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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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In terms of entertainment, rather than the wrestling ability since Flair and Cole don't offer that, I'd say it's Flair, Cole, Anderson, Barrett, Jarrett and Jeff Hardy. The first three are more because they are funny. The latter three because they are doing their jobs really well and I hate them when I'm watching them

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Dont know about anyone else but i could have listened to Rollerball Rocco, Walsh and McManus all night. Superb hour of chat only wished it had been longer.

Might be alone hear but i used to love watching World of Sport on the wrestling channel. Apart from the famous names such as Big Daddy and Haystacks as well as the names further up you occasionally seen matches with the very young Davey Boy (Young David) Dynamite Kid, Finlay, "Cowboy" Bret Hart, William (Steve) Regal and the teenage Owen Hart.

Mick McManus was a super heel. I have seen some of his matches and the old Granny's pure hated him, swinging their handbags as he made his way to and from the ring. My mum also told me last night that some her older relatives used to go crazy at his cheating antics while wathcing on tv, this in a time where everyone thought what they were seeing was real.

Great story from Rocco last night about Davey Boy and Dynamite hiding at the back of the van when crossing the border into Scotland as they had forgot their passports. One thing is for sure they would not have pulled a rib on Dynamite like that 10 years later, or they would have got their "Fookin' ed kicked in"

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Dont know about anyone else but i could have listened to Rollerball Rocco, Walsh and McManus all night. Superb hour of chat only wished it had been longer.

Might be alone hear but i used to love watching World of Sport on the wrestling channel. Apart from the famous names such as Big Daddy and Haystacks as well as the names further up you occasionally seen matches with the very young Davey Boy (Young David) Dynamite Kid, Finlay, "Cowboy" Bret Hart, William (Steve) Regal and the teenage Owen Hart.

Mick McManus was a super heel. I have seen some of his matches and the old Granny's pure hated him, swinging their handbags as he made his way to and from the ring. My mum also told me last night that some her older relatives used to go crazy at his cheating antics while wathcing on tv, this in a time where everyone thought what they were seeing was real.

Great story from Rocco last night about Davey Boy and Dynamite hiding at the back of the van when crossing the border into Scotland as they had forgot their passports. One thing is for sure they would not have pulled a rib on Dynamite like that 10 years later, or they would have got their "Fookin' ed kicked in"

Absolutely. Was a great hour, really interesting stuff. Took me back to a sadly bygone era of great British wrestling with so many great characters and moments, the weekly edition really was an event in households all over the country.

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The entire commentary from Wrestlemania VIII is the best commentary ever. And no, Rumble 1992 wasn't better.

The commentary for the Rumble match itself was beyond great but for the rest of the event was a bit... meh. For that reason I'd probably agree with you that 'Mania VIII edges it.

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WWE Wrestlemania XXVI

So it's the biggest show of the year for WWE, and it's another outdoor stadium deal. I can remember much of the show coming off a little flat, but the PPV being pretty good on the whole.

The Miz and The Big Show © vs. R-Truth and John Morrison - WWE Unified Tag Team Championships ( *1/2 )

Cody Rhodes vs. Ted Dibiase vs. Randy Orton ( **3/4 )

Kofi Kingston vs. MVP vs. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger vs. Matt Hardy vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kane vs. Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin, Money in the Bank Ladder Match ( ****1/4 )

Sheamus vs. Triple H ( ***1/2 )

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio ( ** )

Mr. McMahon vs. Bret Hart, No Holds Barred Match ( DUD )

Chris Jericho © vs. Edge - World Heavyweight Championship ( ***3/4 )

Diva's Clusterfuck ( N/A )

Batista © vs. John Cena - WWE Championship ( ****1/4 )

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker ( ***** )

The Miz and The Big Show © vs. R-Truth and John Morrison - WWE Unified Tag Team Championships

No matter how hard you try, you can never escape the bag of suck that is R-Truth. The audience couldn't give a toss about him this time though which is great news for me. John Morrison scores slightly higher on the Wrestlemania crowd scale. Lets call that one a 3/10. That's a good idea actually. Scaling the amount that the audience give a toss about the guys coming out. I heard nothing for R-Truth so he gets 0/10. JoMo gets 2/10. The Big Show and The Miz get 7/10 for a pretty good mixed reaction from the audience. The bell rings and this one is off. Morrison and Miz to get this going. Hammerlock from Morrison. Miz into the ropes and he runs into a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Body Slam and then in comes Truth. He heads for the top rope and lands the Top Rope Leg Drop and that gets a two count. Miz pushes but eats a Side Kick. Truth ducks a right hand and lands some of his own. Fallaway Slam from Show. That was crazy. Show shoves Morrison down and then heads for the second rope and Morrison kicks him back into the middle of the ring. Truth gets a two count from that. In come Morrison and Miz and Morrison takes the control of the match. The Flapjack from Morrison and then Miz gets a Sunset Flip, but Morrison lands his knee. STARSHIP PAIN FROM MORRISON ... MISSES !!! TRUTH WITH A PESCADO ... Show catches him and launches him into the post and that gets a two count. SKULL CRUSHING FINALE ... COUNTERED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Miz with right hands. Miz hits the breaks and kicks Morrison. THE KNOCKOUT PUNCH FROM SHOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That wasn't a very good match at all. Much too short and when you consider one of the matches that got too much time on it, this was shocking. It was fun while it lasted though. *1/2

Cody Rhodes vs. Ted Dibiase vs. Randy Orton

Dibiase gets 5/10 for getting a bit of a reaction from the audience and at least a bit of a buzz. Cody Rhodes gets 1/10 as there's a reaction, but it doesn't stop it sounding like I'm hearing this music from a CD player. Rhodes also wears some ill advised ring gear. Randy Orton gets a respectable 8/10 as it's not quite a monster pop, but it IS the loudest on the show so far. Orton has a good look at his two students and then right hands to both members of the Legacy tag team. Orton then heads for the floor and then lands a Clothesline on both men, with one sending Rhodes to the floor. Orton then hits his trademark stomps on Dibiase. Nice Dropkick on Rhodes, but then Dibiase gets one of his own and we now have a Legacy beatdown and the audience are not happy with this. Rhodes and Dibiase stomp away at Orton again and Dibiase gets angry. Double Arm Ringer and then Legacy beat down Orton. Dibiase gets in the face and then Legacy continue their beatdown. They take turns holding the arms and laying in their beating. Double Suplex from Legacy. Legacy lay down another beating on Orton when they let him back up. I wonder how long this is going to last before they go on each other as I genuinely can't remember anything. Orton makes the fightback and that wakes the audience up. Big Clothesline from Dibiase after he wrong foots the former champion. HIGH/LOW FROM LEGACY !!! Rhodes now lands the Knee Drop and with the lack of a knee pad that will hurt. Rhodes was about to go for the Moonsault and Dibiase goes for the cover. Rhodes sends Dibiase out of the ring. ALABAMA SLAM FROM RHODES TO ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... DIBIASE SAVES !!! Dibiase then lays out Rhodes. We now have a proper brawl from Legacy and I assumed the audience would care more than they do. Back into the ring they go after they brawl. Orton is getting up and both of the tag team notice. Dibiase sent to the floor and then Orton lays out both men again. Powerslam on Dibiase and the same for Cody Rhodes. Orton Backbreaker on Rhodes and the audience is WAY behind this. Major chants for "RKO" and then Orton is dragged out. PESCADO FROM RHODES TO DIBIASE !!! Dibiase onto the apron and Orton catches him with a kick. Rhodes gets caught as well. DOUBLE HANGING DDT FROM ORTON TO LEGACY !!! Dibiase heads for the floor and Orton has his eyes on Rhodes. THE PUNT ON RHODES !!! DIBIASE CATCHES ORTON WITH THE DREAM STREET ... COUNTERED WITH THE RKO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a decent wee triple threat match actually. There was enough story in the match alone to keep the match entertaining for the time that they were out there. **3/4

Kofi Kingston vs. MVP vs. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger vs. Matt Hardy vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kane vs. Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin, Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Kofi Kingston gets a decent 7/10. MVP gets 4/10 for a decent buzz. Evan Bourne gets 5/10 as it appears the audience are into it when the initial music goes. Jack Swagger gets 6/10. Matt Hardy gets 7/10 as well. Dolph Ziggler gets 2/10 for a smattering of boos. Drew McIntyre lands a 0/10. Kane gets a surprisingly disappointing 5/10. Christian gets a solid 7/10. Shelton gets a surprising 0/10. To the match we go and MVP sends a ladder into the ring and Drew snatches it and heads for the case, but Matt stops him and pushes him down. TWIST OF FATE ON DREW !!! Drew sent to the floor and everyone now goes for the case. Bourne is close but everyone is up there. Kane grabs Bourne. CHOKESLAM FROM KANE TO BOURNE TO THE FLOOR !!! Shelton knocks down Matt and Swagger. Christian and Kofi now do battle in the ring. Christian throws a ladder at Matt. MONKEY FLIP INTO A LADDER FROM CHRISTIAN TO KOFI !!! Christian now sets up the ladder and Dolph stops him climbing. THE ZIG ZAG OFF OF THE LADDER FROM ZIGGLER TO CHRISTIAN !!! MVP PULLS ZIGGLER OFF AND HE LANDS FACE FIRST !!! Big collision in the middle of the ring now. Three men have a ladder. KANE POWERBOMBS KOFI ONTO A LADDER !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM MVP !!! PAYDIRT FROM SHELTON !!! Shelton now sets up ladders and heads for the case and Swagger stops him en route. BOURNE WITH THE DOUBLE KNEES OVER THE LADDER !!! Nice. Christian has a ladder set up against the apron. Christian and Matt catch Swagger in a ladder sandwich and then make two ladder bridges. Christian, Bourne and Matt do battle. AIR BOURNE OFF OF THE LADDER BRIDGE !!! The audience definately liked that. Bourne now heads for the gold and Matt stops him. MASSIVE HIPTOSS OFF OF THE LADDER FROM MATT TO BOURNE !!! Swagger is now behind Matt. SWAGGER FLIPS MATT OVER THE LADDER ONTO ONE OF THE LADDER BRIDGES !!! HOLY SHIT !!! MVP and Shelton now do battle. Shelton sends MVP over the top rope with a Rana. Kane floors Shelton and MVP with a ladder and now he goes for the case. Kane and Dolph do battle and Ziggler ends up on the wrong side of that. CHOKESLAM ON THE LADDER FROM KANE TO ZIGGLER !!! Kane now puts Ziggler in the ldder and does some major punishment and breaks the ladder. TROUBLE IN PARADISE FROM KOFI TO KANE !!! KOFI USES LADDER LEGS AND ACTUALLY CLIMBS AND GETS CLOSE !!! Drew stops that. DREW SENDS KOFI OVER THE TOP ROPE WITH HIS PUSH !!! Drew is going for it and NOW the audience is pretty hot against McIntyre. Well he hasn't done anything. No wonder. Matt Hardy comes in to a mammoth pop. DREW GETS PUSHED OFF THE TOP OF A LADDER AND CROTCHED ON THE TOP ROPE !!! Hardy is heading for it and Kane gets a ladder kicked in his face. Christian finds his way to the other ladder. Kane is now going up with them. Matt and Christian kick down Kane. FUCKING MEGA REVERSE DDT FROM HIGHER THAN THE TOP ROPE FROM CHRISTIAN TO MATT !!! JESUS CHRIST !!! What a great match this is. MUCH better than I remember it being. Jack Swagger pulls one ladder down and Christian climbs another and he's up there. Swagger with lots of right hands. Christian with rights of his own. SWAGGER SMACKS CHRISTIAN WITH THE CASE !!! HE'S GOT IT !!!

That was a MUCH better match than I can remember it being. Rather than trying to top the spots like what happened before, they decided to just give the match a cracking flow and still have the spectacular stuff in there. As far as spotfests go, this is definately up there. Brilliant. ****1/4

Sheamus vs. Triple H

Sheamus gets a respectable 6/10 level pop considering that he's a relative newcomer. Triple H gets a corker of a 9/10. Still doesn't feel like a perfect score, but that was pretty mammoth. Lockup and into the corner they go and they back away from each other. Slap to the face from HHH and then he lands some right hands. Sheamus sends him into the ropes. Sheamus gets away from the Pedigree early. Lockup and a knee to the stomach and then Sheamus clubs away at HHH. HHH into the corner and he comes out with a Clothesline and then he lands a Suplex on the Irishman. Crotch chop and then the Knee Drop and that gets a two count. Sheamus heads for the floor. HHH goes out to get him and slams him into the barrier and then back into the ring. Chop block from HHH and then he locks in the Figure Four Leglock. Sheamus breaks the move and then heads for the floor again. He then sends HHH into the steps after giving himself the chance. HHH sent face first into the barrier and then back into the ring. HATEBREAKER FROM SHEAMUS !!! I love that move. HATEBREAKER FOR THE SECOND TIME FROM SHEAMUS !!! Right hand from Sheamus and then he lands big knees to the head. He then chokes HHH with his shin and then stomps away in the corner and the fans aren't liking this at all. Kick to the stomach from HHH and then he tries his fightback. Clothesline from Sheamus puts a stop to all of that. Knee to the back from Sheamus and then he lands more right hands and that gets a two count. Running Powerslam now from Sheamus and that gets a two count for him. He then locks in the Arm Bar. Here's a major problem. He has the back work going and then when he locks in a submission, he locks it on the arm. Stupid. He changes to a Chinlock and the audience responds. HHH with the Back Drop Suplex. Sheamus runs into a pair of boots. DDT from HHH and that is a sure tide changer for The Game. Right hands from both men now. The audience is mixed. High Knee from HHH. It is of course very much pro-HHH. Knee 2 Face from HHH. PEDIGREE ... countered. Sheamus pushed into the corner and HHH lands a Neckbreaker and that gets a two count. Sheamus gets around HHH and then clubs away at the back. THE CELTIC CROSS FROM SHEAMUS ... countered. BROW KICK ... PEDIGREE ... countered. THE BROW KICK FROM SHEAMUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Major "Triple H" chants go around the stadium now. CELTIC CROSS ... avoided. Spinebuster from HHH and that gets a two count. Sheamus heads for the apron and HHH drags him back up. Right hand from Sheamus. THE BROW KICK FROM SHEAMUS FROM THE APRON !!! Sheamus couldn't take advantage of that though. CELTIC CROSS FROM SHEAMUS ... COUNTERED TO THE PEDIGREE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I have a bit of a problem with the Sheamus submission choice in the middle of the match. That really is something that you wouldn't even see from most UK rookies so to see it at that level was worrying. This was a cracker of a physical battle though and a surefire sign of the leaps that Sheamus HAS made. ***1/2

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

Punk gets a VERY disappointing 3/10 from what is usually a very pro-smark crowd at Wrestlemania. Rey Mysterio gets a good 8/10. I guess the crowd is much more of a casual crowd this time out. Lets see how well these two guys meshed. The SES play games with Rey and then Punk takes advantage. Why does the referee not send them to the back ? Rey into the corner but he lands a Dropkick to the knee. Punk gets Rey into a Tree of Woe and then kicks and stomps. Serena chokes Rey while he's in that position. Punk crotches himself on the ringpost and Rey gets himself down from the tree of woe. Rey gets dropped from the Wheelbarrow position onto the steps face first. Rey beats the count into the ring and Punk isn't happy, so lays down a big beating on Rey. That gets a two count. Hammerlock from Punk. Rey then fights out and gets a big kick to the knee and a right hand. Rey to the apron. Springboard Seated Senton from Rey and then a Springboard into a Powerslam from Punk gets a two count. Rey with the kick to the head gets countered to a School Boy gets a two count. Rana countered to a kick to the head and that gets a two count for Punk. REY WITH THE BACKFLIP DDT OFF THE TOP ROPE ON PUNK !!! The timing was a little off there but it connected. ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! 619 ... caught. GTS ... stopped. REY SPRINGS INTO THE GTS ... stopped again. Rey heads for the top rope for a tribute to Eddie. FROG SPLASH FROM REY ... MISSES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! High Knee in the corner from Punk but he misses the Bulldog. 619 FROM REY !!! Serena stops that from happening. Yeah, that's fair. GTS FROM PUNK ... COUNTERED TO A RANA !!! 619 !!! SPRINGBOARD SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The time constraints worked a lot better than I thought they did. The pacing of the match was done well considering. There was a couple of spots which were a little off but they didn't harm the match as they still worked. **

Mr. McMahon vs. Bret Hart, No Holds Barred Match

We get a lot of shit involving the Hart family. I can't believe the amount of time this takes up but being the eternal trooper that I am, I will do the PBP on the match. Bret lays on his beating and rakes the face on the top rope. Right hands from Hart. I'm already wondering how much of this I'm going to sit through. Hart then chokes Vince with his boot. The lumberjacks decide they want a piece of McMahon. Kidd gives us the best amusement with some quickfire right hands. HART ATTACK ON THE FLOOR FROM THE DYNASTY !!! Back into the ring and Hart continues his beat down. He puts the leg on the bottom rope and lands his weight on the leg. That looked as good as it ever has. Lots of snap on that. Back out goes McMahon and once again the Harts lay in their beating. McMahon tries to run under the ring and he comes out with a crowbar. That makes the Hart family come out. Oh aye, one man stands with a crowbar and he's a coward, but about 10 men beating him up, that's fine. Okay then. :lol: Anyways, the crowbar doesn't get him anywhere and Hart continues his beating. Hart then lays in the beating with a crowbar. Crowbar to the throat of McMahon and now tha Harts pound on the canvas. Hart was about to lay the Sharpshooter in but Hart decides to lay on further beating on McMahon. Hart now has a chair and sits on it and he seems quite happy with how things are going. Hart now lays on the beating with a chair. Sharpshooter ends it.

Well, it's not as long as I can remember it being, but it's still fucking terrible. DUD

Chris Jericho © vs. Edge - World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Jericho gets a 7/10. Not quite. Edge gets an 8/10 for a big 'un. Lockup and Waistlock from Edge and then Jericho gets a Headlock. Jericho charges down Edge and then taunts the crowd. Both men hit the ropes and Edge with a Shoulder Block. Kick to the face from Jericho and then he slaps away. Right hands from Jericho. Forearms added to that. Jericho into the corner and a Flapjack from Edge. Jericho heads for the floor and gets his face slammed into the canvas. Brutal kick to the face from Jericho and then a Baseball Slide sends Edge to the floor. Edge back into the ring where Jericho lays on a beating. Catapult sends Edge throat first into the bottom rope. Back Drop Suplex and that gets a two count for Jericho and then he locks in the Half Nelson. Jericho with mocking beating on Edge. Head first into the top buckle. Jericho into the opposite corner. Edge comes back with right hands. Spinning Heel Kick from Edge. Jericho with a Suplex on Edge drops him over the top rope and the fans liked that. Springboard Dropkick misses and Edge charges Jericho into the US announce table. Edge then lands a Clothesline off of the apron. EDGE LANDS THE SITDOWN FRONT SUPLEX ON JERICHO OFF THE TOP !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Edge kicks away but misses a charge. He heads for the top rope though. Cross Body but Jericho rolls through and gets a two count. WALLS OF JERICHO ... Edge uses leg strength to escape but eats a boot in the face. CODEBREAKER ... countered. THE SPEAR ... COUNTERED INTO THE WALLS OF JERICHO !!! Small Package gets a two count from Edge to counter. Back Elbow from Jericho. LIONSAULT FROM JERICHO ... MISSES !!! EDGE-O-MATIC !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Enziguri from Jericho. That one gets a two count. Edge into the corner. IMPANT DDT FROM EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Flying Forearm to the back of the head from Jericho. That was an odd little move there. SPEAR FROM JERICHO ... RIGHT INTO A BIG BOOT !!! Edge wasn't happy with that. Edge now has his eyes on Jericho. THE SPEAR ... RIGHT INTO THE CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jericho now goes after the knees of Jericho. He misses one stomp though. WALLS OF JERICHO FROM JERICHO YET AGAIN !!! JERICHO SITS DOWN WITH THE HALF CRAB !!! EDGE WITH THE VICTORY ROLL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Cactus Clothesline from Edge and both men wind up on the floor. Have to give points for effort here. They have really done well after the shifty start. Jericho wants to bring his title belt into the match. BELT SHOT BEHIND THE BACK OF THE REFEREE FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

These two guys got the match over through sheer work alone. The match was awkward and both men seemed to have trouble with how things were clicking but they worked hard as f**k and left everything in the ring and by the end the fans were eating it all up. Have to give props for that. ***3/4

We have a Divas clusterfuck and I have no interest in doing this. That's it. I've finally reached my quota for watching utter shit.

Batista © vs. John Cena - WWE Championship

Batista scores in at a pretty big 9/10 as he gets a MAMMOTH mixed reaction from the audience. It's hard to tell if it's a 10 because of the mixed reaction but it's a mega reaction. John Cena scores the most predictable 10/10 for a crowd reaction thanks to a fucking INSANELY loud reaction. Even mixed, you know that scores a 10. Of course he also had a cool as f**k armed guard show before it. Batista goes for the leg and Cena avoids that to start the match. Lockup and there's some booing from the audience. Headlock from Batista. He gets sent into the ropes and gets charged down. Cena goes to the arm and then gets the Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock. Into the corner they go and Cena ducks a right and then lands some rights and lefts. Batista gets a Northern Lariat to change the tide and the fans like that for the most part. Batista charges Cena into the corner and then lands a series of right hands and the referee wants him to back off. Batista with the Facewash in lieu of doing that. To the floor goes Batista and he drapes the head of Cena over the apron and boots it. Cena blocks a Suplex and lands one of his own and both men are down early. Bulldog from Cena and that gets a two count. Attitude Adjustment attempt doesn't go anywhere. BATISTA WITH A FUCKING BRUTAL DDT TO COUNTER !!! Wowzers. That was an absolutely horrible DDT to watch. I love it. Into the ropes and a kick to the head from Batista and that gets a two count. Chinlock with the added body scissors from the champ. Cena powers to his feet and then breaks the grip. Right hands from Batista and Cena now and the fans are right into this battle at the moment. Neckbreaker from Batista ends that exchange and that gets a two count and then he locks in the Front Facelock. Note to Sheamus : That's Batista putting the submission on the body part that he's been working on. Cena gets out of that with a Back Body Drop. Batista then runs into a boot. Flying Shoulder Block and there's a mixed reaction. Protobomb from Cena and we know what's coming next. FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FROM CENA ... BATISTA HITS THE SPINEBUSTER TO COUNTER THAT !!! The reaction from the floor seats was mega there. CENA WITH THE DROP TOE HOLD INTO THE STF ON BATISTA !!! Batista reaches the bottom rope. Shoulder Charges from Batista and then he sets Cena on the top rope. He's not half coming back into this. Cena with something of a fightback. We now have a Test of Strength on the middle rope. Headbutts from Cena and then he pushes Batista back into the middle of the ring. TOP ROPE FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FROM CENA !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... Batista holds on. BATISTA BOMB FROM BATISTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Batista's shock face is brilliant. Comes straight from the school of ham acting. :lol: CENA WITH THE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... countered. Both men. HUGE POWER INTO THE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT FROM CENA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Cena heads for the top rope. CENA JUMPS RIGHT INTO THE SPINEBUSTER FROM BATISTA !!! BATISTA BOMB ... CENA ROLLS THROUGH TO THE STF !!! BATISTA TAPS !!!

That was a cracker. They were going for epic and I honestly think if they had longer to build up to that final stretch they could have easily had one. These two guys have great chemistry together. So much so that they had great matches in their first times out. This was a few times later and they know each other's games like the back of their hands. Great match. ****1/4

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

Michaels gets a rather disappointing 8/10 when you consider the stakes and the match. The Undertaker gets the same, but he deserves 10/10 for a cool as f**k entrance. Here we go and HBK lands chops. Taker misses a right hand and HBK with more chops. HBK whipped into the corner. Snake Eyes and the Big Boot from Taker. HBK backs into the corner and then Taker with the Clothesline. OLD SCHOOL ... HBK fights for his life here and he's not stopping it. OLD SCHOOL !!! That's a couple of big moves early. CHOKESLAM ... countered. HBK noticed the bad wheel and he kicks at the leg of Taker. Both men try for something and HBK goes back to the leg. Taker grabs him by the throat, but HBK does the same thing again. Taker then goes to the arm of HBK. SUPERKICK ... avoided. HBK is now going for the leg and he kicks at it. Kicking to the leg from HBK. Taker with an uppercut. HBK goes back to the leg, but Taker with a big right hand. Clothesline sends HBK over the top rope and to the floor. Taker hits the ropes, but he runs right into the chop block and the work continues. Figure Four is countered as Taker kicks HBK to the floor. Are the fans just waiting for this to kick into another gear ? They don't seem to want to get into this match at all. Taker charges HBK into the ringpost and then his knee buckles. HBK draped over the apron and then Taker lands the Leg Drop on him. That doesn't do his leg any good of course and he needs some time to get back into the ring and that allows HBK to grab the leg when he gets in and he locks in the Figure Four Leglock. Taker reverses the pressure and HBK releases the hold before real damage gets done. Taker then comes back with a series of right hands. HBK ducks one and lands a series of chops. HBK into the ropes and he lands the Flying Forearm. He kips up. CHOKESLAM FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! HBK battles out of the move. ANKLE LOCK FROM HBK !!! HE ADDS THE LEG GRAPEVINE TO THE MOVE !!! Taker reaches the ropes. Cactus Clothesline from HBK sends both men out. HBK to the apron. SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA ... caught. TOMBSTONE ON THE FLOOR FROM TAKER !!! Into the ring and that was never going to end the match. Kick to the stomach and then Taker grabs HBK. LAST RIDE ... COUNTERED TO THE X-FACTOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM HBK ... HITS THE KNEES !!! HELL'S GATE FROM TAKER ... COUNTERED TO THE JACKNIFE PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC FROM OUT OF NOWHERE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! HBK is now looking to land the move properly. SWEET CHIN MUSIC ... countered. LAST RIDE FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! HBK gets sent over the top rope as Taker gets more desperate to land the big shot that puts HBK out of the match. LAST RIDE THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE ... HBK misses. SWEET CHIN MUSIC PUTS TAKER ON THE ANNOUNCE TABLE !!! HBK heads for the top rope. MOONSAULT OFF THE TOP ROPE TO THE KNEES OF TAKER THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE !!! Taker tries to get away as his knees are absolutely knackered at the moment. Back into the ring they go and this could well be the end. SWEET CHIN MUSIC FROM HBK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! The stadium is rumbling at the moment as the stadium knows that they are, again, watching something special. SWEET CHIN MUSIC ... COUNTERED TO THE CHOKESLAM FROM TAKER !!! TOMBSTONE FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Rather than disbelief like last time, The Undertaker shows anger at HBK. Taker brings the straps down and he signals for the end yet again. Taker wants HBK to stay down. HBK just battles to his feet. HBK TAUNTS TAKER !!! What an idiotic move. HBK SLAPS TAKER !!! A JUMPING FUCKING TOMBSTONE !!! FUCKING HOLY MOTHER OF CHRIST !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Well I guess if you're going out, might was well go out to a Jumping Fucking Tombstone. What this match had that the first didn't was a real story. HBK went straight for the knees of Taker right from the start and that meant Taker looked for nothing but the big bombs from that moment. Every single move or attempted move from Taker was a potential finisher. Both men's desperation just mounted and mounted. It also had the advantage of playing on the expectations of the last match, having both men land finishers really early so as the fans would STILL buy into the big nearfalls. What a glorious match. *****

You know what ? This was a great PPV.

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WWE Wrestlemania XXVI

So it's the biggest show of the year for WWE, and it's another outdoor stadium deal. I can remember much of the show coming off a little flat, but the PPV being pretty good on the whole.

The Miz and The Big Show © vs. R-Truth and John Morrison - WWE Unified Tag Team Championships ( *1/2 )

Cody Rhodes vs. Ted Dibiase vs. Randy Orton ( **3/4 )

Kofi Kingston vs. MVP vs. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger vs. Matt Hardy vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kane vs. Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin, Money in the Bank Ladder Match ( ****1/4 )

Sheamus vs. Triple H ( ***1/2 )

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio ( ** )

Mr. McMahon vs. Bret Hart, No Holds Barred Match ( DUD )

Chris Jericho © vs. Edge - World Heavyweight Championship ( ***3/4 )

Diva's Clusterfuck ( N/A )

Batista © vs. John Cena - WWE Championship ( ****1/4 )

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker ( ***** )

The first Wrestlemania I missed for a very long time. Although having not regularly watched the product for a good 6 years now, that's not a bad claim I guess! Michaels vs Undertaker last year at WM25 was truly outstanding though.

I've always found it amazing that the WWE even with a generally fledgling quality of program especially over the last 4-5 years always seem to get their act together for Wrestlemania! And, somewhat ironically some people regard 1999 as being one of the WWE's strongest years, being right in the middle of the 'Attitude Era', Wrestlemania 15 remains one of my least favourite of them all!

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I always thought that 1999 was horribly hit and miss thanks to Vince Russo being a spacker.

I completely agree, which was a shame considering the potential that they had at the time. As you say, a lot of good was to be found but then again a lot of real dissapointing moments. I never did like the Coporate Ministry angle, and that dominated the first half of the year. 2000 would be the definitive year of the Attitude Era for me. Although 98 was also particularly strong.

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Not had some fandan on here telling us how fake wrestling is for a while. Allow me;

God, it's so fake! U R all so stoopid! Lololololol!

Now that that's out of the way, I was thinking about the Rock - Hogan match at Mania. Who were you cheering for? For me it was Rocky all the way, although I was a massive Rock fan and he remains my all time favourite. I also remember being very annoyed at Summerslam when the fans were booing Rock and cheering Brock. I remember being right pissed off that they were dissing this legend for this johhny come lately. In fact I hated Brock at the time. It's only in hindsight that I realise he was very good (although this might be due to the declining quality of the product). Still shouldn't have booed the Rock though!

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I completely agree, which was a shame considering the potential that they had at the time. As you say, a lot of good was to be found but then again a lot of real dissapointing moments. I never did like the Coporate Ministry angle, and that dominated the first half of the year. 2000 would be the definitive year of the Attitude Era for me. Although 98 was also particularly strong.

2000 was amazing. The tail end of the Attitude era, but you look at the quality of the product. Everything in the first half of 2000 was turning to gold, and you had one of the best fueds ever between HHH and Rock, which was the first fued in years to have two matches which were "perfect".

1998 was great. The TV product was at least anyways. Wasn't a great fan of most of the PPVs but I could live with that. But you had the real emergence of The Rock, the best version of DX, Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon was at it's peak, D'Lo Brown had his one good year, Jeff Jarrett was a c**t and loving it.

I was thinking about the Rock - Hogan match at Mania. Who were you cheering for?


I have no idea how that happened, but as soon as he came out, I was hooked. I suppose it was just Hogan at Wrestlemania again which had me in. In such a big match as well.

I also remember being very annoyed at Summerslam when the fans were booing Rock and cheering Brock. I remember being right pissed off that they were dissing this legend for this johhny come lately.

I think that was a mix of two things. 1) People knew that The Rock wasn't going to be around much longer so felt he should be dropping the belt and 2) Brock was brilliant, even then.

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