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Livi fans,absolutley fuckall to do with what ur talking abt atm but i was wondering if u could tell me what the plug in required is to watch ur highlights on the site?

It's called "a credit card".

They'll bleed you dry just to watch a few seconds of crap footage.

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As I said, the public sector employs far too many anyway. Those 20-100 jobs across the board would probably be a waste of time for the council who are already strapped for cash.

There would have been many people losing their jobs at the club as well, you are forgetting this fact.

I know that a lot of people across the U.K. wouldn't have heard of either town had they not had their successful football teams. I can almost guarentee that the their part in the industrial revolution wouldn't be the thing they are most well known for about 90% of the population.

Why do businesses locate in East Kilbride then?

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Even if it's 10 jobs saved, that's 10 families that have a breadwinner putting food on the table.

Regardless of supporting the team, the local council shouldn't be subsidising a limited company, a commercial enterprise owned by 3 millionaires who now control a lease on a very lucrative piece of land. Surely even you can see that ?

You're still banned from that land laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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I think the figure wiped out this time round was £300k. The wiping of the club debt has not been the reason that 1000 people are about to lose their jobs.


Fixed it for you. :)

What is the total that West Lothian Council have written off since Meadowbank arrived, rent and rates?

How can it be right that they had nearly 100 people made bankrupt in court a few weeks ago?

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Don't listen to The Master, he is talking utter shite as usual!

They are free, you just click on the Livitv link on the official website & choose what highlights you want to watch. wink.gif

lol liieng b*****d.aye ive been clicking on the links m8 but i keep getting a message come up saying that ive not got the correct plugin installed.u any idea what it is i need to play the vids? ive got adobe and all that pish.

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Even if it's 10 jobs saved, that's 10 families that have a breadwinner putting food on the table.

Regardless of supporting the team, the local council shouldn't be subsidising a limited company, a commercial enterprise owned by 3 millionaires who now control a lease on a very lucrative piece of land. Surely even you can see that ?

Who are the three millionaires?

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Well, 90% of the population of morons...of which you are clearly one.

It's completely pointless trying to get you to see the facts, when you come away with rubbish like the above.

A lot of the population are morons. Not for this reason, however. It's hardly moronic to recognise football which is well publicised as opposed to 100+ year old history.

naturally, a privately-educated Edinburgh schoolboy would have his finger on the pulse of acceptable employment levels at local authorities, before he's ever had to pay any Council Tax in his life. You've never had to work for a living, so I guess it's understandable that you can be so cavalier with a trifling matter such as unemployment.

No, I'm from a public school. I said that it isn't easy cutting jobs in the slightest but the fact that even you in your Livi bashing mood can see is that a lot of jobs are clearly not needed with bureaucray ruling the public sector.

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Fixed it for you. smile.gif

What is the total that West Lothian Council have written off since Meadowbank arrived, rent and rates?

How can it be right that they had nearly 100 people made bankrupt in court a few weeks ago?

How much have you sponsored Meadowbank in the past? laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Fixed it for you. :)

What is the total that West Lothian Council have written off since Meadowbank arrived, rent and rates?

How can it be right that they had nearly 100 people made bankrupt in court a few weeks ago?

Surely you should know :rolleyes:

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I'd have to side with the Livi lads here, this is a non-issue for me, even if it might be one for people in West Lothian.

Firstly, a reminder that the £280K was money they were not going to get anyway, that horse had bolted. You might blame them for not acting sooner but the binary presented between subsidisung the club / saving jobs elsewhere is an entirely false one. As of last summer they weren't getting any of that money anyway, and by being accommodating about it they have at least kept an employer going in the town, which not only provides jobs but brings revenue and some level of publicity to the town.

As to whether continued subsidisation is value for money, that's an issue for them, who knows what the overall effects are? If the voting population of West Lothian don't think it's an effective use of their resources they can hold the council responsible in the usual fashions; but it doesn't follow automatically that because cuts are having to be made elsewhere then this must be a misuse of resources - that's up to them to decide and isn't a stick with which to beat the club.

(Again, it's probably not the case that they're actually giving any money away or left financially worse off by subsidising the football club's rent, unless there's some sort of opportunity cost by which they could otherwise be obtaining greater value from somebody else renting out the stadium, which is unlikely at least in the short term. You'd probably have to bulldoze the stadium and sell off the land, and the times are hardly propitious for profitable land sales.)

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Don't listen to The Master, he is talking utter shite as usual!

They are free, you just click on the Livitv link on the official website & choose what highlights you want to watch. wink.gif

lol liieng b*****d.aye ive been clicking on the links m8 but i keep getting a message come up saying that ive not got the correct plugin installed.u any idea what it is i need to play the vids? ive got adobe and all that pish.

I think there is a problem with it at the moment as no-one seems to be able to view it, hopefully it will be fixed soon.

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You've got to laugh...perfectly valid points and a Livi (cheating diddy scum) fan claims it's "shit stirring".

Don't you think it's unacceptable that a council should be propping up an insolvent football club while at the same time shedding jobs and considering increasing council tax?

You've got to laugh at the suggestion you're being serious when you can't even say Livi without the add on ya p***k. laugh.gif

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