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Mo Wonderboy

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ECW on Sci-Fi 18/03/2009

Teddy Long looks like an idiot to open the show. That might be worth a look. Hornswoggle goes missing. Hmm, this might become an issue later.

It's worth noting that Evan Bourne is returning on this show, which I've been looking forward to for ages. That guy really is every bit as good as anyone on the WWE roster at the moment.

Shelton Benjamin and Mark Henry vs. MVP and Christian

I expected a longer match than that. Especially with no real main event to speak of on this show. This was pretty much your standard tag fare with these guys, but that doesn't mean it was bad. Just a tad bit uninteresting.

Jamie Noble vs. Evan Bourne

EVAN BOURNE !!! And he has a good opponent as well ! Hopefully this match gives both guys a chance to shine. It doesn't. Well, Bourne got to show off a wee bit, but Noble has been toned so much it's incredible. Bourne got to show off the Rewind Rana. Nice to know that Matt Striker knows his FWA. They also hint to a possible Tyson Kidd vs. Evan Bourne match.

Turned out that Hornswoggle was having fun at the expense of Katie Lea. Thought they were going to do more with the angle than that. Shame on ECW. They had a chance to show off some right good comedy.

Jack Swagger is gonna cut a promo. He's only there to let us see him. That's actually brilliant. :lol:

There's gonna be an all Diva ECW coming soon. I won't be watching that.

Paul Burchill vs. Finlay

"Katie Lea's like the girl next door, provided you live next door to a haunted castle."

Not a bad match. Burchill looked very good against Finlay, who was unsurprisingly incredibly hard hitting in this one, but Burchill stood up to him every single step of the way. Nothing that I'll remember in a month's time, but it served a purpose.

The Dirt Sheet. This is super stuff. They bring out "The Colons" which is still fantastic. Okay, so it's completely immature, but I couldn't care about that. This brings out Primo and Carlito. You couldn't get more childish humour from one promo if you tried, but this is absolutely brilliant stuff. Of course, this promo DOES have a point. We have a tag title for tag title at Wrestlemania, which I personally can't wait for.



Kinda disappointing week for ECW actually, apart from the superb ending promo between the tag division.

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March 17, 2009

DETROIT, MI - Former UFC Heavyweight Champion, Tim Sylvia was involved in a fight at a bar in downtown Detroit Michigan with 7 foot, 320 pound WWE Superstar, Glen 'Kane' Jacobs (pictured above).

No details are currently being released on how the fight started. A witness says the two were arguing and Tim Sylvia instigated the fight. Jacobs quickly took Sylvia to the ground and repeatedly punched him in the face. The bartender along with a bystander helped pull Jacobs off Sylvia. Sylvia was said to have suffered a broken nose and a black eye.

The police were notified but since the fight was not prolonged and neither men wanted to press any charges, no arrests were made. Sylvia was driven by a friend who was with him to the hospital to treat the broken nose. Glen Jacobs left the scene with his wife shortly after.

More details to be released as they come in.

Wrestling 1-0 MMA it seems lol

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March 17, 2009

DETROIT, MI - Former UFC Heavyweight Champion, Tim Sylvia was involved in a fight at a bar in downtown Detroit Michigan with 7 foot, 320 pound WWE Superstar, Glen 'Kane' Jacobs (pictured above).

No details are currently being released on how the fight started. A witness says the two were arguing and Tim Sylvia instigated the fight. Jacobs quickly took Sylvia to the ground and repeatedly punched him in the face. The bartender along with a bystander helped pull Jacobs off Sylvia. Sylvia was said to have suffered a broken nose and a black eye.

The police were notified but since the fight was not prolonged and neither men wanted to press any charges, no arrests were made. Sylvia was driven by a friend who was with him to the hospital to treat the broken nose. Glen Jacobs left the scene with his wife shortly after.

More details to be released as they come in.

Wrestling 1-0 MMA it seems lol

Tim in hammering shock, welcome to post 2007 :P

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Imagine the scene at Wrestlemania:

After a vicious backstage attack by an unknown assailant, Steamboat, Piper and Snuka are unable to compete. What a heinous crime against three legend. There's Jericho in the ring standing there with a knowing smile on his face.

He's defeated the legends even before Wrestlemania.....



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What show is this?

It's called Night of Professional Wrestling II. The first one was fun enough.

The card is ...

Glenn Dunbar vs. Black Samurai Jr. ( find a more generic Japanese wrestler name ! )

Special Services ( Craig Byers and Ricky Gibson ) vs. William Grange and Tricky Dickie Divers

Chris Renfrew ( ~~ ) vs. ???

Gauntlet match.

That link didn't work btw.

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Imagine the scene at Wrestlemania:

After a vicious backstage attack by an unknown assailant, Steamboat, Piper and Snuka are unable to compete. What a heinous crime against three legend. There's Jericho in the ring standing there with a knowing smile on his face.

He's defeated the legends even before Wrestlemania.....



Page load error! *clap clap, clap clap clap* Page load error! *clap clap, clap clap clap*

He was amazing in his prime.

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TNA Impact 19/03/2009

After the idiotic events of Destination X, we come to their weekly TV show. I honestly have no idea what to expect here.

Scott Steiner wears something that looks oddly like Scottish wrestler Micken's hoodie when he teamed with BT Gunn. I'm sick of everyone on the roster talking as if Kurt Angle is the greatest wrestler of all time. It's cringeworthy to see someone who's a glorified spot monkey spoken up in such a way. The promo was too long and it was actually quite boring. Let me break this one down. Sting, Angle, Nash, Foley and JJ in a promo, and it managed to be boring, but it did set up Kurt Angle and Sting vs. Mick Foley and Jeff Jarrett. Quite a star studded match for an Impact main event.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. No Limit

No idea what the names of the guy in No Limit are, but I'm not a big fan of the first match that the two teams had in NJPW. Really good tag team action in this match and it had a blistering pace. Maybe the problem with the match in NJ was the fact that it lasted too long. This match didn't have the same problem. ***

Beer Money Inc. call out Team 3D after they beat up No Limit. Moral of the story is that Beer Money Inc. want Team 3D at Lockdown because they want the respect that they deserve. Team 3D decide to make it title for title and put the IWGP Tag Titles on the line. That's pretty cool. Good promo anyways, and Brother Ray has come on leaps and bounds in that department since joining TNA.

Jeremy Borash says that someone wants to be a major part of the Lockdown PPV but we have to use our mobiles to see who it is. I don't think I'll be doing that.

Backstage and Mick Foley says that he couldn't resist getting into a match. This is a much better promo than the one from earlier, as Foley cuts a brilliant passionate promo about wanting to wrestle again and talks JJ around.

Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed vs. ODB and Taylor Wilde

Ugh. The Knockout division. I guess I'll be giving it a wee watch. The heel team are the best two Knockouts in TNA by some distance. We get to see the Curb Stomp in this match. All four Knockouts actually put on a spirited effort here. The standout was Saeed. You don't have to see her face to see the fire that she has under her. Decent tag team action.

The idiot that won One Night with ODB stands up for his woman. Awesome Kong actually backs off and leaves. I wanted to see him get a doing there.

Jeremy Borash took notes during the Kurt Angle vs. Sting match. Borash points out that Angle actually did a lot of damage to the referee and the special enforcer. He then points out that maybe there wasn't a conspiracy against him.

Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Samoa Joe

Maybe Bashir should have just kept his mouth shut on the PPV last night. Joe looked like a lunatic when he faced Steiner. This lasts shorter than the Steiner match as Joe takes out his frustrations on Bashir and takes him out of the building. As I said, Bashir should have kept his mouth shut. :lol:

AJ Styles has a promo with Jim Cornette and he has a promo to cut about winning the Legends Title. There isn't much going on here, and basically, the moral of the story is that Booker T. comes down and says he will get that belt back.

Madison Rayne vs. The Governer

I'm not sure about watching a match involving someone who is basically booked as a Sarah Palin lookalike. I haven't been to a tribute show for years. Am I expected to watch a tribute to someone who isn't even a wrestler ? Feck it, I'm not watching it.

Samoa Joe has Sheik Abdul Bashir backstage, and he says that he should go back to where he came from. Apparently Samoa Joe is a racist. Samoa Racist goes on to beat the living crap out of Bashir with a cane.

Kurt Angle and Sting vs. Mick Foley and Jeff Jarrett

I hate when they do the fake of a ref bump, because you know that the ref bump is coming right after it. I don't like ref bumps anyways. The match was decent and nobody brought their A games, but it was a dream TV main event, and that's enough for this show. It didn't need to be brilliant.

Sting challenges Mick Foley to a Six Sides of Steel Match for Lockdown. Foley and JJ are backstage. Mick Foley cuts another absolute scorcher of a promo, and he acceps the challenge.


Hey, once again, TNA show that they can at least do an entertaining show. Their problem is a lack of consistancy. They can do tripe, and then they can do a show like this week. Once they find that level of consistancy then they'll start improving.

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Yeah, I knew about that. There's schools in East Kilbride and Linwood too. I'm sure there's another one or two in the Fife area although I don't know too much about that.

In great news, Drew McIntyre is your new FCW Champ. He's gonna face Seamus O'Shaunessy which is significant to UK fans because their feud went all over the shop on the UK and Irish scene and now it goes to WWE developmental. Apparently Drew's match for the title win was fantastic. Can't wait to see it.

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WWE No Way Out 2009

This is a show that I haven't seen yet, much like the TNA Genesis PPV, which I have only seen Shelley vs. Sabin from. After this show, I'll decide if I want anything from it on my MOTY list. They hype Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton like the main event. You know, I forgot that match was on this show. I can't remember anything outside of the two EC matches on the card. Lets see what shocks me.

Edge © vs. The Undertaker vs. The Big Show vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy - Elimination Chamber Match - WWE Championship

Here's an interesting question. How many times has The Undertaker been the first man through the curtain on a PPV ? That can't be many times at all. Wouldn't be surprised if this was the first. Edge and Jeff Hardy had a fantastic opening exchange before the others came in, and it's amazing that not long after this, they had a really poor match on free TV. Kozlov isn't anywhere near as bad as people suggested. Infact, some of the stuff he did in there was pretty good. Of course he showed some signs of inexperience, but he IS inexperienced. A tremendous match, and a good shout from the person tha mentioned it as Match of the Year so far. ****1/2

Randy Orton vs. Shane McMahon - No Holds Barred Match

This is almost the climax of a ridiculous angle that made Shane McMahon, a non-wrestler, look stronger than the Rumble winner and his partners. Yup. THREE wrestlers. One of them a main eventer. This was a pretty bog standard No DQ match from WWE, with the occaisional big bump to warm the crowd up. Sometimes I wish WWE would just not bother with the No DQ stuff because they seem to put the same match on every time.

Jack Swagger © vs. Finlay - ECW Heavyweight Championship

The fans were just not having this at all, and you can't blame them. It was very boring stuff with a bunch of meaningless body part working. Why spend minutes working on the leg only for Swagger to forget that it happened and then for the same thing to happen to the arm of Finlay. Ugh. Stupid. It rendered most of the match pointless.

JBL vs. Shawn Michaels - All or Nothing Match

I actually quite liked this angle. Could have made it to Wrestlemania if they added a gimmick, but I think they took the right option as far as both men go, so you really can't grumble. Certainly not a bad match by any stretch. A bit dull and boring, but if you book a match with JBL to go a length of time then you're gonna have to expect the pace to be slow. Knowing it was going to be slow helped my enjoyment of this. Don't come in expecting miracles from this match, but this is at least fun.

John Cena © vs. Mike Knox vs. Kane vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho - World Heavyweight Championship

If you haven't already, check out the facial expression of Edge after he eliminates John Cena. Absolutely priceless. Once the guys started to get eliminated this match just got better and better untill we were left with Rey and Edge. We know what these two guys are capable of. The whole match could have done with a bit of a pick up which is why the rating isn't higher than it is, but this is still good fun. ***3/4



This was an absolute two match show. There was another two big matches, one of them was decent and the other one didn't deliver at all. Then there was the match that was just kinda there. This night was all about the Elimination Chambers though and both of them were very good.

I'll be doing ROH Rising Above 2009 next.

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