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Mo Wonderboy

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Lanny Poffo reported on his Poetryin Motion podcast Wednesday that WWE Hall of Famer Bobby "The Brain" Heenan has been in and out of a coma at a Tampa, Florida hospital and isn't doing good at all. Poffo added that Heenan wasn't aware of anything and has been unconscious. Our thoughts go out to Heenan and his family.


He's fine, he aint even in hosptial according to Meltzer, who spoke to his wife

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Although I watched TNA yesterday, I decided I couldn't be arsed posting until it'd aired here.

It was alright. The street fight was pretty gash tbh. The MMA match, which included a surprising ref bump, was shite. I enjoyed the elimination match.

With the Dixie Carter thing, is that just Hogan that's been slapped with that injunction or is it Bischoff as well?

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I caught the last bit of Impact last night. What a terrible ending. Nobody cares about you Dixie, you wooden knobber. And how is the common fan supposed to care about an injuction put on Hogan?! Half the people watching would have no idea what it is anyway! How are you supposed to care about that?! Utter pish as usual from TNA.

Who's going to win KOTR then? I'd say it's between McIntyre and Del Rio.

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The Hero of the Day's discussion topic of the week,

should Kane have went over the Undertaker at Mania 14?

taking into consideration "the streak" was never a factor back then, and wasn't even mentioned throughout the fued. Kane had just arrived in WWF and was destroying everything and anyone, but after the outcome of that match it made Kane look rather weak and just like any other giant that came up against the Undertaker throughout the 90s (Bundy, Gonzalez, Kama) etc.

yes Kane kicked out of the tombstone twice but still should Kane have won that match?

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I don't know how much of an effect it had on the long term plans, but having that big win over The Undertaker would have been massive. Then again, after that win, The Undertaker would have gotten those wins back anyways so I'm not sure how much of a difference it would have made.

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I must admit i marked when he done "and the NNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW Mr and Mrs"

Only disappointing part of it was his failure to announce all the couples combined weights. Quick way to piss off the new mother in-law:lol:

As for the King of the Ring i would like to see Del Rio win it, been really impressed with him since his debut tbh.

Kane should have beat Taker at 14. How Glen Jacobs (Kane) has put up with all the crap he has over the years ill never know. Delighted when he won the title again, totally deserves it

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John Cena noted this afternoon on Twitter that he will be on hand for tonight's Raw live event in Salisbury, Maryland to watch his Mexican cousin Juan's first match for WWE.

"CeNation," John wrote. "Just received western union tellagram via carrier pigieon from mexican cousin Juan. Apparently he just got hired by wwe..., And would like me to watch his first match tonight in Salisbury md. I got nuthin but time on my hands. Ill be there!"

Neither John nor Juan are being advertised for the event by WWE, but the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center has John listed for the show.


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I don't know how much of an effect it had on the long term plans, but having that big win over The Undertaker would have been massive. Then again, after that win, The Undertaker would have gotten those wins back anyways so I'm not sure how much of a difference it would have made.

However unstoppable he may have seemed at first, there was always going to be a point where Kane would have to look beatable. And at mania 14 it seemed too soon. Very well told story and the promo work for that match was almost second to none. The only match I think Taker has wrestled at Wrestlemania where it actually felt like he was a massive underdog. However if Kane was to loose in that match (and he did) the best way to do it was for him to kick out of 2 tombstones.

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I must admit i marked when he done "and the NNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW Mr and Mrs"

Kane should have beat Taker at 14. How Glen Jacobs (Kane) has put up with all the crap he has over the years ill never know. Delighted when he won the title again, totally deserves it

The way the Fink always said "and NEWWWWWWW" always brought the emotion to the moment when the title change occured. I'd even say JR fed of it slightly.

What has Jacobs had to put up with for example? Not questioning you, just curious?

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Getting jobbed to all and sundry in recent years before the big run he is on currently. It got to a stage a couple of years back where I thought he was going to get chucked. Although to be fair he has managed to get a lot of mileage out the Kane character and will retire a wealthy man. So I don't think he will complain too much.

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The way the Fink always said "and NEWWWWWWW" always brought the emotion to the moment when the title change occured. I'd even say JR fed of it slightly.

What has Jacobs had to put up with for example? Not questioning you, just curious?

Well Kane is a supposed to be the monster heel yet they had all that Katie Vick nonsence, they then build him up as a massive heel again only to job him to Mysterio countless times and the list goes on. He is obviously happy to do it and is a company man but imo some of the stuff he has done has made him and his character look weak and stupid. The facial scars disappeared, he went from no voice, to a voice box to perfect english in the space of a few years.

When he lost the mask he should have been pushed to the limit but IIRC the storyline was pretty much forgotten. You cant build someone up to be a hellacious monster only to lose more matches than he wins, its pointless.

Edited by Cameron
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Well Kane is a supposed to be the monster heel yet they had all that Katie Vick nonsence, they then build him up as a massive heel again only to job him to Mysterio countless times and the list goes on. He is obviously happy to do it and is a company man but imo some of the stuff he has done has made him and his character look weak and stupid. The facial scars disappeared, he went from no voice, to a voice box to perfect english in the space of a few years.

When he lost the mask he should have been pushed to the limit but IIRC the storyline was pretty much forgotten. You cant build someone up to be a hellacious monster only to lose more matches than he wins, its pointless.

I don't know whether it was because I was younger when he had it but I thought he was better with the mask. To the point that I didn't realise it was the same person, until like a year or so ago. Like I thought he was a better heel.

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