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When some MP's or that down in London are on telly they seem to always wear a poppy with a leaf on it. In Scotland, all it seems people just have the poppy with no leaf. Just thought there might have been a reason for this.

Nah, everyone on the telly seems to have a leaf in theirs for some reason, but generally, both are sold and it just depends on what you buy. I remember when they used to go around our school selling poppies in November, the teachers always seemed to get the leafy ones, but the cheaper, non-leafy ones were all we got. :(

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Talking of poppies do they still sell the ones with pins? I've only seen the plastic jokers and stupid sticky ones.

I wear the one I bought six years back (saved an absolute fortune ) and its got a proper pin its great.

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Need some help with my physics. Need to calculate the average braking force on a slope 24m long and 3.7m high. A bike + rider of mass 90kg, an initial velocity of 5.8m/s and an end velocity of 4.7m/s.

Any help appreciated. :)

It actually depresses me that I sat that last year and have no idea what to do.

Probably something to do with UVATS. :P

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You mean suvat. ;)

Maybe set acceleration equal to (+-) 9.8? I have no idea.

We were taught UVATS. Then again, the guy was a complete retard. :lol:

If I could be arsed I could probably work it out, but after hours of Higher Maths I quite frankly can't. :P

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Need some help with my physics. Need to calculate the average braking force on a slope 24m long and 3.7m high. A bike + rider of mass 90kg, an initial velocity of 5.8m/s and an end velocity of 4.7m/s.

Any help appreciated. :)

Do you not need a time to work out the acceleration (or rather deceleration)? Then do F=ma?

Not 100%. I am doing physics this year, I really should know this.

Edited by GingerSaint
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