROM EDGE !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... BIG SHOW COMES OUT !!! HE CHOKESLAMS CENA OFF THE STAGE INTO A FUCKING SPOTLIGHT !!! STICK A FORK IN THAT STEAK !!! IT'S DONE !!!

The LMS concept comes with built in weaknesses and strengths. The long count brings the drama and the 10 count also means having to do more extreme things than usual to get the job done properly. The weaknesses is that the 10 counts are always started after ages and also for both men. This match was stunning stuff. The gradual build of the violence of it all was superb, and they did a great job of showing the familiarity between the two men through the match. ****1/2

3 hours. Six matches. Two absolute corkers to end the show, a really good match to open, an entertaining enough one and a cracking segment with Santino/Khali/JR means that this was most likely the best WWE PPV of 2009 although I'll wait and see what I made of Summerslam before making any judgement on that one. An easy recommendation for a belter of a PPV.

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WWE Backlash 2009

For the person who red dotted me, get yer mouse at the ready because I won't be stopping anytime soon. I seem to remember this show being a pure dillion from beginning to end, even having an amusing non-wrestling segment in there.

Jack Swagger © vs. Christian - ECW Championship ( ***3/4 )

Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat ( ***1/4 )

Kane vs. CM Punk ( ** )

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, I Quit Match ( ** )

Triple H, Batista and Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase - WWE Championship ( ****1/4 )

John Cena © vs. Edge, Last Man Standing Match - World Heavyweight Championship ( ****1/2 )

Jack Swagger © vs. Christian - ECW Championship

Here's a series of matches that rock my world. Swagger with a takedown right away and he goes to a Front Facelock. Into the corner they go and we have a clean break untill Christian slaps Swagger. Christian into the ropes and he lands a Spinning Heel Kick and then a Leaping European Uppercut for a two count. Headlock from Christian but Swagger just charges him down. The same thing happens for a second time. Swagger then just drops Christian over the top rope with a Gorilla Press Slam. Back into the ring and that gets a two count. Swagger sends Christian into the ropes and lands a knee to the stomach. Waistlock then follows that soon enough. Waistlock takedown and he holds on. Christian gets to his feet and escapes the Waistlock. Christian into the corner and then he misses his kick and then gets BRUTALLY stomped into the canvas for a two count. Bearhug from Swagger. Christian with right hands to try and escape, but Swagger holds onto the move. Christian gets out of the move again. Christian escapes and runs right into a Gutbuster. That gets a two count. Swagger goes right back to the Waistlock. Christian finally gets his swinging kick, but he runs right into a knee in the stomach. RUNNING VADER BOMB FROM SWAGGER ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Right hands and then Christian with a Running Forearm. TORNADO DDT ... blocked. Springboard Sunset Flip gets a two count for Christian. Big Takedown from Swagger. DOCTOR BOMB ... Christian holds on for dear life. Christian now set on the top rope. He fights off Swagger. TORNADO DDT FROM CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Swagger. Christian with a Crucifix Takedown sends Swagger to the floor. Swagger attempts a German Suplex off of the apron. That is not going to work. Christian then flips Swagger into the ring and heads up top. Swagger stops him up there. Super Back Body Drop. TOP ROPE VADER BOMB FROM SWAGGER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Swagger shouts in the face. KILLSWITCH ... blocked. Oklahoma Stampede ... COUNTERED TO THE ROLLUP BY CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE FROM SWAGGER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Swagger and Christian both reveal a steel buckle. SWAGGER RUNS INTO ONE !!! KILLSWITCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Very smartly worked match here. Swagger basically worked his amateur background and strength into it as much as possible and it turned out in this match that he should have stuck with it instead of cheating. Storytelling #101. Christian was on a hot streak in ECW having a good match with anything that moved, but it helped that Swagger was very good. One little flaw was how long they stuck with the Waistlock. The audience were getting a bit impatient at that, but this otherwise was very very good. ***3/4

Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat

Before this match I was saying that Steamboat should have let Wrestlemania be his big sendoff. Lockup and Steamboat with a takedown and Jericho gets into the bottom rope. Steamboat into the ropes and he gets under Jericho and heads to the floor. Kick sends Jericho to the floor. PESCADO FROM STEAMBOAT !!! Back into the ring they go. Chops from Steamboat and then the Arm Drags and Arm Bar from Steamboat. Jericho gets to his feet, so Steamboat just pulls him back down. Jericho gets out with forearms. Jericho runs to the ropes but only meets another Arm Drag and Arm Bar. Steamboat then goes to a Wristlock. Forearms from Jericho but Steamboat comes back with chops. Jericho sends Steamboat over the top rope after he skins the cat. Jericho lands the Springboard Dropkick when Steamboat gets onto the apron. Back Drop Suplex and then a kick to the back from Jericho. Snapmare and then Jericho locks in the Half Nelson. Steamboat fights out and then lands the Arm Drag again but Jericho with a Clothesline and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Jericho. Steamboat battles to his feet and then he sends Jericho into the ropes. He holds onto the Headlock. Back Drop Suplex but Jericho holds on yet again. Steamboat gets out and manages to avoid the Bulldog from Jericho. Kick to the stomach brings Jericho back into the ring. Jericho with right hands. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM STEAMBOAT TO JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Steamboat. That gets a two count. Powerslam from Steamboat. Kick and then the Enziguri from Jericho and that gets a two count. Bulldog from Jericho. LIONSAULT ... blocked. ROLLS THROUGH TO THE WALLS OF JERICHO ON STEAMBOAT !!! Steamboat escapes and locks in the worst Figure Four Leglock ever. Jericho rolls into the ropes. To the top rope goes Steamboat. HIGH CROSS BODY FROM STEAMBOAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... STEAMBOAT GETS A FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! THE WRESTLEMANIA III ENDING !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! WALLS OF JERICHO AGAIN !!! IT'S OVER !!!

I guess the slow deliberate pace of the match couldn't be helped. Neither could the match length, as that is what people wanted. People wanted to see if he could hang but ultimately he couldn't. Have to commend the effort of both men here. Steamboat gave what he could to the cause and showed that he still has a lot of that old stuff left in him. Jericho made Steamboat's offense look brilliant even when it was beginning to look weary. They really worked hard to keep this match still going strong and amazingly, it turned out really good. ***1/4

Kane vs. CM Punk

Kicks from Punk to get going as he tries to take Kane off of his game early. Punk ducks a right hand and then lands another kick. Kane eventually catches Punk and lands a big right hand and then another. Kane runs into a boot and then Punk with a Hanging Cross Armbreaker. That's nice. Punk heads for the top rope and he lands down on the arm of Kane. Kicks to the shoulder and then forearms. Do not get into a slugfest. Dropkick sends Kane to the floor. PESCADO ... Kane blocks but Punk gets onto the apron. Running Clothesline off of the apron from Punk. Knees to the side and kicks from Punk when they get into the ring. Kane whips Punk's back into the ringpost. Baseball Slide Dropkick does even more damage. Ouch. That gets a two count and then a Body Scissors from Kane. Headbutts to the back of the head and then he keeps the move locked in. Punk elbows his way out of the move. Punk runs right into a Clothesline and that gets a two count. Backbreaker and then Kane with the stretch over the knee. Punk tries to strike his way out and succeeds. CHOKESLAM FROM KANE ... countered into the Single Arm DDT ! Bunch of guys do the conga in the background. huh.gif Anyroads, Punk stretches Kane using the ropes and then lands a Springboard Clothesline. Punk runs into the Big Boot though. Kane heads for the top rope. Punk goes for Go 2 Sleep from out of that. High Knee from Punk and then the Bulldog and that gets a two count. Punk onto the apron. He jumps right into the right hand and that gets a two count. Punk with an Armbar Takedown and then into the Fujiwara Armbar, but the fans just couldn't give a toss about this. Sidewalk Slam to escape that and that gets a two count. Kicks to the head from Punk for another comeback. CHOKESLAM FROM KANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The audience couldn't care, which after two hot matches can be forgiven. They didn't do much to help though. The match was technically fine, with good selling and good tactics from both men, but it was just pretty boring and then when they got to the end they seemed to be all over the place. Not horrible, not great. Just kinda there. **

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, I Quit Match

I've seen this getting rave reviews and I didn't really like it. I don't think I liked the direction they took the match, but I'll give it a chance here knowing what kind of match I'm getting. Kicks and right hands from Jeff in the corner and the beatdown. Into another corner and it's a case of rinse and repeat. Into the middle of the ring and the Low Leg Drop and Dropkick from Jeff. Jeff wants a submission and Matt heads for the floor. Swining Kick. PESCADO FROM JEFF TO MATT !!! Matt is then charged into the barricade and he sets the steps. POETRY IN MOTION !!! Back into the ring they go. Throat is dropped over the top rope by Jeff and then into the corner. Swinging Dropkick connects with the chin of Matt. Snap Leg Drop from Hardy and then he does a hat trick of them. Jeff wants the referee to ask Matt but he says no. Clubbing blows and then Jeff tries for a Sleeper Hold. Matt drops Jeff face first across the top buckle. Forearm from Matt and the momentum has shifted. Jeff goes for the Whisper in the Wind but gets thrown to the floor from there. Jeff isn't quite that fucked yet. Jeff has an injured leg and this might well give Matt an oppertunity. Matt smashes the leg into the ringpost and then a second time. Matt then stretches the leg around the ringpost. Chop Block from Matt and he locks in the Figure Four Leglock. Take note Ricky Steamboat. Matt lets go and decides to drop knees on the leg. Doesn't do any good for Jeff to pass out. Kicks to the leg from Matt. Figure Four Leglock is locked in for a second time and given the way this is going, it makes sense. Jeff turns the move around and now it's Matt that's suffering. They roll into the ropes. Matt gets to his feet first and continues his work. Enziguri misses from Jeff and Matt goes to the Half Crab. Leg Drop to the back of the head from Matt and then Jeff is set on the top rope. Club to the back from Matt and then the Tree of Woe. Matt then stretches the neck of Jeff. Matt gets brought back into the ring. WHISPER IN THE WIND OUT OF NOWHERE !!! Setting Jeff on the top rope is like putting a kamikaze pilot in a plane. Right hand exchange from the Hardys. Spin Kick from Jeff sends down Matt. Texas Cloverleaf from Jeff and Matt is tapping out. TWIST OF FATE FROM JEFF ... avoided, but Jeff lands a Leg Drop. TWIST OF FATE FROM JEFF !!! SWANTON BOMB !!! Jeff sets a table in the ring and then both men end up on the floor. TWIST OF FATE FROM JEFF !!! Jeff then brings out duct tape from under the ring and cable. Jeff Hardy is now taping Matt to the table as well as using the cable. Jeff brings out a ladder and sends it into the ring. MATT QUITS !!! JEFF SENDS HIM THROUGH THE TABLE ANYWAYS !!!

I just don't see where this match is great I'm afraid. Once again there is absolutely zero chemistry between the two. Nothing clicks whatsoever. They can do all of the good work that they want in there and unless they do something very special to make sure it works, then it's not gonna matter worth a squat, which is why even when Jeff Hardy was in there, the fans didn't give a shit about this match untill he brought a table into the match. I'll give them plenty of kudos for effort like earlier and for at least trying to work through the obvious limitations they have. **

The Great Khali and his translator head for the ring and they want Santina Marella to head for the ring. Santina is in love with someone else. She is in love with Good 'Ol JR. JR : "Yeah alright.". laugh.gif "He calls me his little slobberknocker." laugh.gif This is a stupid segment for a PPV, but it's just so much fun that it only adds to the quality of the PPV.

Triple H, Batista and Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase - WWE Championship

Big mass brawl gets this match going and HHH and Orton brawl their way up the ramp. The other four men are in the ring. HHH runs to the ring and it looks like Rhodes and Dibiase are on their own for the time being. The bell rings and the ref has decided that Rhodes and Dibiase can deal. Rhodes and Batista to get the match started. Charge into the corner and Batista with Shoulder Blocks. Hard Irish Whip into the corner from Batista and then a Snapmare and kick to the face. Backbreaker and then the Demolition Decapitation with Shane. Shane comes into the ring and works the arm and tags HHH into the ring quickly. Right hands in the corner from HHH and then some stomping. Rhodes into the corner hard again and the faces are making good work of this at the moment. The same happens again and then a kick to the face from HHH and he seems to be really enjoying this. Rhodes comes out of the ropes with a kick and tags out. Dibiase runs right into a Clothesline and in comes Shane. Hart Attack from Shane and HHH gets a two count. Arm Bar from Shane and then he lands forearms to the back. Batista back into the match. Kick to the stomach from Batista. Kick to the face and then Rhodes tags in and runs into a boot. Hanging Vertical Suplex from Batista. Rhodes with a shot and back in comes Dibiase and he gets Batista into the corner and chokes with the boot. Rhodes gets a cheap shot behind the referee's back and then Dibiase with more stomps. Kicks and right hands from Rhodes. Dibiase does more. Batista into the ropes and he comes out with a Double Clothesline. Rhodes over the top rope. Spinsbuster on Rhodes. BATISTA BOMB ... Dibiase heads for the floor. Batista goes out to meet Dibiase. Randy Orton then attacks Batista from behind and runs him into the ringpost. He is now tagged in and the audience have been woken up big time. Orton unloads with stomps on Batista. Big kick and then more right hands. European Uppercut from Orton and then Dibiase with a series of kicks. Rhodes with kicks in the corner. Orton and Dibiase work over Batista behind the back of the referee. Rhodes sends Batista to the floor where Dibiase gets his shots in too. Shots to the back from Rhodes and then he gets into the ring. THE HANGING DDT FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Orton then unloads with stomps to the stomach. He walks across Batista and tags Dibiase in. Kicks to the head from Dibiase and Batista tries a fight back. Drop Toe Hold and a Headlock from Dibiase to stop Batista getting to his corner. Back Drop Suplex from Batista and he's now heading for his corner but Orton manages to stop that from happening. Stomps to the stomach from Orton. Knee Drops from Orton. Chinlock from Orton. Orton into the ropes. SPEAR FROM BATISTA !!! In comes Shane and he unloads with shots. Neckbreaker on Rhodes and that gets a two count. Rhodes sent to the floor and Shane then readies an announce table. Orton then attacks Shane. Shane gets rid of him and heads to the top rope. FLYING ELBOW DROP ON RHODES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... Dibiase pulls out Shane. Orton then whips Shane HARD into the steps. He did the Foley bump there ! Orton back into the ring and he lands a Suplex for a two count. Into the corner they go and Dibiase with a stomp. Kick to the stomach from Dibiase and then he kicks Shane to the floor. Head first into the apron and then into the ring and that gets a two count. In comes Rhodes and he unloads with stomps on Shane. That gets a two count. Stomp to the chest from Rhodes and then back in comes Orton. Standing Dropkick gets a two count for Orton and that was a beauty. In comes Dibiase and he lands a Double Stomp on Shane for a two count. Shane with right hands, but a lovely takedown and kick from Dibiase and in comes Rhodes. Shane wants to tag out, but Rhodes manages to stop him. Shane almost reaches the corner again and he gets stopped again. Shane JUST misses a tag and the fans sigh collectively as Dibiase stops him. Million Dollar Fist Drop from Dibiase. DREAM STREET ... COUNTERED INTO THE DDT FROM SHANE !!! Orton and HHH into the match and he lets out all of his fury now. HHH with right hands in the corner. Clothesline out of the corner and then another right hand. Knee 2 Face and then in comes Rhodes and Dibiase. HHH runs into a boot, but Orton runs into a Spinebuster and that gets a two count. Batista into the ring and he takes out Dibiase. Drop Toe Hold sends Batista into the barrier. DDT FROM RHODES TO HHH !!! Shane with the Cactus Clothesline takes Rhodes out. Rhodes has a chair. RHODES WITH A CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF SHANE !!! Batista runs into a shot. The madness continues as HHH and Orton battle. HHH takes the chair from Batista. ORTON WITH THE RKO ON HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! ORTON WITH THE PUNT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

A lot of the positive of this match comes from just how terrific that Legacy are on offense. It's not pretty and highspot filled, but it's aggressive and they look like they really want to hurt the guys in the match which is sort of the point. Another positive was the booking of each individual wrestler which is something that sometimes can be missed in tag matches. Only Dibiase and Rhodes didn't have their own little subplot and to be honest, you can completely understand that. I totally dismissed this match when I first watched it and that was unfair. This was actually a fucking brilliant six man tag in hindsight. ****1/4

John Cena © vs. Edge, Last Man Standing Match - World Heavyweight Championship

Lockup and into the corner they go. Cena tries for the Bulldog and Edge manages to counter and then he heads for the floor. Cena chases. Edge misses a Spear and Cena wants Attitude Adjustment and once again, they stop. Edge into the ropes and he charges down Cena and that's the first advantage of the match. Edge into the corner and he runs into the Release Fisherman Suplex. Edge with the Edge-O-Matic. Clotheslines from Edge. He then lands a series of right hands and Edge wants the referee to make the count. Cena with right hands. Spinning Heel Kick from Edge puts a stop to that. Cena gets to his feet and comes back with right hands. Flapjack from Edge. Sleeper Hold from Edge. Cena charges Edge into the corner, but Edge is persistant with the Sleeper Hold. Cena is out and Edge wants the referee to make the count. Cena comes back with Shoulder Blocks. Protobomb from Cena. FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE ... countered. SHARPSHOOTER FROM EDGE !!! Cena does his absolutely hilarious selling. Edge pulls Cena into the corner so as he can use the ropes for leverage. Cena uses the ropes to get up on the apron, and Edge charges him to the floor. Right hands from Edge and then he sets the steps. EDGE WITH THE SPEAR ... HE HITS NOTHING BUT THE STEPS !!! Edge gets up at six and then sends Cena into the steps and that's a six count as well. Edge gets sent back into the steps. Cena then picks up the steps and sends them into the ring. Cena puts over the weight of the steps brilliantly. Big Boot from Edge means it doesn't matter anyways. Edge smacks Cena with the steps and then Dropkicks the steps right into the body of Cena. Cena manages to get to his feet. He sends Edge to the floor. Cena then picks up the steps. CENA THROWS THE STEPS AT THE HEAD OF EDGE !!! I don't care how many times I see that spot, it's always awesome. Edge somehow gets up at seven and they go back into the ring. Edge comes back with right hands and then we have "Boo ! Yeah !" right hands. They rest against each other and then both men land right hands. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... countered to the Back Drop Suplex. That was a hell of an exchange. FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FROM EDGE ... COUNTERED TO THE STF FROM CENA !!! Cena now releases the hold and allows the referee to make his count. Edge beats the count at the seven count. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... SPEAR FROM EDGE !!! Cena with right hands to Edge. SUPER ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT FROM CENA !!! EDGE GETS UP AT NINE !!! Cena heads for the top rope. CENA JUMPS RIGHT INTO THE SPEAR FROM EDGE !!! Cena rolls out of the ring to make the ref count again, so Edge readies the announce table. IMPLANT DDT ON THE ANNOUNCE TABLE ... COUNTERED INTO AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT INTO THE CROWD !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Cena apologizes to the audience. EDGE GETS TO HIS FEET !!! Cena for once doesn't oversell it and just gets on with it. Edge does a runner as Cena has the momentum. Edge runs to the backstage area and the referee is following. They make their way out near the aisle. Edge continues to run. laugh.gif Cena eventually catches him. BULLDOG OFF OF THE STEPS INTO THE EQUIPMENT BOXES FROM CENA TO EDGE !!! EDGE BELTS CENA WITH A HARD HAT !!! laugh.gif Village people action going on here. The battle heads onto the ramp where Cena and Edge exchange right hands. IMPLANT DDT ON THE STAGE FROM EDGE TO CENA !!! CENA BEATS THE COUNT AT NINE !!! Edge heads backstage and gets a chair. Chair across the back of Cena. CON-CHAIR-TO ON THE RAMP FROM EDGE !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... BIG SHOW COMES OUT !!! HE CHOKESLAMS CENA OFF THE STAGE INTO A FUCKING SPOTLIGHT !!! STICK A FORK IN THAT STEAK !!! IT'S DONE !!!

The LMS concept comes with built in weaknesses and strengths. The long count brings the drama and the 10 count also means having to do more extreme things than usual to get the job done properly. The weaknesses is that the 10 counts are always started after ages and also for both men. This match was stunning stuff. The gradual build of the violence of it all was superb, and they did a great job of showing the familiarity between the two men through the match. ****1/2

3 hours. Six matches. Two absolute corkers to end the show, a really good match to open, an entertaining enough one and a cracking segment with Santino/Khali/JR means that this was most likely the best WWE PPV of 2009 although I'll wait and see what I made of Summerslam before making any judgement on that one. An easy recommendation for a belter of a PPV.

The Cena/Edge Last Man Standing was indeed a fucking beauty.

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I liked Smackdown tonight. Simple but effective. Revolved around a few guys trying to work their way into the IC title picture and Jack Swaggers new gimmick where he can snap any wrestlers ankle (well not new, it was stolen from Kurt Angle but it still works). No guest hosts, shitey segments with the likes of Khali and Santino and no Eve Torres. Me like.

Remaining 2 for MITB match I am going to guess are Drew and The Undertaker. I think Christian or Matt will win.

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Taz was genuinely disliked backstage in ECW. Used to believe in his gimmick too much and acted like a tough guy. There used to be an old story going around about him having been telling anyone who'd listen backstage that he could kick Van Dam's ass; when word got to RVD, he went up to Taz, said "pick a hand", then hooked him. :lol: To be fair to Taz, he's pretty open in interviews about admitting he used to act like a dick, and says he regrets it now.

Speaking of Taz, I loved him owning Tenay over not bothering to follow the storylines. Mike throwing questions at him left, right and centre about something that happened with the Knockouts on Xplosion, Taz just angrily snapping "Watch the product!".

Don't watch Xplosion but on Impact, Tazz just annoys me. He's by no means a great commentator. I much preferred the Tenay/West setup but I don't see Don West going to back to it. Aparently their merchandise sales have really picked up since he start his "Insane Deals". There are a few decent commentators out there, JR and Joey Styles come to mind instantly. Would love a four man team of Styles, JR, Tenay and West. Don't think TNA would waste money, not that it would be bad just unnecessery, on four men commentating unless they have more than one role outwith it.

I don't like Bischoff, just as Stings about to tell Dixie Carter what his beef with Hogan and Bischoff is, he interrupts. I just want that storyline to end, any one with Sting is pretty gash at the moment tbh.

It's said that Paul Heyman doesn't want to come into TNA with the way that it is at the moment. If he did come in then he would take control of the creative team and Vince Russo, finally, would be out of that aspect of TNA. Spike TV are negociating with him, like they did with Foley and Flair before their arrivals.

TNA don't know exactly how to proceed with the ECW angle, various angles such as making a separate show have been discussed, aswell as Heyman coming in to lead them. According to a focus group, ECW was the favourite period for a signicant number of wrestling fans.

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I think TNA should be looking to get a proper new TV show up and running. I don;t know what the script with Xplosion is? Does it have new matches or is it just Impact highlights. The roster is far too big for people to get a look in. Take last week, Homicide made an appearence vs Matt Morgan. Think that was the first time the bugger has been on TV in a couple of months. And theres a few more that are the same.

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I think TNA should be looking to get a proper new TV show up and running. I don;t know what the script with Xplosion is? Does it have new matches or is it just Impact highlights. The roster is far too big for people to get a look in. Take last week, Homicide made an appearence vs Matt Morgan. Think that was the first time the bugger has been on TV in a couple of months. And theres a few more that are the same.

I think it's the same idea as heat. The Sarita/Taylor Wilde feud started on that, well that's what I read anyway. Another show would do them the world of good. More so if Heyman was there, as he'd be able to get the hardcore and the cruiserweight parts, that made ECW so good to watch, going again.

Forgot to say in my TNA review, the Brother Count for this week was six.

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Sarita and Taylor Wilde are feuding blink.gif. No saw much of that pair of late either.

Yeah started recently, think one of them was in a match with Daffney, no idea how to spell it, and the other came in and interferred. They both started fighting backstage after Wilde's match, on this week's impact. I don't know how it came about though, which is the problem, if they're gonna bring feuds from Xplosion onto Impact then they need to explain them. Do they even show Xplosion over in the UK?

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They shouldn't be looking to recreate the classics of ECW. They should be looking to create the classics of TNA.

And of course the ECW matches won't be as good now.

I didn't word that correctly, I meant recreate the magic, obviously I wouldn't want to see Tommy Dreamer v Sandman in a Singapore Cane Match done the exact same. I've seen it before and I can find it and watch it again. But if they had a match like Abyss vs Dreamer in a Barbed Wire Ropes match and it was amazing then I'd be happy.

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