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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Please, please, please let this signal 'Taker going back to his American Badass character! This "deadman" pish and sombre, slow walk to the ring just doesn't generate the same excitement!

If this was the plan, I'd have preferred to see this built up before his return. Unfortunately given how piss poor the writing has been recently, I just don't think it'll happen and it'll turn out to be some sort of totally unbelievable nonsense.

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I think the idea is Taker vs HHH with HBK as the special referee.

Cena/Kane is one of the worst feuds in wrestling history. The only saving grace is that parts are funny even though they're not meant to be. They think they're writing compelling television with this stuff?!


Edited by Poet of the Macabre
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I read that it could take upto a year for a full recovery......meanwhile I'd expect TNA to take care of him until he's ready to.

I wouldn't put money on that tbh. They've (apparently) got history in not paying medical bills etc.

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Jesse Neal's was a broken neck, I'm not sure how bad it was compared to Sorenson's injury but it is a bad one.

Hopefully they'll have learned from that incident but it's not exactly something that's on their repertoire.

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Bloody hell, they have somehow managed to book a worse chamber match than the December to Dismember one! :lol:

The Kane/Cena feud is the absolute pits, I think it's the worst thing WWE have put on TV since Katie Vick.

The current state of the WWE has seriously got me considering stopping watching wrestling entirely. I'm definately going to keep watching until Mania as I want to see how Cena/Rock will pan out, after that I think I might be done. I have watched every episode of Raw and Smackdown as well as every PPV since January 2006, however I'm finding it more difficult trying to justify spending at least 4 hours every week watching such sub-standard fare. :(

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Bloody hell, they have somehow managed to book a worse chamber match than the December to Dismember one! :lol:

The Kane/Cena feud is the absolute pits, I think it's the worst thing WWE have put on TV since Katie Vick.

The current state of the WWE has seriously got me considering stopping watching wrestling entirely. I'm definately going to keep watching until Mania as I want to see how Cena/Rock will pan out, after that I think I might be done. I have watched every episode of Raw and Smackdown as well as every PPV since January 2006, however I'm finding it more difficult trying to justify spending at least 4 hours every week watching such sub-standard fare. :(

Sherrif you will try and do this but you will be sucked in week in week out like every other WWE fan. I've actually done not too bad recently, I can't remember the last time I've watched Smackdown and for RAW I record it and watch on a Tuesday night, it normally takes me about 40 mins to watch the whole of RAW as I end up fast forwarding through large chunks of it. The people on here that stay up and watch RAW live from 2am and the likes is crazy, how they put up with the non stop adverts and being unable to fast forward through shocking matches I'll never know, fair play tho it's commitment!.

Edited by M0rtonfc
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The Wrestling Globe reports that WWE officials have decided to put Brodus Clay's "Funkasaurus" gimmick on hold for the time being. Word is that Vince McMahon feels that Clay's ring work wasn't where it needed to be for WWE TV.

The match against Heath Slater was cut from SmackDown a few weeks back when the decision was made that Clay needed to work on his in-ring skills.

f**k sake, like that makes any difference. They've got guys like Khali and Clay is twice the worker he is and has twice the personality.

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