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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I think Joe's quality, I just mean that they're using him so poorly it's unbelievable. He should be around guys like Angle and he should definitely be above Jeff Hardy.

Agreed, certainly one of my favs. 3 of my top 5 matches of the last decade involve him.

Oh, special mention to the people behind me who wrote "Jim Brown is a Paedophile" on the back of my sign. It got ripped up which means I don't have it anymore. :(

What the sign say?

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Impact was dreadful last night. What a travesty of an organisation. Are they actually studying what knackered WCW and copying as much of it as they can?

As noted, the whole Knockouts thing with Winter, Angelina and Velvet was staggeringly shit. Dear, dear me.Why were they acting like it was a suprise that Rob Terry was facing Kurt Angle when Jarrett basically said that he would earlier on? Do they think fans are that stupid? Granted the ones in the Impact Zone are, but the ones watching aren't.

What the f**k was Orlando Jordan wearing last night? Are the British Invasion back together after the Magnus and Williams run in? Will they bring Wolfe with them if he's still alive?

The main event was hideous. Bubba and Matt Hardy in a main event?! I thought they were taking the pish with Abyss, but come on!

Anderson is just really annoying now. They're obviously trying to make him a Stone Cold type anti-authority plays by his own rules type but it just isn't working at all. His promos at the moment are terrible and his antics aren't amusing, just shit. Earl Hebner is an utter c**t and I hope he fucks off of TV soon. He repeated almost word for word what he said to HHH in 2000 about putting his hands on him.

I was suprised by how much offence Shannon Moore got in against Steiner. Moore is a wee fanny and just looking at him makes me angry.

I'm sure DomDom will be delighted at the 'big' return of Daniels. Good or not, Flair annihilated the whole angle anyway by tearing Daniels apart and painting him as a small nobody who can't beat anyone. That he may be, but it's not something you should be doing when building up a big angle. Flair is such a tosser these days. I can't stand him

One positive; the Young Bucks/Generation Me match was great and got the biggest ovation of the whole night.

They're making a best of Nitro DVD with DDP as the host. Should be good. I would suggest to them that they have a seperate nWO disc (they could even make the actual physical disc in nWO colours).

How good would it be if they made a Nation Of Domination DVD? Loved the nation and loved when Rock burst Farooq to become the leader.

Edited by DA Baracus
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Impact was dreadful last night. What a travesty of an organisation. Are they actually studying what knackered WCW and copying as much of it as they can?

As noted, the whole Knockouts thing with Winter, Angelina and Velvet was staggeringly shit. Dear, dear me.Why were they acting like it was a suprise that Rob Terry was facing Kurt Angle when Jarrett basically said that he would earlier on? Do they think fans are that stupid? Granted the ones in the Impact Zone are, but the ones watching aren't.

What the f**k was Orlando Jordan wearing last night? Are the British Invasion back together after the Magnus and Williams run in? Will they bring Wolfe with them if he's still alive?

The main event was hideous. Bubba and Matt Hardy in a main event?! I thought they were taking the pish with Abyss, but come on!

Anderson is just really annoying now. They're obviously trying to make him a Stone Cold type anti-authority plays by his own rules type but it just isn't working at all. His promos at the moment are terrible and his antics aren't amusing, just shit. Earl Hebner is an utter c**t and I hope he fucks off of TV soon. He repeated almost word for word what he said to HHH in 2000 about putting his hands on him.

I was suprised by how much offence Shannon Moore got in against Steiner. Moore is a wee fanny and just looking at him makes me angry.

I'm sure DomDom will be delighted at the 'big' return of Daniels. Good or not, Flair annihilated the whole angle anyway by tearing Daniels apart and painting him as a small nobody who can't beat anyone. That he may be, but it's not something you should be doing when building up a big angle. Flair is such a tosser these days. I can't stand him

One positive; the Young Bucks/Generation Me match was great and got the biggest ovation of the whole night.

They're making a best of Nitro DVD with DDP as the host. Should be good. I would suggest to them that they have a seperate nWO disc (they could even make the actual physical disc in nWO colours).

How good would it be if they made a Nation Of Domination DVD? Loved the nation and loved when Rock burst Farooq to become the leader.

Anderson seems like someone doing a parody of SCSA

Edited by ginge123
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Slightly off topic here, yet i'm considering running a WWE themed Mafia Game in the near future and i wondered if any of you lot would be interested in it?

It won't be for a few weeks yet, as forehead7 is currently running his own Marvel Mafia Game.

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I'd be up for it, I'd need to actually find out what you have to do first though :P

You would have say 20 players and each individual role would be likely to be one of the following,

- Mafia (bad guys or as they would be known as the "heels")

- Masons (good guys or as they would be known as the "faces")

- Civilians (innocent players)

- Terrorist (would be known as a "tweener" as they've got to be the last one standing to win)

(i might add a further role or two, depending on how many people sign up)

If you're Mafia, you've got to kill off the good guys to win, however if you're a Mason, then you've got to work out who the bad guys are and stop them from winning.

I'm thinking about doing a WWE/TNA invasion storyline.

Edited by Parscelona
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Slightly off topic here, yet i'm considering running a WWE themed Mafia Game in the near future and i wondered if any of you lot would be interested in it?

It won't be for a few weeks yet, as forehead7 is currently running his own Marvel Mafia Game.

Yes, I can link you to one that's already taken place on another board if you'd like. but it'd be a power one like the one I'm doing.

edit: nvm, you've detailed it above.

I'm still interested though!

Edited by forehead7
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The only reason TNA stays is because of the moron fans inside the Impact Zone, who seem to lap it up everytime some guy who had potential maybe 5 years ago but is now getting taken up the backdoor by TNA (point and case being Samoa Joe, who should have just stayed in RoH and waited for Vince to give him a call) or some washed up former WWE legend, or Matt Hardy, makes a run in. The worst example of these moron fans being those two clowns from The Sun. I was listening to the interview with Jeremy Borash from their podcast last night and it's 45 minutes of one of them giving him a rim job. Fucking cretins.

Keep in mind these are the same morons that cheered for Lance Hoyt.

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The Undertaker & Triple H have been fined for Triple H hitting Taker with a chair to the head. dry.gif

'Pursuant to WWE’s Concussion policy, the stunt of using a folded metal chair shot to the head is prohibited. Triple H and The Undertaker have both been fined for violating this policy at WrestleMania XXVII. WWE penalizes through fine and/or suspension for violation of this policy, which is unchanged and still in effect.'

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Keep in mind these are the same morons that cheered for Lance Hoyt.

I could handle TNA fans being morons if the product was any good but it's not and that in itself annoys me even more because everyone knows they can put a great show on, as shown by their house shows over here.

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The regular TNA fans at the Impact Zone are trying to be similar to the ECW fans in that they are trying to make themselves part of the show and have something 'different' to support (i.e. not WWE). However they are sadly a bunch of cretins supporting a poor WWE rip off and actually make it very hard to gauge reactions to wrestlers and make it harder to see what wrestlers are actually over or not. Would Daniels have recieved such a big cheer if they were somewhere else and not in the Impact Zone? Maybe, maybe not, but there's no way of telling. The best thing about that Impact they ran from South Carolina was that the crowd was great and it made the whole show feel a lot better and fresh.

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The regular TNA fans at the Impact Zone are trying to be similar to the ECW fans in that they are trying to make themselves part of the show and have something 'different' to support (i.e. not WWE). However they are sadly a bunch of cretins supporting a poor WWE rip off and actually make it very hard to gauge reactions to wrestlers and make it harder to see what wrestlers are actually over or not. Would Daniels have recieved such a big cheer if they were somewhere else and not in the Impact Zone? Maybe, maybe not, but there's no way of telling. The best thing about that Impact they ran from South Carolina was that the crowd was great and it made the whole show feel a lot better and fresh.

Half the people in the Impact Zone are probably tourists.

Off topic but see at Wrestlemania 24 is the marching band meant to be playing Cena's music? If so they're god awful.

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Reading those Smackdown spoilers further up reminded me that it is indeed the time of year where a lot of wrestlers will be fired from the WWE. So who's for the chop then? I'm going with;

Trent Baretta

Yoshi Tatsu

Zack Ryder (madness when you consider that his humour fits the PG era perfectly)

Curt Hawkins


Michael Tarver

Tyson Kidd

Husky Harris


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Reading those Smackdown spoilers further up reminded me that it is indeed the time of year where a lot of wrestlers will be fired from the WWE. So who's for the chop then? I'm going with;

Trent Baretta

Yoshi Tatsu

Zack Ryder (madness when you consider that his humour fits the PG era perfectly)

Curt Hawkins


Michael Tarver

Tyson Kidd

Husky Harris


Husky Harris won't, he's just been re-branded in FCW. Zack Ryder has too many friends in high places. Tyson Kidd might go back to FCW. The rest are plausible.

I'm personally hoping for R-Truth. "WHUTS UP?" Your contract you silly, silly man.

Edited by ginge123
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