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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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That vignette just has to be Sting. It wont be Taker, they would just announce or do a normal promo vid for him, not a cryptic debut vignette like that. If it aint Sting, it'll be a huge disappointment after making a vignette like that. It better not be like Mordecai or something shit like that.

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I'm leaning towards Lawler getting a win with all the Cole shite. That said I can see him losing, hitting Cole getting fired, re-hired by Teddy Long or the anonymous Raw GM and facing Cole at Mania to get his Wrestlemania match.

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I'm leaning towards Lawler getting a win with all the Cole shite. That said I can see him losing, hitting Cole getting fired, re-hired by Teddy Long or the anonymous Raw GM and facing Cole at Mania to get his Wrestlemania match.

That would be amazing.

Cena just prevented Sheamus from going out. Bucket of fail.

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eta, ^haha +1. But is it the whole truth?


He's also incredibly annoying, the owner of a shit gimmick and top of the list of people I'd like to see 'future endeavoured'.

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