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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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If Morrisson wins, it will be an anti-climax despite him being the superior wrestler. If CM Punk wins, the kids won't be happy. If Cena wins, there will be a massive boo.

It's hard to see what they do with this.

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If Morrisson wins, it will be an anti-climax despite him being the superior wrestler. If CM Punk wins, the kids won't be happy. If Cena wins, there will be a massive boo.

It's hard to see what they do with this.

Cena will win, Punk is heel and Morrison isn't big enough to headline Wrestlemania in a title match.

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Wrestlemania 21 - WWE Title: Cena v JBL

Wrestlemania 22 - WWE Title: Cena v Triple H

Wrestlemania 23 - WWE Title: Cena v Shawn Michaels

Wrestlemania 24 - WWE Title: Cena v Orton v Triple H

Wrestlemania 25 - World Heavyweight Title: Cena v Edge v Big Show

Wrestlemania 26 - WWE Title: Cena v Batista

Wrestlemania 27 - WWE Title: Cena v The Miz


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Wrestlemania 21 - WWE Title: Cena v JBL

Wrestlemania 22 - WWE Title: Cena v Triple H

Wrestlemania 23 - WWE Title: Cena v Shawn Michaels

Wrestlemania 24 - WWE Title: Cena v Orton v Triple H

Wrestlemania 25 - World Heavyweight Title: Cena v Edge v Big Show

Wrestlemania 26 - WWE Title: Cena v Batista

Wrestlemania 27 - WWE Title: Cena v The Miz


Jesus titty fucking christ. I didn't realise it was that bad.

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Wrestlemania 21 - WWE Title: Cena v JBL

Wrestlemania 22 - WWE Title: Cena v Triple H

Wrestlemania 23 - WWE Title: Cena v Shawn Michaels

Wrestlemania 24 - WWE Title: Cena v Orton v Triple H

Wrestlemania 25 - World Heavyweight Title: Cena v Edge v Big Show

Wrestlemania 26 - WWE Title: Cena v Batista

Wrestlemania 27 - WWE Title: Cena v The Miz


If you take away the JBL match-up, his opponents gradually get worse as well.

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Jesus titty fucking christ. I didn't realise it was that bad.

Indeed, it's a total joke.

The fact that Cena has been involved in a title match each year since Wrestlemania 21, shows how narrow minded the company is. Jesus christ, build some new superstars who are credible enough to be big guns, so they can showcase their talents on the big stage. Yes, The Miz will be at Wrestlemania, yet lets not kid ourselves on here, he's going to get buried as Cena has to win, to keep the kiddies happy.

I don't wish any ill health on Cena, yet i do wonder how the company would deal without Cena at Wrestlemania, because going by their history, they would be screwed because they haven't built any younger superstars that are on the same level as him. You could perhaps make a case for Orton, yet no-one else springs to mind.

If they make The Rock the special guest referee and he helps Cena win, or shakes his hand, i will be disgusted.

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If what I think is correct and the card will be

Cena vs Miz, Punk vs Orton, Cole vs Lawler, Edge vs Del Rio(possibly with Christian), Undertaker vs Sting.

Probably with IC/US title matches, which will follow the same path, I can't see many heels winning. Maybe Del Rio, but can't see Cena, Orton, Lawler or Taker losing, probably not Kingston or Bryan for their titles.

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The fact that Cena has been involved in a title match each year since Wrestlemania 21, shows how narrow minded the company is. Jesus christ, build some new superstars who are credible enough to be big guns, so they can showcase their talents on the big stage. Yes, The Miz will be at Wrestlemania, yet lets not kid ourselves on here, he's going to get buried as Cena has to win, to keep the kiddies happy.

They've tried to build a LOT of new superstars. Hell, they've even been given more of a main event push than the one given to Cena that elevated him so much. By the time he faced JBL, he was the number one babyface on Smackdown.

This is why it annoys me when people just talk down Cena. It's pretty clear the guy has a lot going for him. People call him the Hogan of these days, and you know what? They're right. Because that's two guys that don't get the credit they deserve. Okay, I think a lot of people have twigged to Cena being good, so I don't think the point is as relevant anymore. They are both guys who, while having limitations, have the tools needed to be big stars.

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They've tried to build a LOT of new superstars. Hell, they've even been given more of a main event push than the one given to Cena that elevated him so much. By the time he faced JBL, he was the number one babyface on Smackdown.

This is why it annoys me when people just talk down Cena. It's pretty clear the guy has a lot going for him. People call him the Hogan of these days, and you know what? They're right. Because that's two guys that don't get the credit they deserve. Okay, I think a lot of people have twigged to Cena being good, so I don't think the point is as relevant anymore. They are both guys who, while having limitations, have the tools needed to be big stars.

Yeah but he's had a title match in the past seven Mania's, 6 of those titles being the WWE title. Don't think that anyone else would have had such a run. Austin and The Rock.

Going back past 21.

20 - Guerrero vs Angle - WWE

Benoit, HHH and Michaels - WHC

19 - Lesnar vs Angle - WWE

HHH vs Booker T - WHC

18 - HHH vs Jericho - WWF Disputed

17 - Austin vs Rock - WWF

16 - HHH, Rock, Foley and Big Show - WWF

15 - Austin vs Rock - WWF

14 - Austin vs Michaels - WWF

13 - Taker vs Sycho Sid- WWF

12 - Michaels vs Bret Hart

11 - Diesel vs Michaels

10 - Bret Hart vs Yokozuna

09 - Yokozuna vs Bret Hart/Yokozuna vs Hogan

08 - Savage vs Flair

07 - Hogan vs Slaughter

06 - Warrior vs Hogan- IC and WWF

05 - Hogan vs Savage

04 - Savage vs Di Biase

03 - Hogan vs Andre the Giant

02 - Hogan vs King Kong Bundy

01 - No WWF title match.

Even Hogan, The Rock, Austin, Michaels or HHH never got above 3 in a row. Granted there's weren't two titles to be going for but the point remains.

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You couldn't complain if Hogan was in those spots though. He was by far the #1 guy in the promotion and should be headlining their biggest show. Comparing Shawn Michaels and Triple H to the likes of The Rock, Hogan and Austin is lunacy.

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