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48 minutes ago, ATLIS said:

Anyone know how the court case today went?


I'm not a legal expert, and am very much a skim reader, so might be well off here but sounds like Hogarth gets the 3 points on this occasion.

I imagine this might be the most important part in terms of the future:


The defender might yet be shown to have acted dishonestly by writing to himself, and encashing, a cheque; and he might yet be found liable in a six figure sum to the pursuer in future proceedings.


Edited by LiviLion
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6 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

I think County's set up probably surprised Martindale. They'd been 4-4-2 against Dundee the previous week yet came out 3-4-3 against us with that front 3 all being centre forwards. 


They played a back four against you. 

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1 hour ago, LiviLion said:


I'm not a legal expert, and am very much a skim reader, so might be well off here but sounds like Hogarth gets the 3 points on this occasion.

I imagine this might be the most important part in terms of the future:


Yeah, we're due Hogarth the costs of defending himself (the % of that still to be determined). Interesting to note that it mentions us still possibly to be chasing him for almost 600k.

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10 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

For me, Saturday was largely about individuals. In a negative sense, Sangare, whose error gave Brophy not only his first goal but also the confidence to try the shot for his second. Then Anderson for us almost gained us the draw before the individual quality of Sims won them the match. So I didn't really see anything from County that I didn't already know about them. That being they have some excellent individual players without an inspiring overall team package. Maybe us giving them the points on Saturday will propel them on to find that missing team cohesion but its far from guaranteed. St Mirren certainly won't gift them an opening goal to help them on their way how we did.

How did St.Mirren not gifting them an opening goal play out FF ......Gogic=Sangare

Edited by Dav nan Gael
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29 minutes ago, Trumpty Dumpty said:

See the garbage spouted here does my nut in.

Lord Braid's judgement on LFC case against Hogarth in October included...........

“confused…..not adequately explained……deficient in a number of respects…..diffuse, lengthy, disjointed……hopelessly lacking in specification……rely[ing] on innuendo”.

Judgement yesterday didn't say the door was still open on £600k action-closed the door on that in October. Will cost Livi 6 figures

Four cases to be heard in April and Livi are hot favourites to lose them all.

Oh dear another account..........😴

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39 minutes ago, Trumpty Dumpty said:

See the garbage spouted here does my nut in.

Lord Braid's judgement on LFC case against Hogarth in October included...........

“confused…..not adequately explained……deficient in a number of respects…..diffuse, lengthy, disjointed……hopelessly lacking in specification……rely[ing] on innuendo”.

Judgement yesterday didn't say the door was still open on £600k action-closed the door on that in October. Will cost Livi 6 figures

Four cases to be heard in April and Livi are hot favourites to lose them all.

How exactly do Livi win or lose a case that’s focused on Optco ownership? Clearly it has an impact on who owns the club, but it’s not exactly a win/lose situation

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1 hour ago, The Wrong Car said:

How exactly do Livi win or lose a case that’s focused on Optco ownership? Clearly it has an impact on who owns the club, but it’s not exactly a win/lose situation

It’s a win/lose situation if the club are bankrolling the lawyers and counsel involved in these cases.


Martindale recently quoted saying 500k spent on court cases.

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2 hours ago, Trumpty Dumpty said:

See the garbage spouted here does my nut in.

Lord Braid's judgement on LFC case against Hogarth in October included...........

“confused…..not adequately explained……deficient in a number of respects…..diffuse, lengthy, disjointed……hopelessly lacking in specification……rely[ing] on innuendo”.

Judgement yesterday didn't say the door was still open on £600k action-closed the door on that in October. Will cost Livi 6 figures

Four cases to be heard in April and Livi are hot favourites to lose them all.

New account to block, hurray! Again just talking a load of shite though - say hello to Hogarth for me!

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32 minutes ago, Roger the cabin boy said:

It’s a win/lose situation if the club are bankrolling the lawyers and counsel involved in these cases.


Martindale recently quoted saying 500k spent on court cases.

Is there any actual evidence this is the case, or is this just speculation?

The club has spend money on the Hogarth and Rankine cases as they were named, however with Robert Wilson stepping away it’s not clear if anyone in the club is directly involved

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1 hour ago, Trumpty Dumpty said:

Rubbish theres been £500k spent on court cases. Think about it and look at accounts. This should be Livi's best year ever with Rangers in league cup £650k solidarity and Celtic in Scottish Cup. Over £1m on the bottom line but still they're introuble????

Club's bank account has been used to bankroll ALL of the cases. Shouldn't have spent a penny on the Opcco cases because they're all about control of shares in the holding company. Martindale Ward & co need asked why Livi shareholders are paying to fight their ownership battles. Wilson now in court suing Buersken and club paying again. WHY?

CoS petition by Hogarth stopped sale to Baycup and that's fact. There had to be evidence for court to act.

The real crooks still in the building.

New to this not stupid

I’ll bite - why wouldn’t Livi be liable for paying legal fees in all the recently past cases? The club was directly involved in both the Hogarth and Rankine cases

What’s not clear is your assertion that the club is paying for the Optco & Beuskens cases. Is there any evidence of that? What Optco-specific cases have happened?

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29 minutes ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

New account guy seems awfy upset and angry, needs to calm down a bit. 

You seem awful suspicious of a new account appearing and commenting exclusively on governance, legal, etc, alongside some others which only appear to address these topics, also.

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41 minutes ago, ATLIS said:

Right, random accounts on behalf of Hogarth etc. Instead of being cryptic, lay it out for all to read. Let the fans make of it what they want.

Yeah the secret Hogarth Cabal, as cryptic as a fucking David Lynch film we are.

Good thing you have us all blocked for us to “lay it all out”  




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