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Mo Wonderboy

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I wasn't able to make out this sign on Raw the other night, the guy holding it was beside the guy with the 'Randy Orton looks like a slimjim with a face' sign:



:lol: :lol: That's excellent as is the Randy Orton sign.

I have to say that RAW was pretty good, the crowd were brilliant, by far the best crowd in a long time. In my opinon it just made RAW that little bit better, always the same with a pumped up crowd.

As for Lesnar, knew it was coming but still couldn't help but get that little tingle down my spine when that old intro started and the crowd going bush. I found myself shouting a big YES myself when he done the wee jog and then the big sledge hammer fist thing at the top of the ramp, brilliant from the big man, glad he's back!.

Edited by M0rtonfc
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I wasn't able to make out this sign on Raw the other night, the guy holding it was beside the guy with the 'Randy Orton looks like a slimjim with a face' sign:



:lol: On the art of wrestling last week, Cabana had Brendon Burns on who was saying he heckles in the exact same way. Should definitely check it out, he tells a story of when he was watching Great Khali wrestle Carlito and made him break kayfabe.

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The same as Cena heat. The worst reaction you can get is none. The best you can get is lots. X-Pac, btw, was fucking BRILLIANT when he got that heat. That term made no sense then. It makes no sense now. It's only brought up by morons.

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The Cena - Lesnar stuff should be decent. I expect it to be the headline match at Summerslam.

Rock - Cena II for next year's Mania.

Taker - Lesnar for next year's mania.

With all this stuff happening though, what about Punk? He is after all the WWE champion. What will his next program be? Surely they can't stretch out the Y2J much longer? Also I assume The Rock, speaking about wanting the title at next year's Mania, is meaning the WWE title and not the worthless and pointless WHC?

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With all this stuff happening though, what about Punk? He is after all the WWE champion. What will his next program be? Surely they can't stretch out the Y2J much longer? Also I assume The Rock, speaking about wanting the title at next year's Mania, is meaning the WWE title and not the worthless and pointless WHC?

Laurinaitis made a comment about a "natural disaster" on the horizon for Punk which suggests Lesnar to me maybe? :unsure:

and yeah, Rock specifically said "WWE Champion"

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That sign is shit, and the fan that made it needs to be shot. Any heat is good heat in wrestling. Any fan that doesn't get that is a tool.

What about if it's someone like the Great Khali, someone who's a face but is shit and everyone's booing him.

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Khali gets NO reaction, which is right. Because he's now shit. I say now, because WWE could have booked him to be a belting heel. But he's shit. So there we are.Khali DOESN'T get X-Pac heat. Because he's not a good wrestler and X-Pac was.

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Laurinaitis made a comment about a "natural disaster" on the horizon for Punk which suggests Lesnar to me maybe? :unsure:

I thought he meant A-Train. They were droning on about 'Tensai' meaning some sort of natural disaster were they no. Could mean an F-5 as well mind you.

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Khali gets NO reaction, which is right. Because he's now shit. I say now, because WWE could have booked him to be a belting heel. But he's shit. So there we are.Khali DOESN'T get X-Pac heat. Because he's not a good wrestler and X-Pac was.

Still don't get why WWE released Khali only to bring him back for f**k all reason..

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Ring Ka King. WWE is RAGING with TNA's success in India. Ring Ka King is doing amazing. I watch it every week and it's fucking brilliant, so I see why.

Khali is supposed to be WWE's answer.

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Ring Ka King. WWE is RAGING with TNA's success in India. Ring Ka King is doing amazing. I watch it every week and it's fucking brilliant, so I see why.

When is it on? Nick Aldis mentioned in FSM last month that its on some daft Sky channel called Colour TV or something but I couldn't find it.

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Ring Ka King. WWE is RAGING with TNA's success in India. Ring Ka King is doing amazing. I watch it every week and it's fucking brilliant, so I see why.

Khali is supposed to be WWE's answer.

Ah, I see why now, I heard it's quite good from reports online. I'm surprised WWE didn't do that first instead of getting him and Jinder Mahal to lose constantly on Smackdown and Superstars..

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