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Mo Wonderboy

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A right amount of daft lookin c***s runnin aboot ECW this week. Worst yin bein that Obama lookalike talk show host that didnse have a clue whit wis goin on.

Btw new Jeff Jarrett 4 disc set only £17.99 off play.com and the Kurt Angle: Champion DVD only a tenner.

Edited by Hollywood Hogan
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Many said it wouldn't happen. Not in the PG times of WWE anyways, however, it's coming.

Here is the CM Punk promo from Smackdown for NEXT week.

"Are you happy Jeff? You come out earlier wearing an eye patch mocking me? I could have been seriously injured because of you! You see this right here? This is Dyhydroxy Sulfate -- I have to put it in my eye three times a day. It's the only foreign substance I'll allow in my body. Now Jeff, I know you know a lot about prescription medication but, see, to get this legally you have to get it from a doctor. If you want to be like me, with your little eyepatch, instead of doing that, why don't you try living a clean lifestyle, a straight edge lifestyle? Jeff, you have two strikes, do you know how many I have? ZERO. Do you know how many times I've been suspended Jeff? ZERO. Do you know how many times I've been to a rehab facility in my life? ZERO. Do you know what your chances are for beating me at Night of Champions Jeff? ZERO"

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WWE Smackdown 03/07/2009

Good promo from CM Punk to open the show. Much like the whole Jericho/HBK thing that happened last year, Punk is terrific as the righteous asshole who believes, and probably rightly, that he is the man in the right and Jeff Hardy is in the wrong. Things go downhill when Teddy Long gets involved in things, and goes down even more when Jeff Hardy comes down. "Just say no.". The look on Punk's face after he said that sums him up perfectly. Decent opening segment, but Jeff Hardy doesn't have the voice for the job.

Ricky Ortiz vs. Finlay

Ricky Ortiz isn't shit on the microphone. Shame he isn't any good as a wrestler. This match wasn't long enough to expose him completely and he did what he had to do well enough I suppose, making for a decent short match. *

Dolph Ziggler vs. R-Truth

More generic new music for someone. Could that sound anymore like the Priceless music ? Dolph, music aside, continues to impress me. He's a breath of fresh air with his absolute mauling of people and his frantic pace when he's in control of a match. Decent short match as a result, as there was good aggression from both men. I want to see a longer match with these guys. **

f**k Cryme Time. f**k 'em up the arse.

Rey Mysterio vs. Kane

Kane is just so boring when he's on offense, isn't he ? The match got good towards the end when they went for the power vs. pace match and Rey wrestled a smarter match. This victory for Kane should at least exercise some of the demons of the last Rey fued which didn't do him any good. Not a bad match by any means. **1/2

Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio next week. Cool beans.

The Hart Dynasty vs. Cryme Time

Decent tag action from both teams, showing that there's some promise in the tag team division of WWE. Cryme Time are a good big man/little man combo and work it pretty well. Once again, DH Smith looked impressive, but as the weeks go by, Tyson Kidd has looked less so. *1/2

Layla and Michelle McCool vs. Melina and Maria

The usual mediocre women's action. Most of the match didn't matter one iota. All this match was there for was to give Melina a pinfall victory. DUD

Absolutely adorable tribute to Michael Jackson and JoMo backstage. I have to admit, that was great fun.

Edge and Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk and Jeff Hardy

About as simple a version of the tag formula as you're ever likely to see. I guess you can't really expect anything else from a free TV main event, as neither of the four men really set the heather alight, but they do enough to keep the viewers involved, which is all I ask from a free TV match. I liked the eye stuff from Punk, even if you could see it coming a mile away. How are we supposed to back Jeff Hardy though, who has acted and is acting like a total swampy and a p***k ? ***



A good episode of Smackdown overall, as the bad was kept to a minimum and there was some good stuff in the segments and in a couple of the matches.

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CM Punk has come on leaps and bounds since changing to a tweener character who is verging on a full heel turn. When he was a face i didn't like him too much infact i felt his character was pretty corny but now he's playing the role of a cocky arsehole really well.

I can't wait for the Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho match next week, i love watching these two wrestle one another as their matches are always entertaining. Although, I do expect Rey Mysterio to retain the title... i mean how on earth is Jericho going to carry three titles at once? :lol:

It will be interesting to see who Mysterio will fued with afterwords, he could face Ziggler, Finlay, R Truth, John Morrison and Matt Hardy, so there is potential for some great matches. I have a sneaky feeling that Ziggler will be the next challenger to Mysterio's title as he seems to be getting a decent push right now.

Also i think Kane's character has changed a little bit, the usual Kane wouldn't run away from The Great Khali so i was pretty surprised when he hijacked it out of the arena. I don't see the point in this fued though, the match is going to terrible.

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Uh oh, Edge is injured.

Last night at a WWE house show in San Diego, Edge was injured in a match with Jeff Hardy. About 5-minutes into the match, Edge went down with what looks to be a torn Achilles tendon. The injury looked to come off of him simply planting his foot wrong. The match was immediately stopped, and EMT's came to the ring to help Edge, who apologized to the fans before being taken to the back.

If the injury is a torn Achilles tendon, it will require surgery and a long recovery time. WWE is currently looking for a way to get the tag titles onto Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase. The company is also looking at footage shot for this week's Smackdown, to see if there is a spot in the footage where they can claim the injury took place, if the torn Achilles tendon is the actual injury.

I'm gutted, this means the end of Rated Y2J! :(

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Uh oh, Edge is injured.

I'm gutted, this means the end of Rated Y2J! :(

:( That sucks, was lookin forward to what was looking like an face turn for edge coming up, although if he is out for a while I could see him coming back a face, same way HHH did in 2002. Hopefully be back in time for edge - y2j at mania next year, that would be cool.

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I'm heading for Dragon Gate in Oxford. :D

Paid £36.50 for a VIP box ticket which is an elevated set of seats at the side of the hall. When I say seats, I mean couches with tables ! :D BOOYAH !!! Pac, Genki Horiguchi, Dragon Kid, CIMA and Shingo Takagi have all been confirmed and it looks like a six man tag will be the main event, which suits me down to the ground. Three Americans still to be confirmed, so I think El Generico and Kevin Steen are in there somewhere, although I actually hope it's the Young Bucks.

Also on my wishlist are Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino and BxB Hulk, but apparently Dragon Gate are running a show in Japan that night. The UK is getting priority because Dragon Gate sees this as a chance to tap a new audience, so it's not completely out of the question.

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TNA Impact 02/07/2009

Main Event Mafia hit the ring to open the show tonight. Why do TNA promos have the guys saying the names of the guys they're talking to every 30 seconds ? Do they not think the people at home recognize them or something ? Ugh. Probably the worst opening segment TNA have done in a very long time. Sort of capped off by the weakest pipe shot EVER, followed by the guitar shot almost missed by the piss poor production. Look no further than this segment to see why TNA are bush league.

We now head along to Kevin Nash, and he's doing an interview with Mike Tenay. This is a bunch of insider bullshit. More bush league crap.

Next up is Abyss, and we go to the humanisation of his character, which was already dead as a threat, so I guess this stuff doesn't do too much harm. "You're not a monster, you're a man !". I am not a number ! I am a free man !

Cody Deaner vs. The Amazing Red

Cody Deaner is harmless fun I guess. As long as he never makes it to PPV, I have no problem with watching him on Impact. Not a bad match thanks to the comedy shenanigans and the spectacular tendencies of Red. *1/2

Abyss goes mental and gets approached by security armed with baseball bats. What ever happened to good ol' fashioned night sticks ?

Backstage with Jeff Jarrett and the Main Event Mafia. Basically, Angle wants a truce and Jeff Jarrett says no. Tonight is going to be Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett and AJ Styles. Could be a decent match.

Woman I don't care about is going to wrestle Sharmell at the PPV. Another woman I don't care about gets her tuppence in.

Good lord. Too many backstage segments. Kurt Angle gets the microphone and says that Jeff Jarrett has signed his own death certificate. He asks if JJ and AJ are ready for Angle and Joe.

Eric Young vs. Rhino

Eric Young wasn't much to shout about when he was a babyface, and he has just gotten worse as a heel. It just doesn't work, and that Jesse idiot doesn't help. Pretty poor match by anyone's standards here. DUD

Backstage with Matt Morgan and Sharmell. Morgan seems amused by that. Angle is wanting Matt Morgan to make sure that Christopher Daniels gets nowhere near the ring during the tag team match.

Angelina Love and Velvet Sky vs. Awesome Kong and Tara

Kind of a messy tag team match, but it's always fun to watch Angelina Love get her ass handed to her by the badasses of the Knockout division. With the improvement of Love and the bringing in of Tara, the Knockout division might well be worth watching for the next couple of months. Especially if they're serious about the bringing in of Melissa. *

Beer Money Inc. now head for the ring, and they have the tag team championships with them.

Team 3D vs. Scott Steiner and Booker T. - #1 Contender Match

Decent standard formula tag stuff from guys who have been around the block about a million times before. **

Damn TNA for teasing the British Invasion cash in.

Abyss attacks Jay Lethal before he can get to the ring to face Jethro Holiday. Abyss heads for the ring. Black Hole Slam for Holiday as well. Abyss has the microphone and is calling for Dr. Stevie. Abyss says no more Dr. Stevie. Dr. Stevie is now backstage with Lauren. He basically has her to make sure that Abyss goes for therapy. I'm not sure if I care about this stuff or not.

Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett and AJ Styles

All action tag team action to finish the night and it was pretty obvious how the match would go because of the stipulations made at the start of the match making it pretty much impossible for the match to end any other way. However, this was a fun tag team match. **3/4



Some amount of pish on this show, but there's some fun as well. I guess there's enough to make me watch next week.

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Indeed. It is confirmed, but not sure on the start date.

KAGETORA and Marty Scrull have been added to Dragon Gate UK. Never seen Scrull, but KAGE is amazing.

Apparently two big DG games are getting announced by a German promotion, so that will give more of an idea, and a non-Dragon Gate Japanese guy is going to be confirmed too. This is going to be well worth the money. :D

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ECW 09/07/2009

Non spoiler. Yoshi Tatsu's entrance music is terrific.

Nikki Bella vs. Katie Lea Burchill

Never let the Bella twins onto the mic. Ever. The ending of this match was about as unpredictable as the ending of The Sixth Sense. The match itself wasn't too shabby outside of the horrible botch on the apron from Nikki Bella. *

Yoshi Tatsu vs. Shelton Benjamin

We see clips of the blatant racism from Shelton from the week before. That match was an abortion for anyone wondering. I don't hold much hope for this one. The second half was brilliant, and the breakout that the first match should have been. Both men brought their A-game to this one. The ending was absolutely brilliant. ***

Ezekiel Jackson vs. Jack Meridol

Sorry to say, but this is not going to end well for our Jack. Absolutely love the "you're gonna get your ass whipped" look on the face of Jackson. One of the worst squash matches I've ever seen, mainly because Meridol had no business in there. DUD

The Abraham Washington Show with Tommy Dreamer

Abraham Washington is one of the most naturally gifted talkers that has come into WWE in a very long time. He was good last week in what was a horribly written segment. The guy even makes the worst jokes ever sound good. Loved the stuff about what he goes through to get his hairdo.

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Tommy Dreamer - #1 Contender's Match

Kozlov has a wee bit of character and charisma going for him these days. It also helps when WWE are creating badass videos to make you look like a killer. Still not a very good wrestler, but these things make him a bit more bearable. Nice to know that Christian will go on to meet Dreamer as that might be a decent little outing. Decent match here. **



Compare this to last week. Everything with the new people went pear-shaped. This week we had a bit more success, with one very good match and a much better talk show from Washington

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Just Back in from the Bret Hart book signing.

Just as well we got there early as the queue was fucking massive behind us & stretched a long way down the street.

So got the book signed & managed to sneak the DVD set in to get signed too :ph34r:

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Just Back in from the Bret Hart book signing.

Just as well we got there early as the queue was fucking massive behind us & stretched a long way down the street.

So got the book signed & managed to sneak the DVD set in to get signed too :ph34r:

Well done! :P

Couldn't make it down to the signing after all, I'll just have to wait until next time when he's hawking the book 'Montreal: 20 Years On...' B)

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