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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I've not watched a lot of WWE lately, but is Bourne's push a serious one? Do they honestly think he has what it takes to be a legit World Champ and regular main eventer? I mean he is about 180 right? On what little ring time I've seen of him, it's obvious he is a very talented young fella and his finisher is a thing of beauty, but most of the time ring talent is a distant second best to how marketable an individual is.

Of course it's a moot question as they have the ridiculous situation of Rey Mysterio as a Heavyweight champ, and Bourne would be far more credible than him IMO, but Rey sells to the kiddies.

I think Bourne's push is just to make him look like a genuine contender for MitB.

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So you know how a few pages back some people were arguing that WWE see TNA as a serious threat? Well, we can put that idea to bed.

This weeks featured legend on the WWE TV channel in the States is Ric Flair. :lol:

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Christian is more prone to flying than most so I don't have much issue with that. Matt Hardy though ? He can't fly anymore. Flop maybe, but not fly.

Even with Christian....what does he do these days that is classed as high flying? High crossbody? Frog Splash?

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I'm shattered but hopefully it'll open with a MitB match and I can catch that.

Sheamus, Mysterio, The Miz, Christian and The Hart Dynasty are my picks.

I'd think one of the woman's matches would be the opener. I'd certainly have both of them followed by the tag team match then hit the SD and RAW Mitb matches then the World Championship and WWE Championship matches following them, in that order.

I'm gonna go with Usos, Drew McIntyre (although I want Christian), Jericho, Rey Mysterio and Sheamus.

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Surley one of the MITB matches has to be at the start...thye cant stack the 2nd half of the show with 2 MITB matches and a cage match.

Yeah but watching any of the three lesser matches will be even worse if it follows either of the MITBs or the cage match.

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Sometimes that's the point. ;)

Put a women's match after the first MitB match, and then the tag title match, and then the cage, and then the other women and then the RAW MitB, assuming that's the main event.

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Surley one of the MITB matches has to be at the start...thye cant stack the 2nd half of the show with 2 MITB matches and a cage match.

either smackdown MITB or tag titles, the womens match will be the "grab a sandwich/take a piss break" in between the final 2 matches, probably the cage and the Raw MITB. imo.

for the first time in my life, I want cena to win a match sad.gif I feel dirty now... I hope Drew wins, usos win, and I can't remember who rey is facing but I hope the wee b*****d gets taken out biggrin.gif oh wait... I think he is facing swagger, in which case, Rey to win!

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Sometimes that's the point. wink.gif

Put a women's match after the first MitB match, and then the tag title match, and then the cage, and then the other women and then the RAW MitB, assuming that's the main event.

no way... there are 2 womens matches tonight?

shit! I never watch smackdown so I forget they have that other "divas" title. Women get out of the ring, you can't wrestle and hearing a fat 55 year old guy posing as a king talking about puppies and divas is cringeworthy!

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