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Mo Wonderboy

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Super Crazy turned down the PPV as he is working in Japan and considering the money that gets made over there, I wouldn't expect him or Tajiri any time soon.

gutted.... ach well, hope we can still see some high flyers.

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It's pretty much a given that the ECW reunion will continue beyond the PPV, but it'll be either house shows or at a push another TV show. TNA's main show won't change much unless Paul E joins up imo.

I really hope Tanaka comes in. Guy can still go as good as in 1999, and check how he looks now. :o


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He's not done as much hardcore stuff recently altough he still does dip his feet in there. Was involved in a couple of amazing hardcore matches for NJPW when they were fueding with Zero One.

He's even better now than he used to be though.

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It's pretty much a given that the ECW reunion will continue beyond the PPV, but it'll be either house shows or at a push another TV show. TNA's main show won't change much unless Paul E joins up imo.

I really hope Tanaka comes in. Guy can still go as good as in 1999, and check how he looks now. ohmy.gif


ohmy.gif He is fucking ripped now! Also looks like he has a gingerbread man down his trunks, not that I was lookingph34r.gif

Edit: for the ECW PPV can TNA use the ECW theme music?

I'm not sure if WWE will own the exclusive rights to the music or they just had approval to use it from Harry Slash and the Slashtone.

Edited by Kris Boyd
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They can use it on the live broadcast, I think, but not on any DVDs. Just going by how the WWE handled Sandman's entrance theme at One Night Stand.

Raven, Sabu, Kid Kash, Jerry Lynn, and a few others have previously used covers of their ECW themes made by TNA(these were also used on the Hardcore Homecoming DVDs, as they were run by Jeremy Borash), so I think those will be used.

Here's the cover of Come Out and Play Raven had, for example:


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Assorted ROH Stuff #2

Jimmy Jacobs vs. BJ Whitmer - ROH Dragon Gate Challenge ( **** )

Bryan Danielson © vs. Roderick Strong - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH vandetta ( ****1/2 )

Nigel McGuinness © vs. Tyler Black - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Injustice II ( ***3/4 )

Austin Aries and Kenny King vs. The Young Bucks - ROH Eye of the Storm 2 ( ***1/2 )

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Chris Hero vs. Delirious vs. Colt Cabana vs. Roderick Strong vs. Tyler Black - ROH Survival of the Fittest 2009 ( ****1/4 )

Roderick Strong vs. Tyler Black - ROH Eye of the Storm 2 ( ***3/4 )

Jimmy Jacobs vs. BJ Whitmer - ROH Dragon Gate Challenge

This match came about because there was a bit of a love triangle between Lacey, Whitmer and Jacobs. Lacey went with Jacobs and she didn't care for Whitmer much, causing a split in their tag team. The fued would get more than a little tasty from this point forward. This match itself just builds and builds to absolute insanity, and just when you think that they might have done the sickest thing they were going to do in the match, they go and breakout something which can only be described as absolutely mental. A Powerbomb off the top rope onto the apron. The match was going along nicely untill that point, but the crowd heat seemed to get their adrenaline pumping and things took another step at that point. Cracking little match but they would do better. I've reviewed the I Quit match, but there's Barbed Wire Match and a Cage Match still to cover. Nice fued. Needed more cowbell though. ****

Bryan Danielson © vs. Roderick Strong - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH vandetta

You wanna know how crazy Strong's chops are ? He manages to draw blood from Danielson quite early in this match. Infact the early story of the chops and Danielson's desperation to get away from them is actually quite good. This is just a brutal match from start to finish. From the brutality of Strong's strikes to the relentless cheating and submissions from Danielson as he takes his aggressions out on Strong when he gets wound up by the audience. The final stretch sums this one up when they just unload on each other with kicks and chops and elbows and neither man wants to give an inch and in the end, Danielson has to beat Strong into lifelessness to get the win as that was the only way he'd manage it. ****1/2

Nigel McGuinness © vs. Tyler Black - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Injustice II

It's funny to hear the audience chanting "Next World Champ" at Tyler Black when a couple of years they'd be booing him and saying that he's over-rated. Who says that ROH fans at live shows aren't mongs ? These are the people who booed Nigel McGuinness for not defending his title when he was badly injured though, so I suppose this was to be expected. Everyone heads for the ring and there's a massive brawl, and then Bryan Danielson demands that everyone heads for the back before Jimmy Jacobs blindsides him. I really don't like the idea of this mass brawl in the middle of this match. The match has a bullshit ending, but it makes sense given that Nigel McGuinness was doing everything to stop Tyler Black winning, including paying off the timekeeper to ring the bell when he was in too much danger. There is amazing chemistry between these two guys, but there is just too much goofy shit going on. ***3/4

Austin Aries and Kenny King vs. The Young Bucks - ROH Eye of the Storm 2

"It's fitting that we're in Mannassas and we're wrestling the Young Bucks."


I'm in the mood for a spotfest, and the Bucks can usually provide that, so I'm sticking with them for this match. King and Aries show off some top quality 80s style ring gear. Austin Aries is the current ROH champ at this point so this is a big match for the Bucks. I love the goofy flamboyant version of Austin Aries. He just has so many little brilliant mannerisms. Aries and King do some quality mocking of the Young Bucks, with the stereo cartwheels and the flexing of the muscles and also messing up the Young Bucks double stomp move. All in all it's fun stuff. Aries/King also continue the 80s theme from earlier with some Hogan stuff. You get the sense that if these two teams REALLY wanted to put on a showstopper, they could. This was booked as a wee crowd pleaser though and they went out there and wrestled accordingly. As such, this was really good for what it was. ***1/2

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Chris Hero vs. Delirious vs. Colt Cabana vs. Roderick Strong vs. Tyler Black - ROH Survival of the Fittest 2009

Claudio has an awesome entrance where he gets a chair and he stands on it and poses. This was the SotF match for 2009, which is usually a set up for someone to break through in a big way. I love watching Cabana break out the classic World of Sport style. Colt Cabana acts all funny with Roderick Strong, and Strong has a really hard time trying not to laugh, and Cabana can clearly tell this and steps it up a wee bit. The initial portion of the match gives everyone a really good chance to shine and all six men take the chance with open arms. The final section of this match sees Roderick Strong and Tyler Black go at it tooth and nail. That final stage helps to send the match into the next level. The first section didn't have that big match feel though and the eliminations were too 80s Survivor Series-like to take seriously. It's still a good addition to the SotF series. ****1/4

Roderick Strong vs. Tyler Black - ROH Eye of the Storm 2

This match gets billed as a "Rivalry Match" which has me laughing like f**k. There is a chemistry here between these two guys that wasn't there when they faced off for the big prize. I wonder if Tyler Black let the crowd's booing get into his head and it affected him in some way. I thought this match would be a lot more story driven than it was, but for a "rivalry match", it certainly didn't feel as if there was much of a rivalry going on here. Don't get me wrong, it was a good back and forth match, but that's all it was and you'd be forgiven for wanting something more from it. The only signs of a rivalry was finisher stealing and reversals, but where was the frustration of Strong and the desperation of both men ? ***3/4

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They can use it on the live broadcast, I think, but not on any DVDs. Just going by how the WWE handled Sandman's entrance theme at One Night Stand.

Raven, Sabu, Kid Kash, Jerry Lynn, and a few others have previously used covers of their ECW themes made by TNA(these were also used on the Hardcore Homecoming DVDs, as they were run by Jeremy Borash), so I think those will be used.

Here's the cover of Come Out and Play Raven had, for example:


good point, plus they can always get around copyrights and such, like the reason they have the NWO and Wolfpac songs in TNA and the way ECW used some covers like Kilgore - Walk, instead of Pantera.

The official site is up http://www.hardcorejustice.com/ with more ECW stars to be named, Sabu will be the first name to be added I'm sure, hopefully we will get some nice suprises too, I hope Nova will be there, if the inclusion of Stevie Richards is anything to go by we could maybe see something like bWo vs F.B.I. 6-man tag?

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They can use it on the live broadcast, I think, but not on any DVDs. Just going by how the WWE handled Sandman's entrance theme at One Night Stand.

Raven, Sabu, Kid Kash, Jerry Lynn, and a few others have previously used covers of their ECW themes made by TNA(these were also used on the Hardcore Homecoming DVDs, as they were run by Jeremy Borash), so I think those will be used.

Here's the cover of Come Out and Play Raven had, for example:


That's pretty badass. I used to love his WWE theme "What About Me?"


Edited by forehead7
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Sabu and the Sandman MUST be in it. I heard that they were thinking about doing a Flair vs The Franchise match. Surprising that Douglas would even be thought of since everyone hates him. RVD v Jerry Lynn is pretty much accepted as the main event.

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Ric Flair vs. Shane Douglas would be horrific, and a complete waste. Anything involving The Sandman should be pretty car crash worthy as well.

I wouldn't mind seeing any of them, and New Jack while we're at it, in some kind of hardcore, street fight, fall count anywhere etc match. If New Jack is in it then Natural Born Killaz needs to be playing throughout his match, not as good as any of Public Enemy's better tracks but still a great rap/hip hop song.

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Sabu and the Sandman MUST be in it. I heard that they were thinking about doing a Flair vs The Franchise match. Surprising that Douglas would even be thought of since everyone hates him. RVD v Jerry Lynn is pretty much accepted as the main event.

Flair vs Franchise happened at WCW Slamboree 2000, NC due to Russo and David Flair coming in IIRC, Sabu and Sandman are both featured in the promo video of Hardcore Justice so it's a given that they will be there.

Ric Flair vs. Shane Douglas would be horrific, and a complete waste. Anything involving The Sandman should be pretty car crash worthy as well.

Sandman will probably play the same role as one night stand 06, get some heel idiot out in the ring and get sandman to come in and just cane him for a couple of minutes and then drink. Either that or have a monsters ball 4-way and he can play a part in that.

I hope Rhino get a shot at a belt I loved when he was made TNA champ a few years ago, if made heel and given more creativity and they made him into the character he was from 2000-2001 in ECW then he will be a huge hit!

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The Sandman was in shape at the time of the first ONS and also wasn't drunk. Since he got sacked he's been basically pissed for every show he's been on.

I'd love to see New Jack. He was shit, but fun.

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I wouldn't mind seeing any of them, and New Jack while we're at it, in some kind of hardcore, street fight, fall count anywhere etc match. If New Jack is in it then Natural Born Killaz needs to be playing throughout his match, not as good as any of Public Enemy's better tracks but still a great rap/hip hop song.

I loved when that song hit and everyone went crazy and the song kept playing throught his fight. I'm a huge Steve Corino fan, would love to see him move over to TNA and come back with Jack Victory, also I hope the rumours of Fonzy coming back with Sabu are true, his whistle pisses me off but I kinda like the wee guy

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I hope Rhino get a shot at a belt I loved when he was made TNA champ a few years ago, if made heel and given more creativity and they made him into the character he was from 2000-2001 in ECW then he will be a huge hit!

His feud with James Storm and the alcoholism was amazing. The only time that I've seen Storm in a story that is as good as his tag team ones. It's one of the few I can remember him being in singles competition mind!

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His feud with James Storm and the alcoholism was amazing. The only time that I've seen Storm in a story that is as good as his tag team ones. It's one of the few I can remember him being in singles competition mind!

that match they had on that huge X above the ring wasn't amazing though, but that has to be the worst match idea in a long time, Rhino is exellent at being a Heel, he is only 35/36 so he is far from passed it.

ECW thing is a great idea but I think TNA should be looking to bring through some of their own hardcore stars too, none of the homegrown TNA wrestlers bar Abyss really fit into that ECW style. 97-02 WWE had some exellent hardcore wrestlers, sadly since the hardcore belt got taken away there has been no young wrestlers who are very skilled in those matches.

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