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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Instead of blaming everyone else why not face some simple facts. There is clearly no appetite for a full time team in livingston so why not come up with a business plan to become a successful part time team like loads of others in Scotland ...why bring charlatan after consortium after charlatan to chase something that has been proved totally impossible ....you have around 1000 fans at best accept it & start dealing with reality

Off yer high horse. The Livi fans would quite happily have a solid PT team, but we seem to attract owners who want to consistently break rules and over spend & that's hardly the ordinary supports fault

The points remain though regards punishments it one for Livi and another for The Rangers for the same crime.

Edited by Livithegreat
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Off yer high horse. The Livi fans would quite happily have a solid PT team, but we seem to attract owners who want to consistently break rules and over spend & that's hardly the ordinary supports fault

The points remain though regards punishments it one for Livi and another for The Rangers for the same crime.

You got off lightly. A points deduction would have relegated you and a fine couldn't have been paid, leading to further disciplinary issues.
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Why no just fine Rankine like the SFA did with Ashley?

They were different offences therefore it seems logical that they have different outcomes and sanctions.

If I recollect correctly, the club submitted forms that were inaccurate that did not declare the potential dual interest.

If Rankine was fined and not required to dispose of his shares then he would have still held a potential influence in more than one club would he not?

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Interesting fact about part-time and full time costs; given what we pay players would part time actually be that much cheaper.

Last season the Jacob brothers had a second role selling performance supplement; O'Brien had his involvement in the sports consortium with his brother(s). A couple of the younger ones were still doing the delivery option (supermarket/takeaway food etc.); others were in education.

Doubt whether many at Livi can actually live on what we pay them along - certainly wont leave a lot for pensions; savings etc.

The vast majority of our team seem to fit into one of the following categories:

1. Youngsters looking to emulate our crop of youngster to earn big money moves down south (aka Scougall; McNulty; Snodgrass; Griffiths; Dorrans etc.) - historically these guys are on crap money from day 1 but if an offer came in it would probably be accepted.

2. Ex Non-league or Junior players looking to try the next step on the ladder - generally willing to accept very poor money in order to take the step into "professional" status or play at a higher level. Most only stay one season and either move on or are dumped (Denham; McKenna etc.).

3. Long term injured player or ones with a "history" looking to try and get back into the game. (Cole; Gallagher; Hippolyte; Boulding etc.)

Others such as Jamieson are retained by signing them up on a longer contract than our usual one year.

Personally I cannot see how the profession of "football player" is even financially viable outside the top 15 or 16 sides in this country. Virtually everyone must supplement their income somehow and have some plan for what happens when their playing career ends - not all can go into management or become physios.

What is the average earning of a "professional player " outside to top league and Hibs and the rangers? I'd be surprised if it was much beyond £15k and most probably don't know if they'll even have a job following the summer.

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Naw, we like gubbing Raith too much.

Besides we've done that and cruised back up, would be boring doing it again.

Surprised Raith never came in for Rutherford (or McKenna) actually - maybe they prefer our crooked cast offs?

Read somewhere that Gary Glen had signed for them; if true then good luck to the guy; he deserves a chance.

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Well Well Well

Gordon McDougall leaving the club.

He got found out that he was trying to hijack a bid to buy the club, three of them involved McDougall, Nixon and A.N Other and that F....r Rankine and his team found out and the shit hit the fan and Rankine then gave his shares to the local guys and Mcdougall is not happy with that either

You would have thought that Gordon would have learnt his lesson with Nixon but he seems determined to be tarred with the same brush


Nixon has a hold over Gordon


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I know of a player who was offered a full time deal with Livi for 200 a week. Who the f**k is going to entertain that?

He signed league 2 for more money part time.

Not true

Livi don't have £200

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What's Jason Talbot like? Just signed for Dunfermline

Most Livi fans will be disappointed he left, should be good for you. Had a tendency to lose the head (kicking people in the face or just stupid challenges needlessly getting sent off), but he seemed to calm down when Burchill took over. The kind of player that opposition fans love to hate, expect him to get booed if you get Dumbarton in one of the cups...

Hope he does well for you.

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Think he'll be a standout in League 1 for the Pars, best of luck to the guy. 200 appearances and 7 years at a club with such a volatile financial situation is no mean feat, I'm glad he ended his time with us on a high.

As for us though, worrying. Hope Burchill pulls several rabbits out of a hat or else we are fucked. At least the official website's been done up.

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Agree with Afro. He's more than good enough for this level, never mind the league below.

There really has to be a fans meeting as soon as possible, the lack of communication from the club is beyond disgraceful.

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